Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Dec 1967, p. 12

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SPECIAL NOTICES Merry Christ THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY DECEMBER 1951 ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS CASH RATES Engagcmenls Marriages and Deaths Blrih Announcements maximum 40 words Cards at Thanks 125 nvrdsl additional words so pcr In Memoriam no vcmi Verse per count linc extrai Coming Events BIRTHS Thurad nearin toa in Mr and 111 Don nn Harris Untaflo lIaula lllrhriiei at In Ittorln IInSDIIII nuc Rnckn WEBSTERMr and lln David 11 vrhatrr at nn Shaun ML to unnunru the birth or lKrllv alnrnurruei on nm 1401 I7 1957 It the llnsniral nan1e the noui Vlciarin Ilotnlial liar on Tumour 1x rrmcr 1937 to lulc and airs Jalrnii cauduor Itnaur Traliur MIR ITIrnaIm Ar lbs laminar Ior DEATHS arcrvon WilliamAt ht Royal vlrxana lioanltat nu lrlduv Dre William cigar at Southern raincr or trans lMls Jack llhnncst or rornnlo Wlllllm oi sdpar lum 1175 nut 11111 in liuiitt In his 5311 year Malina It ht iclhlck fun mi ilnmu 121 Dnyllnld Slrul allurric SunIce in the clllml Tuar dar It am Inttmltnl munr Un lpn Ccmrtrrv nammc Pekr Mithari sud dui1v at York Central Hospital Richmond Hill on rrldar 17min 11a iettr nnnunu natured husband Loretta Angeli dear vlnlhnr ur SiltrlLM ran at lieu nnd 11th nnuilna ol Darrin urdtiini n1 Ami nrrs It carpm mliumnm Danna Mrs liallni sliann talrs Illtilulzut and Nancy all 01 Ins lnrclcs Cniiiornll Tom and Susan path oi or name liusttat at the Iunnuti vunml Home 152 arndrnru sum Hank lor rt Ice on Tuesday Diccmber is at lntcrrnunt Christ chumn Crmeio Ivy Mr Drilling vlli pt rim nun Sulidpr Hand maltea Christmas iron in and 713 In 910 am only by lnmlly request wanav Lennard iri Josephs liaspltul Mndnn 9niarlo nn llnnday Dcccflllxr 1957 ihur Vadcv or We narrla Ontario husband lreunln rather pr Lit lira Keith Hnwlln pr hralhcr at Runnld oi outn Irs Clyde Rob st Ann Slimlin Ethel un on crtmn ui itanov randtatuer at prices no request Check Your Attic Storeroom Garagel Somebody Will Pay For Your Discards Call Wani AdVisor 7282414 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE IltETH REALTOR LAKEFRONT COTTAGES SiliCOE cuss suinm On paved road panelled fined and insulated inside cnnvcni unms Must be seen In be ap precinied illrnishcti $20000 Iso exclusive Mile Point ballroom bungalow lIh pan oramic view your round ric LARE SIIlCOE COTTAGE Slvtss Chalet Inrnlshcd inaltin tcd lintd reduced or ck sale $2300 down lnkn olpr pay mcnl CLOSE TO LAKE li acre lots $3500 Bullding tats Willi across in private park and beach illqu bathing for children 51101 in 112 Fringe stoned to water edge 5100110 Contact Ed louii Oro Station 1872128 11 KEITH LTD REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Duticvck Barrie Coibournc Sirourt lieuan Eimvnlc iii iiinchod Barrie Snow Strnud Wood oro Spencer Thornton Filuimmons Chlilll 4552620 1111 Egilnton Avc anonto 12 72175505 438 337 1111 7184759 1363 4872 45113211 East REAL ESTATE FRANK 73 BAYFIELD SIRELI STAN HAMMOND lliKr MAfiUS FRANK NLLUS 7260961 7151405 rum 11115 111le 131175 119 Dunlap St East rim nrwn Dvrd Atkinson lpan Lari 11 Mature Ioe lnnnln Barrett Louruud Shim Norman bhtllvitll IDS REALTOR 67 Dunlap SI W51 Harvey Writer Robert Fluwclling ttitii Scandrcti ictcr Manion Emory 4353815 mm 7281865 7986509 tiller 98 Bayiicld Strch Mortgage Funds Available GLORIA KDSSATZ MARGARET 11001 IRENE retinas 714nm