ADAMS ACHIEVES 20 GOALS iFlyers Continue Domination Of Gait By cums AYLorr Examiner 5pm won Gait lloroets occupy the top rung in the liHearn OHA Sen ior circuit This fact failed to impress the up and down Barrie Film yesterday as they bounced the league leaders for the third time in as many alerts this season 1lyers who consolidated their sixth place hold hipped Hornets before 531 Young Barrie Dry fans yesterday afternoon in Barrie Arena The weather was illrting with zero degces outside butinside the local ire palam the Flier offensive drive was red hot Making amends for last Fri days 81 embmamont lll Bélievrlie Flyers came through with full team effort and kept Gait on the run most of the W335 Errol 11chan was outstand ing in the Barrie nets Playintl his best game of the season the Cornell University grad kept out Hornets best shots as the locals built up 50 land hicKibbon came just nine min utes and 32 seconds away from his first shutout before Don solder former St Cathar lnes Junior player seomd fluke for Gait at 1028 John heeehey another Junior grad from Kitchener Rangers gained the second Gait goal on lucky bounce 90 seconds later How ever Flyer centre in Weeks marked his ever irnprovlng play with his 16111 tally of the season at 1520 to pack away the two points for Flyers FORM REVERSAL ln marked contrast to Fri daye general listlessness Fly ers controlled play for 50 Iran ules before Gall rallied brief ly Corhy Adams edged lit tle closer in league leading scorer illoe Galand of Toronto with threepoint afternoon The strong left wingers first périod scores gained two min utes and 19 seconds apart in the first period raised his goal pro ducticn to 20 Dave Nichoilsh on fattened the Flyer advantage to with his 1111 at 1446 Ron Vennette the speedy right winger from Port Huron Flags increased his personal récord to six goals with the only scoring play of the middle per iod and centre Lorne Knowles collected his eighth new third Prion Flyers were at their best with men in the penalty box both offensively and defensively Adams gained the lead score with ilnemate Mike Dubeau sprving hooking sentence mid way in the opening period The leading Barrie production man binst down left wing in his iVIcCannell Leads Speed Skaters lwrnurpno OP Canadas Olympic specdskatlng team has astrong anchorin zoyeamld Doreen McConnell who battled irdense cold in the tbrecday trials to become my womeo choice ilhe University of Manitoba cded holder of the four Cana dran Olympicdistance records sqept the moo 1500 and am metre events and placed second inmmctre standings hut temperatures that rgchedphigh of 20 below zero kept her times short of records during the events which ended Sllnday lop male competitor was Bob Rodger 7A student at the University of Alberta in Edmon top who led the field over dis tanees of 1500 and 5000 metres placed second at 500 metresand was strong contender for the mmmatra event which was gadhiceilcd becauseoi the intense VGASPING EFFORT rhreathing wasd nit and the ice so dry and hard that shines would not glide On this leeynuve got to fight ailrthe WHY to get anyWhere Othermernhera named to the teim were WendyThnmpson Winnipeg Marcia Persons 19 Red Deer Alta BobVBcu char 2t and Peter Williamson 21 Winnipeg andvFrank Ludtke at Edmonton Miss McCannell memberof the IDMrteam is the only skater thprevious Olympie experi ence gt The team leaves Canada Wédnesday for 74 days of train ing at Davos Switzerland he fote heading forthe Olympics avGrenoble Feb Saul Boosts Ir Lead patented style msnoeuverod around Gait deienceman Larry Ziliotto and rifled nhigh back hander past mashed Ron Boo mer at 1121 Flyers then worked their power play well as the next three goals were achieved with Gait players sewing time with twoman advantage Adams scored again lust over two ml nutes later knocking in aloose puck off Boomers body with Knit shot At 1448 Nicholishen out across the crease sharply to steer home long crosspass from Vermette and Don Spi der Giboo worked hard down the right wing boards from his own end at goal brought loud protests from the Gait players Goalkeeper Boomer skated out to centre ice obictt ing to micme Stan Vestiall oi Oshawa claiming that the puck hit the post without crossing the line alter deflecting oil his skate The temperamental Gait goalkeper also swung his stick in defiance at the goal ludge No penalty was called for tho outburst Veteran centre Ted Power the former Woodstock playing coach was assessed three nor penalties Ono of them holding call with seconds left in the first period led to the fourth Flyor goal Willi the ex tra man at the start of the se cond period Vermette scored