NEWS or smrcoE comm GILEORD By MRS A4 SAWYEE UNITED CiiURï¬l WOMEN Christh meeting was heid Dec at ihe home oi him Kirhy with large attendance Ind presided Mr Sams opened the meeting Reports were xivan by secretaries oi the years work in ilCW him lsanyer gm report of encou dve meeting in Annie hirr Hughes an the naminntims re wrtnndmRKelleondIlcted ihedectiondolflwa MILE Gnthrieunxuwlolndmnl Nemth prepared anktnre drewmmniut unmkwyeriaitheaxkt rm wotthin sewn rlsttn her were Mn Saw yer Mu Kell Mrs Hughes him RNeii1y limb Nelily and hits mum Lira Frank Keil gavel on Snlnie hlaria at hfldlnnd mc iliCmetItthehnmenHohn Mill Dec 11 with present Rev Mr Geddu towed ï¬lm on the Emu Clroi and louse Mel on Expo W031 INSTITUTE Gliiord Womans institute met In the hill Dec 11 lot their husband guest hurt businm meeting wu conducted by Mrs Carma and roll wu lowered with lift lnr Slum Manor lama dauchnwu alloyed and the mimrsobbrybrwyznndthe warhutndlthechfldmmd humid and delldma mm The run and arm were decorated lo the chrirtmae Ruile DAY Giiimi 4H Club gin attended Achievement Buy in Alliaton high school Dec Those te ceitihl county honors tram ihir club were Judy Neiily Nancy Bell Eiiubeth Keli and Eina hdh Miliilln Christine Mfllixnn was the commentntnr inr Ihu hihit an iahie centred The moi were nut in the aiternoon 11ng or Tho cm Gill En terums were Mn Rose Neiiiy meeting were held it in Ne lyl home each woek WNCZRT Glilnrd Sunday School heid their mm party and can out in ihe hlil Der 15 with large attendance Each clan hrd an item lnr the nraxram Prim ary children began with tho Cher story Kindsgarten classth Rhythm Band There were Eeveni ether niayl recitaiions and plnno solo by Marilyn Kzii Mrs Nuhiit led in aingin carol assisted by Miss Winnilred Neiiiy at the piano Sent CIIuE came and Plump lunch no med by an earn mittee Ind mutants EDGAR By and ML 80m Gangrmiiatiatu in Mr and him Hnney Andrew on ihe ar rival nl hnhy daughter Mr and Mr Bah Bouncy were visited by the ahivaree gang Wm 0m Buntixt Sundry School held their Christmu can cert at the Community hill large crowd oi pa rent and Iriends run on hand In hur the radiations my plan and Pi VAC PAC iROlEN TURK OVER 20 LBS 61014 LE5 8¢ mm PRICED HIGHER AT up NONE FRIOED HIGHER AT no selection which were titen by all megiherLoi lho retool Charla Sunpmn was master ceremonial and Rev Mr Smith tune Orriltrnu We KNOCK hind and Hinton lib end in the Communityanhe to hid ilrufli to hlr and Mn mommmmnmarmndnmO ter an Inning ni Hahn chairum KerhSIunm odesdilrttKei KIM for Joe and Jouvil Gothum Ind ML and Mn Don Cochran who have moved in their new homes in Stroud and ivy runeclivew Al Juicy Pleasingl CANADA GRADE EVISCERATED Youno DOUBLE YOUR MONEV BACK IF YOU ARE NOT COMPiEiELV SATISFIED WITH YOUR SUPERMIGHT BRAND TURKEY CANADA GRADE EVISCERATED YOUNG All WEIGHTS SAME LOW IRICEI FRESH TURKEY CHOICE RED BRAND STEERBEEFI smtom STEAK PORTERHOUSEor lb WING STEAK In noannHousE nonsr 3wa CuI OUR OWN SUFERRIGHT BRAND SEMIBONELESS SKINLESS DEFATTED vSAUSAGEMEAIVT nonKrcuons MAPLE LEAF PURE PORKV GENTRE ctrr OXBR 09 N07 R0 lb4 N0 Imam up We have one Low Priceonly on Vac Pac Frozen Turkeys prior 20 poundsand one Low Pripe only on Vac Pac Frozen Turkeys I0 Ib ulna Ia49E Ib109 14 pounds Hilda Fix ins 90 1589 NIAGARA coIL FRESH POLISHSAUSAGE MINCED PORKT tsoc PORK BUTT ROAST SEEIHEXT n69 COCKTAILSAUSAGE aum 12maviypick79¢ SMOKEDHAM °FÂ¥Saf3° In SIDE BACON iii€€nï¬iiéif CHICKEN LIVERS I5fi$3 $49 xiF UNABLE To PURCHASE ANY ADVERTISED ITEM rLEAEEnEQUEsrAIRAIN cuscm 9129 BREAD cnumas STUFFING MIX in Bprhy whorl or mm ï¬nm 21 uva lo CRANBERRY ME 2mm Hnlvy Duty Fnil wm REYNOLDS WRAP Wynn hark 69e JanePhrklr srurrms BREAD or mtgr25 Jun Ir Bonita 296 Jan Farkir Rublemud tfo ocery Volues emu EIIEkwIII PLUMPUDDING Libbya Flnoy Ounliiy TOMATO 4mm 39 cm pm an SAVE to MAXWELL HOUSE no 79 THE REALTHING FROM FLORIDA 825 bilvl1¢ All ORANGEJUICE Mahl69x an rm In no luv SMOKED Overns 2tm59 imam Tahhinn Prino nkn ud now IEllD 22ézpknx59c Kraft hwycolumn nwr avEu MARGARINE mm em in 4a savE 4o Loniinn SILVERBROOK Fresh OALIEORNIA SUNKIST SEEDLESS GRAPESf lnIilriadLNh to YAMSV Festive Produce HAVELLNo mm emu31mm Party Supplies iiy If sLa catto BAG noNEJmcEpnIuHEn AT CALIFORNIA EMPEROR VLARGE FULL CLUBTER8 Florida Hend8 TOMATOES ICOCKTAIL ONIONS Muunw Mumdin gt7 ES ilezKeMllv69é ICOCKTAI erEs Yukon Elna Sada wm GINGER ALE AERBRANET¢INTHE SHELL MIXEDVNUTS Wini