Donna iIAY 1mm ROGERS 7154158 751114 Al the Five Points Council Rogers 7259765 121151127 Realtor 33 COLLIER STREET WILMA BlnlanL 7266321 115 23 51 wonsnsv STREET Norm Synnoli 71825213 Bill Hamilton 7285325 Mrs Norinc PROPERTY FOR SALE NELLES Photo Realtor 751105 EVENINGS CALL non SAUNDDis Cfiohta illml it ictIUCKi comm Tiam POSTER SH ELSWELL and WlLLSON MORTGAGE BROKER 7151122 01 73514251 liaruru Tarnuult 7268 Norah Rllku Gladu Sinclair Ketih nutSm Esemlt shrbwau vtllwn MILLER MORTGAGE ARRANGED 72731881 Perry Ford Gordon Spencer Emersnn Swain Kenneth Miller 7250563 7287930 7285318 7258605 MIDI HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY PilUIO ILS REALTORS 1266133 Free Customer Parking EVENINGS CALL CURLY Rimsriliuimv 72351115 airwnizn 1r noon main KLOOSIERMAN Asa91M mu GoEDmIONDT 7111566 GRANT unaARTHUn mom CONNELL Photo Realtor DUNLOP STREET EAST Phone 72115568 EVENINGS CALL Fred Epioit 72119793 Rogcrs 7283531 BIDWELL Photo PHONE 7284430 MARY MORRISON 7E9933 ELAINE iNESON 7284234 CARSON TELEPHONE 71661 Russ Carson 71166161 Rupert McGrath Etmvnlc 7391122 Charles Hepwurlh 7266462 Allsou and law The late 11 WNW ls rcslin at tau llrccknn rItlzc Ashcrort Funeral iinmc Olvcn souudr where thc scrylce will be held nrl Thursday literupon at 10 oclock Tumpnrarv cnlnmn merit Grccnriood viuusuluuni lntur interment lieunt Pleasant Cente tery Sarawak KING Vloirt Blanche Eccton Passed away at Steven sort Memorial Hospital Alliston nn Saturday December 29 1951 violet Blanch King daughter at the late Isuc and Victoria Klnx aunt nuatrlca lits Elwood Corbclll oi Darrin Donald luniz or Dunlap und amt aunt or Elaine Mrs Gnome Mccazuci or Alltsinn and Blluche Inns Kat Jcnscni or Culiinzwood und sister or Elwyn lung and Beatrice iIIra Avpltlim both deceased hr min ym Funeral Iaol placcdmn Thomas Funeral Chapel Itllislan on December 15 at 711 nrn ln termunt Trinity United Cemetrry Beeton line at can Edward the torlu Hospital Barrie Juan bmther of Stanley Min will and Nlna Also illivIV lid by 11 Erandchlldrcn and Emit anddllldren Rcslinl at the Path ck Funeral 110m 127 anficld £01 SelIIce In the dlavel Wed ed Wm Interment Minc film Uninn Cgmctm mans Donnie Lynn At 11ml tcwrta Hospital non12v Dev 25 19671Onnlc Lynn Blake Iur or unnald and 111 Dunn 511N901 slrrpl Deborah nrl in hcr 2nd ynar nesting at the Pethlck nlneni HDmE Ill Bay laidstrut Barrie Service In the chase Vcdacsdav at it run innu mintnlnlev mumCamel COMING EVENTS Bingo COWLTD 1t COLLIER ST iv LAWRENCE BAKED GlunY GIBSON MARION vatIAN ANITA swut pl nsvmux ANGUS IIARV slvlrr an JENNINGS CIlOIkan GARNER lllGGleON DIRRACOLO MLS REALTOR 71114101 721M117 7131711 7251451 11111891 1710155 4195191 7181105 12511754 715 11567 1251755 71111111113 Phone 7262419 93 Dnnlop St mortgages luaam MARSHALL 72211511 MARGUERITE 1100111 73112135 GREIA ZIETIARA 72125177 INr YOUNG 7181717 LAURANS 1an Allistnn 41 PETER GUDDELS 7132415 comTs AND CO OWEN ST 7232485 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NDSRRai HIGHLAND PARK VILLAGE $1511 32 HIGH ST Charlic Read 7282817 Don Campbell 1312423 Doug Campbell 41112423 Smith Campbell 721773119 Photo 11113 Realtor ROSE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES RENTALS l5 OWEN ST 7282371 Al Rose Res 7155116 Bill Mackne Res 7760726 Russell Smith Res 7289996 Mary Vair il Res 7230366 Real Estate Broker XIII BAYFIELD ST 7239451 SPECIALIZING IN RURAL PROPERTIES Evenings Call LEO CAVANAUGH 72611477 LARRY TORPEY 72617715 BILL RAWN 72641999 