aiminsrwracosr Suggests User Poly Best Road To Follow tinrric City Council next Tuesday night to discussion to the boom sewage program the at oriuen will try to make itplain that user pay is the beslpollcy to follow The meeting is being held to £ch lull consideration to tho citys sanitary sewerage devel opment program which was we pared by the technical toinmit lee ior sewage FAIREST WAY We will be seeking the fair est way to distribute the costs so that no one iactlnn ot the community is overburdened said Aid Morrow chairman of the City Development comt mtttee The onewho uses the most should pay the most seem the best course that the city could pursue said the alderman The extent of the program is the construction of trunlr sewer mains to be carried out over threevyear period as re commended in the report and construction of secondary sewage plant to be started as soon nail is practical This cumpictc prugi it within the scope of about $2000 000 RECOMME DATIONS Following is what the City Development committee will ask council to approve Construction at the second nry sewagelrentment plant he started as soon as is practical when the drnlt bylaw has been approved by council and the Ontario Municipal lioard for the constniction oi the sec ondary treatment plant the city should call for tenders for the extension to the existing sewage trcutment plant and that appli cation be made to Central Mort gage and Housing Corporation for ï¬nancing That all industries be re quired on graduated basis to bring their sewage ctiiuent to an acceptable standard tor dis charge in the municipal system From inioimation available ac ccptable standards can be ethic ved with the installation of are treatment plants at thcindurt rial sonrcesThe standards will be maintained with the appli cation ot penatty surcharge applied to the B0D content ot the sewage discharged over the acceptable tirrnt in principle sewage sur charge bnscd on the water con sumption is an equitable means of raising revenue The ieasibii ity at such method oi financing has been discussed at meeting with cross section of industry It method of billing and collect ing on the tax bill be imple mented on the above basis Collection can also be done by simply adding it tothe water bills that are distributed each month This however is some thing that still has to be dis cussed tli the Public Uii es Coma Astncc iissinn wants it made plain ill the sewage money would be completely disassuclotcd from the water rate nono iuiLLniiia Basic reasoning tor the user pay plan is because council is trying to avoid making iunjoi increase in the mill structure if it was done this way it would mean an addition of ii mills The drawback to this is that that there could behighiy as sessed properties with little or no sewage problems id yet the owners would be taxed based on average daily atten the basin of the high assessmenL Conversely apropcrty with low assessment could have bill sewage turnover thereby the owner would be escaping the cost responsibility its the some as the person who uses the highway most must in turn pay the most tax for the road throughgas con sumption said Aid Morrow Board Hears Work Report lltilieeting report on work done in Public Schools in Barrie during the summer vacation was pre scnlcd by the Property and Supply Committee oi the Bar rie Public School Board at the boards tirst meeting after the recess inst ight Principal summer projects were the repairs and renova tions to the heating system at itilicrcst plaster work pointing and Installation of fluorescent llghtin Prince of Wales basement rocmanoeonrmiig Edward two portable class rooms moved in to swell Oak ley Park accommodation and general cleanup of all schools report on the operational costs oi education was entered showing that the cost perpupii dance in schools in Barrie was lower than the overall average on the survey in Barrie the annual cost per piipli was sameagainst an overall average of $33420 cacti year The iigiires were provided by Ontario Association oi School Business Dificials To Decoratej Barrie lien Two Barrie men rey and iimcoc Foresters Squad too will receivethe Cnnadlaiil forces Decoration in Toronto Saturday Copt iinrris Steele 2nd lC it Squadron and Sgt Robert Chmpbell PQMA are invited to an invostiture at Old Fort York where LtGov Kclller itinciiay will present them with the Canadian Forces Decoration at pmtSaturdny There will be lttil dress ceremony with guard of honor from the three armed rto navon PRESENTS onions No City iioti department heads received