Our Telephones For Examiner Wear Mil Tele phone PA mu The telephone number to all for the Success or Editorial Dept L1 PA 56537 Local Weather Study and warmer today and Thursday lowiordgbtsuiigh tooiorrow so For complete lummsry turn to page two 93th Year No 2i3 PRIME HNISTER Dieien bt1ittlflllflla with Keith Holy Crime Probe Studies Soc1al CHE Licences TORONTO CP Liberal Leader John Vintcrmcycrs charge that there was heavy trafficking In lucrative Ontario social club licences in late 1951 has been denied by Provincial Secretary John Yaremko before the provinces royal commission on crime The minister also sought Tues day to reject Mr Wintcrmeyers allegation that criminals used the club charter system to ex pioit the law but was re minded by Commissioner Mr Justice Roach that the inquiry has received much evi dence of unlawful gambling ac tivltles carried on behind the cloak of charters ltir Yaremko first witness called as the investigation dis engnged temporarily from its running battle with gambler Vincent Fecley to look into the club ystcrn undertook potntx oin rcpiyto the Libcrni lead legislature speech of last Nov 29 which touched off the inquiry eamcbefore the commis wilh 75000word brief te sidn cake at New Zealand and President iyubhhan of Pair inforccd with15 appendices all adding up to 1465 pages of de partmcntal organization history and defence of policies stretch ing back for years lie was about halfway through when tjlic sitting adjourned until lo ay SWITCH TO OTTAWA Meanwhile the commissions long attempt to get at the do sivc Fcciey switched to Ottawa where the Supreme Court of Canada announced it will hold an unprecedented special sitting Scpt to to hear the gambiers next try to have the commission disqualified Pccley wants permission to appeal from refusal of the On tnrio Court of Appeal to rule on his claim that Mr Justice Roach showed bias and disre garded previous court order in private examination of former osswiat9whdrrgaiedn formation about the gambler for future use at public sitting The Supreme Court now is in recessnnbl Oct audit never before has broken into recess Coonty Records 181 Cases But Only til its Encephalitis ST PETERSBURG Fla APltst not sleeping sick ncss said St Petershurg of turbed over the pubi lyre ceived during the current epid emic that has taken 13 lives in Florida Sleeping sickness is gencr ally attributed to the African form of encephalitis the kind that is transmitted by the tsetse fly said Earl Jacobs public information administrator for the city virus which is prevalent in Pi ncllas County is considered benign farm of encephalitis and nonfatal in most cases Encephalitis is Virus dis ease that attacks the brain and nervous system Four new suspected cases of the disease reported Tuesday raised the countys total for the outbreak to inl However the state board of health said only of cases have been confirmed throughout the state Iilty of these cases are in Pinellas County The high death rate in the countywhere there have been By PATRICK NICHOYSON Ottawa Correspondeiit Barrie Examiner OTTAi The Case of the Instant Potato now is before your courts and some of the best research and legal brains in government and in rivata industry are dedicated in tho dessicationand dtstributi lowty boile Four years ago foodpro cessing company Salado Foods obtained Canadian patent cov ering process forirrcpn preconked dri potatoes ytl1 the ara peeled cooked riced and dehydratedthen marketed in packages for quick and easy serving Last year our department of agriculture devised and pro tented process which is in the The St Louis variety of theiwï¬is is really ridiculous eight deathsis attributed to the heavy population of elderly retired persons These patients are not able to build up neces sary antibodies to fight the disease health officials said The current epidemic has had its financial impact on the county Chamber of Commerce officials say number of con ventions scheduled for the city and nearby beaches have been eancolled because delegates are afraid of contracting encephali tis said Jacobs We used to havet outbreaks of polio during the summer and fall and people would still pour into the area for vacations However Jacobs said some sources say theeountys loss because of the epidemic may run into millions of dollars Motel operators along the beach say they have had ham ber of outofstate cancellations But this matters little said one This is the slowest time of the year for us anywaybe tween Laboeray and Novem ber when the winter season starts same general field but which ii is argued uses different method to produce different form of blatant potato IN SPUI ISLAND TOO While Salada use their own patent to process potatoesat Alliston Ont the government Brunswick whilst fifth in Prince Edward island has been negotiating toprocess the le mans potato of that province Bu nowthe cloth be aged bu ad one lawsuit Salado is suing Lover Bros for infringing its patent by importing processed potatoes from USA In another suit the federal government through the department of jus Barrie Ontario CI September to ma Not More Than per Copy22 Popes Bitter Speeches islan in london yesterday Ai itrephotoi for such purpose The commis sion through counsel Roland Wilson applied Monday for speedup of the normal process Until the latest in Feclcys court mnnoeuverings has been disposed ofthe commission will not try to question the reputed gambling kingpin now in Jail here as he awaits the outcome of an appeal from conviction on charge of conspiring to ob tain police information illegally Meanwhile the commission has decided to concentrate on ltir iVintermeycrs allegations of govemment maindminlstra lion in the handling of charters for social clubs some of which have been shown to the com mission as having been used for bigtime gambling operations Mr Yaromkos bulky reply ran into criticism before he started to testify from New Derriocrati PartycounelAn cirewBrewm