11 BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY SEPT 11 IIII II horror ARTICLES FOR SALE FARMERS MARKET AUTOMOTIVE lOHELPWANTED moments CHURCHILL ONT marries psyrm Tenders for Fiveme 1313c unites Ema In units Central mm rm mm Sealed leaders on stipulated use on It saneat sum basis plainly marked ï¬rJï¬rf ï¬whfl Tender or live room central booster unto alum or school lor the lnulsltl Township casino in nu at School Am No Churchill Ontario will be received until pm EDST onto Oat rtussan Required start one FRIDAY 21 SEPT 1961 at the oliiccs at Seller and A1 C1 or Barrio licence la otta 1va liaon Architects Clapperlon St Darrte Plans and specificdam will he issued to General Contractors by the architects on it of certified cheque pay able to Salter and Allison Arch itects in the amount TWEN TYPIVE DOLLARS 32500 Lowest or any tenderinot nec essarily accepted SALTER AND ALLISON ARCHITECTS 29 CLAPPERTON Sl BARRIE l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE SATURDAY SEPT 22 1230 pm SHARP Complete dispersal oi heel catl tie 1118 William hay grain high class term machinety and same household effects for MRS MEL CULHAM Letsto Concession Flor on Highway to second larm weat Edunvele Bridge Auctioneers ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND COLWILL LTD 4R Wants Prints For Identity HAMILTON CP Corouer McAllsler suggested Mott day night everyone should be lingerprilltcd so it would be easier or police to identity vic tims of violent deaths He was addressing jury in vestigating the deaths at Rruce Grillctt 38 his mother Martha PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examlner It you would like to have prlnu at any news talcum taken by our stall photogre pliers please call at our Bush oess Olllee We are sorry we csnnol accept Phone order Glossy Prints $100 ll srtmut or re Norberto use Pslkiox teens neuron Apply at llama St has IOAD Allandlle llim unmrniahed KM per month an but and cumin Aral rat Street alter oz p131 aria11 mm 011 ea QCeatrsLNesr res and bus iterst and ankles spur In metn 5L Gable PA Hill IO COMTOBTARLB plate to In Same Itodsru ism two road Iplmnonll lvlillbiv new brand new outldtnu totaled lovely reuddn district naar to separate ad public ocL Parking Dot aler sup SEE JENNINGS USED CAR SALES at CITIES SERVICE STATION Angus Ont Phone 4406181 IINADLT Deli lass Sedan tor sale Pric Pn roadi lion Apply 15 Toronto Street ha Imi Wholl ll Jr sauna euro NO crime be non easy1 em nu BARRIE PA 57751 collect NlCKS DEAD STOCK RR annesd Ontario time new tiles Montague Prop Telephone FARM MACHINERV CHARLES CHURCH lï¬lllthhftloti tilt Farm Supplies Service we Apply at tel virirrts street para Case New uolnoo 10 $125 gm pup use at nslm suuro mfg in excellent poadit Fill In Empmm Iadl nunm AVE mm new tires Ilepbonl HIS liter pm THE RAFTERS casa TRADETERMS 3mm ar equipped Immaculate show door hardtop Automsuc VI Pom liar Show room condition Tolephlina PA Slincoe County Ford Tractor and iiiririNrWoomisEHi Equipment ING MUGS eoaLlzls PEW SALES AND SERVICE ugi Izurflï¬tgléï¬ï¬‚élï¬ 331 rev PINE CHINA Brass PHONE 103 MINESING 13 on rmiml COPPER IRON MW Barrie Examiner OPEN kssaas pro orange cars wro To our galnrorflumv am to ull era scuurn umps it our wec pp uwv moot our on on gggggggvgg cargoes BARRIE PA 2340 mhmliifsrowr Cogggulggtngnyggsl 1W tomr an BétllltlE HOLLY Honest Joys Used Cm on worms to supply re mBRADFORDï¬vm nslloolliyLIIvzrlizfsd WliltinsmpolJol tinny selt unloaotns lorera 12A 35430 duets No investment Earnioss or mm and up wrskLv possible mu earn roll your