WEATHER ecu with pcssh manilurriu Low MW l° High Thur day 15 Summary on page to Uh Norrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Clnldl Wednesday December 27 nor POPEMAY SEND HANOI MISSION Not More Than 10 For Copy 20 Pager 50 id comlorts her 27yearold state trooper husband in hit St Marys Hospital aitcr he Hams mm xv had on swept by fast water 500 feet through an under ground conduit Tuesday He had been searching tor Man Survives Niagara LEWISTON AP New York state trooper search ing for young girl feared drowned slid helplessly down sooiootlnag chute Tuesday into the Niagara Gorge short dis tancartronr the raging Niagara River He emerged with only minor injuries Trooper Kenneth Troidi 27 of nearby Cheektowagn had en tered the conduit with length of rope tied around his waist The rope broke he later said may have hitsome ice more water seemed to be com ing seemed to be getting taster He finally slowed his fall by Slide pushing his arms against the sides of the fourtootwide con duit and grabbed barrier at the exit He was found by workmen and treated at hospital Troidl was helping in search for Lynn Atchison whose mother had told lice she be licved the girl Lthroughjce covering creek that feeds into the chute The chute drops sharply into the gorge after running under parkway Police said they cared the girl had been swept into the Ni agara River Greek Queen May Lose Babv noun maintained close medical watch today on ztvyearoldv Quécn AnneMarie of Greece sitar announcing that there were signs she might lose her unborn child The queens general condition was reported as satisfactory other members oi the Greek royal family lunched with her Tuesday TNews oi the Danlabborn eens illness came amid de velopments which pointed tnher by band i$ing Constantine making an earlyreturn to Ath ons and his throne Themyearold king and Queen AnneMarie fled to Rome 13 daysagorwith th is two chil drenPrtocess exra and six mnnthscld Crown rince Paul atter collapse oian at erupt bys Constantin loppl armyb ked Groek gove inent The strain of her husbands misunderstand to acted tho queens health it personal physician enters Doctors Eutiiaris Cotilaria said in statement Tuesday night she has shown since Christmas morning certain signs oi danger to her pregnancy lie added that her general conditionwas absolutely satis iactory but these signs were still present today Earlier in the day Constan tines chamberiain Leonidas Papagos flew to Athens height ening speculation that the kings return to his capital was immi nent Heavy Tremor liecorded InlChile AdHINGTON AP The National Earthquake Centre re corded heavy tremor at SNoday in the Ata mavDesert oi northern Chile boutmmiles northeast at An iagasta disturbance was mea ed at 575 on the Richter TCAPSULE NEWS Ice Threatens Shipping sauna sre Marie Ont tor HONG KONG AP fonan the St Marys hover is thrcalglnng tocurtail an extenshm oi the shipping spokesman tor the Corps EngineerssaidJoday on Travellers arriving fr Kwangtung report thesitnation is chaotic in that by province oi momma Mt Anairsaaaearch for the body of iAmtrailan irimo Minister HaroldHolt coutirlncdtoday in days rites lrll disappearance in the mncar here yearvold girl believed to have entered the conduit alter tall ing through ice on crock AP Wircphoto TEETH cause PROBLEM MIAMI Fin AF Mat thew Comlto has problem too many tenth Comlto has jug tilled with 300 denture pales most oi them flotsam picked up along Miami Beach Hed like to return some of them to the right mouth but despite correspondence tele phone calls and public show ing Comito has yet to ilnd singleowner Comito is an instructor in dental technology at an adult education centre The jug at iaise teeth is on his classroom desk Comito got most or the den tures lastysumrner from life guardswh ineked them up attortlley aled ashore nver the years Some people go mt itching and do more drinking than ï¬shing Comito explained if theyre swimming they get mouthful of water and losevthe teethn TossSays Nine Died In Blast MOSCOW AP The said Tuesday nrne persons were killed and several were injured in gasexplosion that ripped throng In Moscow apartment building Christrnas night reduced torubhle around cra ter indie irozen earth and to many the oitlcial Soviet news were killed and stander reported 10 bodies had been re oved The bias