oascnramc Canadianism as one of the alrm and pur poses of the laycecs in Can ado Hardyhlcrker last night rs atoldjanie members of an at tempt to introduce patriotic pledge of the type used in the United States into the opening exercises pl Canadian schools Hero Mr Mcrker trighti Ont ario president of the iaycces shows the pledge to Nat Gra ham loft and Barrie presir dent Russ Wadger oBARRIE IliYCEES TOLD The Junior Chamber iol Com merce is not service club Qor primary aim is development of the young mans leadership pot ential Community mrvrce is means whereby we achieve this cannon oooa onacrs rilge Doesnt Have wwww By CPL RM BERRY Barslo Cltylollce Justtohe on the safe side feel must preface thisorticle dry saying Somme my best friends are older people That is what everyone says who in tends to criticize Someone remarked to me re basally that age has tendency to be littlefarroganti And guess have to agree When an old dog will not or cannot be aught when he has become habitbound he calls himself traditionalist and feels he justi fies himself Youth has many faults and it ride does not always have the rightofway Still we have notic ed rhaoy older drivers almost nrrogantly forcing others to moire way for them on the chance that it discovered plicated in anaccident their age will excuse them Driving too slowly turning without singall ing arcing your way through traffic is dangerous thoughtless Practised isnorance is arrogant Daring other drivers to strike you carries its own rev3rd Practiced ignorance is arrogant The older pedestrian who refus es to acknowledg the approach oi Play managingth amath finallytaking over hot young people are not always wrong or 311 had even the drivers among tlrerraMosteltensoung are much better equipped to drive than older folk and quite often are better mannered than older people PEDPIE make allowances for age as well as youth but neither is an ex cuse for arrogance No one ap preciatesarrozanco of any age is instili that way 11 say Many otn1yhest friends are older Honest Concerning Prégnant Teenage Phoebe film produced the National Film Board of aoada was showntothe pair hein library hall last night as part of series of such films nd group discussions on the sexual and emotional problems at normal adolescence spoosor cd by the Barrie branch of the Canadian Mental Health Assoc lSlloo As thefilm begins hoeher eenvage girl awakes oe moro aginat lure leadsup to her eventual J1 ttdleoee often hardput There are earest ol the more controversial dues tions such as Do girls rfrni pregnant out iris from hao 50 ears Nit glimpses into the fur into Get More Involved 111 Political Aflqigs cog Hardy licrkcr Ontario president olitho Juycees told Barrie Jflycccs ate dinner meet log held last night in Barrie Community Houst stressing the five aims of the Jaymes organization leadership development civic responsin ity community betterment Can adiaoism and fellowship Mr lifcrker said an organization which vfll enr sure members the opportunity to develop leadership skills Joy ceesmust become more involv ed in political affairs not only at the local level but provincially and federally too We must have programs to encourage people to involve themselves in politiur Mr Mcrker deplored the cur trend to rcgord politics as dishonorable profession He added that politicians must he very dedicated meo or else they wouldnt he in politics to begin Speaking on economics the Ontario president advised the assembled Jayceeathat of all the foreign investment in Can oda only to per cent of the pro fit remains herel He claimed me from passing what own in tact to my son whennl fin but American and reinvest money in American mess He also displayedn vsrnall card printed with the Cann dian flag on ohe side and with pledgehtraoslated tram on French version wr ten toyAlexandre Cyr Wavlo the card in hishantl Mr Merv her said that the Jayeees expect to get full support to introduce this pledge as partof the regular morning exercises in every school in Canada oToronto over 1500 members were present so eseotiog 56 eager hchlcicsg dual purpose We have to put emphasis oo Mr Merkerhdied the growth now or mares Today Licence Sale sale at ontanos new hacn plates will again tat human nature for thrae lull months Opening day tor piirchasing the blownwhite Ma passed gar dual purpose and motor cycle plates at all at the ace issuing offices across