car Llrns aid all Wairsdou oreown Alan or parttime Writa to nesumler widl hlrbt routers 100 data Motors 11 Read Rarrlr PA 35811 WHETHER Cement Bloch II ehlns Operator lasted call no was Drillia Men term Iy Ia Cool nniiCoosilounPir tele phone HIM RAN wasn equipment required gar breshlnl Alwunizflayl vary us me saasa flinging Ontario Lot Conces alors 11 Veaprl lolnmp TWO MlNunltd to train time Real bill to earn up to no to year Apply to Ros Iants miner msr CLASS Mechanic tor smsu same at be re sbla eapahle and ha know sutatpaile transmissions All tools suprlied Apply stating we ea ass pe toes and nlenoca to ol Ill Ratrtserstor and stove II Janitor service Nelson Apply HHS Steel suns or telephone days PA or molars PA stool ROOM BOARD AND BOARD with separate or two gentlemen Centrallr ad Telephone PA ems IIIZET VitlnIIYr down Ircs Gentleman purerred ll pack lunches ilome prtvil Ion Apply to Mary Street Tele oea PA Mass tuLI lurrs mne Ind OOH AND DOARO in Protestant bohe lor men in share roam IIIthlln beds Lunches vltlcd ll leaked Downtown clippertaa 5L area Thlopbolld IA ozone ROOMS TO LET TORT 30011 with pi bath om Zest end Apply 29 Weldon Street or telcphouu IA some 31 unm nullserrzcrmo Itemu oar rent fullyrlurnlshed lnclud his water but and hydro Contra Iocatlml Telephone lA oasis BRIGHT Billll lumisilrtd illde or rent CrntrsL business gentle msn Vprolerrcd Telephone IA I11 avelstuss FURNISHED llouschctplnd Room or rent Stove and rclrtgsraior lepbonn IA aim or apply omvson SIrert LAROI furnished hnuukeeplnl room or rent eoutpcprd with lid And relflgcrator erllrll 10 int Tolophone PA b81911 alter pm LARGE 5le tarnished room and kitchen rctrillersior stove and hot water Included Parking space dggiarttown larstton Telephone RA Sr Newer Decorated furnished or urlltlrnlslicd room Equipped htt rseh Private cntrsnrc on bus stop Parking ioclliilrr Apply 57 canon lAve orirlophone PA oases Taupe for an occasional Geaundheit he hasnt spoken tome for years BASEBALL RECORD Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS son and Bertcll Williams WL Pcrranoslu and Ca 32 Cincinnati toootoooa 55553 st souls 101000000 oz 75 79521 Purkey 215 and Edwards 73715911 Gibson Io11 Ferrareae 72 74 493 and Oliver Schalfcr tilts Clnlfasko StL liluslnl 72 75 ISO 14V Boston 53 77 459 17 17 Boyer 21 International League Kansas City H434 221 Washington 56 92 373 at Rocha headwaltunltl oloeoooooooetmn mo Lcs Angeles Minnesota Jpcmnvlile 00000000100200tllr4 at New York Detroit Washington Cleveland Vineyard Castro 10 Quirk Pram Filth Tm 101 and Kravltz Taylor Kay Abernathy and Chili Boston Conley la 13 and Schwall 715 at Detroit Regan Jacksonville leads best of scvcn semillnal 21 and Foylack 545 Atlanta overtime as Toronto ooozoszor at New York Ford 15 at Cleveland Ramos Mt Gregory Nelson rCon Thompson Washington Rudolph tie at Baltimore Pappns 28 Toronto leads bestolsevcu semiiinnl 20 Fl 131111 STARS Clilcegc neaola Gomez 21 Kansas City Pena 331 at Los iAngcies Relinslty All lng followed tire in tho Gril palaihgulogmu lett home early the previous wshmim trelmmd la elnlsdlésrelfly1owelr mniIWIle 19 55 icago at Minnesota atsrrr work In rim write Ilox called his mother and lilr Nel Kansas guy at L0 Angel by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 11 Barrio Examiner son to death with to claw ham nflmng WEI Ema Yank RRLIARL sex mer coal League children in all 111 it Most of Griffotts head had PotGpL giglggdï¬gthflpmcf New Yorks 87 victory over De trott Tigers boosting American League lead to our games over sefondplace