PETERS IWILES LTD Realtor 7187410 CAMPBELL PHOTO ILLS 721141111 REALTOR RES 7237389 Hugh Plowman 7160125 Ron Allan 1565113 Bud Watson 7280915 Fred Taylor 72111105 LGRIEéSgACH 7289844 Ted Brigncll 7268160 Laddie Griesbach 12691114 Belts4872517 no toll Real Estate Broker THORNTON HWY 17 Telephone Cookslawnisflvzfifi LOTS FOR 5111 TEN ACRES NIH til Blflll Sisoo arrtar Burria Exlmlner Dont forget to transfer you lNSUIlANm and it you need extra coverage of any kind sea IREAL ESTATE AIITS ron SALE AUTOMOTIVE MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS am am RUSSELL CHURCH MobilglIomes General Glendale ITavelux Paris and Service Cash or Terms up Year I70 BURTON AVL 7239666 RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT BEDROOM and an bedroom Inlrlmml ior Nut SI vtpcrnt Grave Iru Call leet 72144115 NEWLY DECORATED tour room npartment nvntinhlc stare and re rlxenlor Central location Ttlr phone 7233591 tor runner Mfum ars SELFCONTAINED lined aparuneni suitanle tor couple with an child Available January in 113450 mu AND bcdmom marinata or kill aims and niltremor washing iarillilea parking or Drill rar Ctntrlllv located loo Kcm pcnlzlt Drive Tolnvhnrie mom LARGE TWO bedroom apartment unmrnlshed selrcpninincd laundry and parkinu lacllltiu Close in school Ind park Em end children welcome rplepaana 71451 use 111111110031 apartment urnlxh cd or urriurnlshad vim 10 Iowa parking Avnlllhln Intuitdiale lr Tclcpnone 7250931 HOUSES FOR RENT oulme located titmm for rent Itpplv 256 Dunlap Strut vrst for iurilur lnrorrnatlun llousi Fort RENT west end or Barrie ties to schools April 255 Dunlov Street West TWO mzlmooar rent $105 monthly Maximum children please For appointment Iniolillfinn 71872111 tse ivmn and tun roun Brannon new house7 nnlnrnorns iaruc lItInil roam din nlnl mom tame kllchln dunno lot 30 at so it rrnt 1171 lllcvhunl 7261501 or Ham31 MM ROOMS TO LET nnnsmma rwrnror mil sult nble ior adults Annlv 209 Walnut ton East Telcnhonn 72611126 NURSING HOMES VACANCIES snailprivate sun day privalu 510 TM service 14 hour nuralnr aura Fivn Maples Nursinl Home Tnprntun Taitpliant M9241 STORES FOR RENT Drrrcs Alma ror mm at nun Rnld sliitlhie or storage slnllll rrpnlv ourlncss elm rent 5617 per month Telrnhonu 71114751 ARTS FOR SALE ITS HERE run FAMOUS SHERLOCK MANNING PIANO lo diiiereniudcslgns fi shes Just onnheauutul Inné KEENANS MUSIC STORE Dunlap Si IV mam ADVANCE TV AND ACUUIIFSERVICE Used Washing Machines $15 and up Reconditioned TV 325 gt andtip 14 MUIEASTER ST MS gt WHERE IVE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL ORDER NOW Rams Home maul sausage meat Gnarlys MEAT Pail ROBINSON HARDWARE rfpr quality used appliances 510195 Rerrigerstors mam 7286374 th1 VESTOCK FOR SALE Fresh Turkeys Geese Capans From womans point 01 Ticvi KITCHEN AID Dishwashers by Hobart are the greatest in lime and temper savers See the lull line ROBINSON HARDWARE Dunlap Si 72am MILDRENS sri Boot Britan at nanla Snoru Ltd Conicr 51ml nPlWRIITR special rentI rut inr niudmu Rental applied on pummu Michth bought sold rented rrpaim me miniu star matrill on 161 MW st wast 15 FRUITS 8r VEGETABLES SPIES cournauns liner Deltelt laur ma dentm in nanla nn bushel or more 71351110 11 Samurai DOGS Br PETS CHIHUAHUA Puppies and part Sam and otherL Really cute Rea tonaNe Telenhonc 7236131 scoTcIl calle Orr AInhlr nun pleu ror Illflt choose now will hold or Cnnrunas Trlepaaue 716494 or iurihcr deulla ARTICLES FOR RENT CALL 7280580 it you need ito havu it