CHRISTMAS DAY time of joy or children as reflect ed in the faces of these as ters AEOVE Lindsay Salter uses the practised skill at thrccyeorold to feed her baby doll Judging by the ex pression on her lace the doll will be her lavorite toy for some timo to come BELOW live yeaMld Alison delights in talking over Mickey Monso telcphone Ebtnmlncr Photos iï¬llllellIinownflliarrie Woman7 ers SherringTDies Mrs Mabel Violet Shcrring wile ollhe lale Re Sherring or Barrie morning at the Dundurn Hall Nursing Home in Colllngwoud ï¬cwasot She is survived by her daugh ter cry Mrs Roher chemo Barrie nd three grand children vld vEliznbeth Mrsaherrlng was thequ otthe Guild lhlnlty Anglican mom Whom tba Cooch Dies altergrodua WIM mineral Home 152 Bradford SLL with service to be held at Trinity An oon Churchflhursday at 11 am She will be buried at the Bar rie Union Cemeteryncar the grave of her husband who died Oct 1966 Ilormer Ilrjgo edema Onti Crammer services wfll berheldchnesday Io Maj John JackhNéWtun no whocoached Toronto Argo to aGroy omhell victory in IBM Maflewlon became coach orara at from the University of Toronto wher he was captain of th sechnd World he organized the zen Light AntlAlrcraltshntter nadlan Artillery mill la unl liealso coached Snrnin on leglatelnstllute and Technlcal school to same lnterach lactic chardplohshlpsyondlorr lime coached Moat Relax Boxing Day Most Barrie residents took Boxing Day to relax alter the Christmas festivities although few offices and stores remained open For the youngsters yesterdays timely snowfall provided anex celicnt opportu ty to try out th new Christmas sleighs and his and many were out on the hills lhismornin Thcliarrie Chamber Com mercerecommendcd that mer chants close todayrand while rhany have complied few large retail stores are open Alsoopen are the post ofï¬ce rotrpvlincial declare 0v county courthouse and offices But the public library Control hoard city and county administrative iii todav lonl war years Ihererved be or committéee lnclndlnrthe commllleetolindhonslngforthe 1W it Wants Better Publicity 0n Civic Posts Mayor elect Robert Bent ley today blamed poor publicity for puhlic apalhy in Barrie to wards the announcement that the striking committce at city coon cll would be nccqxing applia rjons for appontment to 24 boards and commiï¬ions early in January City clerk Bcn Sirenghan has said that he uill accept applica tions lor individuals requesting appointment as late as Jan but that so or response has not been good So tar only have about hall dozen names he said lilayorclcct llcntlcy said that he has approached many people and has list at 15 names at persons who have expressed an interest in serving on board or commission Dnc ol the problems is that not enough publicity is attached to the publicntion ol lhc alllcisl list he said Not too many people cvcn see it when they read the paper Tecumseth llslrs Better Drainage BEETON Stall chumsctll township council has asked tho Ontario department at agrlcnl ture to continue study on best methods to prcvcnt lutpre load ing of the flat lands around Bee on Due to the excessive rains early last year there was con sidcrnhlc crnp loss of potatoes in the urea and it was argued much of this could have been avoided with proper drainage system Ilecve William lililllgan heads the chumscth council which at so includes Deputy ltccve Har ry Cross and Councillors Allan Glasstord Rcalord Long and Wallace Hulbcrt special commitlce on drain age has been studying the situa tion at the flat lands around here and the councils resolution re quested thnt thls cons tinucd Childrens Aid Society Seeking Additional Space special committee tslook ing into the matter olhcst meet ing the needs of Simon County Childrens Aid Society for more space and an early report is anticipated Thc society also serch the city or Barrie One proposal in report now being studied by county oliic ials suggestcd the county library headquarters be moved from its present location in the county buildings and this space given lathe Childrens Aid Society other accommodation in the city at Barrio also is being looked nd an earl Lalust reports showed 191 chit drcn were incare ol the Chil dren ld Socle 12 Jack son dchctor pointed out the number vnrics lro time to time CtééhrbreGroui Plans Election CREEMORE Stall Plans tor the annual meeting of the Creemore Horticultural Society VWbé discussidath bï¬d meeting called tor Thursday Jan 18 at the home at Mr and Mrs George Shepherd Date tor the annual meeting itsell has been set for Friday Jan on Presentation of reports and lootinn otlotiicers will he Anotberprnposal to be consid redcoucerns change in name lathe Creemora Area lflor ul National Issues In harper Focu Pearsjn Slates 0llAWAlCP ester Pearson said in hisChrist mas message Monday that 1967 has put Canadas national prob ilems immerrlocuscand they con he settled with thatigoo willr tolerance and understan ing hat lsthevery this season of Christma kin natio and millions their country gl our joy willrbe Inns party for the children ot members Saturday morning In Yule Five Barrio ministers chose varying thomcs Sunday to illus trnte to their congregations the meaning oi Christin Rev Joseph liloliloris oi the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd said Christmas is not over it has only begun Rev Kenneth Heron or St Andrews