wlmsnggestcdthe minister was being inexplic ohly uncooperative in not giv lng opposition party iawyers chance to read his formidable submission in advance But ltir Justice Roach refused to grant an adjournment for ltir Brewin and Liberal party coun sol MacKinnon when they sought time to digest the hefty volumes ro vsrr Admiral Sir Caspar John Britains First Sea Lord will be in Ottawa Halifax and Es quimalt 30 during his 12 day visit to Canada starting understand you carry Oct the Navy said today tCP Wirephntoi chequcr Court reportedly to se cure judicial declaration that Saladns patent is void or that the two patents do not intrlnge each uihe These disputes have arisen because Salada claims that its patent dominates the process HERES ONE Ih chaplain with the team for said football Thats right Would you mind introducing me to him Surebe glad to Did you wont to meet the defensive phrey said Castro should know ail6 Dism Mr Sidesteps WASHINGTON fAPt Al though Soviet Premier Khrush chev evidently intends to main toin East West tensions at high level he now seems to be reluctant to force an early showdown an the future of Wes Berlin Thispolnt stands out sharva in the blustery Soviet warning to the United States Tuesday against any attack on Cuba lest Sandwiched in among the pro pagandapackcd paragraphs as serhng strong Soviet support for the Castro regime was reference to the Berlin ritua lion that struck officials here as extremely interesting and probably significant In this brief section the So viet government said once again that the United States Britain and France must abandon their occupation position in West Ber lin This position stroll be liqui dated Russiadeclared empha tlcally The statement then noted that Berlin Showdown US congressional elections will be held in November and that USSoviet talks on Berlin rc ccntly come to pause With the elections coming up the statement said it is difficult for the United States to conduct negotiations on German treaty and the Soviet govern ment is prepared to take this into consideration Thus Khrushchev sccmcd to be backing angtmm ho downrusanthe argu negotiations would be difficult for the United States in an un settled prcetcction atmosphere However officials here see no connection betwen the elcc lions and USSoviet discussion on Berlin For one thing on one expects the Kennedy admin istrations attitude to be any dif ferent after the elections from what it is now gt Moreover Preliminary discus sions with Moscow ground to halt when the Russians re buffed all efforts by State Sec retary Rusk to turn the talks to specific trsu Wants us Allies Pressured To Stop Sendin WASHINGTON APtAn ad ministration Senaleleader has urged stronger pressure on US allies to halt military and stra Ltcgic shipments to Cuba Some allies have been put ting profit before the larger in terests of the free world charged Sea Hubert Hf Humphrey assistant Democra tic leader However the Minoesota soo ator scoffed Tuesday at the con tention of some Republicans that the buildup in Cuba is threat to the United States But he said it did threaten other La tin American nations and that the United States should not sit idly by and watch the traf fic in chains for Cuba Humphrey was joined by Sen ator Kenneth Renting Rep NYi in urging some plain talking with US allies Keat ing said he had been urging such course for some time WILL DISCOURAGE In Senate speech Hum that we will discourage by all diplomatic means the shipment of military and strategic sup plies to Cuba via free world transport He criticized Republican jin goists who he said have been shouting for an invasion of Cuba They know that there is enough American firepower afloat off Cuba at any one mo ment to destroy every major Communist installation in Cuba in few hours We loiow exactly where these installations are and Can tro is well aware of what we know covered by the government pat ent while Justice maintains that this claim is damaging to potato producers and potato consumers in Caaachr Specifi cally it charges that the Salado claim seriously impedes the use of Canadianproduced pota toes to the detriment of those interests As these cases now are before the courts one may not attempt to prejudge them in comment such as this However it is of general in terest to notethe general back groundalso to learn from this case that the potato comes to our kitchens instant in two forms either in granules somewhat similar toflonr or in the form which is the subject of the present debate namely tice is taking action in the Ex chaplain or the offensive chap anff somawhathke soap tinker gAid ToCuba Humphrey proposed decla IUS ls Certain Britain William WASHINGTON tCP US ofï¬cials say that despite the strong attack Commonwealth prime ministers are making against Britains proposed entry into the Common Market them Is no need for nny great alarm and anxiety by the United States The US isotrongiy hacking Britains membership in an ex panded European economic ai ilnncc The US officials feel that when the primc ministers con ference in London is over Brit Common Market membership agreement within matter of months ANYBODY DlllFY ABOUT DUFFY BLOOMINGTON ill tAPlThls citys zoo has spoiled lion cub on its hands and cant give it away Duffy impound cub was the star of baby ani mal circus But the little lion was potted and pam pered so much that he cant make the transition to an adult role as strained lion Tire zoo faced with an other $700 annual meat bill required for adult lions of fered Duffy free to any resident There were no tak ratlon that any Cuban aggres aion against US ships or in statistions or against neighbor ing nationswiilha met by force with or without the support of the Organization of American States Claints 01s wildanimal dealer ot fcrcd to take the cub but changcd his mind when he saw Duffy declarng the Cub was spoiled slob Attac Was Made 0n Gabon Vessels MIAMI Fla APiAlpha 06 secret organization