at 106 He rifled hard shot that overpowered Boomer from just inside theblue line after bowling over Gait penalty killer Fern Beianger DEFENCE HOLDS Flyers were faced with tough penalty killing assignmean in the second period as they were EBROL hicKlBliDN Top Form slrorthandcd for nearly semi minutes Gait deienceman lug Whitley fell and was struck ap parently accidentally by Gary Lawsons stick Whaiey suffer cd nasty cut on the top of his head and required stitching itch Weon chose to give Lawson iiveoninule motor for the incident Weeks followed him into the lug for high stlcklng duel with Vance Millar and Ray Garicpy was nailed for interference During this long Gait opportunity they only mustered four shots at the Bar rie not The visitors suffered another casualty late in the second pa lod when Bob Hall crashed hea vily into the and boards behind the Flyer net He also needed SW Kings Produce Shutout Win By ran cmanrhn mess Gait Hornets edged into top spot in the Ontario Hockey As sociation Senior circuit during the weekend one point ahead oi Kingwon Aces currently on tour in Europe The Aces had their own prob lems In Stockholm Sunday with Kingston loading 74 over Sweden Vecstnraas the game was called off after police broke up hectorall in the third pe tied The Hornets massacred Belie ville MoHanwkS 111 Saturday in Gait to take the lead But they mLssed chance to widen their lead by dropping or verdict to Barrie Fiyars in Barrie Sunday In other Sunday games Guelph Regais edged Toronto Morlhorosjwi Coilingwood Kings blanked Woodstock Al cans so and Oakville Oaks cs caped from last place by best lngOriilia 85 Film sonrflcoarm The Horneh fired sonnetsnt Belleyilie goalie Larry Holmes Saturday Vance Miller Don Snider Fern Beiauger and honors Horsnor Eddie Burr each scored twice with singles from Joe Hogan Bob Hall and Ted Power Minnie Menard scored for Bellevllle Colllngwood goalie chuck Jewel had hn first shutout of the season as heturnad back 23 shots in Woodstock DaveFitter with two goals led scoring Clare Alexander Don Keith Dave McConrh and John Lurn ley completed scoring Oekvilie ended unevengame losing streak when it dawned Orillia Bill Ooslnan and lad Price each with two were backed up by singlu fromDon Cochin Dong Hillrnan Hob Bishop and Larry Shuker for Oakvllle scor ing Orilliéeamarksmen George Ford and rge Westfall each with two and GeorgeVall Guelph ltegais despite an early 10 deï¬cit came back with goals by Rick MeClocklin Ralph Kosowan Torn Smola and Keith Worrall to defeat To ronto Marlboro lsvczrme from Grant Moore Gary Milroy and Dave Draper Never stltdres for drop out on the forehead Early in the third period Knowles increased the Barrie lead to so with followup drive into the abort glove side from in feet The visitors come to life for few minutes midway in the finale when they ï¬nally pone trvated hfclfihbon 110 lhutout hroaher by Snider was troll in shot After deienceman Tom Hicks fell The puck eluded hicKibtmn and lust daflected over the line off the post as hie Kibbon tried to come out and out off the angle Harriet applied some press ure and they managed another goal at 1158 They took advan tage of loose defence as Bee drty standing by the crease dellcted long shot The puck bounced high and fell straight down into the net RECOVERED Gait Goal Boomer de frnce Hall llhaley Zillotxo McKey forwards Snider Mil ler Hogan Burr Power Hway Beinnger Brennan Beechey Barrie Goal McKlbbon defence Garlepy Hicks Rob ertson Forbes forwards Adlt amr Weeks Dubcau Gibson Niehoilshen Vermette Law son Knowles Stilt Burke Referee Stan Westfrll of Oshawa First Period Barrie Adams Garlcpy 1171 Barrie Adams Dubeau Gariepy l40 Barrie Ninhollshen Vermettc Gibson 1448 Penalties Dubeau hook 948 Power slash 1256 Zill otlo int it min mi 1322 Robertson tint 11 Power hold 19 Second Period Barrie Vernlotto Forbes 1116 Fatalities lawson hi stich 330 Miller and Weeks histick 653 Gariepy ilntl 830 Power trip 1524 fielan gar tnp 1555 Third Period Barrie Knowles Lawson Stilt ti Gall Snider ltfillar Hogan Gait Bceehey tBelangerWhaieyl Barrie Weeks lDubeau Adams Penalty Snider boo Shots on Goal 10 1229 1128 By Gait By Barrie SENIOR srax WLI A14 188 1916637 17 2115 1710 1611 1512 1318 4015 919 919 Gait Kingston Toronto Collwood Guelph Barrie Woodstock Helievilie Oakville l7 Orillla Results Saidrda Gait ll Belleville gt Results Sunday Barrie Gait Collingwood Woodstock Oakvilla Drillin Guelph Toronto Games mutiny Gait atOrillia seas 2E vs as 55535538281 assess ass Parry Sound Wallops Stars PARRY SOUND Defmdlng group champan Parry Swirl Brunswick had little troutrle defeating the Georgian Bay Junior AllStars