diplomas this week for succusiuiiy passing threeyear municipal train ing course The presentation iROM iNDUSTitiiti CO of tho diplomas was made by Mayor Les Cooke who said the men mode valuable con tributions to the progress of the city through their part MOneL In Confidence People who ieeltbey should seck assistance from Bnrrioa new industrial Development Company to tuither the interests at their business or industry can he assured of strictest cen iidcnce intheir negotiations This was decided yesterday by the provisional directors of the company who met at the Bay view Terrnce to continue to drait terms and reference oi the proposed company in coming weeks the directors hope to go to the public and sell common shares that will enable the com pany to ttaanee and assist new or present industry toicxpand EARLY REQUESTS ittay industrial Comm issioner who is assisting in the cstabllsliinentroi thycompany made it plain to the directors that already there are requests Publisher other To Library Board ins ptibilsherniTlie Barrie Examiner lialis has been appointed tothc Barrie Library aboardin the Public School Boniii to tilt the vac ancy caused by the death of Judge Macbaren Board Secretary George that could well come under the terms oi the proposed company With this knowledge tho dir teciors decided to accept all re quests that are beingniodc and give them full consideration They decided however that problems would arise trom people with requests whofenred that any considerations toward their firm might be discussed openly The directors made up oi crossection otcommereinl ins dustrlni and professional men oi the community decided that this would definitely not be the case Anyone who did have problem could be assured of complete privacy in negotiations lit the next meeting one such request will be considered Once trip company to tally establishe special committees be set up to give consideration to some oi the requests An outline of the com mittee that could be usetui in the company sotup will prob ably be presented by Mr ittny at the next directors meeting Meanwhile anyancewho is still considering investing in the company can secure more in formation by contacting Mr May at the industrial CDlitmiSSton office iliny recommended that feipatlon From leit are it Straughan City Clerk GENE City Treasurer and htnyor Cooke Examiner Photol 23 New Teachers iii Public Schools Twenty three new teachers riePubiic School staff when clnsses rcsnmcd last week Sup erintendent McKay re ported last night at the first meeting at the Public School Board The new teachers were well coined at Codrtngton School August ï¬loby board chairman Noel Stephenson and princlt pots and supervisors or schools Five oi the newromers will teach at Prince of Wales They are Margaret Bauich Mrs Mar garet Dnngeriield Frances Fox Joanne Sheppard and Gary Rey nolds The new teachers at Codrtng ton are Mrs Patricia Boswell Margaret Carr itiargaret Smith and Ronald ilnrris vrhite Mary Dunnmorc Jone Fraser Ruth Jenneti and Mrs Caryl Aim For take over duties at King Edward Thrceï¬otito litilptevstzgrliarl bra Kingswood ingrid Kriizcr and Shirley Mason and Valerie Elliott Jeanette Falls Elizabeth Gates and Charles Lover will Ipciid their lirst your at Oakley ai Mrs Mange itcnton and Jack Phillips will begin at Johnson Street White Mrs Amy Quinton will be the only newcomer at Steel Street Try on Examtncr Want Ad PHONE PA 524 Enrollmentis Up At Public Schools When school opened in ionic September total or M77 hlidrcpf tripaizlcd through the our tys eight public schools7t more than went on vacation train the schools in June 1961 and Ho more than enrolled for the year last Sep tember The figures were released last aim at meeting of the Pub lic School Board by School Superintende McKay One hundred and seventy new pupils registered ior schooling August at and for the first limo in Barries history more than 700711 at Oakley Park School rcglstered invone school Five of theaéhnols showed increases in attendance orer June of tbiaycar Figures at Johnwn Street King Edward and Prince oi Wales were slight ly below titore oi last year Figures bowcd that the actu ai enrolment tor the eight schools came within iii of the number estimated in five year proiection from rm Enrolment in kindergarten totalled with OakicyPark bavmg the biggest prograde list too pupils Mr McKay noted that the anticipated Increase in enmi meat for the coming years was in the region or too to 175 lia commended principals and teacher on the smooth return to reboot