Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1962, p. 10

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passionate EXAMINER WBDNZSDAY 33 in ToVChooae Between Company erosion SAULT STE MARIE Ont tCPi Algoma Steel Corpors than 6000 employees will choose Friday whether they went medical care for them Selves and their families under company insurance plan or under health centre operated by their unionthe United Steel workers of America Ml Ground was broken last week for thsncw 3300000 medical centre the first unionsponsored project of ltsiilnd in Canada The choice made by Scott Steelworkers could Influence fu ture medical curb programs in Industries across Canada The unions plan is to operate the centre with panel of about 15 iuiltilne salaried doctors half general practitioner and half specialists it says it needs 6000 workers to ntn the plan and about 4500 members have said they will loin if Steelworkers do not fill out the rolls union officials say they will open the plan to other unions initial cost to join the Steel workersrcntre will be as either in lump sum or by psy roii deductions Beyond that all medical costs will be covered by payroll cheekoff unchanged for the workers iheinsurance company in rclt cent large newspaper advertise ments is new and more com prehensive medical insurance scheme ftho alternativehoftercd by acosor Bodylound ECUM SECUM on ice ltlchlrdsoa missing since Mon day was found today in swamp aboutthreeoosrters of mile from her home at nearby Mitchell Bey The girls body was found face down in the swamp as more than our wiunicers con Untied search which had gone on endlessly since Judy wand ered away from party of berry pirdierr Probe Death LONDON Reuters Scot land Yords murder squad to day pressed their investigation into the mysterious circum stoncos surrounding fugitive So vict spy Dr Robert Soblenl death post mortem was per formed on Soblens body The day nlght and the official med icai evidence of his death was expected to be made public at an inquest Thursday Vote One Party VACCR ReuterslTho Na tional Assembly voted by an overwhelming majority ilics day night for the institution of nneparty system in Ghana Sulermanu lddrissue introduc or the African traditional sisal on the institution of cities taint bad no provision for op The body of ihreoyunotd Judy PMm iYon Booteng said the conflict its opposition brought to Africa by the Europeans as basis for democratic rule were alien to the African Claims Innocence The lougoought hire ivs Marie Krocger arrested on doodlers tip to the Fill dcclmd day she was innocent of mur dering so eiderb couple and burying them under concrete slab in the basement oi her San Francisco home wnsarrested Monday night in an east San Diego apartment where she had been living since Saturday under an assumed name RussianPlanes Get BCill Crews over Canadian territory are be ing supplied with liCAF person nel to expinin procedure and luvs Swooning the motion Prince forces of government and son DiEGO can lilol ille yearold grandmother omws CPIRossini sir rftjiyiog osndtrom Cuba guintlons an RCAF spoken on said Tuesday night Tho spokesman said this is PRIZES TOP QUALITY Roxolin W©©LW©RTIHP Just ing about mu ma lovely in would Im tea Petalenough to 991 let home Five usual courtesy sllpplied to com tries who do not have any air agreements with Canada under the international Civil Aviation Organization Russia is one of those countries in cases where Russian alr ing motion to this effect suid Renewal 0t ChurchIs Theme rillildEitiS Lowcamera angle shows to advantage Mrs Joy Blacks legIiha loyearoid farmers INNISEII NOTES Ready To Go Now With School Fair By RGS At is meeting of the Comm ittee on Tucsdayevcning with Sproulc as Chairman and Don Beatty the hardworking secretary taking the load most of the wrinkles were ironed out of the problems oi the lnnis fil School Fair Everything is now ready for big day when over thousand pupils with their parents and teachers will gather at lnnisiii Park on Sep tember 20 Sports events are expected to be briskly contested and be sides rclny races threelegged races for girls and boys one oi the contests will be tug otvlar which will have entries lrom most oi thersenior classes and will give same school chance to wallop another across ihe line These games are un der the chairmanship of John Husbmwhomprc to be there along with hi sistants Norman Coulis and Vic Small Entry to these contests re by schools only There are many other events such as weed naming tree naming nail driving and board sawing the latter for boys only These contcsts are under the Chair manship of Frank Kell and Jack Webster The livestock division should bring out some good stock jwhlch must be the work and training of the exhibitor Judg 5ing will be made on showman Ihlp as well as core and fit which has resulted from the ef forta ot the handler Ponies if purchased must have been on fthe farm of the exhibitor prior to May ist Chairman William