yesterday afternoon With two players gaining three goals Brunswick dimmed til selects in the annual OHA Dnergzney Nod benefit game Garry Clarke ml John Gig nac had thrcetally efforts for the host learn while Jim Smith managed pair sodphiii Toder man single goal Replying for the alllulu squad were Grillias fan hie Kinnon and Dan Bell oi the Bracebridgc Mariner Kings Barrie ACs were represented by three Plover roadwork nle Millet along with deicnco man Hon Hoggarth and Brian McFadden Next league action foo Barrie ACs is this Thurst night in home lee Foesiman entry Bracdrridgc provide the 830 pm opposition for the fourth place Barrie club at Barrio Arena McLaren Plans Turbine Entries AUCKLAND New Zealnnd AP Auto racer Bruce Mc Laren said Sunday he and world champion racer Denny Holme will drive turbinepowered cars in the 1968 indinnapolls 500 CC expect we will be pretty unpopular but from what hear there will be at least seven lur hlnapowered cars in the ram he said He was referring to last years protests when US driver Parnelli Jones nearly won the race ina similar machine The cars are capable of about 215 mph Hulme meanwhile was in satisfactory condition in hospi tal here following spectacular crash in Saturdays New Zea land Grand Prix The New Zeaiandcr suffered concussion cuts and bruises when he collided with fellow countryman Laurence Brownlie during the race Chris Anion of New Zealand won the race in Ferrari Golden Iet Fattens Lead By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bobby Hull scored two goals for Chicago Black Hawks Sun day night to become the fourth player in the history of the Na tional Hockey League to score morethan too goalsln regular saason play Hulls output Sunday gives him at for the season and total of 401 in 11 years and 713 games with the Black Hawks He iolns the elite club of Gordie Halve of Detroit Red Wings and Jean Beliveau of Montreal Can adians both of whom are still playing and Canadiem Mau rice Richard who retired eight 561350113 Ego And Hull still maintains share ofthe lead in this years NHL scoring race The big left winger has 48 pointsthe stunts as teammate Stan Mikita who picked up goal and anasaist Sunday as the Hawks downed BostonBruins +2 Mikita who started slowly this season now has at goals and 24 assists Three Boston playersFred Stanfield Johnny Bucyir and John McKenzieare well back of the leaders in third and fourth place Kingston GOTEBUBGlAPGP Kingston Aces came from be hind Way to tie the swed ialr Brynaes team of Geevle 84 but inished last in the tour team Star hip hockeytourna meat The Ontario team was down 241 afterthe flrstperiod went through scoreless second pe rodand outscored the Swede 24 one final period Chlrrrlkof the Soviet Union topped the ï¬nal standings alter defeating Vaesha noelunda of Goteborg 52 Saturday for three having lost their ï¬rst two straight win and points The Aces had only one point jlRllCKS NOWIN 579 AT Amino us of the three penalties BiliBim ega native of Victims and Bob Hawson 24 nativeof oawa were sent off srorncnorar or Reuters An exhibition hockey game between the Kingston 0nt Aces and the Swedish Vacate raas team was called after 15 minutes oftlra third period Surr day aftar wild ireeforall broke out with ice between tb Polica swarmed onto the ice to breakup tbeflglrt The Kingstontcam was lead BILLY MheMIIMN 11 and llayCadieux show what goal can doto hockey players spirits in Canada got on the scoreboard Saunday night inltlle deciding game of the Canadian International Hockey Tournament at Winni peg llreir hrhilation was shortlived howover as Russian National team ed back and went on the championship with victory CF Wireplroto Russians Succeedwith Power Play Offensive WINNIPEG OP Teaching five Canadians to play better than four Russians is one prob ism that faces coach Jackie McLeod today if his Canadian national hockey team is to win the Olympic tilleJnext month McLeod said he plans to start working on his power play and penaltyan units foliowlrrg Canadas loss to the Hus slans in the final game of the Canadian international hockey tournament Saturday The Russians power play pro duced three goals while having the man advantage five times Canada however could not muster scoring offence when they held the extra man on six occasions The Russians who finished first in the roundrobin tournalt mcnt defeated Canada 51 in an earlier game Their only loss wasa 64 decision to Sweden Canada finished second after defeating Swedensz and 54 Hussiangoaitendcr Victor Ko novalcnko deienceman Victor Elinov and forwards Yevganey Zemin and Vyacheslav Starshl nov werarstandouu in the final game MAKES 13 SAVES