IOLL BACK DisCover Just few hours alter les lnl lier said he was going to on back for couple ol years and take it easy be teamed that transposition of votes lrono one oi the polling stations in were One bed been discovered nod he was In alderman again George Harper who was elect ed by the uooiiicial returns alter BarrieI civic election Saturday was detected when the olticinl count was made lioodIy Both men were called into the city clerks ofiice at lilo pm and the oiiiclol count from the deputy returning olticera returns was explained to them In one poll transposition in the votes for Aid laclr Garner and those for Mr llarper was made This lowered the vote for Mr liar lrom 553 to and raised Garners vote to 1540 lrom 1471 Both men accepted the oliiclai count which is made the day alter an election or on Monday ii the election la on Saturday Mr Harper said it was funny cannon HARPER feeling alter thinking he was elected to be detected Believe me have no regrets though he said us is good man Aid lollllfc said he felt very liiiltPllliS OUT Lis roman1 sorry for what happened to llr Harper but was glad he would be able to serve on council lor the next two years Mr Harper was uncertain wagan WWW Reitums whether he would run tor conn eii in the 1969 mmlclpal election in acid he would have to talk it over with his wile before nub log the decision Itld Joliiilo said he and his wile Chris Were planning to take two week vacation hi the Southern United States sometime in January helog reelected to council will probably change that hesaid When he thought he was de feutcd Aide Joliifle said cu loyed my work on council and am sItislled did good lo When he entered the council danmberl last him he won grctted by mod ot mime from council Mr iiarper entered the coun cii chambers during the last ball at the meeting and ohurvad pro ceedings with mayorclcct Bentley and Aldermen elect Charles Christie Ross Archer and Allister Macmillan The election ol Aim doliiite means that seven of the incum bent alderman will lit on the 1968 v69 council Coolie prolonged ovation last night alter Aid Fred Smith told the mayor in moving tribute that hed done honor to the city durtng hisalx years in nillcc The gallery Including onwi elected Ildermen and llIyor elect Robert Bentley loin ed In the tribute $1850 Damage In Mishap Damage totalled thud in tern accidents in Barrie yesterday at term Conga are pending allowing three vehicle accident on Bay fleid St at Sophia yesterday The accident econred at as pm when pickup truck driven by Aiirod imaged it Feel at Barrie ran into the side at car driven by Ben Leonard Rob erunn ol Oriilla The Roberb son auto then spun into car driven by James Paul Lynch 19 oi Oakley Park Square Damage to the Robertson ve hicie was placed at $450 The Lynch auto wrinkled 8200 don age while the 1borogood trod received 3100 domage David Fletcher of Oro passenger in the Robertson vehicle sutirred twisted knee An accident at Mulcoaier and Collier Streets occurred It 171 pm yesterday when the paths at two can making ielt turns crossed Resulting damage was placed at $llooinvolved were car driven by Murray Tracy of 11 and Michael Kobak vfM him Paul Alumin ter and fiveyearold Stanley nxy both at in receiv ed bumps on the he No than gas were laid cm NEWS 74 STiiNDING OViiTION GIVEN BARBIE MAYOR COOKE City council gdvo MIyoano m1 health and ï¬bre oi the cominanlty stems irom the cit iuno lilayor Coolie added his own tribute to council members and the cityrhall stall second Itanding ovation tol lowed his reply Three other retiring Ilder men Bruce Owen Jerry Williams IndEveiett Emma 6mm in illezgrado 11 wardceseroornand health classes It North Colic glIte toured the maternity edloiric floor at Royal Victor Hosp tnl last week They peered through tbn glass in facioatlon It newborn baby Eightyliv girls participated in the tour Girls Tour Wards As Part Of Health Course Eight five Kirk from North Collegiate toured tbogmeteroity and pediatric words It Royal Victoria Hospital last week as part or thei ngds health course The tour involving atodenia tram six classes was the first oi in type tor the students it was aimed at giving tho girls an insight into how the borpltoi handled childbirth Nurses at the hospital took time irom busy schedule to show the girls in groups ol 12 in is through the wards and to answer many questions from the Its really intAesting and lo iormntlve bil it should have come two or three years ear lier said Sandra Harmer one of the students think the child