Christmas tom Ysar No no Adam iuhila aidrmcu exchange grat gt aiions iollowingfl acs claman to or council last 5i ji left to right werarAldcrmen Roberlscand Jack hia Lreii and ldermanelect Deli Alsï¬ï¬cloimed last night TAX Manama talisman Dr Edwin wilsonehut elec tlpus re indicated ior all other come tux harm Ontario Canada Friday Vi 0TMWA CPt Taxes on alcohol and tobacco go up by 10 per cent in Canada today Per sonal incbme taxes will he hit with pervccnt surcharge next Ja Finance Minister Shflip an nouncod the ncreases in his budget speech Thursday night as part at the governments nntlinilaiion ograrnl ihc surcho aiiects iive of every six Ca odlans paying in other increaser aitcct everyo who smoke or drinks More tax increases appear to lie ahead The minister said tax measures will ha required toii nance medical care lnsursnca due to come into oltcct next July gt lhcspeoch also sounded the deathhirneli torithe radical lax systm changes proposed in the Carter royal commission report on taxation instead hiri Sharp said the presont tar system will he reiormcd Presenting hisiourthhudgot in less than two years the ruin Biermade it clear that the sat nmcnt is at any vurthat might rcsiflt from tax UNITED unions Ar vllN secretarydiene aiU Thant prepared peareeglppeal today se oi the peac eat it nrce on Cypru andpossihly xpand lovahout 41000 ro rith theiorc This would he matter or the Security Conncilihe cur ma ate torthe tome ext piresDe Thant call for the terms worked out by Major points inriude the drawaiwot Greek nd Turkish reguiar arm nroops stationed illegally onle us Greek pensatioa or 15 TurkishCy prints kills in islandNovvr and mrlreya threKto invadethe is land 40 mils oti its soother oi th United efoce completing his appeal messageihant planned to hear from UN Undersecretary Jose General called today to GM strum if The UAW date for necessary eneral Motors the tint that it iswilhng to write con tract with the UAW that is with de maximum additional levy is addiï¬onalis enls mvncnr hecrrï¬done cent onamzirounce otors Councll was resumed nego trons on new the unions 090th 11967 budget speech mat rc sion is inevitable the conom con tinues to sniier iro inn1 ion In his speech said Who lscal res alnts essan nowimay limit some What increasellnour roduc lion next year hut such limi tationhow is to better than scrimni recession later ii We canno asin ividuals andorganizatzw ex 153 the restruini that is led lor lo price costvand wage in creases then are is no aller nativo hut cctive iisdal re straint exerci ed by Parlia ment talked oi an ounce oi prevention hclng betterJthnn pound oi curc Thapersonal income lax sur tharge will applyonly when persons hasic tax exceeds $100 Severalillines the minist2 rrwol nuns man with two iidflnvflild earning $100 weclr will pay an if od tobacco almost on the we of the val glit season in ommoditles figure on Munoz hottle of liquor aincments on mule case of mean about Mr Sharp sld married come into eiieét flirtat 2Preiifsor1di Income Taxes With5Per Cent Surchci liquor commissions add the markups and cam The lobaccol it increase on txfo cents outta on rovlnciol sal package at 20 cigarct aénin hetore iiovhwlal taxes Mr Sharp stlmoicd the tax will add $25000000 to ov erament revehues year and another 3165090 the ext iull ï¬scaiylï¬r startinng il ihetohactn and alcoh in creases ull vmcnpvszp 0007 more reve this year and $000000 to the next iiscal Mr 79 Look on the bright ship If during his udget lda ht we havela highartaxos nwntsmipi in his appeah was to helicopter that 250 miles northeas late Thucsrl Milt SMI INF 5H7 LEAv rclbiesfsxplam 01mm or room tables illustrate the eflect three classes ottaxpayer ist Sha percent surfaxi Ilaeach tahle um show First total income Soc0nd present combined incial ax toha and taxpayer is assumed to helak Kathe optional standard ded Third proposed surtax Single Income Tax Rai ifs House r27 136 File iicits Present Proposed 3330