NEWS liOliNDUP Charge Two Men With Murder BRYDGETOWN Barbados Reuters Police arrested two young men Christmas night and charged them with murder inthe slaying oi the wile at Canadian minister and her Lhreeyearold son hire Elisabeth Gala and her son Owen tram Woodlands titan were iouud bound and gagged at the Vicarage at St Matthews Anglican Church by Rev Charles Gale when he re turned mm midnight service Christmas morning The vlcarage is located Just outside Bridgetown Tho Gales arrived in Barba dos year ago They had one other child and Mrs Gale was expecting third child in Feb ruary The two men aged la and 21 will appear in court today charged with the murders Chinese Posters TOKYOIAP Japanese correspondent in Petting report Donates Award who ones no symptoms at pouoninlv The poison was believed to he white pesticide callad para thlou iound in hallempty wins bottle fiho party use at the home at Victor Bodillo 55 and his will Berthl Two at their chfldrcn were not at the party it was the second recent case oi mus poisoning irorn para thion in Colombia Last month 50 persons died in Chloulnqulra 43 miles northusi nt min and scores more were treated alter eatin bread mada trom tlour into parathion accidentally mixed Train The train radwsy The scckteu Bit WILDER PENFIELD 18 lire Hurt CHURCHVILLE NY AF New York Central passen ger train went all the tracks today near this Rochester suburb inturin to personsone seriously micago to New York City and carried 19 passenger and crew or eight oi the 15 cars were derailed separation oi two bolted rail sections the spokesman said Toronto Police Eleven oi the inltnd there ad mitted to Rochester hospitals To Expand Blitz nie five others were dhcharged mamm cm Jorootos Ml ifelilneni police iorce uioh iatalitytrao Christmas to its credit plans to expand its spotcheck btiLI on dritws during the New Years weekend with squads operating until Sana Saturday Sunday and Monday Every man on the 3000an iorce saw weekend duty during Christmas The crews stopped 4J1 vehi ales in three days and no driv ers were chargcd 59 with im paired driving and three with drunk driving Details mm FOR LEAD CORAL GABLES Fla iCPlt APl Fitteenvyearold hillta San Filippo oi the us fired twoundervpar 69 nicsday to take the ï¬rstround lead to the six nation Orange Bowl interna tional junior golt tournament Richard Marsh oi Montreal and William Morrison at Toronto each shot at and Joseph tinto oi Caughnawaga Quc had an as was en route irom spokesman said resulted trom the Boss Elected Scout Head MTAWA CF Pem nos 51 oi Vaneouvu will be come chic executive oi the Boy Scouts at Canada April it was announced iuesday Mr 1109 now boy utive tor British Columbia and the Yukon will succeed mo Finlay retiring otter 16 years as national chic executive Mr Ross native of Saint lers toRing in The New Year at cd iuesday that wall posters are again appearing in the Com munist Chinese capital tor the that time sinco September Koicltl lukuhurs ol Japans Kyodo news service said the posters concentrated their at tacks on lowerechelon nlilclals in the past wail placards post ed rival camps attacked Prcsl ent Llu Shanchi Frontier Chou Entlal and oven Deiauco Minister Lin Piso the latter considered helrdesignats to Mao Tsctung Communist party chairman nudes MONTREAL CPD Dr Wil der Pcniield has donated re cently received $5000 award to the Montreal Neurological insti tuto and the Vanler institute oi the Family Ho sold the award received irom the New York Society for the Family oi than or escal lence in thaticld oi science was tribute to the teamwork oi doctors at the Montreal Neuro logical institute and to scientists around the world He said the $5000 wlli be divided equally between the Montreal Neurological institute and the Vanlor tnstibuto Introduces Bill WASHINGTON CF Milly iation introduced by Senator Ed ward Kennedy in the dying days oi the us Congress would lighten up regulations tor green card holdersCana dians or Mexicans regularly commuting across the border to jobs in the US What it would attempt to do is provide that holders oi green MAPLE LEAF CARNATION BillTEE llllllTE