Los Angeles All ge All questions tree 179 Rsyilcld fillinggig mentor 5W1 Clot iwrcn im am slrrrt anytime moor PA ssoss FalgwicQTalepbona PA som tor 185 blown up when he turned Los Angeies 51651 the shotgun on himself and po San Francisco 51 air it Pitching Jack Sanford GI ante scattered eight bite for sawmill GOOD used Slnror port POULTRY 8r CHICKS WOMENS COLUMN ï¬wnuw Ks lo Judthud me had to menmy him hmugh Cincinnati 90 57 612 515 triumph over Pittsburgh Pirates hi 195013 cannon nocx Pallets good lIy SEPT SPECIALS 2133 Effllflï¬fï¬iflï¬lï¬ his teeth WINNIE 31 5257511 H1018 winning his 22nd game of sea ce Lti as Sln or cwl Ecoatrefiii nirriioii sl lvg Tclfpbnii lng strain to wrcss aid tl cub PA During his charge to the jury 51 W15 77 6952713 mm mm mm 5m TUESI THURS AND Dr MeAlistcr also urged ally Miwaukce 72507 21 FRIDAY NIGHTS married see son and 16th in row while keeping secondplace San Fran PA arise Bay Ontario PA cease Phflndul 71 75 85 MODILEdNAcK uAltfr one called on to commit 14 save NOW on HyeLind Chicks pm to pm Elli imitiiitliiliiii 5115 relative to alihenial hospital to mum 37 QUICKIE SHAMPOO AND SET clsco haltgame behind Na lionai League leading LosAn equipment Pull price slaoo Can Your best choice tor rmven rec experience with complete orrlcr comply Chicago 52 34 356 41 WITH ROLLERS $100 Ind geies Dodgersw wnvoow GLASS AND GLAZING oua SPECIALTY 350 St Roch Street Montrdli ll Dllt Mrstey lHKn Harvester Quebec raglan Coobtown Telephone at noun MAN mm LIVESTOCK with good tolerances lor perm anent position which will pay ha tween Milli per week to aim JERSEY CALVES lul in around sec lbs Telephone 0m I710 tor the also not strsld or work Illle nurses due to trash Thls could be ot interest to the man In this store or rectory who on September and October Tele phone £01 might want so outside petition rnrsn AND Sprlaslnr Ilolvtelna on re lles handled with confid elepbonu it com PA tor Idle Cont51 puma531 PERSONALS can assume or Prince Edward nSOIdTEltED Yorkshire hear or Island Saturday September to sale We ycsrr old is Pin 11 use Can accommodate two passengers 12 weeks old Apply svcnlnss only No ehsrsa Telephone PA petal mm Hm scooltsrloomorr ror puirnsm ROLLED IIHIIHFOIID Bill 11 Om Barrio In Toronto dlily months at age Reasonably ricer Phone stmud talln alter pm lol quick sale Telephone 45411 or contact Mr thllllrd NR Coolsiown Thornton 2s ensue or rrle oso lbs and Ditto Wanted to bowl with EB STORES RENT Wm Wm up as Stock Calves mixed All Rel ï¬vannhlelrdlay even OFF SAW nu 51mm sum or llerctords frank caughlln Anten ow rom DnJoJLth AiiltLllMLEBA we EggL mreryrsrptï¬ome PA earls onnblcolter lrliphona rA mumm am you 8413 liter vm Heifers tor rile or tested vsr Bolton mor Cnldwmc artl elonted due October and one etc by uniï¬ed hurdleser in 310 CARDIN RIFLE or sale also our own homo or hospital root nlfia she so altir All $355 lice Demure ea ems or as ir°rii1°inirfhi Fl CO CF One or partnerinrormsuona LIVESTOCKVWANTEDI nglmmot Mn anon pmnug character reader and advisor on all gï¬ï¬lzcr Scltlï¬Aflcllgtimsmlal epmvgdsnmrltzl limit Pigs xyell parabhmsr or litefl pIlrst time in one um wee or art1 rolls on law Is nose Singer noor polish amt ï¬lmy ppm New York Los Anguilla Minnesota Chicago Dcirplt Baltimore Cleveland MOBILE HOMES CITATION equipped lor winter In Florida Sell or rent Tollct re frigerator oven serial special hitch electric brakes located Ik troy 127111 or lost il Barri hr smtnsr Dorie at your residenceor at the store Call us new or quick service before wintcr arrives 375 REPRESENTATIVE