UNDER THE watchful eye oi instructor Mrs James Whit iield Kathy Palmotcer prsc Club Hopes To Develop Skilled Barrie Gymnast There are lit good reasons why there is gymnastics club in Barrie Thats the number oi young sters between six and 17 ycarr who are members The club was termed in De tober alter David Boyd physical education supervisor ior Barrie Public Schools approached the Barrie Board ot Parks and Rec rcation and asked it it would sponsor such club Ono oi the iirst gymnastics group in the city was started two or three years ago when Mr Boyd instructed school children Need lor better equipment as could be obtained in collegiate gymnasium led him to seek the sponsor Growing size oi his group also dictated the move Barrie Gymnastics Club meets at gymnasium in Central Col Plan Recreation Conierence In Barrie In Spring 1968 community recreation eon ierence will he held in Barrie in the spring of 1966 Sinner director oi parks and recreation ior the city last night told Mr board the purpose of the conference would be to determine what is being done locally in recreatton to make longrange plans and improve conditions between ici fznre agencies and the commun Tha conference would be two nights the ï¬rst being ban quetwlth keynote speaker possibly the deputy minister oi education Following his speech delegates would he dividedintd snail discussion groups and given the task otsteting what they would like tosec in the recreational his of hands Betwem thsrlirst nndsecond evening the mlnutes die groupv dlscosalonsand sum rnaryof present reaeation iivities in Barrie would be sent to each delegate along with tires her cartwheels during meeting oi the Barrie Gym nastics Club at Central Colleg iate Besides basic tumbling lcgiate Thursday nights it is di vided into two groups depend ing on the level oi ability attain cd by individual members They range irom fledgling to inter mediate level gymnasts First competition will be in February 1969 when team oi eight or in will travel to Toron to to enter Central Ontario Gymnastics Association meet Mr Boyd says one oi the basic reasons tor the club is that Co ado has been lagging in sport So the more clubs We can term the better He is convinced it is the best sport ior physical development outaide oi swimming Even it one doesnt become really good at it he says tircre is the sense ot achieving something worthwhile Probably the hm thing about gymnastics plan of bridging the gap be tween the present state of re creation in the city and the ideal as they recommend it Antidpatedccrt or Use confer ence is sooo half of which would he paid by the Cmnnun ity Programs section oi the De partment of Education Mayorelect Bentley will be approached and eskedto en dorse the conference and the name The Mayors Copier ence on leisure and Recrca um Mr Stone said the intimi snt thing about idle mildewlice would be the gathering together rmthnal leisure groups in the city The corderenoe will determine vhat assistance the delegates leel tbepeotrs and recreation department cangive and what the recreationncedsoi the city m5°d5t fixture program can beplanned to meet them Board member Charles Grii ï¬n said Itth this confer ence is the only way we are ironLih Abouusgmupsere cw TheStore Homslor which Fridays Paper The correct coraacnor stores appeared incorrectly in me no of those waowoioo invitedtothcconierence ours are as below students learn exercises which will develop the muscles they need or the sport Examiner Photo or children is that it teaches them grace and poise The beginner group which trains or the lirst bourandnn quarter every evening learns tumbling how to control their movements how to strengthen the muscles they need tor the sport and how to improve their reflexes along witha host oi other skills needed Each group receier ball hour of ballet each month so theywlli leam grace and poise ENCOURAGED Students are encouraged to work out every day because they dont get enough at the proper exercises each week to advance their skill Muscles have to be conditioned to take the type oi movements gymnasts do The better they get at their exercises the lch diiiicuit gymnastics