Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1967, p. 15

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AUTOMOTIVE You Havent Seen Them All Till You Visit The TRAIL BLAZER SNOWMOBILE DEALER Select Your Own Bonus This Weekend Your mice of Bth TRAILER CLKTER INSULATED suns FOR WITH PURCHASE OF TRAIL BLAZER Free Wuatim Ride WC STARTER AND LOTS OF SNOW BRINGTHE mow KNOTTY PINE North of Detourat lllidhurst 7287306 THE LlVELY ONE Bombardier Skidoo Said and Service BAYVIEW MARINE Lakcshnre Dr Barrie Moro5K1 Sales and Service UNIROYAL CENTRES no arndiordSt moses AUTO REPAIRS SPEClALiZlNG SPORTS CAR TUNING dnd small car repairs Redline Import as iidry St maioi voun ritnncnisno omen DEALER iiisrcn Tra nsinisston Ltd Automatic SNOWMOBILES THIS WEEKEND HWY 27 NORTH lO HELP WANTED MALE Hate Foreman For expanding Burlington meat processor in packaging and ship ping areas iop wagfi Apply icarman Co Ltd BZi Ap plehy Line Burlington Ontario FOURTH CLASS STATIONARY ENGINEER Required for local manufacturing plant Good lriago benefits and working conditions Oil fired boiler Write tcfiox Barrie Examiner relating previous ex perience and remuneration re quired in damn Acceptance renthes mlnlgcr trainee cnli mam snnu my naked on horse rarm Must be used in horse nun have sultablo rcrernnces noon nnd guns provided write Box In ur MAN swanrun Good neathr itawieich musian now nnen willln2te conduct Home Service husinm with lnod oront Write itnnicich ucai M2343 toes 1th rhelleu st St iicnryiantraL lttUKNSYlttltN niumser certified or lirirntdlltrtv eerliilzhte emul teurs ilcznco studv work with nrnniccd lnenmci into mas oer mar Usual rrine iienctiis con tact Blckertan Plumhlrril nitrides Street Woodstock ni vour ice canndn moodci centre cansrnitm required tar rrintiv narrows mum hm The list of lands had it my ofli to HELP WANTED MALE aFEMALe HELP sic mu nin am at the hitter rmftnnn in min or women or men nuns wnritms route We hill or out time We lflvln you Attr hour Wrtin mush are Hth strut 011m retention swam EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAY CAIl lint in mi Mine urnn And Davidson struts mt lunch served Tcienncco miiol or lulamluon ta ta mt mil attian in my name silentrut are Mly week some at hornnorth triii prov ilg transportation rcieabom 75 LEGAL TREASURERS SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES MUNICIPAUTY OF THE CITY OF BARRlE riiioiirs Noticerir hereby given that by virtue oi iinarrant issuedhy the Mayor oi the City of Darrin under hishaad and the seal the said Corporation bearing date the 19tti day oiSeptcmber 1967by public auction sale of in sin arrears of taxes in the City til Barrie willbe held at the Council Chambers ty Hall at Quill trcct Bar at the liaurot i0 acloclr in the foreiioon on the 17th day oi Jaa nary ions unless the taxes and costs are soonerpald it necessary on attiaurned sale will hehcldat the same time and place one week later on January 24th 1968 whereas the Corporation at thoCity at Bar rie will purchase any and all arcels at land ii the price olf cred is less than the arrears and costs accruedn for sale tor nrrears oi taxes WhSDllbliSlleti in The Ontario Gazetteon the Iliday ot bamboo1967 and copies at the said list maybe Treasurers Diiicc this talk any at Sentember 1961 By ALICEBROOKS Treasure this smart jackct for travcliiear and tar lisa worsted synthetic Wm Cables encircle neckline and create deep dramatic border in terest Knit in one piece iramv neck down Pattern 713i size 3246 included FIFTY muss icoinsl roreacii pattern on stamps pleasei to Alice Brooks care at The Bari rte Examiner NecdleerattDch so Front St Toronto Got Ontario residents add three cents sales tax Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER NAME ADDRESS Fifi time Jumbo 1968 Needle crai aCatalog hundreds of de signs tree patterns includes designer sweat si