AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS OF THORNTON CROWN HILL My MRS DUNSMORE The community honoured air and Mrs Norman llickling with miscellaneous shower at the dome of their parents Mr and tressm assessors Mrs Franklin llickling Dec Aliens social hour Mrs James Kenny addressed the young couple Norman and Marlene thanked their friends for the gifts and lunch was enjoyed There will be congregational supper at Crown lllll United Church Dec 28 530 vm Maurice lartridgc rcturnrdto his home Saturday alter surgery It lioyal Victoria iiosptul Since Dione Tiltlt l5 crown ed Slmcoe Countys Dairy Prin ctss she has been very busy she appeared five times on the final at the International Plow ing Match She has been meeti log people at two of the chain stores in Barrie one on behalf of the Milk Producers and once on behalf of Lnkcview Dairy as well as attending several meet ings Besides this and her school work she ls leader at 4H girls in this community STBOUD By MRS BERT MULIIOLLAND Sit CITIZENS PARTY Stroud Womens lnstitillc pre pared for about 40 senior ciliz ens traditional Christmas din ncr at noon Dcc little gift was given to each Flo Mul holland played carols and appro prlate piano music Mr and Mrs Roy Goodlcliow showed films the properly of George Burton who could not lie present These included pictures of pitsme march Centennial Park floats from lnnislll Park parade ST JAMES UNITED tith Junior intermediates and senior choirs Sinday morning the music at St James was enjoy all Glenda Mason was at the organ and Joan New pianist The large COUEtegBthlltllti the sermon by Rev Joan Hunt Wonderdrill Christm Flowers on the altar were in memory at Mrs Gra hnm Small who passed away last week NEW FLOS My MRS VANLESE Sunday Dec Hi guest of Mr and Mrs Jim Miliigan and min included Mr and Mrs Reg tood Victoria Harbor Mr and Mrs Archie Malcom Mr and Mrs Frank ilamiil Phelplt ston Mr and Mrs Cline ltawn and family were at Schoinbcrg with Mr and Mrs John Wilson Mr and Mrs Campbell Steele and aura of Etohleoke wera guests at Mrs Steeles mother Mrs Clarenco Atkinson Mrs lcggy Roberts is in Richmond Hill to spend Christ mas holidays at the home of her sister and brotherinlaw Parents of public school child reli havo been busy attending school concerts hold by the lil ferent grades at the area schools Warren Vanless of York Uni versity Murray Atkinson John De Carter and Sharon Vanlosa University of Guelph are home tor Christmas holidays T0 coon ttEALTH Little Lopsided Is Normal By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Dear Dr Alolner itcccntly made dress for my daughter going on is Hamming the sleeves noticed that her right arm was half inch longer than the left Since then we have no ticed that her right foot is half inch longer than the left Neither is noticeable but was wondering if this is normal and if so how is this possible have heard it may be caused by the joints not Joining at the same time during growth ltlrs ll Its probably lot more nor mal to be little lopsided than the otherwny around No tailor fitting mans suit would think of marking the length of only ono sleeve lie marks both Shoo clerks will tell you how man people have learned that one loot is harder to tit than the other Photographers for years have had fun taking only one side of persons face then reversing the negative to provide the other half of the picture face assembled from two right sides is so markedly different from one madotrom two lett sides that sometimes it looks likcan other person liave you ever noilced how many people carry one shoulder higher than the other How many cook their heads slightly to one side instead of holding the bead Tstrnlghi itpL How many mouthsvhave quirk at one sldel rrdghty few sym Doubtlesr some mall defect in the union at the bone ends ount for thisditier lnarm length We also long havo had reason to surmise that very mild unrecognized cases Iotpollo loll small flaws Possi bly minor accidents and trivial illnesses pay part So Id forget about the anal tlceable difference in arm lengthand it your youngster has any tendency to be sellcon solous about it remind bar that you and she didnt realize it until she as going on is No body else will set it Dear Dr Molnar get up two to four times night because of prostan gland troublo is there medicinal cantnke or do have to have an oparotion which would you recommend Little it anything can be ac complished with pills except when acute infection has to be suppressed Massage and other treatments are