MARTIN Rental Centre 437 Dunlap St ARTICLES WANTED nunltum Stoves 11 anunna AD clsll roll oldrllshtnntd llama clocks alnss china silver nooks ctr Anttaue Cellar 17mm FARMER MRKT DEAD 510 Dead or cripplcd cattle and horses Small animals removed frce For fastvservice PHONE DARRIE 7286200 Icoilecti or ask for NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE 24 hours day days neck RR human Ontario License No ZFHCSI Nick Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies ll Service Case New Holland David Brown Ecutty 176 BURTON AVE 721137 CASH RAD TERMS MASSEY FERGUSON Sales ailll Service Guaranteed tractor overhaul BARRIE FARM AND INDUSTRIAL LTD tiny 21 mile south at Barrie 7261435 HANK BROWN Deiavai Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Complete line of Dairy Farm Equipment Supplies Barrie SIInlly Hwy 27 minor REGISTERED Yorkshlte boars nd and gills ior sale serviceable Barnard Mayer RR Minesln Telephone Moo House for sale an mare In antmolarnsnhsmiian an inn mi 17111 51501Iein91wn1 MESSAGE fro CLASSIFED Ill1y TIN 110 Bradford St THE LIVELY ONE Lakeshnra Dr Harrie Toboggnni house facilities SEASON and DAILY RATES mas Happy New Year to allfrom the Classified Staff CAR ACCESSORIES 75c CarWasII Arid Wax Completer Automatic MINUTES Drivra Stays in Car BP STATION 150 Bradiord SI Comer at John st and Bradlord OPEN DAYS WEEK COO KSTOWN AUTO WRECKERS CIIEV VB motors CliEV motors 261 735 210 FORD V6 motors 331 352 FORD moinri All types at transmissions and differentials Standard or Automatic good selection oi body parts Open am io8 pm DAYS WEEK DELIVERY SERVICE Phone answered unlit 10 pm OOORSIDWN 4539124 SNOWMOBI LES TRAIL BLAZER SNOWMOBILE 6ch John try Before you buy KNOII PINE RESTAURANT MOTOSKI Sales and Servlcn UNIROYAL CENTRES Bombardier Skidoo Sales and Scrvira BAYVIEW MARINE See the TRAIL BLAZER SNOWMOBILE I8 hp on display at HANDY HARDWARE ADCONA BEACH RD STROUD SNOWMOBILE CLUB RICHBROOK GOLF CLUB miles from Barrie nil Hwy 90 sleigh riding Club SEE DARCY Bombardier WéII Heleou WriiefAdS These Skilled rra 72117306 7185565 7755119 CARS FOR SALE BerIiGréliam Motors 111 BRADFORD ST Barrie mloat our name means great deal VIAU RAMBLER I7 Gowan St 7256138 AUTO REPAIRS SPECIALIZING SPORTS CAR TUNING and small car repairs Redline Import 36 itiary St 7268101 YOUR FRANCHISED DAISUN DEALER MOFFAIT Mercury SERVICE DEPARTMENT Equipped SIRIch To Service Any Maire Of Car Our Expert Mechanics ARE STILL ON THE JOB TO GIVE RELIABLE SERVICE TO SMALL CAR OWNERS Molfait Mercury Ltd 81 ESSA RD 7285558 MISTER Transmission Lid Automatic Specialists all Dunlap St 72183211 WELL HELP YOU WRITE wantadsthatget resliltsi Examinerh Ad err Lap Io iflp you wfiliyour classified ads flo place your next want ad dist 17mm direct lItle the Want Ad Dept 72824 SERVICE esmen are Ready to War on Your Job Immediately BOOKKEEPING PLASTERING GRAVES BusAdmln rusmm celluurx rec rnpinr latinn Bookkmini smug1 mwnys myeifllxperienurfls mine 11 rlannlnr SANDSLASTING PAINTING CLEANING hrich Wild 01 meld Palrun andbeeonunz Guaran lead aggrkinnnsnip Phone 115M Iiea rsflmntu Guaranteed runn GRonGlArr ammo panderta Izhl es at Anna Sinai or 973166 Go south on Highway 11 to city limits Or CNR tracks turn Ielt off 3rd road alter railroad Lit tle Avenue and our modd homes are on theiirs mail to 726 homes for ya the ft Peter Light lthE consultant BE3V1tLUMEER 29 7211 5541 79 Dunlop st Wet We have lshomcs undar con 13 structlon With model homes mo brick home $300 