SKIBTINIG THE BAY By EILEEN DIXON if you are one of those people who have trouble getting to sleep at night have suggestion for you ctenn HOUSEI Now dont mean lake the house apart and glue it back together again What am talking about is nightly pickup routine which will give you head start on the morning and at the same time help lull you to sleep Here is suggested daily beforebedtime pickup routine Empty and clean all ash trays Whisk over ash trays with sponge dampened in pine cleaner solution Then the ash trays will smell fresh as morning even the night before provided you hide them from the man of the house enjoying his goodnight cigar Fold up the newspapers and put them in nest pile or out in the trash Make few breakfast preparations set the table ef the coffee ready put out the bowls and jUICe glasses his note is especially for the working wives Put out the garbage and trash Pour few drops of ine cleaner into the empty kitchen container until morn ng for disinfecting deodorizing and cleaning hope this regular routine will act as sedative but even if it doesnt think how happy youll be in the momtng FAIREST OF ALL FAIRS The Barrie Fair officially opens on Sept 27 for threeday run During the past week attended the Oro Worlds Fair and this weekend expect to take in the Luxury is the only word to describe the shirrcd bearer cape trimmed in tax at left shown with Canada maleslic mink threeeuarterlcngth coat right at the lith annual fur tion in Montreal Marylyn Ann Dyrnént Gilbert Hugh Samson Today ltllaa Marilyn Abe Dyntsnt boomihehridooifltlbcrtft Hugh Samson at sang the Lord aoers Gilbert ISomsonol drs fashion previews and conven may in Trinity Anglican Chinch this aftsrnaon drfn ort ding with Archdeacon Alan Readofflciatlng Tbs soloist Donnidhlnson sang the IordsPrayor and Perfect Love socampaaied by din Roberts organ ist oi Ortltfa The congregation is My Sheph crd as the bridal party ap proached the altar the bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs William locker ble Dyment of Peel Street Thai lb bridagroorna parents are Mr lallngton PEAU DE SOIE GOWN Escorted down the white cer patcd aisle by her father the bride were full length gown of pond dc MIC The strapless bodice of the dress was enhanc ed by Jacket at reembrolder ed Alencsn lace Motifs of Alan ean lace and sequins adorned the skirt and chapel train of the gown The brides elbow length scal loped veil of tulle Illusion was held by fabric flower head whlie and burnt orange earns BRIDE ATTENDANT MUTE it ompson onto as maid of honor The bridesmaids were Miss Joanne Dymaat Barrie sister of the brida Miss Marcella blacdan aid of Toronto Mrs Michael limr Barrie and Mn IV Keith Hall of Hamilton Carrying through the theme of the bridal gown ths attend cuts were gownod alike in drea of white peau do sols White cotton lace jarhots ac coated the sire lcu bodtcss of gowna the shirts ware bellabaped Their head sses were bInnt orange tah rtc flowers The attendants can rted bouquets of burnt orange carnations The bridegrooms brother Anv drew ll Samson of lsllngton was heat man William Ap piston oi Simuvlllc Craig Johntton Jack Ryan bath of Tomato and Andrew Dy ment at Barrie the brldoa bro ther were the ushers RECEPTION The reception was held at the residence of the brides grand mother Mrs John Lalng High Street Receiving the brides mother was attired In sheath gown of blue brocade with that dung hat tier come was pink and Mite carnation nut the bridagroomts mothumglorobgshenth dawn Rf cham peau Io Audit with aidsdm6 The bride chose white Swiss knit suit complemented by binds accessories for travell ing Ear earsaga was pink entions Yon Ara nauagnl Ibaiato nu Year and wm you leave our shop you may be sure our beauticians have styled yoprahlalr to is YO nflï¬nt lavelineaa pm nan smrbrs Dunlap El PA mu dress She carried nasegay of Cookstown Fair New lm expecting the most from the Barrie Fair especially in the womens division There are interesting classes in crafts and needlecraft The com mittee in charge are Mrs Lloyd Mrs Nelson Mrs Dawson Mrs Don Giffen Mrs Foyston Mrs Hickling Mrs Drury Mrs Channen The prize lists are out and can be obtained from the Barrie Agricultural Society by telephoning PA 87414 or writing PO Box 217 Lists may also be picked up at Malcomsons insurance on Dunlap street East Entries are to be in writing and in the Society office not later than Sept 24 1082 Each exhibitor must be member of the Barrie Agricultural Society The membership fee is twodollars and no further entry fees are charged WOMANS SECRET REVEALED We never seen women so anxious to reveal their ages as at the Oro Worlds Fair Why because Fair President John Woodrow offered cash prize for the oldest woman attending the fair on Thursday ls oke to Mrs Marie Obee of Toronto who was 80 years and didnt look day over 60 Mrs Obee was the former Marie Sampson of Oro She remembers look jing forward to the annual OrorFalr with anticipation She WHY ANOTHER CHURCH IN BARRIE You may hays noticed announcements thatachurch of Christ began meet ing in Barrie an August 5th Since these announcements many nice people have asked us Why start another Churehin Barrie Havent we enough These are fair questions and in four articles in this space we will answer There is already too muchidtvislon in the world