sufllclont in some cases in others surgery isthe only salution As for an operation that is for your doc tor to determine Dear Dr Molnar Have you ever heard of delormed duodenal bulb What would cause it What treatmont is needed deformed duodenal bulb is finding seen in an may at the upper intestinal tract The duodenum is the portion directly below tho stomach Saying that it is deformed means that it has been distorted in shape The usual direct cause is the forma tion ol scar tissue following heated ulcer it requires no treatment unless ulcer symp toms discomfort or pain recur Dear Dr MolnarMy mother B7has skin can the earl stages remember you had an article about cure for this in powder form would like to find ut tathlsrlsessoo possible Mrs Sorry but you are quite mis take may have mentioned that years ago caustics wera used in quack or amateur eflt facts to burn away such can cers itris easier qulcltersat more comfortable and far less disfigung to remove them by modern methode surgery rbeing preferred in most cases Take your mother to your doctor CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY necked Youare deciarer with the West hand at Three Notrump North leads the five of diamonds on which South plays thejack How would you play thehaad msc heart and lead low club Again South musbduck holding the ace and you noWhave eight running tricks Another spade lead establishes trick number llInE The outcome iiithe same if North has either or botthiactr acaSuln that case he cannot safely return diamond and you West hand at Six Hearts North leads the queen of diamonds ed um um Flat mad The best chance of making naqosa carrot or WE The contract is too per cent certain regardless of how the ad ver cards are distributed but on mealtime your playsoaro fully insnrctheeonbaotzrolr vloualy you cannot afford to lend spade at trick two because you would be defeated it South took the spade with the ace re turned diamond and it then developeri that North had the ace of clubs as well as five diamonds to the trips and that the spades were unevenly divided The proper play nttrlclt trio tstolendntowhearttolhaun and return iW it south innocence 11 rain with lot anunir ynis wtn will durum wllh have all the time you need to build up your aisle tricks before the diamondsbeeorno establish twelvo tricks lies in attempting emssruft However you must be careful in preparing the groundwork for the crossrutf After taking the ace of dia monds the first thing to do is to cash iheAK of clubsThere is possibility that either club may béruffed butrtllat la farms dangerous than anyptherm tired of play Next play spade to the ace and rail spade ft to import ant to rail spade in your hand before rutflng diamond In dinn my tit you think thunk no differenca try mffing first You may one Edam mle ebmitt of ELM my triehrunndladhm two clnlï¬ By MRS GEORGE 0LT Sympathy is extended to Mrs Stanley Basin family and other relatives RR Thornton in the sudden death by accident of her husband on Dec l1 inter ment was at Thornton Union Cemetery to rs llarvey Gordon whose mother Mrs Thomas hsene Allision passed away DcC so in hesitant ymr interment at Westminster ilcm orial Park Toronto Mrs Gord on and Mrs Keene were forms or Thornton residents Our thoughts are also with Mr and Mrs Kenneth hauling Barrio formerly ol Thornton in the loss by accident of their son Peter Dec 22 also with his wife Lor retn and his sisters and brother lntcrment was in Christ Church Cemetery ity in Dec 20 Mr and Mrs George llolt visited relatives at Mono itoad hit and were impressed by the pidiircsque an interesting outdoor lighting in and around Bolton SCHOOL CONCERT Although Dec Tl was the short est day of the your and wet one the unwintorliko weather did not deter the enthusiasm of Thornton school children when they presentcd their annual Christmas entertainment in the Orange llail An interesting pro gram of choruses recliations folk dances lays altlis ete was followed tho arrival of Santa Claus who distributed gills and treats from the tree Much credit and appreciation are duo Leoan Duckw orth and Mrs Charles held teadius Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Sidney Kioostormao lift Thornton on the birth of son ill Royal Victoria llospltal Doc The that 1968 meeting of Trin ity United Church Women will be held Jan week later than the usual date Mrs Carr will be hostess roll call pay ment of fees Visitors welcome Melville Wiley Barrie who was brought up in the Gromblo Hill area passed away sudden ly Dec so in