required or Darrle No sales experience In you thorough Ir at 10 at our sucresiiul salesman and no previous selling experience qualifications to Ippil nod appearance car ability to work hard and learn ambition to succeed and earn in excess or I600 monthly To start Immediate ly Do you At this plclulei lrltoh view by appointment only Talc 69 neighbor Mittolt Nelson 66 and Coast David Gregory EMPLOYMENT WANTED 54 mdnmwccoPLoldieepoL and nrnomrworl ldltr phone PA 33315 PING nDNE home Fast cillcleat service ncssonsble rates Telephone PA our ARMSTRONG HARDWARE PA 82441 USED REFRIGERATOR In good condltlen by Gllsnn cu IL only I75 Apply Armstrong Hard liveman jury ruled Gril kmcurlttodisulcltlï¬n alter killing Coast Gregory wrih blast at shotgun on down townstrect It added the shoot SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGE FOR SALE LOVELY Treed Setting nesr Lake Slmcoc Almost new cottage with llvlns roam lrltrhcn and two bed room Completely furnishtd 900 Telephone lli LBJ Altrtcsrs For SALE USED we all lull warranty USED RANGES REFRIGERATORS TOP QUALITY GUARANTEED 4900 107159001 EPLETTS TVand Appliances 147 DUNLOP ST 131 RARRLE FALL FURNACE SPECIALS noserr Majestic Alltslon or 56959 liter 1311 or we ends SING SALEATIION Spuclil on Ill zigzag and other sewing ras Bllinus Come 141 Ind to hem nowll Slnger Sewing Centre Bar rle PA 87950 TYPEWRIIERS bought lold rcllb ed repaired Student re As about nurchT Try lttiea Star Typewriter Cm Buy Plinthv 254 Dunlap St West PA 66595 nonsouls nanx spelling Goods Rsrrles largest seleetloa of um um everything for the sports msu Open every evening Tele xpxilouo PA H354 Highway 90 Ban version egg value Income over lead and chick mail Early order savings available now Contact Arnold It Itelake Cedar Volley Ont Telephone 51er Mt Albert AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CAR FOR SALE SEEl ViAU FOR tact Mr James cwlorr Rex zoo my ormanra va ea con max pmflillierle banxssrilihp He was commenting oncvl Whig pawl 591i CHILDRENS PERMS $500 deuce VP Willi Plttrhurohsisynpersists ADULTS pERMS to commit Grilleil three years $550 T0 50 5le unéll fireplch ILIIhï¬l lrlull me DWI It or On ago but his mother would not 333 asstkugléss RUBYIS UTY give her consent SALONS proï¬durc align Obxiccigc good 1101 Ill Can 0113 OX Prniluille Pltchcra Today DrBcacocksaithc mothers if consent was needed because her Mllwflum Lemma 124 Dunlap St PA H413 17 Essa Road PA 119811 2o Barrie tarminer so was not acude dangmus hiadelphla Bennett 69 No Appointment Necessary LEARN HAlRDRESSING II LEGAL NOTICES the HLost Angelï¬s Richert 53 at ouson Jo nson +14 NOTICE TO CREDITORS San Government Chartered Schoai Thorough training in all bran rcncisca Pierce 14s Allpersona having claims Sixorbit dies of beauty culture at Cincinnati Jay 2112 gainst the Estate of In Several Weeks RAMBLER DERWIN HAIRDRESSING Furnaces Forced air all or gas mu made Wm ï¬n Thursdays Games JAMES HENRY IIEALEY Vlau Motors SCHOOL WASHINGTON AP The 151511511 WWIIe With duct lrhstarslrosrrlrirrrluirraarl Milwaukee at Philadelphia late at the village of Elmvale in the County of Simcoe Rev 17 Gowan Sheet 12 wonsarv or siï¬irieimcy 1d mum work as low as tune 211 good condition PA illnerican Boxer Is Disqttaiilied LONDON APlRrian cirrus British re welterweight boxing pl is defeated Ralph Dupes at New Orleans Jlundnv gb WllRï¬illlEï¬fï¬ meacetvluiunatlonimï¬ En vas isquaitliedï¬for butting Wm RestofSeven SemiFinals in the sixth round Dupes coluathmiJN Radio Player lor sale small San Francisco at Cincinnati Record