BIG Midland has been the scene of much industrial development in rccent years Photograph learnt carrier shows cornrgated metal cul vcrt 96 inches in diameter which was lubricated by TPL MADE liT MIDLAND lndustries Limited at their new Midland plant ATC lilcNab deputy minister of the depart ment of highways of Ontario officiated at the opening cere mony The metal culvert re ceived much attention from spectators ELlllVALE Stall With the Mohawk race meeting over Keith iVapics 43 yearold sulky driver well knowu to Simeoe County racing fans looks for ward to iust another week of driving belore the end of the 1561 rd bar 3L Currently Keith is busy ship ping horses and equipment from Ihc farm near Victoria Harbour to his new Durham farm Some 10 head of horses also are being moved in Greenwood stables to be ready for the New Years Day opening there Beth Christmas and New Years Keith intends to do some driv ing at Windsor all weather track where brother lurray also Oro Station Driver maples 250gWinner been otticial starter for fall fair races in various parts oi the county and elsewhere lives here in Elmvaie and last fall assisted at the Elmvale fair ram nnrvnn orYEAR With 250 winners solar Kath has goodtchénc the Canadian drivcrvofrtha ym honors liis 1967 record has been the best of many suecessiui years tor the sulky teamstcr who started race driving as led at 13 at the Sundridge air where he went in as substituteior his iather and came upwith surprise victory His 250th win which came on the closing day at liiohawktrack at Campbellvilie will long be re emberc this area only by local irrends of Keith biit at successor th in by lsohel Andrews of ore Sta Keith brought home horse appropriately nam ed lsoheis Choice for the notable win over field of eight The mare moved Up from sixth at the halfway mark to filth at the turn nithe lirs The time was satlstactory for themilc pace licsidcs leading in wins Keith was top money winner with $213 711 with Ron Feagan second with 5210650 Brent Davies in third place drove winners of 5124195 Total attendance for the 275 card sulky schedule of the Out ario Hockey Club wasa record 1420808 patrons Owners oi the socaiied stands bred horses won $3082787 Council Ari Bradford BRADFORD Stall AWith business for the past twoyear term completed preparations are being made here for the in sugural meeting at Bradtords new 195869 council The members will make their Meclarations andbe sworrr into officeyat meeting on Monday Mas mer chant Jelliesth eighth year as head of the council at this meeting when he will deliver his inau raladdress It is anticipated the mayor will review some of the consldg crable civ chievernants of the past term which included centennial park as prom withfWesFGwillimhury rovementfanriJnuch civic developmenL He also is ex pected to touch upon immed be More prospects which are gen eraliy rated as excellent for Bradford growth couer POSITION Bradfo st county repre sentaiive and XOUNG ROJACK HAS courts and county in also will be back for another two years and they likely will tell at Bradfords position at the county level Themnty now looks alter the assessing of the town as well astveliare admin istrationot justice through its Bradford also pays its sha re toward county roads accordin to its Jihe Brad asses ment for county sea for its 195i levy has been pl ed at $4 2M616 ilith highes ng the seveutowns Onlllo with$35583 azr highest iollowedby land with $18416113 Colliogwood 513753515 Allistoa gssazanoo than Bradford Penehang is sixth just at highest among the townshipswith $1 ME momma tilliitiiliitlliiliiifli We in wereTconrmd Show Changes councillors in rhial trying who headed the pollingin the recent election Arthur Turner and James Catan The new bers will be given an oil iai welcome by the mayor Retiring fromcouncil service loathe present at least will be Councillors Ken Tupiing Torn Evans and DaveyThey valnab services rendercdat the closing meeting torllhfl The public utilities commission for the new term will include Gordon Bantam Milton Eamhly James Climb Paul sadloo Jr and the mayor Public school trustees include Elackviell Kenneth Woodrihomas GardnerrW don fMusson Dennis Partridge andbehhrllr carolswvili West Gwiiiimbury Council Unchanged BRADFORD Stall First regular meeting in 1968 for West Gwilllmbury township council will be held on Monday Janu ary starting at 130 pm it was announced here Reeve Keith Langford heads the council which will be un changed irom 1567 having been elected year ago for two years other members are Deputy Re eve Arthur Wright and Council lors Orville Hughes lobn Fen ncilandlobert turgeon Cooksiown lauds 4H Club leader COOKSTOWN Stail Club leader with the Cookstown dairy club Sam Pr ch has received special car icatc comme ating rs yearsot service with the 4H clubs of the area Since he cametoVCoolrs wnrin theearly 1950 MrAFrendr has been active in the Cookstown dairy club and he played an im portant role in making this club the largest in the area He has been receiving congral tulations of friends and commen dation from club members and other leaders Victoria Harbour Reeve Remains ReevecarsonKeeicrwiil gain head the Victoria Harbour village council tor the new term and will he County council as tth villages representative mesThléttTTiieï¬Wcro Robichaud and Cecil Profit Peiletier and Don Cadeau are the hydro co missioners tor the SHANlYBAY Staff advent festival of la heldfhy mas Anglicsnchurch choir her on Tinnsday at pmRcv landorganist and choiryieaderis at Arthur Ontario VICTORIA HARBOUR Staff baek at Simone Four age councillors will he Himisaedorotthechurch in New Council lit Creemore CEREMORE Stall New Crcemorc council which takes ole lice in January wul show three gauges tram the outgoing coun former reeve willred War den is back