pConstruction Projects Are Cut In Toronto Plead Not Guilty TORONTO CPD long list civic projects has been atde or partly discarded by Toronto in the lace at high con atrurtion and interest costs in letter to city council treasurer William Campbell suggested only essential pro yer should he undertaken in the neat tour to live years lie said the treasury board has slashed to 6000000 336900000 capital spending pro gram planned tor i068 and has encouraged department heads to rot propostd spending next year to less than 531000000 gom 397000000 Reports On Drug or citat pertnrroance trom topless week at Place es Aria under Discuss Fleet MONTREAL CF ï¬ve telt male dancers ot Les Ballets Itt rlcains pleaded not guilty in court Monday to charges ot giving in indecent charges arising riormance last The ahowe producer Elise P011150 hioolreal and stage dlredor Sdrou Sako pleaded not guilty to allowing minors to stage an indecent poriarmanco All the dancers charged are MARTIN STATES PARIS Reuters on pro nesn ot the Frenchspeaking Canadian community otters Canada magniï¬cent chaou to expand External Aitairr Minis ter Martin lays in an article published here Monday What an opportunity tor the world is the presence at two at the greatest cultures at humani ly in vhich peoples at all races participate he says Martin to an article in the in dependent newspaper Le liioode writes that tor long time Can ads was considered by many as almo entirety English This now is past history Today to national and torcign attain Canada declares itselt THE IMRRIE EXAMINER TLILDAY Dmllll l1 mI Cultures Offer Big Opportunity ing community throughout the world Martin adds inrupport oi this policy httln gustism merely encouraged in the post now has become the rule in his external attaira min istry he says This resulted in notcnorthy increase to remit meat at Frenchspeaking Cana dians One ot the great ditiituitiu lacing Canada is how to keep Ila individuality in lace oi the United States very powertui country 10 times as rich and with to times the population oi Canada Martin says IlELl ctustzs rnoaerius The v5 ottorr an indispensa BRUSSELS tAP Es tahlishment oi permanent al lied destroyer fleet to patrol tho Atlantic is under discussion at the ministerial meeting olthe North Atlantic Treaty Organiza lion decision on such tent may come at this weeks ses rions NATO sources said al though numhorot prohlcms remain decision in principle to create such torce was an nounced last June and it now awaits approval at NATO polit cal level the sources said Fleets oi destroyers from sev eral NATO nations have been operating for limited periods during the last three years the sources saidnuoder what has been called the Matchmakcr proiocL tile contributiooulto Canadian who Ranch mu as economic and elural develop in mglkhmï¬fflv in merit but this comriiiutioa spire its thought and direct its Mimi it mm flm cum eultics in the cultural tield the STILL R00 FOR MORE French5pcakjn mumn one oi the hoses oi Canadas ol the rolutlonsto thisproblem toreirn policy he continues is but the problem also is an eco lts relations whit France and nomic one Frenchspeaking countries and Cu ad although much was done there at ï¬rm economy merely to the North still in it To Eng ï¬llgango only American continent it it in direction or developing relations mic imi Few between France and Quebec in emom Wuliwi mm but oi exploiting in depth in the him possibilities ol cooperation with MW Wm thc other provinces ot the tcdcr This is titty Canada seeks to Widen in markets and to devel alien Conafta also intends to take op its commercial and mltural an aelivo part in the evolution rotations on the widest possible and spread at the Frenchspeak hose Martin says OTTAWA tclt The amount at tranquililcr taken by tlonl more and more as country real lawyer Pierre Lamontagne iouid not alone alter per tins judgment and events could still he clearly recalled oven alter drinking ryc later de icnee witness testiticd here Monday The testimony at Raymond Denis trial tor attempted ob struction or justice came trom George hi Ling head at liarmocology at the University ot Ottawa medical school pauses ron LAST cooosrr Paul Emile Cardinal Leger pauses tor last word with an aide on the steps oi lha air Dies in Toronto nlain Mnthe 20 one oi the originators at the CBC radio Happy Gong died in Toronto Saturday ot heart attack llo missed only two at the Happy Gaogs 4890 pertormances in 22 years on radio between 1937 and ions or lVlrephotni craii that will start him on left Montreal international air his journey to new career port Monday CP Wircphotoi amonglepcrs in Alrlca lie Reeve Acclaimed BURKS FALLS Ont CPt stun Darling was acclaimed treeve oi Burks Falls Monday GOVERNMENT PAYS OUT governmentbackcd student written Commons reply to OTTAWA CPI The icderal loans on