HYATTS Pilllli lillll BEllllS lVilNCEllllEliT onocsmss rs orvou BRAND 491tURKEvs 19 or Tins PLAN YOUR MEALS AROLIND it or in is States is sending men to war it West Germany Tuesday night wortted out by oncof his advis government oiilclais door Moscow literary trial The Wont Stop SARNIA tCPl The Dow Chemical Co in the United States has no intention at stop ping production ot napalm tor use in Vietnam despite wide spread protestssays Herbert VDoan president oi tha com Pally in an article in the companys magazine Maple Lent Mr Doan says the company intends tocontlnua to produce thial liedgas weapon because we ice that so long as the United is unthinkahla that we would not supply the materials they med Mr Dunn says the iirm produces because it teats it should produce those items whidt our iighting men used in time of war when we have the Ibiiity to do so EDismissesllan EONN iiteutersl Finance itiinister FranzJosef Strauss oi dismissed plan or conieder atlon at East and West Europe era as touching bdt useless The plan was published Tues day in the French weekly maga zine Poris Match which as cribed it to senior West German But Kiaus Bloomer Strausss foreign stioirs adviser said Tuesday that he thought up the plan privately atterheing ap proached by the hon corre apondent Match Sends Transcript gr ndoon ioroign minister acting in deli auca oftho Soviet security po lice has sent to the West tran scriptexcerptsgtrom clos New York Titties says sales werestp 195 percent dutdr tog the middle lo dayaoi D99 oember compared with theirt litdays the month but were 41m cent last years midDecemberperiod floods receded across parts oi Wei Germany Tuesday but they left behind now peril East mines washed somu oi the mines irom tho heavilyiorhliad East Ger man border several miles into the West German state oi Bava us look otit tor the mines which were either in wooden contain era or plateshaped plastic gt crs who gave notice last week ending the Vietnam war and cards will not use what is con tinuing privilege in such way WETHEYS as to depress working and living conditions within the tlS sass the Massachusetts senator Floods Recede BONN Reuters Christmas SQUIRREL German iruntler land Police feared raging torrents They Warned the population to Absenteeism OTIAWA CF Alison teeism ranged between 15 and 50 per cent in lcderal govem ment oiiicesTuesday work ing day tor the public service Personnel oiiioers said most at it was accounted for by work thnt they would be taking day ot their annual leaveto stretch out the Christmas weekend The Dominion Bureau at Sta ttstlcs was the only major ag cy able to provide an exact uro on its absenteeismprecise ly 42 per cent Earlier this month the govern ment turned downreguests tor in Boxing Day holiday tiled by public surgicelorganiz lions Direct Tallts PARIS AP SouthViet nama ioroiga minister said Tuesday night that Saigon wants direct talks with Hanoi ou PElilltlT BREADS JUICE BUTTER recs TfllLlil TISSUE cnvstttts letter contaiuinsg SouthmVlelt nams propose may ea isavejhoensent to Ho Chi Minh gt Foreign Minister Tran Van Do winding up oneday visit here said contents oi the letter tom South Vietnams proï¬cient ASiilNGmN us Peace Corps announced Tuesday it is withdrawing its 57 vlunteers tram hon at the government received lastweek gave unreasnn for ending the PaaceCorps activiti spotterman said But the note express sincere Thera were nine selling days during the period ended Dec til while titerswere eightdurhtg the same period last year and aths iirstvto daysonhis Deoetnp was compiled item are reports by the loot mint its producers showed zoom cm thanks fortite corpsworlrvln Gabon gt Family Poisoned recommend It rted couple and It or their chil drasdled trout in their mmwmwmwé at 100 ROWN Loaves For 95 $100 SINGLE ROLL CANARY Selects whipped Calgary Sptus 122 in an exhibition internal at hockey game mesday baton 5739 tans Dte Selects iumpcd intoamleadintheflrttpcriod and attended it to in mar 40 minutes scoutexec MAPLE LEAF SLICED RINDLESS ttcoi aw EUROPEAN STYLE POLISH SAUSAGE 590 out STYLE Ram to EAT won or ill ONTARIO No output BtltiliNgsi