and will replace Gordon Watson who will become the new Simone County clerk Mr WaLson will be moving in Barrie alter he sells his buy iness here hir Warden defeated former warden James Pattonaud Coun cillor Nelson Corby in the recent voting for reeve hir Warden was reeve in 1965 and previously had been councillor and rcevo There will be two new coun ciilors in Gerald Blackburn who has been receiving congratulm tion of triends for toppingtha polling and Frank llart who ran second hir Blackburn was councillor in 1959 Back again will be Councillors Harvey Pettigrew who will be starting his sixth year in lnnug ary and Alex hicAllister who willba standing his ninth Creemorcs representatives to tho Nottawnsaga area school board wiiibe William Gordon and Herb Newell Barrie Cow Sets Frne Milk Record purebicd Holstein cow in the herd of Allan Kendeih hicliean of Barrie has completed ï¬ne record of performance prodoa tion test it was announced by the Holstein Friaian Assciu tion headquarters at Brantlord As an nightwearold in 306 days on twica day milk ing Glenelcu Texal Fayne lli Lass produced13035 pounds of milk containng 799 pounds int average test 847 pcr cent butter iat This record has breed class average of 195 per cent for milk and us per cent for fat Innisiil crust Get 4H Awards gt smoun Stall Provincial honor certificates and phrsbavo been presented to three 41H Homemaking club girls for sun cessfully completing 12 projects They were Grace Elliott at Hol ly Cathy Tyndale Strou and County pins and certiï¬cates for six projects were presented to Karen Hooper of Churchill Jane Realty and Lois Horne ot Stroud and Wendy Hutchinson of Thornton Eightyone girls from the area successfully completed the pro iec The Club Girl Entertain Juicy convince COHNWALL Out CF Three Montreal men were vlcted bylan ailvmalo jury Tony day of breaking entering and theft They were charged follow hgthelbeftpb $3681 worth or merchandise from hardware store in nearby Long Sault gt We Prospects Scrid Good SMYNER Stall Staynu is friendly town in good tour istnreaandweiecltheprw pects or development are ex cellent said hire lean Cami whose husband Jack operates bodytiller for cars It 226 Beach street hlr Carroll wu lormer mayor of Stayner it ks good sporting town said Mrs Carroll menUoning tho Stayncr Lions hockey club the Granite curling club civic swimmin pool and other recre ation inc tiles in the town hit Carroll is manager at the hockey club which last winter won the group honors and made com mendahlo showing in the play oth before losing out to Us bridzc We hope to see the team make the playoftr again and win more honors for Stay oer SPONSORED BY LIONS Besides being hockey boos ter lilr Carroll is past presi dent ot the sponsoring Stayuer Homciubaodalsoapastdw trict dcwb governor He has served on the town council in eluding the mayors chair At the present time the Lions club has 33 memth with ir vlng Locke the president Acv mo in social service and co DISTRICT NEWS run banana antitank wnounsoar one l961 New 0ro Snowmobile Park To Be Opened 0n Weekend SHANTY BAY Stall Eight snowmobiles are ready for the opening of Thunder Bridge snow mobile winter park which is to take place this coming weekend weather permitting The park Ls located on both sides at Line road Oro We hope to get the park un der way on Saturday morning at 10 aclodt said Ted Swain Barrie businessman who will op erate the park Mr Swain lived at Coliingwood until moving in Barrie in loss The large new park which in cludes approximately 400 acres has picturesque sno wmoblle trails throughimiling hills and bush traits as well as level areas There is separate racet way or racing While snowmobiles are avail able for those who wish to rent them persons will be welcomed to bring their own and use the park facilities at small charge There are nrora then ran snowmobiles in and around Bar rie said Mr Swain stating this ul nter sportrni An enthusiast ï¬ï¬‚ï¬eltf llrl Swain has owned snowmobile for three yearn And have had lot of fun withit he said macros room QUEBEC CF Provincial police said Tuesday skeleton found av 25 has been identi ï¬ed as that of Roland Tancrede at who disappeared in the an alarm at 1960 VTancredenavet crop of the Korean War shot twice in the headby 32 calth bullets doctor said no mm warm PHONE 7732414 rank aspirant the most pop With 50 members so far the organization is growing daily rid ere have been numerous inqu We anticipate busy season at activities said the onetime Collian hockcy player munity Im the club has spon sored the hockey team Snuilcst town in Simone Coun ty with population lust under 1000 Stayner is located in the midst of popular torulst am and there is much current op trnirm over its prospecu for math The towns main cen termini project during the past year was the development at Centennial Park whldi was op erred during the sum In swirrming pool project started by the Lions club was assisted by many residents and former residenk and also the council SAME COUNCIL lilnyor Elmer Dorityroho op crates in farm implementhusi ness is head at the council which is unchanged tor 1963 since it was elected year ago for twoyear term other members include Reeve William More and Councillors Arthur Pool Ken Kerr McDonald Harry hil thcrs Donaldiiiciniyre Ind Wil liam Knox Founded with the arrival of the Northern Railway in rest the community was ï¬rst called Notinwasaga station and later Dingwall The present name was applied in 1561 in honor at pl oncer landowner named Suther land Stayner The first sotilcr Andrew Coleman hoteiman arrived the same year as the railway The community was in corporatod as village in rm and as town in 1588 Because ot its location in tho Wasaga Beach Blue lifountnia resort areas has large sharo of tourist shoppeM Brewers Retail