JACKPOTI opcntor youryonvenience famed mags summer kilnhen AtNOWfiWMBERQitWBU 1°$i°1 will 3°pa7uri WWW gtv Tram Wis first League 11Caaaa featuring low taxes alum JeleneiimsitNQILIFIW 35941775 storms and screens and finished to NRA specifications etc etc BUS OPPORTUNITIES ctc For iurIIIer hlinrm ion ealt Gur don Coulis EVENINGS maximums mm is SANDY ivan 13 STEVENSONS DUNEOPS 72517111 MORTGAGES USERS Before you call an AilVisor to place yours Consider Th1 Yo about toinvest may for an ad andwe want you to get results To accomplish this it is necessary foryau to TELL ALL about the detailsof your offer He sureryou dont make the following errors that swam is Wednésday pm ARMY NAVY AND LAIRVFVORCE CLUB Washers Dryers 31 Dunlop st WWI THE BEAVER WAY wNORTHWAY RUG Beaver can erect any of its CC The house of fine broadloom DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED snowman REmnnnE all sizes and prices 61 Collier SL Phone 72511111 IELS HIT Psd twl 11d ITktESIIMIdlnriIE lo ixnislktiinyiinz up to miles Perinn taunzhtr wall can comnlet with antectlvumma inr Write or Phone 72641911 usnnroncun Airruruacen or sale in gnod madman For nu ruculm telnphone MEDIAN lsiand 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhera on ALL Rom FARMS COMMERCIAL Pnomrmsnfn 90 0F VALUATIONS =HOHEEHODE eflmnflfllu Oahu CARPENTRV AL N8 renovltions house Ob nilon Ia LimoSenna tradesmen 1185409 in 7166743 snownt Snow Blower SIIesIntt Service lawn Mower and um rilltr altar firm andrapalra Mulligan arou at naiumnnvn 1mm gt111 Any 710 Matty do not find it convenient to come 07flill1humg Dont Conceal Th2 business nmc MORTGAGE NEWSPAPER First WW at low oimpla CDUTIS 715m Refilling and collecting money MATS contrads new NEWSOUiHWARD COMMUNITYIIALL stat Bonll 011114111 Si JohnViliauney Hall TUESDAY DEC 26 ACKPOT $310 109 Bayfield St 7281071 Appr Sal invited 3EVEN1NGS JOHN HWIIITE Rnallor ITE mtmo Joan CDLE mum Eric from NEW TYPE high quality in operateddispensers in this areaNo selling To qualify yon must have car relerences $6011 to $2501 cnsh Seven Iolwelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly came More full time For ipersohal intarviewfi write DI ST IBUIIING LIMITED 302 DuelietteiAvenue Suite iiiiliindsor Ontarl cludephone number mternsl Up to ni your pm rariyyaln 14m Lillypay meats on away For any mortgage pm biemsrsee CORBYReal Emu 93 Dunlap 5113 1212419 no nu own man li mu mural in purEuLa 3113 slzs ml in ideal farRain entitlement glues gnrlau sin uerieei nralutor Only to Apply nanla IExunilnzr amunnpr Aniipuncur Ask film dralzr in rain ac nunJane him knniurona and Halters dunno Ga unknre Price Desired Surveys slimythat high percen tage of readers will not answer an ad nulessilie price is given 41Dont Leave VIIIonic On Many good prospecti VlllIlUI call the second imp if your phone is unanswere Dont Omli Important words To Save Money Readers ea guess ouIlnporb arit detamp Remgmberin wall writtnnTnlonnatlve ad Will get anti faster and in iliaiongnin Dont Overlook Our Rate post much or manmG per In mm Pickup and arr 71m JANITORSERVICE 4v 10an 1111 douflnnlnl bf Icieflinlua 3315 mm mm REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON RWQERATIONSERVICE and repairs ALLEN Mu Panna underm unr izn nundnnald st aarr Telepauno mama or Inning SMALL ENGINE REPAIR BAYSIDESMALL ENGINE CENTRE Sales and 8871a snowman and ARENS Snowbinwers MOTGSKISNOWMOBEES MM flTORDNTOSI satiric TANKS

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