instmctions inside Knit crochet embroider Filly cents iirws itOthDllP AN UNUSUSlL CUSTOMER coltraditionally in down its hair on low things An 0t tawa storeclerk pleatk with twocowboys to be carciul the merchandise as Whatsthis1 horse in art department store Anythingi can happen when Western Canadian iootbali tans invade tbc costfor the annual Grey among Cup football classic as proto their favorite mount goes OiiAtYA CF Farmers in Eastern Canada who ship le than 50009 pounds or milk year are eing discriminated against by to iedeiat mitlt subv sidy program Douglas Aiken brack PGPrince lennox clalmed in the Com mons Thursday The government seems de termined to drive the small pro ducer out oi business cilia Young Hippies TORONTO CF Ytirltville Torontos coifeehouse district is becoming trap for increas ingly younger runaways David DoPoc selistyled hippie leader and Company at Young Cana dians wotker said Wednesday hlr Dcloe told Voice ot Women meeting that the hipplo Yesterday nys oh iicialiy declared estera Day as the nations capital welcomed those rabid football fans who travel diamonds oi miles to take in the laincd Ilfll BARR mm FRIDAY DWIBER 1m Beview Status 0i CBC Service MONTREAL tCPt it Delafield director of the 030 international Service sad Thursday the service has been under review for the last on days and its fuiam is in ques tion The service whase budget this year was 3790000 with an additional 3400000 special Cem tenninl budget broadcasts radio programs to foreign countries 90 hours neck and sends tam radio programs to iaretgn net works Mr Delaiicld sold the smiles has stall at 201 fulltime crn ployees most oi whom work in Montreal Ha said an lntcrvicw thc service had been maki representation to the ed at government since its existence had been brought under review in Ottawa twa members at Parlament asked in the Com mons Thursday whether there was any plan to drop the serv ice Extenial Ailnirs Minister Martin gave no answch Reports said the laderal treas ury board cabinet committee which must approve all govern mentspendlng had recom meadodto the cahth that the service he dropped but there game Cll Wirephotoi Discrimination to Greenwood asked whether Mr Pearson will copy the Toron to conlerence and hold next years planned lederaleprovin cial constitutional conference at least partly in public to ac quaint people with the issues Mr Pearson said that would be decided by the conference was no olficiai continuation ety oidcicets which could aifeet the saiety oi the vehicles No equipment iailures have been reported Chevrolet said Fiityscvcn standardsized ChevroleLs are being recalled for correction of incorrect park ing brake cable parts wblch could allow the parking hrakc cable to chafa against transmis sinn parts and separate limit at 15 Illiy Rugs com plete patients inexpensi easy to malt so cents Book No Deluxe Quilts15 complete patterns Send so cents Specialists Aflflllclll Chlllvli CDIHEI Strut kitt Dunlap St 773m pawn Duties to commence lla story I963 Salary auto to train Analv tn own handwrttln mtlnl experience iin pmsoNALs mm to iiilio flinin¥n ham to You am drinkina oziinx zie Barrie Ontai pionienr Ind not help onnna FEMALE HELP any nine misn racists movement among persons with an average age of 2o years is dying Thc average age in Yorkville today is 16 and they tend louse more potent drugs than iSD or marijuana st JAGGES lr NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tall persons having claims against the Estate oi MARY mi naiznaisrit DUNSiionE tnte pattern51912qmis oi the Township of Fins in the Recall Chevs DETROit AP rite ainv worur tone nouns rolet division of General Motors lndian horse cart drivers is asking the owners of 2315 New Delhi work an average of cursto return them to the 310 days to 12 for correction of van hours ad tic said he rejected the dogma that to be good farm