Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jan 1968, p. 1

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EXAMtNER TELEPHONE Justified Advertising 7344i All other Department 15653 lMttI an No MAYOR BENTLEY GBEETS NEW YEAR BABY shes really cute says Mayor Robert Bentley of Yvonne Jacqueline Groot born It Will am on New Years Exdminers new Year Statement gt Day at Royal Victoria Hospit al Mayor Bentley LEN puformed his first official duty by presenting roses and MuniCipalities Mark New Era By THE CANADIAN PRESS With hoop and holler Sun day night Canada ended its 100th birthday party and two new municipalities were born North Bay Ziflmlles from To ronto annexed two Sadlacent townships to heeomeCanadas recond largiut city in area and Toronto Township 110 Nmmlinity ugathe largest town in the nation in overnight transitions cele brated by parades speeches and fireworks North Bay grew to ion square miles with annex ation of Widdlfield and West Ferris townships and Mississau proclaiined itself to populationoi 103300 feeded by only 11 Canadian cit cs The North Bay merger mak ing it second only to Calgary in area came about by order ni the Ontario Municipal Board after Widdirield asked for amal gamation and the city applied for annexation of both town sbins TIMES LARGER The city now has an areaof $100 acres of land including coiToiiiiii huge areas of forest and rocky wilderness and chunk of the Lake Nipissing shoreline It is to times larger than the 35 miles it contained before the merger out has population of only 6500 In the south Mississauga was born after residents decided the needed slnglaldentity for rap divgrowing centres of popui latlon within the township hor ders Mississauga also wanted to escape confusion with its massive neighbor Metropolitan Torontn nuthoth lcommunities had lot hi common Sunday night the end of one birthday party and the start intonath About 1000 persons braved lubelowvtemperatures in North Bay to ring in the New Year and celebrate the citys new 12ble parade including an persons carrying torches and riding motorised toboggans markedtlte union oi the city Officials erected new pcpula tion signchangiog the number to 46500 from 23000 and 101 firecrackers were fired to eele brats the annexation Thefadvent of new year is tram orialti for retrospect forntaking stock and for strengthening ones resolve ldg cg throu We at The Barrie Examiner are doing these things looking backpover our pastyear ofservice to the conimunit accomplishments ome pleasure from our learning the lessonsltaught by our shortcomings and renewing our dedication to ye tasks which are the responsibiliy es of comr nity newspaper The year 1967 was ventfuland exciting in Bar and the County of Si Uthi nationas Canadians vof manyracial origins one as itwas throughout Joinedin celebrating lOOyeatsrof Confederation and gt trough their participation gt felt awareness of and pride in We at The Examin new surge oft bein ana ily task of repor iiig natio and local cc lténhl Year actiVities aridin th production Centennial which while onslderabl in to acopepandwor counttouchcd oi the past 100 years of life in this area As we move into 1988 Damn appears highlights to been geof new wave of economic expansio ewlyciected council will tackle hich will As Tlie Examiner nouncemen to make wit regard mourns well asnew onesr th cit grows gram Rath we hav he st es when making Editoiial commentrto behest of our creative abilities to help old problems as give our orpaoi carriers deliver your copyof The airtime and topresen toractive readable andintereating ur subscribers product not guarantee 100 percent perfection will strive lot it ew will disagree with evitably develo as silver cup toMrs Keith Grout Mr Groot the happy tether peels at tlic new baby See story on page three lar aminer Photo BllhDOT snow is cmorrura PARIS Reuters Bri gitte Bardot got her first television show off to an eyeopedlng start Monday night when She appeared in colored paper wrapper open at the side and back The famous French figure flashed on the screen again later clad in skincolnred body stocking The Shearold actress appeared in 15 guisesfrom flflpper to spec in during the show only two viewers tole phoned objections Ibis is really very few and they were just the usual stupld ravings agath the Brigitte Bardot myth an ofti alvsaid Iihdullah VIreed litter 14Years NEW DELHI Reuters Former mii premier sheikh Mohammad Ahdullah reed today after spending most of the last 14 years in detention immediately made an impas sioned appeal for cooperation bemeen India and Patdstan These two countiia should be helping each other to pros parity he told cheering crowd about 4000 people gathered at the New Delhi Mos lem player ground to greet him If lndia gm down Pakistan cann urviv tan so India cannot survive My whole problem now how to improve relations be tweengthagtwo emmtries Abdulinh 6d Lion of Kashmir also appealed for Moslem unity and disc line After his address ossed through the surging crowds waving and acknowledgingthelr greetings before callingon diari presklentrDrZakir Hu sain also Moslem You loolr nanny daddygood ingthe wee and bid arewellf one of thtmostqcltioz years in their historynorthen cele brated as Canada steamed into its lltlfl ye Wear Barrie Ontario Canada Tuesday January 196 SAN ANTONIO Tex lltcu terlt Sweeping measura to protect the dollar and reduce widening deficit in the US bal ance of payments went into op eration today with major im pact on Western Europe partic ularly the Common Market countries The new measures announced by President Johnson at the LBJ ranch Monday called halt to new American investment in Europe reduced foreign loans by Ammlcan banks cut defence and foreign aid spending and called on Americans to spend their vacations at home Johnson said the aim of the measures was to nit $3 000000000 from an estimated 1961 payments deficit of more than 53500000000 The measures would halt the flow of dollars overseas and maintain confidence in the dot lar at home and abroad John son said SEEK COOPERATION Eugene Rostow undersecre tary of state for political at falrs was dispatched to Austra lia and Japan