Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1967, p. 13

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THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY bEmIBER IMI ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASllgRATBSl Engagements Marriages and Deaths Birth Announcements inlaximn 40 words Cards of Thanks words additional words do per In alemorinru the verse Verse per ouunl line as Coming Events DEATHS es on request COMING EVENTS REAL ESTATE BIDWELL Realtor Photo Buss 33 COLLIER 5mm room 7234430 wouw YOU LlKEIO columnar CHRISTMAS IN YOUR DWNHOMEZ You can for 1er moderate sum it you see this attractive bed mm William Lessthan years old immaculate condition Spit cious living room with dining Lovely bright kitchen with lots of cupboards andseparateeaiing area Open stairway to lower level that has been roughed in for 4th bedloom or den and nrecrea tlon room that extends the full length of the house Publicrschwl PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY roe SALE ROGERS CONNELL Photo Li Realtor humor mam msr At the Five Points Phone mason I15 aLAiia smear All attractive split stone smiibimgnlow wnh completely sellcon tained brown and bath apartment upstairs Mala had broadA loaned hung room big bright kitchen gopdqtz bedrooms and bath This will provide cmlfortabie modern home for small folTilly plus steady income from the apartment £61m cash is re quired and deor will hold single open mortgage Call Fred Epletl to arrange an lospeotion NOWl on human nnonrntmed inipliiy de ily ChTiStmas Shopping $civings With Want Ada Check Your Artie Storéroom Gnragol Somebodfi Will Pay For Your Di3cards Call Want AdVisor 7282414 RENTALS ARTS FOR SALE SEIGLER OILWALL FURNACE No ducts required 05000311 See our complete lineof Seigler quality heaters with economy HANDY HARDWARE Alcona Beach on Emma npnrmn urnInd to run In Innonle nru our mail NaniF Al Ina Teleobone 72 us anment urgently needed stove and mentor 11mm by lg arabl wim pm um NEWvNUl SEMI no must for rent located to Steele street Rent mo monthly Pose niorr Janunrv 10 Telephone ru bus plcks children up at the door Situated on the outskirts of Barrie commanding view of the city Close to shopping in rcryprogmslre area Landscaping ha been don just waiting for you and your family to more it wont 135 long so call Wilma Biduell today thRY MORRISON mm WILMA BIDWEIL morn EMDIENESON 7mm SHELSWELL and WILLSON MISREAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKERS lla Durilop St East 1mm or 731421 PRICED 1o SELL $17500 Four bedroom bungalow Taxes only £90 Owner will take $2500 down and hold mortgage for bal ance lhiswoat last long Call ltfrs Atkinson No HIbl EleXGS CAIL Council mm Fred Epielt mm CARézersmssaa hfraNorineRogcrsW CLASSYmD ADS WW Wm We Mommas ROSE CONSOLIDATE US$3512 pm Ironroaois SECOND MORTGAGE MONEY are the greatesstuiuhtillimell lalrlnd temper savers RENTALS INTEREST TERM T0 ml PAY um REPAY LOAN at MONTHLY PER ANNUMT IN FULL BEDROOM $294 16 15 Years 9m 1551 mu 21 Dunlop St at must 7° MORTGAGE $509 I5 Years Well Iéated the city 35 ssm NORTHWAY RUG 15 Years bedrooms with or withoth gar OPEN CO LTD ages Pricerange from 316000 Tbe house of fine brosdloorn vmaUsoN Klnlclh wallare Iii me surenon Memorial llproiini Alilslnn on ltiundal Nor so I961 Kenneth illllle FernIron at an In Road our ran or arm And the 1m wltrr Ferguson brother of inoln thin lint11 Valne nrtrni Alberta Ind liildrrn mu JohnAldermni of Burtie nullnr It lcnneiir mncni Moo1e to Rnldford st Barrie iur Ienke on Salurdlv at run lnirnnenl St Pauls Cemzknl lonlslll CARDS 0F THANKS nAlInis would lllu Imnnnl ml irlrn MIflMn nun rell iiiu for rlrls lawns and rumcu ch helped in mm solri birthday ten happy an Mrs my unit BIcGOIVAN min to We friend and alumom CHRISTMAS BAZAAR BAKE SALE AND TEA Wednesday Dec 130 to pm ANAF CLUB ROOMS Dunlap St West Auspiccs LADIES AUXILIARY AN AF Veterans in Canada Stroud 4301770 REAL ESTATE racers FOR SALE EARL HAMMELL Broker PHONE 7292542 nonnow $1600 $2500 000 1500 nind expression of mined in run during reenl ocr rcnirnient Ind for klndnmen tn unlit sire war in bowl llliarll llIcGownn John Inn attuned vllstl to than Incl un relf tltlrlkl to lhostflf ll nmrxlr lull Commullliv far the rim rolled llnt srturanv rim and for COMING EVENTS BEETON Ontario 100 ACRES gnarl clay loam room brick home Iurriaci inJ bathroom barn 40 30 with 30 ll miles from Cooksioun and mile all 21 Highway 220 ACRES I2 miles from flar rie on paved road lfltl acres team all acres maple to acresficcdar and tiller soft woods balance pasture Rea tiful brick home with rncnls new furnace Also bedroom bungalow hot water heated large Irsiinpud it NEISON SQUARE bedroom bungalow DriIe by and see Ille location and view of this attractive home wrih double garage then call Mrs Lang 7E5 for further details lLSmbl mum mum hrbiun mam Norah nutcr maul mud locillr M4950 Keith duller 9am Ellrell snelswnu mom it Wiltnpn 73am UTTS CO Realtors mu Brown bred Atllnlon lonn unit ll aracLsr inc longlln Evmlt Lunllleed stayoer Norman sbeuwcll Owen St Barrie 7282485 to $21300 These homes must be seen to appreciate the value you receive for your dollar Call now for an appointment to inspect Np ARRANGING FEES INTEREST IS CALCULATED ON THE DECLINING BALANCE DOMESTIC ItND IMPORTED anoiibwon Remnants all sizes and price 67 OoIlIer St $23900 bedrborndne year old Hiilcrcst and North Col legiate area mottoa bedroom bungalow East and Slamz bedroom older heme cenirc of city 3149004 bedroom bungalow and extra 10 32000 down 513000 bedroomhungaiow ORIL urnunions Isl and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL HOMES FARMS AND CAC REALTY LTD 149 MISSISSAGA ST PHONE 3266479 LPhone mull CHEESE Canadas finest Cheddar Gleescn direct from factory BRENTWOOD GEN STORE miles west of Angul PHONE W7 FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service LIA TO RENT ARMY OFFICER WISHES To rent Ith or three bedroom TWREY SHOOT Iriday December BARRlE REVOLVER CLUB llth In Vespra mile north garage and implement shed eluding full line oi implements and equipment RESTAURANT almost new In 27 Highlla all new couirimelt Filter Queen for better health OJIIPIEIEIVACUUM SERVICE 87MAPLE AVE 7253482 cosmeticth Phantoms 90 0F VALUATIONS If You Need Money nao eonroildntn debt of ulnan mariam rnnrugn coming on close to downtown $3000 down slami small bungalows on lot by 04 LittlsrLalte liouso on 15 pro Rcolles to cm Ncwruru Box his Borden ROOMS TOLET rUltNIalirzn 00 for rent very HIGHLAND PARK VILLAGE Go south on Highway It to city limits or ONltiraclrs turn left off 3rd road after railroad Little Alenilci and our model homes are of High Indoors heats 330 to MIDNIGHT BINGO lVednesdny December pm ALLlSTON ARENA it Regular SharethMVc Canned goods games 310 pm JACKPUT MUST GO Door Prizes Proceeds to Charity Auspfcs IDYAL ORANGE ASSOCIATION TEA AZAAR AND BAKE SALE Saturday December to 430 pm KT GmRGES ANGLICAN Auspices ALLANDALE DISTRICT GUIDES AND BROWNDE BARBIE HORMILTURAL SOCIETY indoor and Outdoor Christmas Lighting EVERYONE WELCOME RUMMAGE SALE will seat 40 Priced at 577000 gaiow nlmnst completed at $16200 We haye several other properties to show Call AL BERT GILROY Oonkslntlnilsa 61 PETERS Realtor 29A Owtll SI mZIID aaTranaiiANAvannoa 11a storey room home locatedhn basement linished recreation room with hull bar new nrated and totally fenced reasonable down payment re REALESTATE Broker Phone 72 93 Dunlop st tst and 2nd mortgages arranged on low monthly payments We Program by Ontario Hydro 0n ooonsrowN bedroom bun WILES tTijg Dulferin Street It features lull forced air furnace freshly dec unthe IIISIiulla to the lefL JAKE LOOK PROGRESS REPORT l5 New Starts Bungalows mid split level home December 15th Yotiliowihaiéa choice of iolornadd filler tilel Price Tofuge $17500 to 513500 lnxes Approximately stilt per year OPEN House SATURDAY1 PM To PM For further information call Gordon all Coulis WANTED We have elieilLs VIUINdllerBSIl who are interested in obtaining holdings with or without buildings from acres to 100 acres EVENINGS lA StllidyFCoui Coulis 7207275 Wall Pé FRANK NELLES Photo Realtor BAYFIELD STREET $22900 FULL PRIC homes Completion date for the model Gordon MAIL bedroom home on quiet street only dining room Fi leayfcniedww 10lont lot at tached garage home you would be proud to own Call today $1ti000 FULLPRICE bedroom bungalow near North Collegiate Very large kitchen Full basement with bedroom apartment that rents for $7500 monthly BIG BAY POINT Very comfortable and spacious bedioom bun galow with extra large living room and tirepla area II All Rose Ila Willa Bill hiacknes Res 11647126 Russell Smith Rea lifary Vair Ra Dick llarttay 7mm Chou co LTD ins