Defeated Ca odidates Are Philosophical ms the hlembers oi coutrli settled down to regular burtnus this week as though no election had changed things blackboard with results oi the la poll was stiiloothewallmdasowncil ior burton said it grve lot cl stood ior thought Deputy Reeve Sawyer had In onoortunily to iht the chair when Reeve Coch rano and Councillor Todd left at pm to attenda meeting at the Hospital Board in Barrie This may be the last time set in this capacity he said biscltsncc would come However he added that be ï¬lt Councillor Burum said give mea little rest and ljil try again He sent along his litanlu to his supporters and sold he looks iorward to luture councils conducting the business with the realisation ot the development oi the township bciore them This could be the last election oi township council as the handwriting on the wall is ior larger areas All were in good spirits mil no personal Egret wore apparent PHARMACISTS For BARRle and principal cities in ONTARIO Dispcnsing only hours per week No Sundays Pension plan Medical Insurance iitlly pnld Lite insurance iully paid 513 per week mm mm income Protection plan iully paid No weeks paid vacation We believe this to be one ot the finest opportunities in modern retail pharmacy today Apply to KENT DRUGS LTD Il9dC CALEDONIA ROAD TORONTO l9 Ont Direct all lndulrlos to the above address AGENDA Marileer were ronJha agenda plus those developing out They use as iollnws notice at Ipplllt cation from the city ol Barrie re the amendment to their land use bylaw concerning the area next to the township copy at resolution irom Brsdiord District tllgh School Board concerning the imiudingd the Bradiord dis trlcthlgb school area partly Into the Newmartet urea and Partly into the Barrie collegiate area communication irom Donald Taylor re construction at the 7th ilne opposite lots l2 and 13 Georgian hianor requesting ad vice as to the names of residents oi innishl in the menort rs flooding on the Killnrncg litoch Road with no action by coun ty oi Simcoc it was advised this has already been attended to Millets Point Association wrote re number oi items it wishes council to consider including change in the approach to High way 11 which is considered dan gerous delegate appointed to meeting on Dec in barrio oi the Georgian Bay Regional Dc vclopmcnt Council approval grant ior 500 irom the ot torneya general department to wards the purchase to tire pumper credited to the eiiorts of MP Art Evnrui request irom the Barrie District Collag late Board to matte appointments to the 1968 board prior to Jan building inspectors report ior November lire chieis report ior November copy at the On tario Municipal Boards order concerning the land annexed by HIGH SCHOOL report irom Stewart Fisher outlined activities ior 196 oi the Barrie District Collegiate Board innislil representaUves served on the iollowiug committees Webster budget Stewart Fisher Budget noditornun munitions and site ior iuture school ll Fttzsimmons rehabilitation oi Central collegiate This year the board operated on diiicrent procedure with the only stand ing committee the advisory VD cational committee with all oth er committees sppolnlcd ior special inaction The budget ior 1067 was tinal ized at 32564747 of which 5t 271307 was required to he raised by the municipalities in the dis trict Enrollment lotalicd 5298 an increase ot 275 over the pre vious year Central had 1400 pile pils North Collegiate 1389 and Eostvlew Secondary 509 The in dications are that additional ac commodation will be needed at Eastviow by tom and tourtlt collegiate by 1973 The appointed members romellslil consider ed It an honor to have served on this board BUILDING REPORT Over 51 per cent increase over the previous year was the No vember report with 32 permits taken tor value at $258530 on increase in value ot 51 per cent local meeting at 22 contrac tors was held to discuss the pro gosed changes in the building ylaw committee was appoint iNorthem Ontario Visit Toronto TORONN CPI Foti 013$ way Indian boys irom Northern Ontario wl visit hers tor Chrtstmas Theh teacher Rudy Spotter 21 started the moreneat when he wrote to Toronto Teachers college asking then to help bring one student to oronto ior Christmas Return tare ior three ol the boys Is being paid hy the col lege while the iourth is beio paid hy the Scarborough Rover Boy Scouts crow hir Spaerer and the boys to attend itoman Cathth school at Lansdowne House son miles northwest ot Toronto will fly irom the school to Nskina Dec 15 and complete the trip by train They will be guests at the Spnerors while in Toronto ed lb continue consultations with the oiiicial CHRISTMAS parcel arrived ncur the turd oi the council meeting irom en ginccr Stewart Kcycs oi Orillia who has supervised some work tor the municipality it contairr ed delicious old cheese besldcs home made cookies mic and other goodies Cotiee brought in by the oilicn stat sent the mem bers home with poor appetite ior suppcr HOME FURNISHINGS 1w El Dishwasht Own wit sparkling clean dishwashing lifyou arerentingytiunmme live in an apartment or are crampedfor space the Inglis Portable is the ideal