Political social and relig fous division provide man with his greatest problems What tragedy that those Dr Asquith Speaks Ilt And Meeting Monday evening short business session was oTIIE BARNESEXAMINER SATURDAY SEPTEMBER it held Cuest speaker Dr it As nun LANDERS qulth chose as his topic Pai who propose to follow Christ should be divided He prayed that allwho believe Ion Control Centre He told at in Him ma be one John 1721 His followers have responded With denom Ilddmg Fuel To Frre Want Help Your Boy The Prince of Walesliame and School Association held its first meeting at the season on WWW lnatlonallze Christian world There islittle resemblance between the Church city and that anyone could so we Wm any Yum which Jesus built and modern Christendom simply by calling at the office Throughout the centuries since Christ sincere men have repeatedly turned Refreshments were served by away from traditional ereeds and divided Churches and have turned back to the committees theChureh of the New Testament No such movement is just another Church in such an effort now NEW Church is established Conscientious Christians saw the seed of the kin dom which is the word of God and this seed too brings forth after its kind Lu edit16 The results are thrilling and excit ing and leasing to God Human beings are born again Pet Try An Enlmluu Want Ad PHONE PA Mild recalled one occasion with twinkle in her eye We all wanted to go to the fair but my father was cutting corn in the field and seemed to be too busy to leave his work Since was my fathers favorite was selected to try to coax him into goingé So went out to the field and said illhel ou Dad Shit py youll take us to the fair and be By the way the winner of the prize was Mrs Edwards 80 of Wyebridge Her Adventures More Interesting PETEREOROUGH Ont CPI 3A woman who Came to Canada THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW This days planetary influ ences are generally excellent both personal and business mat tars should prosper and all can sttuctive efforts should culmi nate happily Look for some ex =ceptionaliy good news in the FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that it would be well to take advan tage at all opportunities to fur ther worthwhile goals right now You are currently in most propitious cycle where job and monetary matters are con cemed and by putting forth best efforts you should see good results before midtoss Stimulating social experience should enliven the latter half of this month also in December and January and there is strong possibility that if you are single is new romance will enter your life during the same periods of between June and August of nextyeer Domestic and property mai lers will be under generally inc aspects in the year to come ut do ayoid speculationI next month or you might prec pitate an unnecessary crisis child born on thisdny will be endowed with fine mind great versatility and stickies itiveness DAY AFTER TOMORROW Generally speaking Monday will be period in which to stick more or less to routine matters However if you see chance to improve your finnni cial situation without taking any risks the time will be propi flous FOR THE BIRTHDAY it Monday is your birthday your planetary aspects indicate an upward trend in both job gt and financial affairs For the Virgavhorn this month should markn real turning point in all respects andthe fine influences should lestexcept fora brief period in Octoberfar at least year It childborn on this day will loyal friend and endowed with fine is years ago to write about the Canadian lndians has ended up writing about her own adven tures instead When Mrs Minnie Elizabeth McHalm first came to Canada as genteel Englishwoman of 38 she found herself lcsrning to bake bread make butter and salt meat asga housekeeper for six men on Saskatchewan wheat farm They were all nice boys and Ident lrnow how they put up With me at first had never baked bread or made butter The first bread lbaked could bounce off the wall She was the only woman among the six men and was so shy that she retreated upstairs when they came in to wash for dinner and stripped off their shirts she recalls The lndians didnt have time for writing anything but letters in those days was too bum Now the ESyesrold widow is writing the story of her roman tic advcnturea an the Canadian Prairies And her Prairie experiences are only part of her story which also tells of way of life dress food customs and cat tage prayer meetings which disappeared long ago in Eng an Mrs McHolm knew this way of life as child when too deli cate to survivetrinls of living with nine brothers and sisters she lived quietly with her grandparents in Froome Som erset England She had first planned to stay in Canada for onlythree years but in 19M werhrake outrand by the limit was over she had met and married Seat William chHalm After five years otlfarrning in Manitoba she and her hus band moved to small farm near Marrish Ont 24 miles south of Peierboraugh where Mrs Melfolm now lives and is reporter for thePartHape Guide DESCRIBES PROJECTS OTTAWA iCPI Research projects of the Canadian Wild hte Service ranging from check of radioactivity inithe antlers of deer to study snipe populations are described inn newbaakiet issued Thurs dayby the northern affnlrs dc pertinent The booklet first of series