New with his committee Ron iald Allan and RoyGoodtcllow Iexpect to have gtbusy time here There will he twenty classes nder Handicraft and School Work with Alex Saunter as Chnirmanihesewiiljiejlldg ed previous to the Fair day and must be placed by Sept ember 19th the day before the Fair The school parade is an eye opener to most of the old tim fers of lnnisiii who cannot real ize just how many pupils at tendrschnols of the township This year the juniorsand sen jtors willcompcie separately in this event and prizes have been srranged for both groups items with older grades will not be in competition with those with smaller children Judges are being invited from outside the township to judge the par ade so that there will be no hint of portlailty Special decor ative dress has been eliminated issycorr rjudged on their ability to march together and show ability in keeping in step and in line items llnllios offl Pnaalsa we lVlFHYlNS=€9NT£S Lnncashire tCP Wtrepholo hoolsmwill bn wife won the Missouri ori inin contest in liiorecanibe School yells will also be judg ed with consideration for the sizes uithc pupils with prizes awarded for large and small Field Crops will include at classes and these will be on display along with the work of the Handicrait division Choir mnn Ken iialston with Frank Cowan and Stewart Dnnnelly willihave busy time with this lively section of the Fair will lie the section of Poultry and Pets under Chairman Craig Hunter assisted by Frank Mur phy and Stewart lticKeown Ono section of this will give those pupils not showing livestock the opportunity to bring out the crmvingioosters pet cat dog or rabbit ONE WEEK FROM TilURS DAY September 20 the date S0th under way on with more schools and more pupils than over in the show it needs only good day to fill the iolvrlship park Special arrange ments to cover the tables of the baking class will prevent it is hoped this mysterious disapA penrnnce of the girls bran rnui fins ADVERTISINC will appear this week for the bids on the new fourroomed school for the South Area Board which is to be built on the 5th line east of Highway it it is asked that the hide be ready for considera tion by the Ziih of this month which should allow the succes sful contractor to get work started early in Dewber This school will be one oi the first to be similar to the Township Bohrd plan as used in West Gwillimbury Pupils irom the area will be brought to the school thus eliminating the use of some of the one and two roamed schools now in the tits in THE BYLAWS coveringstop streets and parking limits is to be revised throughout the town ship and when corrections are made new bylaw will be drafted and passed by Council Many changeshave been rec ommended following arcpuil made year ago byou officer of the Department of Traffic Control Yield signs are to be used in many places which are new stop streeE weolvsrntreetionesrs lit United Church Assembly By CARL fthLLlNS LONDON om col no men and women who legislate aisbhiblm tailpage program oi plans and proposals ranging from ciecv tion of lender toa study oi divorce The 20th general council of the church gathers 390 commission ershalf ciergy half lay mem bursfrom the ill regional con ferencas across Canada and in Bermuda as well as from mis sions in Angola Northern Rhod csia India Hong Kong Korea Japan and Trinidad Theme messages guest speakers and many oi the re ports and resolutions lvlll stress the keynote of the conference rencwai of the church Th or gluyenation in Canada larg st Protestant church4654uoo adherents at the 1951 Dominion census threads through heavy sched ule or reports to be presented during the luday assembly The reports amount to reoxnmin ation of the churchs mission STUDY SOCIAL TRENDS Spocinl commissions will offer the results of research into dis ruptive trends in present so ciety including 60000word report on marriage and divorce and study of problems created when married women go out to work Basic doctrine has been reviewed by anolth committee Reorganization proposals in clude an idea to tighten control of fundraising campaigns to spare the church member from tujnpmbamcal forent church organizations other recommendations call for coordination of work by lny mena step already taken in Wants Boycott 0n Cuban Ilid NEW YORK AP Joseph Curran president of the 400 member National Maritime Un ion fAFLOIO appealed Tues day for worldwide boycott of nonCommunist ships carrying Soviet supplies and technicians to Cubs This is the first step that must be taken in series of steps to halt the shipment of supplies to Cuba Curran told press conference prompted by the Communist buildup in the Caribbean island Curran said he sent tale grain to the seafaring and wa terirant sections oi the interna tional Transport Workers ng irthlEdia meeting of the federation to or ganize boycott He said the federation repre sents 6500000 dock workers and seafarers in 7d countries Curran said Canadian vessels apparently were carrying