dishwasher tor as avrorrarrccrcms wrr rostr Bmonsnnncnon omen snarlcrnanmcrmrnn Trip Proves Intriguing amen BAKER One oi the more intriguing trips of the yelr taken by County resident was taken last July by William Kelly iprmer High school teacher who lives with his lamily in the old Beth eoda sdiool house on tha 41h Line Innlsiti lle happened to be in the town of Cochrane in North ern Ontario when resident sug ed that he should take trip on the Ontario Northern Railway train leaving within twenty minutes tor itioosonce too miles to the north With no Ire vious Intention he did lust coehrane Intrigued him as oi the lost towns where the rail wuy station still retains thc bristle and hustlu oi the old days The train was mixture oi ireight cars with the passenger cars bringing up the rear The sovenhour trip passed through little communities with names like Wurlcleisiund Fails Coral Rapids Ranolte and Onakawana completely iorest surrounded with the railroad providing the only link with theoulsidc world Points nlong the rnilroad were snorted by mile numbers iound most pleasant the complete intormality shown by everyone remarks Mr Kelly You could start right ini versatlon with icllow passench without any introductions An other ulriosity was the unsched uled stops made by the train oiten right In tho middtcoi the great tracts oi bush and muskcg to disdtargc or pick up indian iamiilesor solitary trupperc campers and prospectors Ile describe Moosonee as IStcrlingTrusls Corporation 372 Bay St Toronto Dnlar Ironticr town oi 1500 population Wilma Indium with niuddy roads and deep ditches and law unlicensed cars with modern Hudsons Bay store churches school hospital no lndinn village and many points at Interest 1he houses in the indian vili age are by our standards sousi lld huts says Mr Kelly biuny arc hunt on sills to keep thcm above the always dumn ground others have walla boarded up to tour or live tcet and are topped by canvas with stove pipc lutting through the side it Is plainly evident that to the indian other things nre more lmportunt him house and that we should not bemoan their lot be cause they havo evidently icnrn cd to live with the climate ncr hops beticr than weoursclrcs have not they are satislicdxnol to share white mans probicms Ground at Moosoncc had thaw rd out only in low days bctorc his July 20 visit enough to per mlt installation ol the iirst sclv era and ice bud been seen in James boy icw days hoiore It is this vast Inland bay includ4 ing demos and Hudson Boys which supports puck Ire through out thc summer at the north end which projects the subarctic ell mate hundreds oi miles south to iiioosoncc which surprisingly ls iurthcr south in latitude than Edmonton or London England Just the some Kelly notes that itioosouec in an arch oi wellgrown pine sptuccp siivcr birch and poplar trees oi corn mcrclal economic site One un usual type oi tree the tundra birch stood no taller when full grown than man What he iirst mistook ior overturned lumps ol yellowgrey clay turned out in be moss An aromatic herb with red flowers was Labrador ton iieiound some tundra cotton which is gross topped by what looks like pussywillow calldns and which he was told is still used by Northern natives as tricks in seal oil lamps went to Moose Factory ls land by indian irioxhtcr conoe canoe twentytwo feet long and our letl wide says his Kelly The indian guides never say what the charge is or hslt tor it they lukeit ior granted that everyone knows and will aulomi ntlcully pny Moose Factory has ubout the some population but is much bcttcr organized than Monsnncc IVhilc llioosonce is little more than thirty years old Moose Factory by contract is the oldest settlement in Ontario es tablished originally on nearby Haycsisland as lludsans boy post In 1513 two years alter it hall been investigated by Pierre ltndisson Highlight at his trip was his rctum trip to Cochrnnc aboard the Polar EcnrJExprcss probab ly the worlds only train to sport dance hall baggage car has been converted into the ballroom and marpiece orchestra the Melody String Band provides the music The cnilntttiastie menr hers pl cd Uimghotrt the en ttrc trip with only Alon minute intermissions The floor was always lull and sometimes the lay oi the tracks ovorimusn lteg areas made the dancers rock and roll when they intcndcd to waltz but nobody mindcd this was jus north iniormnlltyt Rare Blood Flown To US SEATTLE Wash minaret pound he iucsday to main surgery possi ble for John Nichols The blood was donated by Mrs Kanio at Port Arthur alter the Arncricao Rcd Cross asked its Canadian counterpart to help find donor Dr Richard Czajltnwnlri di rector oi the King County Ccn traHllood Banlr only three donors are known in the United States and Canada with the hell factor missing irom their blood The actor is part oi nor mal red blood cells Dt Czajkowslti said the condl tron occurs once in 500000 pcr pitai said the child1 would be come very iii if he received transtuston that containcdthe missing factor The hospital uld not reveal ACTRESS SIGNED The English actress Diana lllgg has been signed to star in The Assassinatio cumin Airwomantonarnndanr Dermot