Impact Of Women Politicians Pelt In Two Widely Separated Causes Ry CAROL KENNEDY Canadian Press Stall Writer so widely separated causesnationalism in Scot land and white supremacy in the southern United Slates tell the impact of women poll ticzanr in 1967 Winifred Ewing rocked Westminster mm the power of Scottish separatism pro viding the biggest byelccllon upset of the yearinilritaln Lurleen Wallace succeeded her husband Geeorge as goven nor of Alabama pledging to carry on his fight against ra cial integration while he went out in search of the presiden uai nomination hin Ewing soy arold Glasgow solicitor and mother of three lilched supposedly sale Labor seal for the Scots tish Nationalists and proceed ed to beat the drum in West minster for an independent dominionstatus Scotland dynamic and attractive recruit to the rsnis of Parlia ments 25 women members the blonde Mrs Ewing so dis turbed both major parties by her victory at Hamilton that new policies will likely be worked out accepting Celtic nationalism in Wales and Scotland as forces to be rock oned with instead of fringe diversions TO CELEBRATE JUBILEE Her byelection victory pro vide dramatically at proprlate curtainraiser to the golden iubilee year of womens rights in Britain The heirs and survivors oi the sultragdtes plan giant London rally for March toss the 50th anniversary of votes for women in Alnbams Mrs Wallace became the third woman state governor when she was inau gurated in January In April she made rousing speech to Jhe state legislature opposing lederal court order lo de segvegatc the public school system There was some thought at first that Mrs Wallace was showing signs of independence but as the year wore on it be came evident she was merely technical substitute for her husband who by law could not succeed himself as governor More in the tough tradition of tho suffragcttes was Greeces strongswilled news paper publisher Helen Vlachos who shut downher itvo influential Athens dailies the day the military junta took over lastApril 21 and has refused to publish under censorship ever since UNDER HOUSE ARREST Mrs Vlacbos 55 who says she will restart publication only when democracy and press ireedom come back to Greece has been under house arrest since midnetober The date of her trial has yet to be axed The prestige of the army re gime has been hard hit by her stand since her papersthe influential morning Kathimerl ni circulation 56000 and the afternoon Messimvrini circu lation a0ooobave always been Val strong iy antiCommunist ironically the oncemilitant leitwing dailies agreed to publish under censorship In of history perhaps ill years rnostsignillcant woman was Svetlaoa Stalin do bier of Russias iron di WHAT THE asaaaurra FOB TOMORROW Another good day As with Tuesday both business and per sonal interests will be governed by exceptionally generous inllu enees with emphasis on the for met during th morning hours and on ihemlatter PM An excellent specialty favors romance or tistic and culturai pursuits FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates Tthat even if during the past couple of months appointed in the progress at material interests it would be advisable nevertheless to step up efforts oowI since you have just cntered line planetary cycle which will last until April lata cycle which will be highly beneficial wiiereboth job and monetaryinterests ar eerned other good bro tiring the first twoweelts other an cverthclessp it would be avoid extravagance in ndJune also from mid ctobor to midNovember since your nextuptrend along these lines will not occur until the end of next Decemberwhan you will enterzanobher excellent gntheycleon all scores on may haverbeen dis Deanpro ses te Novemv and familyta in rrs VINIFRED Ewing the Scot tish Nationalist MP Lurleen Wallace governor of Alaba tnior Her dramatic flight to the United States decision whicn meant leaving her chil dren behind and her outspo ken criticisms oi the way in which Stalinlsm still lies heavy ovcr Sovict lite ex pressed remarkoblc courage and strength of character TOLD STALXN STORY ln Twenty Letters to land she gave the world Its first inside information on Stalin one of historys great enigmas Yet the book which perhaps suffered from over exposure before publication in Britain and North Amien failed to resolve the central mystery of Stalin the man mixture or loving father and cruel despot Some critics felt shesenlfed by protecting her father more than analysing him lvo formidable young women brought female eye to the frontJuleto do Yael Dayan wyeorold daughter of lsraels deience ter Gen Moshe Dayan went into battle as war corre spondent in the ArabJsraeli conflict in June married colnneizshe met in the Sinai desert and published sharplyobserved account of the sirgllay war called Sol Miehele may former Cha net model from Paris went to Vietnam as photographer and correspondent was captured by the Vi tcong for so days andrwro waseries oivivid dispatches for Paris Match Formidable in riff nt STARS SAY should be generally harmonious for mostof iheyeorahead but do be on guard against tension and domestic friction between early November and midDe camber Sont halal matters should prove nusually happy during months periods lornew romance andor marriage will occur in early her andor late November Most propitious periods for travel The weeks between Juaelst rt eh born on this any will ally lnclined highly SALINA Ka alu tion to keep motorists awake Dean Boyearold automobil salesman has ing wheelso gives th driver mild charge at electricity at regular intervals to prevent himfrom falling asleep Dean tried it andsnidhe badno in his staying most of the next Wily April in IateAdgust late Octot and extremely am ma lielen Viachos Greek pub lisltcr Svetlana Stalin daugh ter of the Sov at dictator Michele llay the journalist way was Sheila Chichestcr wife of Britains roundthe vorld lone sailor Not only did she provide much of thc back room drive behind Gypsy Molhs odyssoy but she also caused small fashion revolu tion wilhtbc red trouser suit she were on all occasions even at the historic ceremony when Sir Francis was knighted by the Queen Women politicians continued to make news Indira Gandhi confounded the propheLs by surviving crisisridden year as famous Inmach runs nannies funnies 51588103 narrates resumes fumes and Ynel Dayan daughter oi Israels defence minister are just some oi the women who made news in 1967 Photo as Indias prime minister Former child star Shirley Temple Black turned right wing Republican