care section or the course comes at about the right time buttbe section on the males oi preg nancy should come earlier The physical and spiritual knowledge provided in the course should he definite help in keep ing teenage girls out oi trouble Vni Thompson anotlnir grade 11 girl was most impressed by the course and by the tour of the hospital Alter Christmas they Wilhbo requiredto make shop ing trip or child which oy supposedly have Just had The page here will he to help them re ire the costs involved and tilt things required Mist Thompson revised her on in til lnion oi the room none oi whom sought retice ounce RUMBLE and Wen dy coldwlil members or the airingbass are among the55 members of the Barrie Col legiate Band who will leave to olghtlor Chicago The band performed last week at Central Collegiate in preview to its Chicago appearance and the concert was termed an out standing successfll Bend Ledves Tonight r7 Trip Chicago Barrie Collegiate Band leaves tonight for Chicago to portocm at the met annual 115 MidWest National Band and Orchestrs Clinic Tour manager is Dr Rob ert Delaney nnahimous or the band who is currently as socialion president Fisher the party Mrs Fisher Mrs Delaney Mrs William Rlbnlkln Mrs Jack Webb hiss Ross Nixon Mrs Pat Rumoey Mrs Parker Miss Eleonora Taylor Ronald iimCrntord Noel Steph naon also John Ramfly superintendent of Barrie secnn dnry schools and Mr Ramsay They will act as chaper es and aistants to Mr Fisher on Dr claoey Thegroup will he estsnt theJioteLShermen downlo loopr iThls the third appearance oi Barrie Collegiate Band attha Tihaldï¬oiidcempi MidWest Clioic previous years being 195 and l955 Local buses will plclrup band members and accompanying par eutsat Central Collegiate It mm p111 and proceed to Tor onto Union Station where they bc Howard Gable of the ONE train No 155 which leaves at limo pm Arrlynlrnt Chicago so edulcd for 835 am wrong deyThe alternoone plane call tor threehour sightseeing than There will be two bours rehear salat the hotel after which the Barrie group has tickets for Mo chlrers Theatre to see the tour log Broadway musical Man of La Manchu THURSDA CONCERT Thursday morniogrnodu alien goon are tree time but the band giv its twohour concert in the Grand=5nliRoumolItbe=Sher man at 8pm In addition to Mr Fisher guest conductors will be Howard Cable oltbe CNR ad nontog reguintlo permit rests Grandstand Show Protessor llolr ert Rosevéar of the University of Toronto School oi Music Wing Commander Clilford Hunt of Can adas Armed Forces School of Music and Dr William Md Cauley director or music at OKeele Centre and York Uni versity Tbh to quite roster of gues nductors and though lingoess to go to Chicago attests to theahillty and fame of the band in Canada Guestsolois will be Poul Brodieoi Toronto outstanding Canadian saxophone virtuoso Friday morning the hand will give concert at the Chicago Museum tScleocenn industry Dinner is at the aid Bunyan in Old Town Chi cago with the evening sightseeing pa 1b 10 pm busesi to Barrie wane waiting return endorse Cornwall oyeeo hernia will get their 319 Chris development the piano questing man hnnusesgthls year in spite of Mutton from tel alderman were Toronto where Aid Smith speaking on be hall at council and the people or Barrie cited lilayor Cookes excellent leadership devotion Ind outiring clinrt llo said the mayor bad gain ed the respect or other mum tntpal ieIdcrs across the coun Mnyor Cooke was speechless perhapl for the iirst time in bin is you on city mail when he finally rcpllcd the mayor laid he was ngtohil tor the privilege afforded him wouldnt tndc the last six years or Invthlog he said have no thought but the warmest for all thedttzanc or this city Tcomany timesthe humor eta credit when the Streethetween Coilian and St Vinceot city council was assured co chance to deal with petition objecting to the rolect even though plans meet build ing and zoning ragirements the formed nidthat building were erect quested by the petitioners nor pecking gnrng said as pollution would be increased because would be impossible to build an thin Sltordly also delivered larewclla at lut nlgbtI tinIl meeting at the year did Williams lapsed Into verse II he did in his horn tnttion speech two yearI ago in recapping some oi the ev ents oi the term Aid Owen noted thatthero had been grating hetymn scion members of connoli but declared he hnd alwnyl IL tempted to argue issuer and Ivoid personality conillcta Aid Emms who now lives outside the city sold he re gretted being