Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jan 1968, p. 2

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MAYOR BENTLEY Inquiry Will Follow anization Period in Mayor Robert Bentley said to day he intended to accede to the request of city council to make personal inquiry into the sit nation which led to his cozy compact charch during the el cction campaign The mayor added he will give report of his findings to council His first concern however would be to get committees pointed and council organized preparation for work on the 1968 ciQ budget Our first duty is to matters of prime Importance to Barrie and its progress said the yeamid mayor believe ex plaincdwhat had in mind in my inaugural address VlNDlCATiON He went on to say that it was seldom political campaign has to be explained to the limit in this way believe the idea conveyed in the campaign was understood by tho public and the mandate given me vindicated my position he stated Thieves Through Peter James Huichlngs of To ronto returned to Simcoc Street parking lot early this morning and found his 1966 sta tion wagon had been stolen Mr Hutchings reported the theit to Barrio police at am and the stolen vehicle was re covered this morning on the 13th concession of innisiii Town ship Thoaccident is still under in vestigation and no arrests have been made as yet Witnesses reported prowier searching parked cars on Owen Street at 11 pm last night Tho prowler described as blond youth about 18 years old wearing blue jacket and jeans was not apprehended by police Second prowler was reported on Rose Street No arrests were made Skntu and hockey equipment were stolen from timothy Christian School on Ferris Lane over the Christmas holl days Thieves gained access to the building between Dec 22 to 23 said principal Ron Wilson But no windows had been broken or damaged by the thieves Another break entry and theft was reported yesterday by zraan Pnicrsv MONTREAL CF Agricul ture department quotations wholesale in one dozen cartons Aextralarge 519 Alarge 431 Amcdium no Asmall aao WlNNiPEG GP Most of tha earlyaction on the Winnipeg Grain Exchangetoday was con centrated in fiaxsoed with pricei shoivingfirmness Hedg ing sales werellght Opening prices Flax May at higher 5545 July Vent higher 358 Oct Vs lower V1 Oats itlugller 94 Eggs Average veight prices May it higher 95 July itiy responsibililics are to the progress of Barrie and imple mentation oi constructive an imaginative planning for Barrlea future am not denimus of go ing back over the pages of his tory of recent councils 1he 0n tario Municipal Act dearly dc fines the responsibilities of chief magistrate and that is to main ialn vigilance and concern in regard to any irnpropdetiel dur ing his term bellch my first duty is to maintain that vigil no The mayor Mich to his in augural address in calling atten tian to the emphasis he gave to the forward look for Barrie and his dedication to the cause of city progress Ha said ho favor ed positive action rather than spending time on political diver aions asked council to consida er issues not on whether it means Erasow votes but miller what best for Barrie he said The mayor said he supported an open democratic way oi transacting municipal business ActiVe Barrie James Dewar of Northern Life insurance on Duniop Shoot The theft oi $16 lrom cash box is thought to have occurred on Jan 1or Thieves gained access to the building by tracking the lock on the front WY Collingwood Gets Loan lrom Ottawa OllAWA Special Federal loans to Coliingwood Ind Mea tord were announced here today by Hon John ll Nicholson min ister responsible for Central Mortgage and Housing Corpor ation $15160 federal loan for an urban renewal study in Coiling wood is announced with the pur pose ot tdentltylng blighted or substandard areas and to pro vide information leading to plans to renewal action and the pre vention of further deterioration The study will be carried out by Project Planning Associates Limited it is expected to take nine months to complete at an estimated cost of $20200 The federal contribution covers 75 par cant oi the cost and is part of the governments program to reduce poverty andlncrense op portunity The balance will be shared equally by the province and the town of Collingwood The loan to Meatord is for $9995 and will help to acquire 16 acres of land for public housing pro ject Cost ot the acquisition is estimated at 310650 and the fed eral loan covers 90 per cent of the cost and is for term of per cent no grooming nadian embassy will start ginning Jans aimed at giving Frenchmen better idea of 15 years with interest poo lid PARIS Renters The Ca monthlung exhibitionharc be and would defend this policy to the utmost We represent the people of Barrie and believe in taking them into our fulbconfi deuce he stressed lilEEllNG MONDAY Barrie city council will meet next Monday ctcning when re conunendstions for committee appointments from the striking committee will be discussed and considered The Barrie public utilities in sugurai will be held on Thursday evening January 11 Mayor Bentley in member of the com mission by vlrtue oi his office WiLson and ii Alexa ander are the other conunission ers and first item of 1968 bur iness will be election of chair man Barrie ilad Two Traffic Deaths Barrie had two traffic fatal ilies in 1991 City police report the sole fatal accident on the Dundonsld street hill on April 1967 claim ing the lives of two teenage girls Nancy Molnar to of 215 Dunlop St and Grace Brasseur 14 of 23 Dunlop St died Much the car they were riding in crashed into tree on the steep hill The Barrio detachment oi 0n tsrio Provincial Police re rted 11 fatalities in M7 in inr lsdiction Simcoo Countys mzdicai offic er of health Dr