which the banks could Aiired llales iPCWcllingion gavcmmcrit has hndfto pay not cullectFinance lillnlstcr Southl Tho We mid out $125403 to eharicrcd banks on sharp disclosed Monday in as arcsultotmcloims ior the let time since he began running tor the post 22 years ago havent been in good light since started said Dara ling 56 who was opposed tor ot lice only last year is Doing Well CORNWALL Out Lucien Lamoureux speaker ot the House ot Commons Monday was in excellent condition in Hotel Dieu hospital ullielals said They said he should ha discharged within the next icw days Mr La eux Liberal member oi Parliament tor Stor mont entered hospital last week tor minor surgery isoiiiii OTTAWA tCPl The contro vcrsiai LSD hill that won pas saze inthe Senate last WeCli re ceived lirst reading in the Com mons Monday The bill amends the Food and DrugAct to make possession oi lysergic acid diethyiamide or LSD an oitence it also would require those tound guilty at possession to prove they were not tiatiicking in the drug The bill provides lines and jall terms ior possession and up to 10 years in prison tor trai tickingha more serious olience other Senate hills given iirst reading in the Commons in chides one to dissolve the North ern Ontario Pipe Line Crown Corporation Approve Pipeline BLENHEIM Ont CF The tario Water Resources Commission tiake Erie pipeline proposal go Blenheim councils Sspeedy approvalMooday night Councfl approved in principle the $11101344 vlatei system and asked OWRC to start build ing in 1000000 gallon reservoir in Blenh ossihla engioeeis 11 pay approximately 131 cents ousand gallons tor the Stake water including the ritEW TBSETVQ hayu Carl hair saldtthe tnun needs water desperately travels the municipal wells went down live feet during the Nov 20 no ittoolr approx imately three days ior them to return to normal May Keep Flame OTTAWA CP Prime tilin istcr Pearson said Monday he thinks the Centennial tlame should he kept burning as sym hul oi Canadas lirst Centennial year Mr Pearson told the Com mans in reply to it Her ridge tNDPKooteony West that he has rccoived great many representations trom government and opposition hlPs and private organizations and individuals to keep the flame bunting Delay Marriage NlCE France llill Prllt cess Marin Beatrice ot Savoy arrived here by air Monday and said she had come to mcet hnr lather turmer King Umberto oi italy The plans oi Marin Beatrice to marry heardcd actor Mauri zio Arena upset italion royalists and court soils have delayed it not prevented the marriage ccss said think everything is going to work out its certain now Service Today OTTAWA tCPi Funeral services will be held here today tor Edward Aiexandcr Angiin 63assistant chief electoral oili day oi pneumonia native at Toronto he was the late Chioi Justice ring in ottitcSupreme Court of Canada and grandson ot Timothy Anglin former Comma Speaker °TTAW Senate gave approval in pm to Mon day to hill to establish de partment or consumer and ter ot the soon7depsrtment power to underta designed to promotethe inter ests ot the Canadian consumer lle wool aso ave tion over eorporationsand cprporatg scouritie combines mergers monopolies and re straint ot triad banlinrptoy tents and dmatters Vow Cost 2nd Mortgages entities for house repairs is new car vacations or any otti mood reaso have high hopes the prin ccmt Canada who diedvsatur SenateiGels Bill thoAsaoeiatos you get mongagoaoiaémdnt that teeiystal else No bonus or hidden teasara ever charged Pmpaymernpdvlteguctinfldanï¬ntanartgc seeeovsen IcezJunuiiua net paptantoryoutmmad iy ASSQCIATES caroirnniireo is rare numerator HPHON mm NewlmpalaCoupes Witlifastback or formal rootlines great ideal Tvvi diiierent rooilines for impala Coupes from Chevrolet by design Some lmpaia buyers want the spiritstirring impala Sport Coupe is just for excitement at the iastback look The them Other lm formal rooiline he impala Custom ala buyers want the town car sop Coupe is just for them windshie histication of and V8 is bi horsepower Chevrolet has more thats new all around HideAWay windn shield wi ers have an articulating left blade that sweeps agreater ijd area to leave your key in theres more much Chevrolet for 68 Chevroletsgot it by deaign Chevroletsquietest ride ever engineered springs and shocks place body and engine mounts at precise and vibrations away from you Chevrolet offers you even better pa per 307cuin engine runs on regular fuel And the new optio Whichever st vle you choose youll come out way ahead with Chevrolets I96 outiniront leatures such as Smoother riding too withnewiy Computers have been utilized to iy the right spots to keep riormance ior6BThe stand nal250 An ignition Alarm System buzzes reminder not he ignition when you leave your car more thats new inside and outsuie on avaricnrvroinruisroniicanarrouwnmm Macaroon