tired who died an the are dry of July 1962 must forward same to the undersignedon beanelhrlvtliï¬ay at an PA or EFFby Cmdr YMENT ooowano AND sou PA 60391 ORVVSTRWOVUD 41115 STROUD FREE Alerar Guarantee on Used TV picture tubes plus 30 day warranty $49 AND UP McFADDEN HIGHWAY 27 NORTH MONARCH REFRIGERATION is Equipped To Service All Makes of TV AUTO WASHERS navanspnawcas PA 82059 cucunlucns Down but not out Shon supp Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Has all used goods plus new slightly damaged Items way below ollginal cost We also buy content lots 55DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 Occasional furniture bric QWAT 131 COLLIER sr PA 66261 RON FIREMAN stckarm $215 condition Tulepbuho PA 40 McCLIlRY Heavy Duty Electric rlsnge Utopia Community Centre telephone am or Illto Ivy or chnniurlltyli estol Rogers sliver $10 service so Dccrrhin 85 Boys tweed locket size 15 $5 quart Thermos battles vl each Vcll and tree platter Can Partnble Typewriter GATES bought sold opened re paired head less charger Prompt service PA 5v SMALL ImILL PRESS with VA bp motor snd stand Power Jig Saw with motor and stand Bench Saw latch an with lIt motor blades and stand Appliance gelt Sander Coppbl PipelLD Nails Via Enamellrd Iron Sink Tolepbonel is soon Prierhornueh boat la 111 HP Johnson motor and Lone Star tuner All like new Sscnilrroor quick slits Telephone PA aisle is cannusmm Boat ror sale to ILp Johnson motor completely harntcunanou ihhiiliiganï¬ï¬dm FRUIT Br VEGETABLES POTATOES for sale Delivered as lit the form Apply Fred Dubsort Photon usual Flemish Ports Tomatoes and other vuleilbics It prices Nash sir cavern St ARTICLES FOR RENT TRAILER to hold dllllptth EIID plies 11 lid and shelved road cupboard For lull particulars telephone PA 365 Fun Home bitch mat 14 wanted Ap Jones Antiques ply VFD0bsgnlyUtapll Telephone cal Ivy JVEDAR POSTS Wanted Contact wabrae china and glass pronto 122 STORM WINDOWS wanted lmrne zately Various sizes for older type omc ORNAMENTAL Tree Jluntrnra Cedars Birch Clamps 511 FARMERS MARKET ONEWAY DISC Tor dale Mano vlng old are olosi Harris Telephone Gormioy brie REMINGTON Automatic as new ritll under guarant valued at mo will sell ior sell Olivetti model 355 or bust ollcr Telephone PA 39553 combinations changed Years at experience Low aver Lvflkiuï¬ Sale 10111 75 Dllh SL 15 10 In table in 14 foot lengths Copper 66131 after pm BOATS MOTORS DIIDIILl my ly nu Good clean till pickup with picnic table ARTICLES WANTED AUGEN er point Mlghton Box 124 Durham Telephone Allan Paris Iar lnlornlntlon all sizes elenhonr PA sales after is p711 FLOWERS PLANrs Plantings Telephone Hr oracey Tree PA 11155 FARM MACHINERY PA 61 automatic lose Folio No door six cylinder auto 1951 FORD Two door statloil wagonr In economy sill As new condition sssz Manson aorta after 195 LARK tor llie Prlvately owned 111110 Telephone PA D7494 IfldflilllNlIIIODTIIO 559 or llie In Moriiont condition Plrlt way ltd 321 BAY CITYS September Used Car Clearance 10 Down on These To Those woo Qualin 1961 BISCAYNE CHEVROLET Two door wall tires Windshield washers and backup lights As new or low low priceVol White $1875 114 WREIWIS 11115 earls on sale ior $1195 1956 BUICK SUPER Convertible Completely rebuilt engine Four brand new white wall tires Gleaming white with contrasting red interior Todays specialat $1095 loss lIILLMAN IIUSKY Wagon 22000 original miles Two one black and white Can he bought for the low low price of $695 CITY Morons LTD is BRADFORD so PHONE PA event are Telephone PA LOST rouuo LDSDRlsck and