ma ior portionol shipments among nonCommunist vessels He said hebriieved tbatlt= thestedera tion established ham shorthand Typewritlng Bookkeeping All Subjects taught by professional am acne womens groups The Womans Association and the Womans Missionary Society merged at the heginnln ot the your merit Reports call for fresh preacher to growing problems such as seeuiiorlzotion in the cities and economio and social troubles in rural areas In some fields committee and board members stress that re newnl can mean the revival of values pushed aside in the shuf fle of swift change in the world STRESS EVANGELISM one of more than 60 recom mendations from the grass roots of the church calls for re newed emphasis on evangelism in the style of Charles Wesley rather than program of preaching to people who are al ready evangellzed Another re port calls for return to Christ ian observanccoi the Lords Day churchmen seen by many members as the personification or this theme of renewaltalk ing to the world in its own lang uage without compromising es tablished valuesls the leading candidate for the post of mod crater Dr James liutchmor plaintalking opponent of big city vice during 25 years as see retary of the board of evangel ism and social service hasthc backing of five of thntl conich cnccrtnreplaceRtTRéVZTiugH McLeod as leader of the church Council will choose tonight tram retiring the five candidateL in liilLDtEniesL NSFoi ioronlo Dr MacLeod of Calgary Dr Nor man Mcliiurray of Montreal and Dr George Goth min ister of the host Metropolitan Church he ih WHY NOT PUT THE SUPERMARKET IN YOUR OWN HOME SAVE TIME AND MONEY ENJOY NAME BRAND FOODS waorran You Tins OPPORTUNITY no can nosr comrnnlialvsiva F0011 ENJOY fifl PLAN AVAILABLE WITHOUT EXCEPTION AUTUMN ls Plan your winter food hodget now LEARN HOW TO SAVE JP 33 COMMERCIAL FOOD MART LIX civilian and orankrao NIGHT scooor arolsrnarlou THURSDAY srrrrllaaa 27 pm business people Examinations Will be held for certificates DAY CLASSES BEGAN sear 4th New DAY sruoEN ANYJMONDAY élllllllllclilsulrssl so ronouroisr also Member Sehoo croftfly vtaDrliain and Now speaking RCAF personnel board grist the final stop bc return to Prestwick crcwsmadc ono trip with Russian plane in August and two in July JOSE BCO Illljltili uca areAssnsbflcwxiC undinlld to Cuba the Russian aircraft at Prestwicir Scot the spokesman said RCAF PlAlllliNG MOVE You can always trust Cooke Your Allied lone DISTANtt OVI Safe prompt insured moving Warehouse stori oge facilities of your ser vice STORAGE Nilttifiti PA 61863 Your Friendly Allied Van Lines Agent TOP QUALITY HEREl TiME MONEY wits obligation lntonrivs ix TSMAY resistor tutu IPHONE PA aural PAINT AT BARRIES for EVERY roln iioxeiins tinting Guid lty Rossi this live every so rice more hentltltltlli3 her is nd you save liter low Woolworth on pbccs lNTERIOR liArclti finish for bedroom an lVln riboemllvclllls Leaves velvet finish that you can casllywnsb Yourbruslles and rollers clean with water Covers ap proximately 5900031 itmperc 1a qua co VENUS feltg guaranteed by Roxailn Eight beautiful colours plus Super White ROXALIN first oilaiity latex unequal led in performance Four teen colours and soft nonyeiiowlng white Gal $559 Qt $179 SEMIGLOSS Use on woodwork childrens bedroom walls and anywhere smooth easily cleaned finish is needed Covers ap proximately 500 Clean up with Vlirsoi ualiiy finish at budV VENUSlgElq price Choose from eight colours and glowing white Gal $499 Qt $167 Tsfin super quality semigloss for super finish Four teen lustrous colours plus nonyellow ingwhltei Gal $649 Qt $197 HlGLOSS An extremely durable enamel that stands up beautifully to hardest weari For use on interior and exterior woodwork and furniture Guaranteed by Roxallni economy plus quality plus VENUS hardwearing finish Your choice of 15 shades or smart white Gal $540 Qt $189 ROXALIN The highest quality higloss enamel gives truly beau titul finish Tiranty lovely colours gtpius sparkling white Gal $698 Qt $219 am the Woolworihs If Istop you this weekend and you have Wootworihs Cash egister Receipt dated that 5pc you will receive val cotton or $147 lion shades BASEMENT WATERPROOFING Com lctei seals and waterproofs your onsehlentywaliswhlio adding smart colour finishi Apply directly to block or poured concrete Comes in seven de corator colours 35pounds covers apgt proximately too sq ft 10 Lbs $349 35 Lbs $949 BASEMENT FLOOR HARDENER Stops concrete dusting while it gives your concrete floors smart gloss im ish Can be tiled ovcr Choose from six smart colours One gallon covers too so it FLOOR AND PORCH ENAMEL good quality economy paint in three practical Gal $540 or $189 ROXALIN first quality enamel that as no SiipEilOll Three colours Gal $698 Ql $219 LAUNDRY rue PAINT Dress up those laundry tubs with sparkling haired enamel finishi You get two largetub size costs per kiti $349 Per Kit CAULKING TUBES hfiilcii FOR 51 CAULKING Guns

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