becomes to them said Mr Boyd Six ot the seven instructors are teachers Altair tench phys ical education eithcr lull or parttime They are Mr Boyd Dave Palmateer Jim and Cheryl Whit lield Pam Bird and Carol Ber tram The non teacherlsLes Hook lie is Barrie resident with keen interest in the sport First ball of the club year end Thursday night instruction will resume Jan 11 There will be probably be public club competition or demonstration in March near the end oi the sea son JThe Barrie Board at Parks and Recreation has given us out standing support he said chieilye throughrits director Gary Stoner EMERGENCY runners on not no Dept havoeskcd about steps to be For Coun Dates for 196 lain in Storm Cantu will be allotted at meeting oi Georgian Boy Fall Fairs Asociation in February it was announced ycstcrday by Aid Frank Hersey president Aid Hersey also announced thlt the Barrie Agricultural Sov claw which he heads Will hold its annual meetingtoward the end oi January He said detinits deter wouldbe announced as soon no plans were completed ReporLs will show the 1961 Bar ria ialr was one oi the best in history More prize money was paid out and more paid or en tertainment which lectured the Hell Drivers Conkiins Shows provided an excellent midway which receiv ed much commendation The agricultural display were up to standard despite an unus ual growing season which was lBM Tax Billing Shown To Clerks Municipal clerks and treasur ers irom diilcrent Simone county municipalities gathered at the cormty building here in Bar rie this morning and were shown lBM tax billing methods Eleven municipalities in the county so for have either ap provcdn changeover to IBM cording ior assessment rolls to make way or such billing or taken to do so We believe others will lollow said Stanley Symonds county assessment commissioner Those who have adopted this method or are in the process oi doing so include Oriilio tonn Oriiiia township Stayncr Mid land Crocmure Sunnidalc Essg andColiingwood innisiil is mong others which have shown interest Oilicials otlliltl companyoxa plalncd the procedure to the gathering today and it is antici pated more requests will be made or the service shortly Loch canon CHRlSTiiIAS BONUS Barrie Board oi Parks and Recreation decided this week that parks employees would re ceive $10 lood voucher as Chrlilstmarhonus instead oi 10 cos LIONS 0an Community House us day evening will see Barrie Lions gather for their annual Christ mas party at 515 RINK SUPERVISORS Barrie Board oi Parks and Re creation has received in applica tions or the live positions avail able for rink supervisors at no tural ice sheets in the city ONE HOUR CLOSING lhe Barrie public workr oiiica is to be closed at noonehour irom now on Aid Fred Smith said last night weeklong check re vealed tbatriew calls are receiv edlntheoillcelrom noonuntil pm There are two employees in the ailing MERRY CHRISTMAS Councilsp orbs commit tee believes making things oi iicial Item blot218 at there port presented last night rea atMayor and council and city employees have merry string otas For $250 Intshed by exceptionally heavy rntnlrllr in the all part at the summer turnl societies will receive data corresponding with this years Mahmud108W Christmas and happy New CITY NEW THE BARIUE EXAMINER SATURDAY DEC Will Allot Dates utl ty Fairs it is anticipated most agriarl nnius rpeciiic requests are turel Society has asked iot dates irrmedistely preceding hanksgiving weekend 0m and Oriliia tall lair are usually hrid in early Sepisnbtr There was clash oi dates between Oriilin and tnidwstar lain tart year now nenmw Cityliditor Is Appointed ma Barrie Examiner has an nounced tire appointment oi Don Head to the post at city editor replec Rick Fraser who has accepted positionwith the Ton onto Globe and Mail Mr licndry has been stall reporter with The Examiner tor tines years joining this news paper ran the Port Credit Weekly BARBIE COLLEGIATE ChiccrgmggriticS Laud Performance OfBcind Barrie Collegiate Band will Ir rlys horns tonight irom ï¬xture and the United States MidltWest National Bond and Orchestra Clinic The bands pcriormam rrar described by wage