nEALroa lOCOLLIER $1 7234401 LAND IN BARRIE About acres including lot on Ottaway 6500 on bill or lot Coult Show MOVE IN WEEKS bedroom hungaluwavitmogighi sunny kitchen and attached gar age Beautifully landscaped lst mortgage at This was home Completed to pen INVESTMENTHUNTERS This building has four 1bedroom apartments and shows cash flow in excess of 15011 $6000 down payment Rents could be increased to show higher return East end location MIST Aging showdown nrntnl urrk nn rrcitutcr InIrI onbTeleoliona MM 30 ban can mprovementr Anyminutiae can Write or Phone mortal Mortgage Funding our SimpsonSears HS DUNLOP Member antrip aian mu mm bullion Street 057s WANT MORIGAGEL 570R55F0R RENT First or Second at low simple Interest Up to 007 ol your pro perty value Low monthly pay ments up to fifteen year to $118 For any mortgage pro blems see COREY Real Estate at Dunlop at 7202419 you own mariatic nerdy avaunblc in nunhasn same We will even lend you money on your mortgage Enquire Morinu hmdlnl noose CLIENT wnil $1500 looking bungalow Willi rrcmation rnnrn Ind znrnxe Phone numll Canon niinr 531 pm 7265161 Carson Realtor us PORTUNITIES llnad mlllblo for florller am repair business ctc rent NURSING HOMES VACANCIES nemlnnvnte private Iain ItsnlheSeasCm IBAdvertisgzj ummu smile south of Harrie Good condition with excellent turn nc bedroom apartment rent Lulur saLmonthlv prus llvlnlr dunner Telephone vonnenlc no 0017 In White Realtor FOR saw or trauma house In nunin district sonice slatlonand lcnrlr nrlrr ROOM AND BOARD noon Arm nonnn milole Im mediately Lunches packets llnlu laundry nonenrulrlnn loan 731 Telephone no see per month Telephonu 773545 ma Tflv 5le Ft Maples serr sucks to WIrrlngton Distrinu aHKellar Ontario annex pmnanIY cpcnuil drea for solarsilo 12 also other dlelde mallqu Telephone mum axls m2 sALs Chamoni rm and hrrnesr 1o indies lonn meet condition complete as Telephoru 7161032 LOUNGE Orlnrrerlulllefltlfi with bolster back In Ioott condition sis Telephone from nrter spun 211ean Box OFFICE Anna for rent at halal many or III on Saturday swam usmuc mow blow cr crcrllnni condition lilo Elrc trohomo Humldettu Telephone L35 sols rurruriner unruoinrru SNAP 0N TOOLS ornpleic sut in excellent canol llon best offer to on Telephone uNnEn MAGNETIC portnh in end llmmenl coutnmeni it rn lie nu Champion olennrr some Prnilolllf Dam and miscouzneous lternr rcl ephone acelon mason snark These Stalled Tradesmen are Ready to Worlt OrlYourloblmmediately harmonicanon buy your present Li and and mortgages MA EL MARSHALL mam lillllt Erins MODIIE 12112255 GREIA zlirlAlIA 7286177 JANE YOUNG m47l1 MUTTANS KERR illusion usasu PETER GUBBELS as MILS Realtor BINGO 70 minurrui with llvlnrz punters err 11 on our hinhwny south nLJhrre includes III GIRBY email gt eorupureni edlafe possession IrAnloN NEWMAN rrivntc more ANITA swirr DEVEAEERI ANGUS INSURANCE rnoGthoN MOVING Hillng Dont forget totranster your MLE REALTOR MORTGAGES ARRANGED lNSURANCE and if you need extra 67 Dunlap St West coverage of any liL SI EVENVSQN water Ideal retirement home Full price 513200 EVENINGS CALL HIM103 Boa SAUNDERS 7C00R1Ln Times It CHUCK Cow IlIONDAY DEEEMBER btogpnn LEGION HAL Collierstreet Auspicos St Pauls Brown andGuidcs lililu llAGU FRANK NELLES aooKKeselNG 5TANal2Ysf0N REFRIGERATION JANITORIALSERVICE SATISFIEDWIIHVXOUR PRESENT CLEANING SERVICE Try us for better Cleaning of your office star or tailor MIKES LAKEFRONT BARGAINS 553000 down buysz cottag electric heat insulated aand bedroolds rentfrorr1 nrriea Only EVENINGS JouN HthllE mlon ff MGM andreereat arsed PlanePer roams eueral Glendale Travelux Parts and Servic 0r Tarmaup 501 Years ram shim vyo Waodwnfk flutillnl Work gull ed Altman cl nunlea offices Harvey Weber cl Robert Fleweliln sail VELASTING pr uuhL amr WALTBK coma1151311 RAWN Real asiai WCuIophs ricirnp irucrr sass nrul ten work Unlinknow aenllna hwmmnr suchmm Dublin so It meal nsNTALs APARTMENSTO ENT on further pun mun tune lved by min dly Pflfledlnl publication with Lila ancepilnn ot classified DIAPIIY advertisements hlthsmilatbu I7 ll reuedln Nilrm Sydnott lldanlllt ill Hamilton lo Littler onu will bloflfllfin unlit Irina onanris uh pinpunt pm 19le it no pills tn am sinn Insertion5e per wt ennreeuliue 1m nnr rd Im lnuruon ram more or WWduflefim pnrunn dose on mwh HAD

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