thepm Vince is lodnyv Expiry date for it markers will be Feb 29 giving motorists an extra raw gram 1mm its Leap Year Dcpartmeot of Transport el licials are again appealing to motorists common sense in urging them to buy their plates only There Ls no rensoo to get stud in those lastminute lineups and there definitely will beno extension beyond the Feb 29 deadline sales loilow the pawn or past years more than half of the ammo licences for pass vehiclcs and motorcycles will Bottom Donald Barrett BranchManager Sun Life Go Donald Barrett CLU has been appointed branch manager ol the Sun Life Assurance Company at Oanadaa Borne branch Mr Barrett will tierespons ihle for thetenitorycvvered by Simeon Dufferio Grey and Bruce counlis and the districts ofliluskoka and Parry Sound children Ohr lopher David Michael and Ruth Anne at7G Letitia 5L in Barr ram In to moon branch in 1954 became district sup visor for the Kingston branch line and entered the agerneot in Toront Io 1964 while he was at the management level intlamiiton he transferred loathe home of tice in Montreal where he was acti the and training division Mr Barrett was tran air Force PRESCRIPTION SERVICES SAVE on Drugs PHONE 7282429 For FastPrckup and Delivery At No Extra Charge 301 am st Barrie Shopping Plaza ence les lpromotion lae people who work in the issuing olliccs keep hoping that hunan nature will manger Last year the licences sold in the month of Dmnbcr zooootcd to 56 per Lint of thetotal laaiinry another timer cent were sold The remaining 761 per cent were sold from Feb carram rnr Licences for conmercial mo tor rehicles trailas and con scrsion units are not sold in the same period fhcy will he on sale from March to llarch Admissionlo Remain Same The Barrie homo shout comil tee announced today that despite the Department harms pol icy to charge rents for its pro pertles being used by nonhillt tary organizations admission to the show held in the Barria armouryJon 2521 will remain at so cents to all patrons very small part at the in creased expense for this show will be borne hy the exhibitors but the majority will be obsortr ed by the Barrie Home Show committee fund Iobsllveilable In Barrie lirea The Canada Manpower Centre in Barrie requires the following categories of workers to fill the needsrofrvorlous employers in the Barrie local office area at the present time General lob npportuo as male ltuto Mechanic ll geoerel mechhnical pairs Machinist fully qualified on lathes boring mill drill press Electrician joumeyman for repair and maintenance work Consul iob app tu idea female Stenographer shon hand typing general clerical duti Hairdressers licensed and experienced urgently rc wired by local boauty salon better thanaverage income Ontario must trade or lode John Ratio of tho morkeiing division of the Ontario Depart ntan of Economics and Dchlolt at dinner meeting in the ltfir omor Gardens yesterday Mrr Bolio outlined the opportunities of Ontarios manufacturers to participate at govnrnmentcx pcnsc in trade mission to for eign countries interested in im porting Canadian goods as part of this Ontario goveniment Trade Cntsade the deportment log each cornpa tter review application pays return air fare and sets up appaintments for members of the mission We hope that smaller com panies will taireadvaatage of this service said Mr Eotio as sizeis no ohstacler lie quoted figures released re ceotly to show that Canadiao productivity is as much as no lower than that oithe nossmcn We cant tell what were chpohle of onlvxs we try ltfr Bolin described Canadian goods as well received in far gn markets He added that the anadion exporter has slight advantagehprovlded he stresses that he is selling Canodian rathe er than American goods The effects of the Kennedy mood at talks must be felt in Canada and in order to compete mom told Rotary Club of Barri oumIIstr get out and he exhorted Roury bIISl 7285699 Tells Rotarictns Ont Must Trade Or ade with lower tariffs Ontario mahu cturcs must he offered abroad llcompclitivn prices said ltir III in summation he described the Japanese industries as how ing importexport down to per fection They can import raw materials from halfway around thfl world process them and still so the finished product at com petitive prices he said krImEN raucK RENTALS tension our SPECIALTY HOURLYf DAILY WEEKLY YEARL FDR INFORMATIONCALL on acacia IIOURS CALL 72831304