music critics and educators Irnar vallous Ind oirietamiing Conductor Allen ï¬sher was presented with rare medal at honor ier his contribution to music in Cansdn Mr Firher was assisted by tour outstanding guest conductors Howard Cabin director at music Canadian Na tional Exhibition Wing Common dcr Clillord Hunt commandant Canadian Armed Forces school oi music Prokesor Robert Rose veer Univcnit oi Toronto Dr William cy York Univer sity director oi music for Keeie Centre Guest soloist was Paul Brodie at Toronto youthlui saxophone virtuoso The audience oi 3000 It Time day nights twobour periorm ence by Barrie Collegiate Band in the Grand Ballroom oi Sher mnn House was insphed by the ï¬rst US rendition oi the Huron Carol which dates back 00 years to the Geornan Bay area GETS 4YEllR PRISON TERM as year old Vancouver man Donald Clow who robbed an alleged Barrie bootlegger of given tour year prison term by Judge Carter in coun ty court at Barrie this week The men picked up in Van couver by policeman with photographic memory for wanted pictures received oneyear prison sentence in Barrie magistrater court car ller lids week He was part owner oi Vancouver trucking iirm at the time oi his arrest Ciows only conviction since ion was or impaired driving beer and llqnorinr mamas Archer Bonnie McKenzie Rréndaillunmey Rfll Terry ALLEN FISHER Dr Dvorak oi the University at Wisconsin school oi music de clared that Alice Fisherr phil osophy at tile and music had substance beauty and solidity The party oi or musician new companied by group at par cnta and chaperones lcit Chicago this morning on com train No its at 10 oclock scheduled to arrive in Toronto at 1055 pm irhcrn btnor williba waiting to return them home to Barrie BAND PEREONNEL Clarinets George Laidlew Patricia Wait Mike Mills Joan Winchester Terri Woodger lan ice Osborne Don nklrele Jen icc Gaynor Jamie Temple Mary ice Gaynor Jamie Temple Mary Serleant Mary Wess Ruth Freeman Julie Crowth Lin ds Keast Susan Hall Elaine Alto Clarinets Nancy Woods Bass Clarinets Jim Webb Mark Williams Bob Wilson Mr Fraser came to The Ex aminer as sports editor in their taking over the city desk year later He will join the rewrite desk at the Globe and Man but continue to live in Barrie FIVE RELIED RAWALPINDI AP Five persons died in header collision oi two buses near Bakraia 40 miles east or Rawalpindi gtPsldsianlwoiilcials said Saturday Early reporls to spokesman illzed In the debt Pakistani newspapers had put the number oi dead at 40 with to injured government said the ligures were live dead and seven in Friday night accb eerie tree For Further iniormntion cell GOING T0 RETIRE mvasrmarr AN ANNUITY lcnloy tax advantages Iiarger uses both capital and invcab ment interest problems unaliect get more lilo ou lugs STUART ROYALCLAU ovens5524 Ras noun MANUFACTURERS LIFE String tiers Bruce Rumble Wendy Coldwitl Gary Gillcr and absolutely guaranteed irom worry no management ed by economic iiuctueiio of your lilo se DUNLOP ST lTimpani Ernest Baumgah an DissesStephen DcianeyAnne Ramsay Orr AerialsStephen Menu Baum Gerry Robinson Richard Nixon Peter Cook French Horns Larry Whoop Rev Simmons Linda Steeklcy Jane Webb Ian Crewlord Got in Bonner Mallory Owen Sto phen Simmons irnmpctsStan Eilletsoa Bob Ekclding Roger File Brooke Parker Marc Hunter itrn Ay erst Tom Dplett Ellis Owen Doug Crease Debra Gibson Enphonlflm Jim Prlit Phil ip Parker Jim Morris Flutes Ruth Ferris Susan Beckett Eleanor Kirk Nancy Frvcro Evelyn Damkevaln Mary Stephenson Judy Dc ianey merit llcedgcr Gayle Gapp Joan Freeman PiccoloGale waterer SaxophonesBeth Wood Ra Eollett Mike Forbes Rick DenL oy Dale Epiett Doug Read Stephen Braecliente John Born Given Medal Trombones Catherine itihrl W31 by mm kin Patrick Kidd Dave Fm BM gcrs Douglas Bali Judy Mason Blaine Bell John Prince John Ribalkln lobesStan lsbrandt Philip Cook Dan Rodgers David Mills Jim Brock Percussion Douglas Thompv son Glen Thornicy Margaret tchiermid John Anderson near rnrenn about isotonic American homer including the White House have one or more pct dogs geomw SOIITAIRE SPlENDOUR with sparkling diamond BUDGET PRICED AT $7500 WEEKLY TERMS