to seek their co operation in the overall plan and Undersecretary of State Nicholas Katzenbach went on similar miulon to London Bonn ltome Brussels The Hague Bern and Paris Steps to boost exports were cxpected later this month but officials said the financial tur mail following the devaluation of the British pound Nov 18 and Siiliway Strike Is ilverted in New Yoflr NEW YORK AP The first regular ivork day of the new year was happy one for New Yorkers today They had sub way and bus service after weeks of worry about the threat of transit strike As bonus they bad word from Mayorglohn Lindsay that the Transit Authority ald its contract settlement two unions Mondaywould notgcause raise in the zocent fare Iha foreseeable tutor armmw change Ii security can in Montreal the clifftookbacipposseuion of Conada heavy trading on overseas gold markets since then forced the president to spend up his new program and adopt more dras tlc measures The crackdown on American tourists most of whom go to Western Europe look the form of an appeal from the prcsb dent but he promised laws to put teeth into his plea It is important to the coun try that every citilcn reassess his travel plans and not travel outside ot this hemisphere ex cept under the most important urgent and necessary condi tions Johnson declared Although he declined to go into details the threatened leg islation could include leading on the amount of spending money Americans can take abroad and abolition of the sys tem under which tourists can bring home $100 worth of for eign goods duty free Uhr Titanic Examiner Johnson Calls Hcilt To Foreign Investment Milan Lets dcelm truce have toga to the bathroom Aussie Quints Reported SBANE iCP bger champagne and chainsmoked cigarettes Sunday aitcr becoming the Vtather of The Myearold lawyer stayed at Brisbane Womens Hospital throughouttired had the champagne in the hospial ward and in between visits to his wife puffed on cigarettes in waiting room Mrs Braham sohwasureport ed doing well today So were the infants who were premature by six weeks and two days Doc tors said however one of the quinls was receiving extra care They did not explain why Doc tors ti ated the average Well ivcigtiYdfliiE babie three pounds each My wife is very good Bra ham said have been talking to her and we are both thrilled Mrs Eraham had not been taking fertility drugs which are believed to have beenilie cause of an increase in the number of multiple births aioundthe world The Brahms have had four children previously including set of twins They have been manied eight years andllve in fourbedroom home at Tender field l20 miles from here The hospital said the births beganat 512 maod ended at am The first was girl than boy tben girlsand Pearson Declares Neutrality InLiberal LeadeISHip Race comm ice Prime in tralityinthev Libefil eadership race Mondaynlght he is cool at this prerecorded television nterview the UN network Conversation with the Prime Minister he saldhis in tendon retire this year has brought bouta new situation in sixth Jan ship convention hers Apri 51 do think its guin cky Mr Pearson fold view Lilliarlcs Templeton the minister said he thefact or his in Not More Than WEATHER Mainly many Cold Wednesday in lonjgit High tonlam Full mnunary pegs it We For Copy 12 Page AFRICAN DENTIST GETS NEW HEART FiveHour Operation Said Successlul By Surgeon CAPE NiVN CF Dr Christian Barnard and team of surgeons pcrlormed an other nicerst heart trans plaid today replacing the dam aged heart of soycarold Cape Town white dentist with Uiat of colored man who collapsed and dicd from brain hemor rhoge Gracie Schuur Hospital an nounced ibc transplant took more than five hours and termed it successful they said the patleits condition was sat isfactory Dr Barnard performed the worlds first human heart trans plant Dec on Louis Washkan sky 51 who lived Iii days with the newheart before dying of pneumonia The hospital said Dr Philip Blnibcrg man desperately ill with damaged heart re ceived the heart of Ciieve llaupt 24 who collapsed on nearby beach and died in the hospital Haupt was coloreda man of mixed blood under South Afri cas racial lawsbut this appar ently posed no problems for Dr Bernard in the raciallysegrega led country Finding donor for Blolherg was diiflcult because of his rare Epositiye blood DMi The hospital said the opera tion began at ti am and was completed about pin The bis toric transplant in which Wash received the heal gt of tiryaarold woman who died in traffic accident also took five hours MIND MADE UP Blatherg has been waiting three weeks for the dperatlon and did not reconsider when Washkansky died Haupt was on Fish Hoe Beach Monday with his wife of three months when he collapsed with brain hemorrhage When he was taken to hospital and his blood typed Grooie Schuur Hos pital was notified IgianVlETNliM Ceaselire rhé Viet Congguerr Divi augmented by Vietnamese replacements iost 343 men in its base camp Black Virgin northwest of Saigon and eight retir in Aplii will di she miles fro thy plant ml CHRISTIAN BARNARD Dr Barnards surgical team spent several hours studying the tnanplant possibilities before proceeding Blalberg is married and ha daughter Jill 19 who is in is rscl in Haifa she hunt intase clusinn on learning her father was undergoing historys third human heart transplant few days after Washkan skys historic transplant team of surg inrlirooklyn NY made heart trans Adrisn Kanirowlt iiscdttie heart of dead infant to replace that of dying in taut but the baby lived just hours Blaiberg suffered his first cor onary 14 years ago but his wife Eileen said his heart complete ly gave out about nine months ago CONDITION WURSENED Deterioration of Blaibergs condition in thelastfew days was understood to have sped the return of Dr Barnard from four of the Unitcd States Tamed munist violations gave the Southern allies second thoughts about 43hour truce that has acce led III in fr VESUVMES BOMBS gigs tried naccurafepictu of the collapsc of the ceascfi fro field re rts planes resumedme gnf North nani witli the end int the Sou em allied Mour truce meanwhile of mi

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