WIIIIEPlilsIIIIr Cit vicinity SI Vincent lllil Elem Icilllisflne PA 63118 Iiilr pm 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP BOOKKEEPER TYPIST Required for accountants oi lice experience preferred 5day week company benefits Write giving lull deiailsto Box Ear ria Examiner CASHIER With sales EbIllLYlOI drug store Knowledge cosmetics essential Good future lor bright young lady Avrlvin Personto MW EIGHTH day at sarrnnaaa NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE RELIABLE women In babyEli daily in my home Starting soot ember Telephone PA 68319 alter 530 p111 EXPERIENCED waitress Ior tn slde work afternoons and ovenr Lngs Fivedry week Top wages Apply Richie Drive1n Restaurant 171 Rrsdterd Slreet DINING ROOM waitresses required Immediately tor permanent employ ment at year round Muskoka Ite stlri Room and board provided Wages $1 per hour Muskolts Sande grand Gravenhurst Telephone ba7 lisAruna WOMAN required Var Prrbiilu bookolader by The Elie sminer Censnirrelal Printing Dee psrtmrnt te wars ram tnd pm 1ch days per week Please spply lnpuraon to lllr Shep herd Tnc Barrie Examiner daily alter pm reoulred rat rr sore consultants Expcrlérice tri nleutlrll puhlle helpful qualiï¬er tions to apply are Good Appear lncr tree to travel during tho day ambition to work and learn We will train you thoroughly and make it possible to earn in exress ol $300 monthly portunltles un limited Interview appointment sttlsly Telephone PA 14551 Illne pm MALE OR FEMALE CASHIER AND StockClerks 11 qulred purllime employment perlencc necessary Applytn Matilda ICA Market squire Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 1962 at the hour at TWO ember 1962 after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto and the executors will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then ham Watnarnefoflï¬io this Zilh day cl August AD 1962 BOYS SEAGRAM and ROWE 13 Owen Street Earric Ontario MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE oi the Power of Sale contained in certain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there sale by CHARLES THORNTON Auctioneer Orillia Out at PUBLIC AUCTION EtHr OCLOCK in the afternoon at the farm of EARL MITCHELL the following property situated in the Township of Tecumseih in the County of Simcoe and being composed of the South West Quarter 01 Lot Number Ninets in the Seventh 7th Concussion ol the said Town ship of Tecumselh containing fifty 50 acres more or less 0a the said lands there is said to bLerected dwelling house with other farm buildings The lands will be sold suhv ject to Reserve Bd Filly per cent of thepurchsse money to be paid tiOanliI the time of sale and the balance secured by mortgage with interest at lour per cent per annum and ons of sale applyto COMMISSIONER OF LAGRICULIUHAL LOANS Parliament Buildings Toronlp Ontario Mortgagee DATED at Toronto this Sixth Day of September 1952 are an extension of the Arctic Ocean all western Siberia is generally icelocked except in August and Septem iher gt will be ottered for wiil farmerll Smil retusedito Schirra Jr is currently sched Atlanta Toronto Toronto uled within the next thr 19 weeks This prospect was disclosed in note on procedure or accred itation of reporters to cover the number all proflight checlls remain to he completed the results of which will better define the launch date the note said As with astronauts John 11 Glenn Jr and Malcolm Scott Carpenter who made three arhit flights Schirras launching will be lrom Cape Canaveral Fla It six orbits are made Schirra wiilldescend in