Kanovaieoo made saves 13 more than Canadian goalteodu Wayne Stephenson Bllnov picked to the tournaments all star ieam scored twice Sernln and Starshinov added the oth ers nay Cadleux and Gerry Pin der pulled Canada within rim glergoal in the third period be fore the Russian power play produced theinsuranee marker Despite whelowarero tenrper shoe record 10743 fans TORONTO OP italys Olimpia hockey team was hand ed 41 defeatSundaynight in an ekhibidonegame against the CanadianItalian AllStars be fore 2616 bans Dlno Loggia coredlwice for the AllStar Jilitll singles from no Caron menus dell Wer ner Holznw scored infant shot in the second perrodfor the Italians single point Legtgiofand Caron were amongaeyen players from the Ontario Hockey Association sea for circuit reinforcing the All Stars The visiting lurlian earn finishes North American torn with game tonight in North log 74 when the end wascailed Bay and ï¬nal game Wednesv day llontreal noment watched the match The are vlous Winnipeg Arena attend ance mark of 10502 was set Jan 1967 when Canada beat Russia 54 in the deciding game of centennial invitational tour The other allstar selections were goaltender Leif Holmqvist of Sweden defenceman Len mart Svedberg of Sweden cen tre Victor Poiupanov and left winger Anaton Firsovof Russia and right winger Roger Bour hounals of Canada Borrrbonnais was injured in the first period Saturday night He suffered possible pulled shoulder muscle when checked into the boards behind the Rus sian net He didnt return Tcd Hargreaves left winger from Form Lake Sash was the tournament scoring chamlt pion with five points four of Lhemasaists Tord bandstaom Swedens right winger was the top gall scorer with three McLeod was upset about the Generals Two In rim consortia mass Oshawa Generals finally won two games in rowbut three was more than they could manv BEE They beat Kitchener Rangers 75 Saturday following 43 win over Tomato last Monday It was the first time during the eurrart Ontario Hockey Assnt eiatlondunior season Gener als have managed to string two victories together in row not when they met lastplnce Ottawa Sunday Generals hadto settle fora 22 tie in other games Sunday Mont ealdowredleasueleetlns agaraFalia 54 Kitchener beat St Catharines 31and Toronto edged London as 1n the game inOshawa Dave Tattoo led thevnttack against Kitchener with two goals Al Quintillinn Jim Whit aka Brian Morenz and John Clayton scored singles The teams lead ing scorer Fred ODonnell re turned to thelineup andscorcd ONCE TKACZUKW Rangers bad goals frm Walt Glamor Ab DeMam Don Luce Canr Crosby and Jack Egersn In Sundaysgame inyottawa Osharwa trailed after two pe riodsbut salvaged tie when Ron Dussiaumeacnred atiirst lathe third Peter Vipond was pahawas other scorer while 679 officiating in thegarne blaming tripping penalty to Danny 0Shns as the factor which en abled Russia to win It was our game until that Russian referee Anatolf SeglinL called OShea lortrlpping in the third period McLeod said It took the starch out of us He said it wasnt the first time the Russian referee killed Canadas momentum He did it all night and the ones that really hurt were the thrcoonono and twoonono rushes that were wiped out by offside calls Mcleod said each tithe the Canadians appeared close to scoring the Russian official would either whistle it dead for an offside or penalty nei fherï¬ which were deserved The Canadian coach said he cant see any reason why Euro peanoffictalsare imported for tournament in this country We have to take their offlt ciatlog for better or for worse when we tour Europe Manage ROW settled for their third tie of the seasoncompared with three wins and 26 losseswith goal by Guy Smith and Pierre Jarry Kitchener Rangsrs game in St Catharines was held up in the second period when the ref eree refused to cormt on appar ent goal by Hawks Maurice LAhhe Fans littered theyica for more than luminutes in protest Walt lkaauk Don Mice and Jack Egera scored for Kitchl ener whilePete Mara scored for St Catharines It Was the Hawks second loss on home ice in three nights TIIREETORJACOBS Montreal Junior Canadieos egged on byjdflitif hometown fans won theirfirst game this seasonacgainst Niagara Falls with threegoal perform on by aï¬cbelJacoues JeanvGuy Gratton and Pa Lessard scored otherjlitlontrerl goa Steve Atkinson ot the visitors lone goal Richie Bayes scored his 80th goal of the season to help lead fordotoMarlborost Hedge over London Nationals in Turn Other Toron goals carrie from Tom Martin with two and John Wright Terry Gallery and DougAcomih Nationals had two goals from Sam Gellard and singles from George Graham Guy Allen and Darryl Slider