unable to return to council lie called it education Illhoogh timec sunning hot the rewardrtar outweigh the time expended TO ISSue Permit FOr 49Suitel Apartment House that committee olthe Bani District Collegiate Board was ne gptiating tor the purchase ot on tion of 21 acres in the area the south or the city Mr Gigg ssid that the develop ersbad agreed they could wait until alter the council meeting tor their permit it had not been refused be said Aid Hersey detendodtbe ac tion He told council that pro blems arise when complaints are received alter permits are issu ed When petiti is received the administration is instilled in obtaining the views oououi RADIO MOLEN Themodralt whzddw oi nicer owned by Harry Hodges63 oi leobel Stlrllnrriec was iorced openlate Sunday of Monday morning undo transistor radio valuedat $25 stolen The theft waadiscovered=byrliirs Hodgs yesterday morning Constable Robert McKenzie or Barri police Under the leadership oi class teacher lire Ruth Edwards the health coinso has three aims ï¬rst of which is toeducate the girls toward better parenthood This involves developiiu an un derstanding of the nature and development ol children and learnln to deal successfully with the pro lems oi the young child ren ill the home It also attempts to develop the girls interest in children and their problems to aid in their present contact with youngsters such as baby sitting Sunday school playground work camps and relations with brothers and sisters The third aim is 30 promote better personal understanding of themselves and others interviews with cross sec tion at students in the class of 125 showed unanimous interest in the practical study course said the land was tor pose of future school pimping Tbe hoordrequested meet lng with the appropriate council committee to consider the mob ter it was relerred totbe fin ouce committee Ramsay superintendont Collegiate Board Seeks Land For Future Planning nurnes fourtit high sunwt may be located lolnnd Ionexed recently from lontslil Township poundl learned last night in letter to council the board munch said is morning that it is no on in lte that school would be lo cated there swnmmo roar The harrie Arena Cornroiraion and parks and recreation nutbor itiegwlll discuss proposal that the Lions swimming pool be tak rbythe perks and ca ommittee the pur operating which she had previously thought as impersonal and frightening lt seems so ordinary and nor mal when you actually see iL she sold The grade 12 course includes showing of the Canadian Mental Health Association lilm Phoe be which illustrates the stres srs placed on techago girlwho ï¬nds herself pregnant believe this health course will be definite old to keeping teenage girls out of trouble she said She described the course as practical rather than lust theoretical as the grade nine and ten classes were lts more or the moment Marg Drudge another student on the tour commented that the eitect oi the health course in keeping teenage girls out of trouble would depend entirely on the individual involved Shn praised the hospital tour as of tering an insight into whats go ing on fEnllghtenlng merited Grace Veenema Most girls dont get to see the maternity ward until they have to This gives us an idea ohwhat it is likeI She descrihed the health course as interesting and the girls as interested in it Another project coou gupin will require each girl topro sitting services for hour and an evonin Followinz this the girls will be questioned on what they have noticed about Lheumoihers handling or the youngsters iiloylcn dilsway to give bit of tbemselvee said Mrs Edwards Seymour Medical Group are pleased toannounoo that Dr MacDonald FRCS England has Joined the group as general surgeon effective December 4th 1967 Dr MacDonald wés born and raised in Kitchener Ontario lie received his art and MD at the University of Western Oo torio graduating team therein 1967 During the last six and one boll years he did poshKrde studios in surgery in England at suds centres as Oxiord Rad cliiie Warwick and Manchester He has only reoently vetumed to Canada Dr and Mrs Mae Donald have three children Ai lsoo Debbie andsally 11 year They havetaken up residence 317735gt7P€j3gt¢0€k Lane liar run group will become itch as the Wellington Medt Sign eiteciivo January 1st any CLEANED fat252 rounds up wlththa ty rholda and out tnéfminuï¬an WWK il intimaddlog In an attarluaa whlia gently rI viogpainantual Induction obmhal mines tmportxnt oiallrulta nothormbtho thinnerup mm pic ladiev dresses