in California but was soundly defeated in her bid to run for Congress Still riding high in the head lines was Barbara Castle 56 dynamic transport minister in Britains Labor cabinet in war among countless other Innovations she introduced the controversial breathtest legislation herald of social revolution in British drinking habits nannies rammrasnrcs Turtlenecks NEW YORK AP While winning equal opportunities for themselves women have need men from their lnhhrh tions about the way they dress We women begin to look like and in sense become men the men freed of the re sponsibiilty of musing things become more llama ant British fashion historian James Lover recently told an interviewer Man is trying to get women to notice him Later said and dont think his in terest in clothing and cologne is necessarily going to make him efieminste Hes wearing Turtleneck Men have probably struck their hardest blow for fashion independence snubhlng the necktie bow tie and other atarcbcd harness ES htr coatsdim are wean Ing rugged military cut Pcra sran lambs and moleskins in hardy trench styles Colored shirts Television started it Prominent people appearing on camera were asked to wear blue shirts be cause white bounces light Others wanted to look as though they were prominent After blues came yellow green and even pink VestsTho mod influence passedbut the vest vestige of it disguises punch so nicely its here to stay Doublebreasted Men have reverted to doublebreasted sports blazers dress suits for mnl dinner Jackets and oven doubleltbrcas1ed pajamas Military influenceThere is something about soldiers garb that makes man adore anything with epaulets brass buttons and boots other tbingsOnce largely the uniform of the mechanic the lump auit now in leisure wear for the svantgarde ANN LANDERS ADVISES Replace Ties End or Friendship Possible It Clothes Are Exchanged Dear Au Linden My girl friend Aim and were like sis ters We have known each other since made school Now we are sophomores in high school Last week Aims and ex ehangcd sweaters not for keel Just to wear When took oil Almas beige colored sweater was shocked to discov er it had turned orange under the arms When returned it Alma got very upset and said Why didnt you tell me you sweat like horse thought this was very uncalledfor res mark and said so She then told ms that the sweater was com plelcly mined and owed her The sweater has slight rip under one sleeve and the collar isrshoL would not exactly call it rag but it not new either am not so rich that can had over so for an old sweater but dont want to lose Almas friendship What do you sug gest Willing To Settle Dear Willing One of the quickest ways to wreck irieudshlp is to exchange dailies Somebody is sure to end up man Pay Alma the $8 and consider this the price at the lesson Decr Ann Linden play cards about four times week Dont tell me its too much am not asking you that what want you to do is write something in your column about card players who hum whistle grind their teeth drum their fingers flick the ends of the cards with their iingcrnalls make small clicking noises with their lips crack their knuckles one woman in the game cracks her laws or go cluck clock clock with the tongue Can you see how these little THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY DECEMBER 1961 habits could drive person up the wall Rudy la Scrum Deu Ready Yet can espe cially when the person is losing in mating bow titsch people Eon stand when the cards are at ROBBED 0F DIGNITY Dear Ann hasten disagree with your advice to the Woman whose motherMaw comes over and cleans her house evay week You said she should be tickled pink and to keep quiet Have you ever had anyone take broom out of your hand and say Hi do thisyou make the bedstiiss anyone ever come into your home and put away things in places where you can never llnd them have and its enough to give person migraine headaches The surest way toget some one to hate you is to help them too much The burden of gratitude can be awfully heavy it can rob person at his dignity Beloved is the motherinlsw who can sense when her help is needed and otter it unobtru sivaly And dozen orchids to the motherinvlaw who can come into her sons home and not say one word about the dust and LookLike Women Lawyers Criticized LONDON AHBritains women lawyers got repri mand Thursday for looking too much like women in court The High Court Judges have been noting with disap proval the appearance of women lawyers inelaborate hair styles frilly blouses knee boots and eve ml the eminent bar council sent the women lawyers letter sayi If legal pro ceedings are to be con ducted with dignity and de corum it is knportant that barristers should conform to the traditional sober cos tame disorder hope live long enough to be the kind of moth erinlaw never had Ban This fl Dear Bern You have point and would not deny Thanks for letting us see how it looks from the other side of the tran som IODE Chapter Enjoys Dinner on Doc ii ï¬nal lif Charles and 21 members of Kempeniclt Chapter Imperial Order Daughters oi the Empire enjoyed delicious hat turkey dinner at the home of Mrs Carl lilarshall liiincts Point In an preciation for hcr work in pre paring the dinner the members presented lifts Marshall with lovely table centrepiece Mrs Don McGee reported that she had in shed shopping for the veterans at Suanybroolr llospitaL Toronto anrl that she would be delivorlng the gills Dec 17 Christmas parcel has been sent to ltcginnld dohnston teacher in Kenora for the lodiaii mildrnn in his class Miss Jane Simpson organized the shipment of the parcel which contained Christmas stockings balloons candies and cookies for the child run The presentation of fit Confed eration Pictures prepared to distribution during Centennial year by IODE headquarters in Ottawa was made last month by Mrs Emest Wolfenden to tho Slmcoe County Archives An identical set of pictures will be donated in the near future to the Barrie Public Library new member Mrs if Wheeler was installed during the meeting The next meeting will be held inn 11Latth home of Mr lilgh Si man To llREAK Food and Drug Administra tion official in the United States says there is no scientific ovi dence that any product on the market is effective in breaking the smoking habit and doubts whether they take away the die sire to smoke Paanrcsrnnnrcs HERES Britts caustics rannrcs jre have large selection of harry DressFabrtcs greatlyreduced pr as ositxs It OTHER FABRICS 5312317 331381 SDIKHHJ 7331887 5313 SDIHZHJ We karma so