EXAMINER TELEPHONES Drudatlon TIE69 Classiï¬ed Advertising merit All Other Departments 7156331 03rd Year No 303 signs during mass meeting at Transit workers hold up Manhattan Center in New York last night shouthtg and roar VASHINGTON AP Presii dent Johnson is expected to ac cept Prince Norodom Sihan auks indirect suggestion oi LsCambodian talks over the Issue of Communist Vietnamese use at Cambodia as sane tuaryr Cambodias ehiei of state de scribing his country as caught hewcen the hammer and the anvil said he would welcome an envoy from the president to discuss the situation Sihanouks alotentkenis were published todayminfla com on who oneénjoi IGré Has Miscarriage ROME CF QueenAnne Marie oi Greece left Home clinic weeping today alter losing he expected third child appar ently as result of the strain at her flight into exile two weeks ago medical bulletin said she suffered miscarriage Thurs day night but her condition now is satislactoryr simple operation was per lorrned by her personal physi 1a om ashakett ih iashionable Villa Claudia clinic hn usbond Khig Constantine and her mothe at law Queen Frederlira The loss at the unborn baby added new note of sadness to the royal familys exile in Rome nurse told reporters the young Dsnishbnrn queen left the weeping supported by th king who was looking dis vtraught The king spent the night at her side and during the opera tched out on couch in Soon after the operation they drove back to the sechtsion oi the Greek embassy spokesman at the clinic saiddt was virnpossible to Save the child and routine opera tion was performed NEW YORK TRANSIT MAY STRIKE ing their approval the bus and subway workers voted ov erwhelmingly to strike on New Ycsrs Day unless they havc Cambodia righted Washington Post story based on his replies Thursday to questions posed by Post corre spondent Stanley Karnoiv in response to other questions put by Karnow in cable Sl hanouk said he would not interr vene militarily to stop US troops from entering certain sections of Cambodia in so calied hot pursuit oi North Victx namese or Viet Cong iorces SURPRISES PENTAGON 115 officials were reported Pleased Rlilh this Ce ANNEMARIE Crown Pride ejPaul seven month The royal family have been sta ing at the embassy since iiee Greec Dec 1t aitér Constantines attempted countercoup against the Greek iuota tailed corrununique issued by the em ssysaid wns announced with re gret that her majesty Queen AnaedVlarie oi the Helleneshad AnneMarie has other children Princess Alexia and or insurrection IndiaV The proPeking wing of Indias Comimrr nist party is tanning an armed insurrection on thaVietnam pat beintensiiled in areas borderingChina and Pakis NEW DEWAP tern audit Htao theaiuriusuunmesre French Gunmen mascara noruni subrmchineguos took overa vtliagerahway station nearthil fire on atratn andgot away with reach seaport today opened 05000 lung Wm trots sir APi us Thin sewm Urgent Meet miscarriage at two itprn 967i ed today meighhoring Cambodia new contract by then We years ago transit strike be came the costliest public trans portation pfohlem in cily his tory AP Vlrephotolr statement which came only week alter the prince spurned 115 bid for Joint efforts to stop Communist Vietnamese use of gt as sanctuary Speculation was that Johnson would send Averell Harrlman US ambassadoratrlargc to talk with Sihonouk in the inter view sihanouit made clear he also woultL welcome Senate Democratic Leader Mike lilans field whom he described as just and courageous man Bubbepaiddt largc Commu nist units are in tact entering Cambodia and it limited geom goes without saying would not intervene militarily riJespite Sihanonks expressed doubts us olficisls hel eve Communist troops by the on sands make periodic useoi Cambodia asa sanctuary The uSc oi these sanctuaries is viewed in Washingtoh as matter oi major military impor ance The dominant Washington be that it state Secretary Dean miss cannot get adiplomatic solutionat mininium some ment at Prince Sihanouk Presi 5lia1iiDeclared ll Historic Site spread in both directions Saler is embraced The government most cm hat breaks out between Amman in snatching Big Storm Hits vicwat the moment appears to understanding with the govern dent Johnson will have to decide fintlie=ilrst=mornhsoxzthancw year what US military action tmayjbe he The noose is all but banishcd impressive New Years mes sage arrives in pay envelopes taking the form oi an extra tiveperecnt pinch on basic per sonal income taxes Weekly it deductions will increase SLED tor 520M wccir unmarried executive The extra levy tor mooweek em ployec with wife and two chil dren will he 25 cenls sweck The changes alicct 5300000 ol 6600000 taxpaying Canadians and bring $3000 into feder al collars in the remaining three months at the current lis cal year ending