occurred about 320 pm when many oi paflhnents presumably were pccuprad lawyer says Edgur Eng adleypwilliight atrnditlon to teen gen District At aey James Garrison of New Or an that he Brudley sp red to hillifoaidnnt John Kennedy will light extradition tooth George Romney The sixstorey buildingkwas SAlGON AP Governor oi Michigan said today that military vicio ries are being won by the United States and its allies in South Vietnam bid the Commua nlsts are winning the socallcd other war Our military victories are being won without correspond ing victories in the political economic and social iiclds Romney told news conicrence at the end at threeday visit Romney also criticized the proportion of the US eliort in South Vietnam saying there remains the problem oi the United States tending to do too much at the job themselves itomney candidate tor thc Republican presidential nomina Uon said again that he had been misled on his previous vist to South Vietnam more had got more rounded view this time indicated very irankly that was given conducted tour last time and that this did this lead me he said He clipreased angerover thecriticism at his statement in television inter view last Sept that US military and diplomatic oiiicials SAle US pilots era allics Christmas Day truce with the most concentrated day of raids on North Vietnamin five weeks US spokesman said today He said they flew 150 missions against the North although bad Weather limited raids in the solfllern coastal strip 190 miles oir coastline running down to ttroyed ordsmaged and 24 sup ply barges wrecked in the bomb attacks the spokesman said in South Vietnam govern ment spokesman reported that South Vietnamese troops killed an Viei Congu or North Vict no ese in baule 10 miles cimineHs 19 comicslo Sports sneakers rv LiltingFlD Wallace19 Garrison charging Bradley conspiracytovcommit murder in mnewmnterencefmnsday in New Orleans Garrison Bradley worked in 1061 up presidential up fomla ior FBI nail iaoiy George Jen than two years ago but that he ltuSLED ON TOUR US LPilotsCeneenirater Raids In North Vietnam Tuesday followed up the South destroyed and tour damaged to trucks de had brainwashed him on his previous visit During the present tour llom ncy said he tell that gencn ally he was treated with can dor by US military and diplolt motic efiicials and by repre scntatives oi the South Viet namese governnrent including President Nguyen Van Thlcu and Premier Nguyen Van Loc Yourelnn late my kids look it all below tbe demilitarized tone se parating the two Vietnams The government iorces made contact with guerrilla battal ion when they launched mule tibattaliop searchranddesiroy operation Tuesday the spokes man said The battle came several hours hetore thrcedn 77 Christmas truceannounced ythc Viet Cong was scheduled to end he added ranin or six DieiInBlaze EDOUARD Alia iCl Six members of torn died in fire that destroyed their iarm home early Tuesday as Volga vain effort to rescue her dren Mrs Nielsen and her hus band aid had escaped from the housejust as ablast shot flames up the walls Niel sen was driven back by when he attempted to their aid and wastakenvto hos pital in nearby St Paul 130 miles northeast of Edmonton tram burns and severeY had been ironing jca Christmas day left the iron younger told news conference Tuesday Younger added that plain added Nielsen 30 gave her life in 99 eiire Communists Winning Other War Romney lie was asked about report from Robert Pisor the corre spnndent in South Vietnam of the Detroit News that US run rincs stationed just outside Da Nang had been briefed on what to say to Romney the night be iorc the governor visited them Romney said he did not know that the marines had been brieled before his arrival but What we discussed there was not particularly im portant aspect oi the situation IKE REJECTS CANDIDACY llomnoy also was asked about report in Thc New York Times that iormcr president Ei senhower has eliminated the Michigan governor as serious contender for the Republican presidential nomination ld prefer to rely on what Gcn Eisenhower wrotovme he tore leit he replied In es sence he was pleased that had annnrlnced as candidate and he was also pleased that the Republicans would have an opportunity to choose Single Agency For Ontario Medicare Plans mnoum tori Starting agrla single agency will