lloyal Victoria Hospital in nt was in Thornton Union Cemetery Trinity United Churchs Christ mas sorvlre Dec 24 commoner ed with the ringing of the ball which has been silent for few years Nev Milraya sor mon was God wan Us and he was assisted by the senior choir and on organ and piano prelude by Mrs Black and Mrs Black The avo nlng carol service directed by lenders Miss lthoda Mao shan visitors from Holy and Cooks town churches to enjoy the fair lowship together Mrs Corr read the Christmas story as recorded in St Luke and St Matthew Candlelightlag by both choirs concluded the service it was of interest to see Rev William Hewton of St Ninlans Parish Scarborough formerly of North 13559 Parish on the Way It is program DeclZl tow shots of Ivy community introduc ed tho program Durlnllthe in terview with Mr Howton lay men partielpaiioa recreation music etc in the new app were discussed Some Christmas visitors notic ed were Mr and Mrs Paul Bis OFFICE HOU non and Mrs no las Draw had bee Btobicoke with her par ents Mr and Mia Mas on lilr and Mrs Norm swell Weston with their cousin hits Frances llcklum Mr and Mrs Norman Scott Barrie Roy and Vincent ilell Egbert with their brother and sisterlnlaw Mr and Mrs George llolt Mr and Mrs William Evans Barrie with their son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs llortlay Evans and John Some who spent Girlstmas awayl were Airs lvan Maw and JULIET JONES for with her brotherinluw an sister Mr and Mrs Harvey Langden of Clifford Bert lfor Inn with his brotherlnlaw and nislor Mrand Mrs Win Law of Barrie Clarence Munro with his brotheriotnw sister niece and family in Peterborough Scott Sharp with his cousins Mr and Mrs lesley lllndle of unknown Any news items will be wel earned Please telephone tieores any time belore pm on Mon days MINETS POINT ity ALLEN lNGItAM Seasonal outside electric light ing presents an attractive dis play on the home ol Mr and Mrs sten Eskilson Cliff Road and Fairvlew Ave Although the weather was in clement and unseasonabie Santa Claus braved the elements in wet night and on ii day evening before Christmas made his rounds here with presents for children 12 years of age and under llnraro Brock was in Toronto Monday and spent the day with relatich and friends ltlr and Mrs Daslla Vhltiy visited the Iatters sister at Bellovitle on the weekend Mr and Mrs Jock Gouriay of Etobicokc accompan ied by their family Konaoth Kirk and Kelly were at Mr and Mrs lngrams on Christmas Day Mrs William Taylor Down view was recent visitor at the latter home Mr and Mrs Marshall loft Dec 92 for Florida with stops to visit relatives at Gait and Cleveland during the festive season With an easterl portion of the bay coated with to on Christ4 mas Eve this would appear to be one of the earliest records in recent years WORLD BRIEFS WASTE DUMPED PARlS lt The European Nuclear Energy Agency report ed Wednesday it dumped 11000 tons of solid radioactive waste from five countries deep into the Atlantic this year The radioactive refuse came frontnuclear centres in West Belgium France The Netherlands and Britain NAN CARS AND COKE DONALD DUCK GRANDMA Co automobiles and CocaCola Co soft drinks have been banned in Jordan the official Gazette has announced The em bargo extends to all Ford affili ateshutrexoludes Ford autos and spare parts for use by the Jordan Army BLONDI SECRET AGE NT XS AMMANSAPl FardMotnr lM WEARINE MY Wifl TODAY some so Mum TIME SLEEPING Iappreeiabe your so already or LCuff Beer ingredient Skin opening 101roquolan 11Taidier 12 Italian river arming cabinhay DOWN 15heathlng braet Game of chance Karma Lobe Through Jnigttzr en aslximns and Lin LMrleasi la puns 1o Seesnw 12 Bobbin imea call =Hllfl ï¬ï¬‚lflilllv an InnaInn yoursetfsttheendnnhlnt yfllllï¬g III ï¬ï¬lilï¬illflffl fASIIIWZMIIIWA pm 111 ion with Swim inn itinerant nl mums estloa Miss Marlow but Im elevated ahoea DAILY caesium Arizona Namesake new republic gtSNIFFs ordeal VERY PULL LECTURE l6 SCHEDULED TD TALKTO THE LADtESCLUB THIS AFTERNOON mien llama tartan In ammonia measure garden amnion German pllil osopher 37 Resort 29 Toward the sheltered uuzz svagn mass has siegeran ElliI souuoso Like we rsTtlillKfOuLL WANT TDSEETHISCODEP unowrgswsausr WEsTADMtitAt PROBABLY ETTA Ann Hill DATEJSHE WENT To THE Mow WITH THAT curt BOY FROM THE GAS so it 5iiADE50Fl962iANOiii Missn st runoekwmmmzsisiw mainframe cream EEIEVEPTPEkmAM HE PROBABLY HA5 TWO 050F GUODNIEHI KiSSES REGULAR AND HIGHTEST uonrv TOPCIA omens AND some lNTELthENcECtitFEEFN Ar outerromth insemime in MM