Presbyterian Church said Christ mas was in tact sad story of mans reject of Go Archdeacon Read to lty Anglican Church said lYou cannot repay God or His love butyou cnngiva Him joy by passing it on Proctor of addp in the Virgin Birth to convey his message that the birth or Jesus gives cause or joy disclosing love that logs companionship in every ordeal While Rev Tunks of the In ay Pcnctcostal Church aid 151cm Christmntho All can be realized only when we put Christ inour Christmas Mn hlolitoris told his congrc gotion on Christmas Day that ior much or therworld Christ ver butrtfor those at Gilda Eallmntdtï¬e fellowship His Son all the things that make thmasivhnt it is are here rightnow and are nota ingol the past but at the present and the future msr momma on the Feast of the tourLord whcnthe worlds celebration has already begunvto timeout the chmcth celebration is just beginning he said From now throu all the day at Christmas andlhe majestic Epiphany soon to comc uncontmedand my littellfl meaning Christmas is forever snd nodimgroan tarnish Chris as augelsï¬ gear joy Unto ur Gods Son was born in man ner low andtl0lliellhanzany one toptove that thererisno lile so that are in His aid strong and unity this year has aw entered into the one so poor or so lowly ns to IllYCEES ENTERTAIN YOUNGSTERS to movies gills candies and word with Santa Claus CITY NEWS THE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY DECEMBER 26 1967 Varied Themes Sermons tend that the stable was not real We dont wish to acknowledge that Christ was born into abject poverty and squalor CONTINUE PuErENCE Our modern Christmas wor ship tends to continue this pre tence We worship in our sanc luarlcs surrounded by an arti al kind at loveliness Situ ed in this hnlhousc ol rcl iosity we are able to avoid the squalor and ugliness of life pre tend that it doesnt exist and hope llvgo awany We must grasp the essential message or Christmasthat God gliness and squalor or mans lite with tï¬m He brought love that under stands and forgives rcjuvenates and makes man whole We dont need to pretend we dont need to hideirom real ity said Mr Heron beca God has chosen to involve in selvaithusand indoin sog lite meaningand sigmlicanc Archdeacon Read said Christ mas Day is the earthlybirthday of God who loves us and just docs not want he paid back God gave himsell to us on Christmas Day said Rev Read so weare tofgive ourselves to others You cannot repay God ior llisloveL but you can give Him joy by passing it on Some mayvthink they have nothing to be joylul or at Christmas said lilr Proctor But is par cularly ior them that the virgin birth or Jesus for closes alove eternalihaf brings companionship inevery ordeal it discloses hope that enniutes the pessimis it reveals Save ior that assures at day when there he no morersorrow nor crying and God will away allvtearszi to Christ gives all Barrio laycees hcldaChrist The youngsters wen treach Front from left Paul hic Grath Stephen and Scott Ev erton and Justin mushy POLICE PIND Christmas my mcan good will to most people but enough people in Barrie ignore the tradi tional message keep the pol ice herein The ï¬rst complaint investigol Ed by Barrie palice Christmas Day occiared when woman re ported drunk driver She went to the police station shortly belorc am and said that while shc was stopped at the intersection ol Duckworth and St Vincent streets her car was tnunpedjrom behind When she got out to mvesti gate she found that the driver or the other car was very drunk There was no damage done to her car but she decided to re into aserious accident Working from the licence num her police later checked the re sldcnce ol the owner of the car ï¬nding that the car was in the driveway and the hon lights were turned oli Shortly alter am call was recei ed lrpm who said there was an acct on at tersection or Peneoang and Dun donald streets Further investiga tion showed it was just nut sauce call tram drunk nlop St Womanrcnllcdpohceï¬séï¬her husband and two other men were fighting in the back yard oi their home The quarrel must have been Santa Claus lle recalled pact of his youth when he was in Church tilled withhoys and girls and Santa Claus called out the names olthe children Some re ceiverl many presents ut others got only abag oi hard candy Hesaldthatrasanta laps and Christmas tree have no place tuthe cllllldl of Jcsu Christ whine allshould berecened and regardcdcn an equal basis Christ gives salvationlor the soul and healing or the body and peace to theheartlsaid Santavclaus gives things to Isomeh hut Jesus mse His life to Back tram left Elaine Mb Grath Patty Terry and San dy Claydcn iExaminet Phot to Some Ignore Yule Spirit patched up because the men lctt in car few minutes later At 1135 Christmas morning the Barrie the department was callcdt roe cory SLAthr lirc in in hen stove was quick ly extinguishcd Freezing rain prompted police to call out the department of public works sanders at 440 am The only accident occurred at 510pm when $100 damage was donc toa car driven by David Mark Bozznnt 1d of 331 Blake St He was eastbound on Dunlap St and attempted to make turn onto Duckworlh ones invesï¬zit port the incidentehelora hoegnL lies guy wire and pole and department oi highways sign and pain were damaged police blotter 6r was the calling out of the show plows at 840 15 Regular Games ShoreTheWedlth