han dlcenrolment billing premium rovincinl Treasurer Charles McNaughton said Tuesday that the health insurance registra tlan board will act loathe other Ontario government agcncies By lulyvr target date for troduction of the federal med cal care insurance program OHSC and oats charges will be 9113 Single bill MrnhtcNaugh said the tarla government will continue toresist the iederalpian on the has that housing is higher priority and those whoean ai ford to pay for medical services should do so nines our packed parachute said the nervous strident butlm sure it wont any District Attnrnny tbecont5 Report Ponlili llsked LB To Halt Bombing North VATICAN CITY tilttiters Talks between Pope Paul and President ohns on Saturday aroused speculation today that the Vatican would soon send mission to lianoi to sound out President Ho Chi hlinh about prospects for ending theViet namese will Such mission could visit llnnol with the initial task oi in vestigatlng North Vietnams treatment of American prison cï¬d otwar Vatican observers Johnson who flew hallway round the world to see the Pope invited the Vatican to send mission to South Vietnam to check on the treatment of North Vietnamese and Vict Cong pris oners there lhcAmericans were believed to be hoping that No would rc spend with an invitation to the Vatican An ltalian press report said the Pope had asked Johnson to stop sheathing North Vietnam and prolong the Christmas truce until the Vietnamese new your next month in order to clear the atmosphere ior peace talks Johnson was said to have de murred because at the military adVantage thesemeasurcs would give to North Vietnam The president has repeatedly accused Hanoi of fading to show any positive sign that it wants peace despite iive respiles from US bombing so iar The Americans have shown concern over the treatment at US prisoners held by the North Vietnamese gt They claim that some prison ers in photosiiitning out oi Hanoi look likehrahvwnshod zombies WOULil BE IAIPARIIAL The Pope before conferring with Johnson oifered to be impartial edialorjn nnm war Observers here said Vatican mission to Hanoi could he as un assuming as delegation from Prisoners 3Hfostage NAsuvitLa Tcn As two prisoners helda nrd hostage with knit to his throat Warden Mnnay Header son stepped alone into aTennes see Sta Prisoncellblock Tues day night and talked the men into surrendering set Rendersod Roman Catholic charity organl zations Ald from Catholic welfare agencies has reached North Vietnam since January when delegation led by ill llev George linessler secretary oi the German branch of Crins ln tcrnallonnlls visited llnnni Msgr iluosslcr met Ho and later reported to the Pope in March Vatican spokes man said $1500000 in aid from Catholic rarity agencies sent to North Vietnam The last known oliicinl con tact bdween the Pope and Ho was in February when the North Vietnamese leader re plied to message sent by the pontiti Egypt Agrees To Clear Hall Suez Canal CAIRO AP Egypt has nally agreed to clear the south lxn haii oi lhe Suez Canal and mlease 15 foreign ships trapped in the waterway the semioili ciai newspaper Al Ahram lndh cared today Al Ahram which often speaks or President Nasser said Nas sers government undertook an extensive study of the problem in all its aspects and es tablished that clearance of the southern part at the waterway la leasible The paper said the govern ment made the study in re sponse to repeated reouests from Poland France andBrrt am which have ships trapped in the canal andfrom india Egypt turned down similar request last September insist ing that nopart of the canal could be cleared untn israeil troops wrthdriWTrdm the east bank of the canal and other tcr Lshow and ended Wit ritaries they occupied in the June war Hold The prisoners Donald lee Hancock 21 and William Ar thur 29 turned over their weap ons without inrther resistance and were placed in maximum security unit Theivardens action ended brief flareup oi violence which began at aCliristm music hre guards taken to hospital with stab wounds other envrets ay io ngsworth and Currie withstah wounds abdomen were listed scr ons eondition atrho pitai and Fields who described as lair great progress naur win but saldhe seesh etidence tth Communist sire synod change inthe min in but Broadcasflnc System the Communistssuitqu men killed