March 31 DRAMATIC CUTS MADE The thrill changes product oi the Kennedy Round negotia tions among more than so no tions include dramatic series of cuts on machiniry Highly specialized equip ment Judged by anew lederal board as being unavailable at home will come into the man try in cflect dutyfree sacri riee in government customs revenue alone at 375mm in terms of 1966 import is gt Other changes may make USNoriheast NEW YORK AP wind driven snowstorm swpt through the Northeastern US today burying many inland sections in kneedeep snow and pelting some fringe areas with rain sleet and ireezlng rain The storm extended into New England alter quiek sweep across the Southrihltrsday Virginia and western Mary land were hobbled by up to loot and hail of snow North western Pennsylvan and northern upstate New York werediasted ithrt egg Federal Laws Take Effect OTTAWA CPi hatch oi items noticeably cheaper for federal laws and regulations lake ellcct with the arrival at mortgage lending over the possibility of new trou bla between the Greek and TurkishCypriois grow to Barrie Ontario Canada Friday December 19 1961 PHILIP Auttous OVER UNIFICATI consumers Canada is scrapping duties ot iron two cents pound on raw collee Taxcsro up Tartiis rndown beans one ccnta pound on interest rates wtil probably cocoa beans and tit cents pound on cocoa butter Duiics are being removed or reduced in one stop on many spice lurther change due Jan nd likely to be announced Jan will declare new maximum ate for National Housing Act Concern NlCOSlA AP Concern alter leaders at tiio Turkish ml nority named on man provi sional administrative couneil Thursday night to run the at airs of the 100000 mrnisncy priets scattered over the Greekdominated island Cypriot government circles made up mtircly oi GreekCy priots since communal lighting four years ago interpreted the action as proclamation of separate TurkishrCypriot gov ernment Eutra lurkishCypriot spokes man called the move an admin istrative matter and Turkish government oiticials in Ankara sought to play down the coun cils establishment They said it was only temporary and would gave the island independence TurkishrCypriot leaders said Nine Children Perish in Fire MONT LAURIER Que GP Nine children hall the lamin of Mr and Mrs Roland Gi rouard died early todaywhcn tire raced through their twosto rey lrame house at nearbyLac dethe Cyprus Tension not alter the 1960 accords that Barrie Examiner Gin TliSTY LOUI FOR THIEVES 0N Til AL CP Thieves drove all Thursday with the van to trailer truck containing 520000 worth at cheese manuiac tured by Krsit Foods Ltd The van property of Nor ris Transport Ltd was parked on street in the nor the ad subtrh of St Laurent Police said the thieves drove up in rented trailer cab and attached the unguarded van to it The van was found early today abandoned on the out skirts nl Montreal The cheese however was gone Over the council will periorm the ad ministrative tasks the Turkish Cypriots have in ind been handling for their own enclaves since the UN peace lorce ar rived ln 1964 as butter be tween them and the islands 500000 Greeks There are about one Canadians in the force particular source of concern for the GreekCypriots was the appointment to the council ot Raul Denktash as vicechair man under Dr Fssil Kutchuk the chairman and holder of the nowpowerless vicepresidmey allotted the ThrklshCypriots in the govemmeot of thymus Now living in Ankara Denlr tash is considered an extremist by the Greeks and leading spokesrnsnlor the view that partition is the only guarantee for the rights of the hirkishCy priots HERES ONE Green told his trienri that he had made up his mind to speak to his wile about using little more economy in thehousehold ed pretty glum his friend asked Next day however Green look Was your lectureeliectivei Youbct it seems Im going Not More Than iii For Copy 11 Pages Same Uniiomi IDNDON tentPrince should be devoted to the needs and tasks common to all serv ices but not to the services themselves The idea that all the services should wear the same unliarm does not unity anything he said it merely makes people look the same but that does not iron out any administrative problems The prince who holds ranks oi admiral oi the fleet ï¬eld marshal and marshal ol the RAF touehed on the unification issue as an clishoot of an unur sual 75minute interview dealing mainly with his fondness ior flyhtg and views emerging from his air experiences The interview took place in his eomlortablc secondstorey study in Buckingham Palace an lathcentury grayish stone edi fice that stands like rock amid turbulent changes in Brit ains world role The only other person present was British airways editorial representa VE Throughout the interview Philip responded with familiar outspokennesr goalitied pilot he has