operation must be large The llarmer who milked six in 10 cows ntlxralscdcnives or the market was cantri ng as much to theeconorny as the i1 NORMAN lmiih Tweedy oi Hnrvircstnnc will no be responsible isor dchin contracted in mv mnrnrmm this dnilNovember Baxter County at Simcoe widoiv de ceased who died on or about the 16th day at June 1966must lor ward same to the undersigned cents Book No1 Qullts for todays ving New exciting collection 15 complete patterns so cents Book Prlze AfghansKnit large operator Small be se and butter End inquiry plants also depend omthe small ronoivro tori Judicial producer for substantiaiipart at their milkfihe argued Bruce Beer LPecl parlia mentary secretary to Agricui ture lttinisterGrcene replied 30 1967 Mulch mv WillRn con sent WOMENS COLUMN LEARN WWMG onor beiore thelst daynl Jan 965 alter which date the will tributcd amongst the parti entitled theretohand the ad inquiry into the placement and removal at two faster slstcrs from the Preston house at Mrs Arthur Timhretl cl uded Thursday with lawyer sayin La bbratéfies gt union 12 nighntis so cents nl immanentcameras School Thornugh training in all hrani ches of beauty culture DERWIN nnmnnnssme SCHOOL 12 wonsmr so main 9L05T FQUND Caha AELISTON ONT requires SECRETARY hose claim he have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this lst day oi December AD 1967 BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE Barristers and Soiicito 13 Owen Street iLEltTEDOSKIMMER that form organizati slagrccd thera shout be in to size of aper ion that receives subsidy He argued the 50000puund was misunderstood minimum with limb Gone since ni Ottawa Avenue Recum Phone Minot HELP WANTED MALE HELP RCA vision co LTD arequires First Class MAINTENANCEMAN having full knowledge or all ond gas fitt phases oi pipe fitting Must be able to we nd have steam iek Shill work is involved with sliilt differen Group insuran med 11 are companypald APPLY Employment Administrator 5110A VICTOR co 3er Box 310 NflDLAN 0n On at Canadas lore Elbe sales sermedcparlfient iui apifl Posit Bath Baxter Laboratories is rapidly expanding pharmaceuticalman niactur company specializing in intravenous solutions fond dis posabie biomedical dev es Experience is required Appl cantsrmust have va minimum typing speed of 45 words per nute gt The companyoifecs the success beneiits and working Apply ME BAXTER LABORATORIES ANADA LTD Alliston Ont expan flip armace lecturing company specializing ravenous solutions and it esearcli ani gmlouwmem conduct interviews veys DRAINqu mmnaqroas sonnet moans will pens ceivcd until ooprn LOCAL someone Daniel Johnson olQuehcc said Thursday the Estates General of French Canada did not start organizae out as separatist men bee governmentsgrantcd $60 tothe privatelyarganized forum for constitutionalvehah He said the government grant was made because the Estates General was part at proces at consultation under way fore thelegislotur constitutional committee at press coaterence whererhe recat1ed that the Que Mrs Timbrell still his to vadoptth sisters The inquiry which opened with public hen ngs in Preston and canctvded with us days of lawyers submissions in ronto heard Thomas lawyer or Mrs Timhretl ta ycarold mother of nine say she still wants to adopt Peggy the the ghtfootEfd Snell147700 arrows on istcrPearsoa toidsthe Commons Thursday he has congratulated Premier Roharts Ontarioon oi Tomorrow conierence Rop1yingto titles nflhy Mr gt message has conveyed in lunchtime telephone call Thursday Mr Stanfield prompted the disclosure by saggesting the prime minister send congratu latory telegramto Roberts ih conferen ch he thesauccess oi the Confederation an and Bflflld Eiamine Toronto LOn Conservati received lei None are qirlinsddmis or strangerfitrhmn or iii yo van phllqdfaw more than hali

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