the Pacific how ever instead of in the Atlantic where Glenn and Carpenter de scended The reason is to assure sixo illighl will require about nine hours Pittsburgh Goes On Wall CITRUSOAL South Alrica AP Six hundred persons ranging in age to 90 let their homes Monday taking only what they could carry and set all to march in straggling column The 600 comprise the non whlie community of Elandsk loaf farmer Dutch Relornted Church mission settlement Claiming they had been evicted one said we find somewhere II pe own more than 100 miles away if we have to The owner of Elandsltiool telkto reporters But his Wiley denied the communityhsd been evicted It as their own choice she said years ago The community which had been there for gen erations believed Its tenancy was protected by gt title deed But lnltlito the clanscwasan San Fran merit in 1960 The public position of the US goitern ant however iramalncd Rochester Jacksonville Jacksonville leads 20 American League New Yurlr 201100041 eir 110 5011 112i 714 Collies Sheldo Cicvenger i4 Daley Bridges ll Bou ton 67 and Howard Berra Lary Kline Mossl Fox 18 Nischwitz Hum phreys 01 and Brown HRs NYKubek Showron 21 Berra 10 DeiMcAlu Iiiie 11 Los Angeles 010002105 9120 Minnesota 001101100110 44 Grim lltil Leu and Rodg ers Kant iota Bonikowskl Arrigo Moore and Bailey Washington 000 000 100 11 so daylight for the Cleveland 1011liliLIlirgdLlyr ante ate and etzer Perry 1111 and Ed wards Hlt CloHeld 18 National League 0000000011 81 01111101 Utilt Siurdivant ll4 Friend and Burgess Sanford ll and HallerIIR SFl Alou 25 gt hicsgo 000000001 at LusAngclcs 2001000010 91 huh 1012 Elston Ander liS Refuses7 112 Comment WASHINGTON AP Tlle Kendrledy sdéliinlstration clamped own Mon ay on any We Will go on walking IlRiIi urthï¬rafommem Darth Mast Uehi Privately olli sis said it Is obvious theigaiornment here know Chiang KaiShek intended the flights over the Redheld Chinesc mainland when it ap proved tlle sale at two MS to Chinese Nationalist govern LET China claimed to at down one of Chiangs is hot operation of the high liyillg reconnaissance plane is solely NationalistChinese ai nullodhy the gunman enarai la weighed 14811 Curvis 146 Prior to the boutDupasrwad fined $500 for breach of the con tract which called or him to weigh 147 or less tisb alereo mmy disqualified the earold Du pas for misuse of his head after repeated warnings The disqualification came with only two seconds ielt in the sixth round The 25 year old Curvis stormed into the attack from the start before 12000 fans at the indoor Wernhley Stadium He put Dupas down or count of six with right to the body in the ï¬rst round Dupes hung on for the rest of the roundbut never seemed to recover from that devastating punch Tile firstretirle one bout scheduled for 10 rounds Uh Attendance Gels Squeeze OTTAWA CHCanadas in emotional obligations and the standingof parties In the Coni mons may put squeeze an MP who attend the United Nd tions General Assembly this fall Two of the governments 115 vo MP5 External Alloirs iatster Green and trim partiti meniary secretary Heath Macquarriewere named day in the tomember delegation to the assembly vhicltvopens 10 ius scmblcs In addition thegevernmcntv maybe risking at least one other lvote by sending Pro gressive Conservative MP amongthc parliamentary our servers who will be attached to the delegation Place among the observer maybe for onngberal possibly The Li era wan keep their voting strength in Ottawa andane other oppositionilthfllor half of the UN session Social Credit mcmhe nd halt New Demo