in be issued once every two years willyba distributed free across the country mainly qualities of craftsmanship to groups interested in the out doors Dear Ann Landon Four years ago my husband and were div The court awarded me custody of our two children Last year the boy who was then 13 became hard to handle Whenever et tempted to correct him hed telephone his dad and say was mlstreating him Finally couldnt take it any longer so told him he could live with his dad it he wanted to The next day his dad came for him has and baggage few months later my ex husband marrIEd woman who apparently doesnt care for chil dren She and my can get along poorly The boy last no time in telephoning me to complain that his dad always took her side This week the boy called twice and asked to come home My husband phoned yesterday and begged me to take the bay buck lily daughter who is now idsays should let him sweat it out over there as payment for the way bchurtmy feelings when he left What do you suyt UNDEOIDED Dear Undecided What kind of mother are you that youd take the advice of 13yearold on such matter Tell your son you want him back And do everything in your power to make him feel loved and welcome ESCORT SERVICE Dear Ann Landers lily five yearald son starts kindergarten soon have two younger chil dren at home and PM unable to take the boy to school There are two busy streets which must he crossed have asked neighbor girl who is ii to take the child to school every morning and bring him home She agreed which relieves my mind considerably My problem is this Should pay the girl set amount or buy her gift at the end of the ierml It you feel the girl should be paid what amount do you suggest If gift Would be in Plans for an anniversary di opening meeting of the Trinity Guild The dinner party will mark the leth anniversaryof the organization 1twas decided to extend an of the guild information may George Seymour at PAH5052 or Mrs Peter Sinclair at PA as 1690 During the business sessian plans were completed for the neerlynew sale which will be held an Oct and 5th VELKAY for Privacy and MATERNITY orphans tthDoorEaatot Trinity Guild CampletevPlans For ZUth Anniversary Dinner ner party were discussed at the invitation to former members beabtalned by calling Mrs better taste what shall buy lwnnt her to know appreciate her looking after my son ihaak you Ann OTTAWA 0N TARIO Dear Ottawa This young girl has agreed to take an demand lug job think it would be wise to pay her every week Not only will the payment he an incen tive it will also be reminder of her continuing responsibility Twenty day which means chd ng bath to and from school would be about right Speak to her mother first however and get her ap proval DINNER GUESTS Dear Ann Lest winter my slsterinlnw invited my bus band and me to Sunday dinner made it clear we couldnt be there until 530 pm She said it would benli rightthey would wait We arrived at 540 They had just finishedca sisterinlaw was string the tableShesaid 0h hi as if we had dropped in unexpectedly and added Can fix you sandwich lily husband and were efn barrassed to death We sat down and had sandwich and glass of iced tea Soon after my her brother made an excuse that we had to leave early He was furious and didnt wish to stay She has called dozen times since inviting us to dinner and have run out of excuses Shall tell her why dont want to accept another invitation in her homerJoyce Dear Joyce its toobad you didnt tell her exactly how you felt that very Sunday You wanted lot of energy making up all those excuses Your letter doesnt indicate much of relationship between you and your sisterinlaw Your husband apparently likes her even less lm for levelling with peoplerelatives or not The canvener of the sale is Mrs Ernie Valfenden The date set for the Christmas bazaar ls Nov is Convener of the bazaar Mrs Jack Butler Rev Shelring was speaker at the meeting Gues PowellMrs Reynolds and Ian Joan Fraser PERMANENTS 12225 do not add to nor is 18 19 ey worship in spirit and in truth John 424 They ke from Gods WardThe Bible Rev 22 $599 OPEN EVENINGS FREE PARKING can arrick Jainc Stytists III Maple Ave PA 54601 Protection For Your Car Added Value For Your Home has come to Barrie These are some of the reasons why the Church of Christ Wesley Jones Minister BARRIE CHURCH OF CHRIST Mesting Temporarily Codrlngton 5t Public School Sundays 1030 am For further information or comments on this article address EHcarfiCHRIST FOR P0 Box 460 Barrio THE WORLD 430 Sunday CFOR l570 Beauty Economy Quality By using the Precisionvlluilt system we you time and labour and eliminate waste latO PrecisionBuilt Garagesare preengineered and proconstructed in our pl machinery to assure accur ly on your lot ant using precision ate and quick assemb Seethe model display of Precision Built Gan ages on the lot directl showrooms illustrated Brochures Available enoossa GARAGE THAT arenas WITH Your HOME No Down PAYMENT easy Mourutv PAYMENTS Under NewVlA loan Regulations Garages may now be purchased without delay PHONE US FOR DETAILS MODERNIZING modellme job no matter how you KNOW youoantnust as ANNE sr 01 vsuursvusroavou SERVICE to the north of our Call for sizabledestlmatonior every home modemlzlng or re large or howsmali from company ProConstructed For Ownerconstruction EARRIE VPA60902