operation and said he hoped things would an as well in future years They will it itaif put in as mucbcifart they did this year he raid iissessmentiiuies Rural Students Enrol ill City Pubiicthoois Barrie Public School Board learned last night that students living outside the Barrie area but wishing to attend Barrie Public Schools are only eligible to attend without paying ices hWMMLwttnmflw assessable at $8000 Board Secretary George Long stuiie drew change in the rut ing oi the Board of Education on this matter to the attention oi the board He said the tion was now calculated by dividing the total public school assessmentsome Sitï¬ï¬‚oMoby the average at tendance about 3000 to deter mine the figure Previously the assessment value had been worked out by dividing the total assessment by the total number of Public School supporters This meant OBITUilltY GEORGE MIN Funeral service for George Pain 72 of Anton Mills who died at Royal Victoria Hospital onMondoy wadheid at Jeniiett Funeral items pm today interment was in Mincslng Cc melery itir Pain is survived by his wife Viola Greenhouse Pain daughter Mrs Arnold Forbes thinrlon of Dalston three sons Charlie at home Bert oi it wick and John oiAnten Mi two sisters Mrs Binnie Annie of Cundles and Mrs Albert Groves Hazel and two brothers Jim at Vasaga Beach and Fred ot Minesing thatparenti owning pro assessed rouad the $3000 iiiarltyr in the city but living oukidc were eligible to send their children without fees to school in the city um tieBoarriiï¬po lc7ol not accepting feepaying pupils irom outside the Boards area The department ruling virtu ally excludes all children living outside the city area ircm city schools Train Hits Car Motorist Unhurt woman whose car stalled on Canadian National itali waycrossing in Vcspra Town ship tins morning walked away unharmed as Torontobound freight slammed into the front fender pushing the car from its path Mrs isobel Poniotd of RR Barrie was driving car owned by her husband Roy near her home on Vespra alderoad mile and bait south otrititdhurst ice said she told the ted the train latcbraked but stopped partially on the tracks and thocar stalled The floor freight stntck the car but the angle of the cross ing made it glancing blow and the car was pushed away The car was extanslvciyrdam MraPcnfoid unerg ed With just shaking The traloa engineer was McKee oi Tomato Spence also of Tomato was thegcool doctor torcea The 48th Highlanders will be the guard oi honor for the Royal Canadian Army The Canadian Forces Decora tion is for 12 ycars service good conduct and ettlctency it is given to all arms oi thescrviceaiid the investiture CAPT HARRIS STEELE SGT ROBERT CAMPBELL is usually held once year Longstafiealso member at the Library drcmarked that Mr Valis experience as newspaper publisher should be of service to the board Mr Waits has been associatl ed with The Exomlncr for at years andbecamev publisher in 1949 if OPENING TOMORROW if is if nannies FIRST EUROPEAN DEthATESSEN Featuring imports From innit DENMARK FRANCE GERMANY and SWITZERLAND 60 loans 0i coioniiis SAUSAGE SALAMI BLACK AFOREST HAM SMOKED BEEF LIVER LOAF HEAD CHEESE ETC ETC aciuaosorrnroorcocunsr 20 wins empower PURE iiiisf CHOCOLATES from Germany Switzerland treated lMiPORTEiiCOSMETICSMommaKaiodermo onionoiiooucrsccompiasine iicioucii Sniss Sweet Butler uiiuiriuwiuicis iMPORTEDilSHtintinsl MELIiiA COFFEE uiiiiiiiits osteoarthritisselection FRENCH PASTRY only the ï¬nest Piusi Ha WWW aw tlhis canwili go 100 miles for dollar On the highway at highway speeds the at water Theres nothing to rust look or dont have to replace half the body for Volkswagen 1200 delivers around my replace And no freeze quÂ¥gflligflbffln at wbolt51 in as nédlhaï¬f gnsilie average for Operolmg cor means money for few minutes and the lab done city and country is 38 mpg upkeep Visit your VW dealer soon and see the It you live where gets is forty cents VW needs less maintenance and Volkswagen And dont be afraid to give gallon your full expense isnt hard to fewer repairs than any car in its class it good testron ï¬gure out penny ci mile Ourfactoryampioys 5000iolltimeinspec it only costs us ci penny in mile Bin then theres the oil tors wliosee to 9173ch Volkswagen iAVolkswagan navernaadsoil between is built to last changes And monay lorg ihings iika Arid the cooling system lenders Volkswagen is cooled with air instead The Volkswagen ise sensible car You So many more items yyoull havaltc see them denied NOIEi What we havent got iust ask and wellgetitgfdryéii iMFORiS PAY FOR EXPORTS