Scott said today that officially theres no flu in the county and no cases have been reported it there are cases or flu we know nothing about it he said The flu or ginmurized colds which hit hardest between Christ mas and New Years is subsid ing according to other sources in the city lilrs Normlie Watson indus trial relations assistant at Luf kin Rule Co said her firm was hardest hit by atuenteeism inst befomthe New Xgara hallp day but most employees are back to worlr now Most lllncs sss now areroutinc ed fourstep program to re CHY NEWS 21111 BARRIK EXAMINER fllUIISDAY JANUARY ms Suggests To Reduce Cost Of Home Buying Barrie builder today suggest duce the costs of new horns and make it poible for families of average income to purchase new dwellings George Davies said that if the federal govcmments it per cent sales tax was it would mean an immediate reduction of $1000 in the cost of the average home in Barrie Government guidelines on wag es could help reduce the upsurge in home building costs he said As third step to help lower inmme families purchase homes liir Davies suggested reduction in the interest rates on mortgage money The present rate is per centi lho fourth step would be an amortisation period of to years instead of the present 25 year term This would lower pay ments and make homes available to more pcoplo no said Mr Davies president of the somembcr Barrie branch of the National Home Builders AssoJ ciation added that person must make close to $7500 to consider the purchase of new home The average price of titles bedroom bungalow in Barrie is $10217 or $1667 more than the acrossCanada average for similar home Steps able skilled tradesmen and corresponding lock of cotnpoti tlon llr Davies said it is no cessary or buiidas in Barrie to go to Toronto for some strbcon tractors These men demand higher rate to travel to Dorrie to work Mr Davis dud the case of an apartment being con structed in Barrie for which rub contracting costs were 10 per Centth than usual because of the workm needed from Tor onto Mr Davies pointed out that most contractors in Toronto buy direct from the manufacturer when you get my from the Toronto centre dealerships hand it supplies and herb is sub quent markup in price SHIPPING COST Stripping costs of such things as roofing and bricks where are other factor adding to the in cmasoin Barrie Fbr the added costs however Barrie home buyers receive bei tcr ouslity construction in Bar rio iilr Davies said no alttier volume of work in such centres as Barrie allows builders to pro duco better quality homes He added that Kitchener was the only centre in the area that ho had heard of with quality of construction comparable to Bar tha is due to lack of avail Flu Or Common Colds Theyre Just As Sick bar of ahscnt children was not high School attendance returned to normal in most Ontario centres Wednesday as the provinces in fluenza epidemic or outbreak of common colds as some health of ticcrs described it seemed past its peak Schools in Hamilton Chatham and oritlia reported attendance was normal or above average Prior to the Christmas holidays break attendance was below normal in most Ontarlo schools Many hospitals however res tricted visitors in an effort to ing among patients Dr Boyd Toronto medical officer of health raid keep the influenza from Vsypreada rie department of health said most of the provinces medical health officers report no evidence of an influenza epidemic We believe there was slight outbreak before Christ mas but this has not continued beyond the holidays said Dr Bell It appears to ho last the usual batch of winter colds However Dr Peter Kursali medical director of Norfolk General Hospital said influenza is reaching epidemic propon tinns in the county The hospital is closed to vill tors except for pritlcally ill pa tients VISITS RESTRICTED Visiti hours are restricted spokesman at Canadian Gen oral Electric said We avoided lot of flu because of the plant shoutdown from Dec 21 who think the iniection wins at its greatest at that time We had ployees yesterday but it was due to lever and colds Johnson Street Public school reports no major problem with only normal proChristmas i114 ness and routine casesot meas ica and chicken pox liiilcrcst public school said students were not seriouslyaiJ iecled but one class was heavily bit by chicken pox Maple Grove school reported that although statistics of absent what Canada really is like it will be called Canadian Reali Bariey May Vs higher 126 July not open ties pupils couldnt be established yet few students had been sent home this morning but the num amall proportion of missing cm the widespread illness might be Asian flu orJust the common cold in many cases It was diffi cult to distinguish between dit ferent types of virus slnccno laborato studies are being made in oronto described the illness as series lent every winter the work force is off Home beautification through plantinggoi flower gardens shrubs andtrecs will beatress ed by the Barrio Horticultural Society during 1968 it was stat ed by Jean Gable secretaiy so trial fogs schools andclubs Besides iisptiortstomnko ev ery residentyflowcrminded society itself carried on an tensive program in various parts of the city in marking centennial yaarihesocletysrnain canton lour Royal planted at the Federal building on Collin street and another four at Lakeiand information tre The society also do ated tltuipew centennial park at the waterfront of Kempcnfeltj Bay House city hall library old no ice station and at gore oncol liu wahngton Owen Creswlclr Court and other streets new small gore was bemnlfied on Ot srno roekery near Memorial ac twit Complete Design Rer Av Fine yum Dr lan Cunningham Hamil ton medieal officer of health of bad colds and