logged morathï¬n 1500 hours at the controls or about to aircralt but mainly the twlnenr gined Andover the lourrenglned Heron and the heavywhirlwind helicopter He loves tlying and wherever possible But he Slï¬ pacts the public considers this is just gimmick think there is sort of re sidual attitude amongst people whodont fly that anybody with title is much too stupid to do anything like that and theretore they think that this is great sort of publicity simmerc it was Withthis some eutspo kenness that Philip touched on the unilieation issue He had suggested the emotion of ioint services pilot corps to maintain steady supply at ex perienced military pilots who would have no administrative duties Their promotion and ranking woidd depend entirely on their professional compe tence Cloudy and cold Saturday with aortic snow Lo tonight tligb Moorrow on For full nonmin see page three offering practical step to uni have not done lits it into his business travels line WEATHER Does Not Unity Anything Prince Alter all he said why PhilipI keen wartime sailor shouldnt chap fly military and an experienced airman says unifying the unllorm doesnt necessarily unity the member at the air stall in ri forces Unitlcallon hesuggests d3 helicopters for 10 years lie doesnt have to become culous When it was suggested he was PklNCE PHILIP tying the services Philip re plied NoI unilying the busi ness of the prolminnal pile This correspondent observed that Canada has uniï¬ed or is trying to unity its forces Yes said Phillphut you along thls The whole ileld oi uniï¬cation he said is getting rather con used because the idea that all the services should gwesr the same uniform does not unity anything What was taking place in Britain and elsewhere was rationallzstinn as between things iilre transport and train ing fncertaia respects and sup ply and equipment UNITY WITH PURPOSE Thn now is being run on sort ot lnterserviee basis and think this makes sense What you want to ra uniiy are those areas which are common to the services But the services are not common be llis prnpmal would applyho helieopter pilots as well snows during die idgh sl Atlsn Coast and the or winds ranged tar ildand The weatherbureau indicated thesnow piled up at the rate nit Pennsylvania New York and re parent andTï¬ini reir PIE All the children were in up stairs bedrooms and tiveoi them escaped by jumping through windows into six inches an inch an hour in parts oi of snow outside Mr and Mrs Girouard whose bedroom was on the ground nanometer Majestic St Lawrence Hall glittering under $1775000 face1i Ling was ollicially reopened Thurs day night by GovernorGeneral Roland Michener at blacktie affair thatattracted 400 of the citys elite Speaking fro terbal cony Mr Michener said the restored tl7yea ornaments or century ago but also preserves an agefthstrwas more leisurel and perhaps more tnderly In surprise nnouiice ant Mayor William Dean told the assembly that the leder government has declared the bulidhig national historiealte He read letter remNorlhera Affairs Minister Arthur hing contained prars portantpiece mentholon AP eve Presiden llnhertlt Humphrey odoy on lads visit Hit Railway six ms to gunmen armed Vietnam Anaheim monotony mommy lhisod south Vim into animal omising en mentto the ultimate detest In Atrlcaas wall as in our own President Johnsons commit New Englandthroiighthe night idishowplsee not only preserves one or the it equate the ltfmynr Batmanrm menswear with mmrwnam so none avenues floor fled through flwihduw alter daughter upstairs cried nurse With love whereas men thine to be mortunistie is definite trend Fire iirel college pared with findings many college students lotOsiand ear so ï¬n hyms esind less sexual and moreas ielln lar questioning at about ast lhc obi tto be eeds4ex to give up beer and cigar his home in is in died hrDoyl town hespi Known as theKingmi and Pope whitentan composer remained devoted music tothc ailkinds music oove the time in said recently dont think youhave to live TORONTDCP The firing oi incompetent teachers should be supported by the Ontario SecondarySchoo Teachers Federal says secretaryi Mr Robb so saidat news should eachers rating whs un hep cs wartime indit is uh DrPsnt ll Gebhard arm alarm wt its well done it matter who Whiteinoa introduced them ot symphonic Imf and when Sotlcitor mm mommaamp 110 the federations retiring general lactory hs shoitldhe liredi they are doing ditiuent The federations salary policy could be surrirnedup as more money inn every teacher good and it possible the same amount of morermoney tor everyon policy favoring an ear but not necessarily unllormrrate would put money whereli train minlingtoo Ont to common suggestion to pitaso ede tio ml shfdrumttonstmtbo bador indliterent every year tionalize what you want too Firing Power