respiratory in fections similar to those preva dont buythia business of speaking at an epidemic he said You dont have an epi demic until 10 to 20 per cent of Dr Bellot the Ontario Horticultural Society llans 1968 BeautificationwiPrograni 1to flower beds atlBarrioa heart land did planting atCommunity Circle and workdoneat to rain vaaeof patienisat the John Noble Homo in Brantiord Despite the spread respiratory ailments no restric tions have been imposed on via iting at the Braniford General Ellispltal or St Josephs Hospi la spokesman forSt Josephs Hozpltal iii Sarnla said the bos pi was considering closing its doors to visitors The St ThomasElgin Hospital is allow ing only parentsito visit the per diatrlc ward Dr Hutchinson London medical officer of healthy report ed no sertoua absenteeism in London schools Tree planting was encouraged to mark centennial year and some 1500 trees were planted intho Barrie area in ddition to somehow shrubs an 5000 rose hushes cannondrinker icysaving on AUTO INSURANCEL lfyouarati nondrinker itivillpayyoutoco are Abstainera rates With your present ram toda aanammnnurnnu um singing darling at such special De Gaulle Plans Bright New Star To iippear Here One oi the most eagerly an ticipated musical evants in many aaasoas in Barrie is the forth coming recital ot North Ameri cas brightest new musical star Colcltc Boirey lltc young Canadian soprano will be sponsored by the com munity Cnaccrts Association in solo performance at Central Col legiate on inn at an Centennial season found Miss Bolrcy in london singing in BBCTV production of Verdis ngnlctln She also up earod in The Bar ber of SW le at Torontos OKeafe Centre and toured with the opera compon playing at Expo 67s intcmatonnl Festival st Place Des Arts Montreal OPERA DEBUT She will be making her Metro politan Opera debut in Mozarts The Magic Flute in 1960 The Montreal lt barn star earns to tho attention of the Canadian public in 1053 when she won first prize in music compe tition an Montreal radio She attended Torontos Royal Conser vatory of music and graduated from Montreals Conservatory and Dramatic Art of the Prov loan of Quebec in 1962 in Uie operatic iiald she has mastered in the original langu ages some 34 leading roles in 31 opras Today she is described as the companies as the Vienna Opera Munich Paris and Geneva Visiisllbroad PAHlS Reuters French President de Gaulle will make three visits abroad this yearto Romania WestGermany and to an undecided destination expect ed to be 1nihe Middle East or Asian Elysee Palace sources said today efhay said there wasabstr He now has wife Dawn and Jack Siossor presided over the Kiwantv Club of Barrio yes terday evening for the last time as the new executive for 1565 was necpted by the assembled Kiwanisns in Comrmlnity House in short speech introducing new preslient Dr George Leg Xctt Barrie dentist Mr Sicssor thanked club members for their support throughout the year Giving short biography of Dr Leggeit Mr Slessor told of how the Torontobom dent ist was educated at Upper Can ada College graduating from college of dentistry in 1950 and moving to Barrie in 1961 two sons Dr Leggett is member of the Barrie Dental Society the MuskokaSimcoe Dental Society and the St Andrews Society The outgoing president touch ed briefly on Dr chgetta past record with the club citing his participation in construction of the float which won trophy in the centennial parade and on his short term as temporary presiient while Mr Slessor was absent due to illness other members of the new executive include Ernie Walker and BlltBlain vicepresidents secretary Jim lVigie treasur er and Bruce Bigeiow Jaok Butler Ray Burgess Pat For grave Bob Hadley Bill Me Creary and Charla Rogers directors Be builder get per sonally involved That is the 1968 theme of Kiwanis interna tional as presented to the Barrie club last night by Dr Leggett He urged Kiwanians to build safeguard freedom demand re spect for low and order can serve human and natural re sources communicate and work with youth and advance inter national friendshipthrough por sontoperson contacts lutely nofonndation for for eign press report that deGauiie would rcvislt Quebec gt ova buildingds the challenge Persnnal involvement which Geoff Davies values by personal example JACK SLESSOR LEFT AND DR GEORGE LEGGETT George Leggett Is New President the hour for every Kiwanion in 1968 added the president Next Monday night at out the lieutenantgovernor of Ki wnnls for districteight ltuu iVood will visit the club and formally install the new execv nave Farmers Receive Tax Information The department at sgriculturt distributed income tax books and information on farm manage ment for 1966 Wednesday Barrio district farmers attend ed meeting at the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food Building on Collier street first of series ol meetings will be followed by others at Elmvala on lhursdny Jan and at Orlllia on Moodiili Jan it is now feltimposslhla to keep the same inventory for in come tax and for farmmanage ment purposes said Alan Scott and Richard iii Farina agricultural representatives instructions were given about the way to keep the farm rec ord book For SitIn Deloc 23 the Company of Young Canadians man dreds oi hippies here Alug zo mm was rresod distrtc He was arnongJ disturbance and imng tr leads to creative and prod BEEFSlDES CU ANDWRAPPE TOLYOUR SAT no TORONTO CP David Yorkviilc and two other per sons were fined $100 each sues day for ca ing disturbance during si which preceded massive demonstration by bun with scores of others us the second larger si in the cofteobxou in $100 each Dec for causing tie His ulalwosv told Tuesday °€ the has nppealedthai convtc

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