pledged to overthrow Cuban Prime Min ister Fidel Castros regime claims it carried out machine gun attack on three vessels in Cuban waters After the hitandrun attack Monday Alpha 66 said its raid ing party succeeded in turning back Castro helicopters follow ing tumile chase Members of Alpha 66 which has its headquarters in Puerto Rico havenot been identified but one in Miami said five man made the raid IntB communique signed Air pha 66 Pncrtn Rico the group said Tuesday its men machine gunned two Cuban ships the San Paschal and the San Bias and British freighter the Newlane Havana which claimed the marauder came fmm the United States said the San Paschal and the Newiane were attacked but did not men tion the San Blas No casualties were reported FROM VENEZUELA Refugee leaders in Miami said the raiding party sailed from Venezuela and spokes man said there was no return fire from Castro forces The attack occurred about dawn at Cape Frances small key across from Caiborien major part about 210 miles southeast of Havana PM Calls For More Trade News BRIEFS Sill Yaccinatedlor smallpok NEW YORK AP Health officials and police searched New York today trying to locate the scores of persons who came in contact with possible carrier of either dread small pox or relatively harmless chicken pox Some 500 persons al ready have been vaccinated as precaution The suspected victim an African student became ill after arrivinghere by plane Tuesday News Correspondent Held HAVANA Reuters The Cubanforeigh ministry has confirmed that John BlandReuters news agency correspond ent in Havana is being held by security authorities it was authoritatively teamed here Tuesday night Bland and two Cuban companions disappeared last sunday morningaftcrl leaving Havana for drive toward the south coas LONDONtCPl Trade expansion must remain para mount and vital objective of the Commonwealth Prime Minister Dietenbaker said today In luncheon speech to the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Britain Diefenhaker also said Commonwealth consultation through meetings of prime ministers is indispensable in the future if conunon problems are to be surmounted insects Controlled With Chemicals ATLANTIC CITY AP Development of potentially revolutionary method of controlling destructive insectsby sterilizing them with chemicalswas reported Tuesday by US government researchers The scientist predicted that the techniquewhich involves feeding insects chemicals which destroy theirability to reproduce and multiplymight as sumean important role in insect control within the next de cade Iodoin Resigns From Cerincil OTTAWA tCPt President CiaudeJodoin of the Canadian Labor Congress announced today his resignation from the National Productivity Council on grounds the government has declined to form an advisory economic council Mr Jodoln said in letter sent to Prime Minister Dlefenbaker Tuesddy that the productivity councils emphasis on productivity alonewithout broader studyls barrier to cooperation between labor and management cw Macmillan fwéiensky ls sou Supporter Of British Market Entry LONDON tCPlPrime hlln Istcr Macmillan harassed by Commonwealth critics of his ea Common Market plans today received his first supportfrom Sir Roy Welco siry prime minister of the like dainNyasaland federation Welensky backed Britains ca try into the Common Market on both political and economic grounds at the third day of the Commonwealth prime ministers conference saying economic strepgth of communi He argued that Britain stmnger through Market mem bership would he of even greater help to the Common wealthparticularly the under developed areas But Jamaicas Prime ltlinls tcr Sir Alexander Bustamonto described the Rome treaty which founded the Common Market as knife separating and uttin Commonwealth members and said the terms so for negotiated by Britain were inconclusive and vague ARE NONCOMltIITTAL Two other speakers at the brief Seminole session took noncommittal attitude on the terms Nigerian Prime Minister Sir Ahubakar Tatawa Bnlewn said his country could not take oh jection to Britain entering the Market since Britain was leading European power but noted British entry would affect Nigerias economy and alter pattern of trade While ltfacmillan had said up enlarged Market would be outward looking Jinlewa said he could not share this optimism although he prayed it would prove correct He could not give his govern ments final attitude yet on the question of associate Market status for African countries Cyprus President Archbishop ltlakarios said if Britaincntered Europe it might mean weak ening of the Commonwealth as it is at present The Commonwealth he said should be preserved for historic reasons and for tha part it plays in bringing better understand ing in the world MAY CALL CABINET Meanwhile Macmillan was reported to be contemplat ing calling an urgentmeeling of his cabinetorot key ministers concerned with the Brussels gotiationsto take stock of the Commonwealth conference at this crucial stage it was agreed major effort would have to be made by Mac millan dismayed atthe mass sive onslaught on his Common Market policies so far to swing his Commonwealth colleagues away from their hostile attitude Speculation was rife on whether the British government 52 nszflrnAnuntcat cm and the Federation This would strongervhe said and hence strengtheneach memberof the Commonwealth would be prepared to modify its proEuropenn policies in the toes of tho unexpectedly heavy Commonwealth resistance So far there was no tangl hie evidence that any change of the present course was in the oiling informed quarters =sald British ministers regarded Com monwealth criticism or inevit able nt the present stagebut by no means disastrour or do cLsive in almost unrelenting bar mo rotperineum mixedgrrith fears and doubts as lovellml at British Prime Minister Mac millan Tuesday by Canada Australia and New Zeoland aide ost members of the Common wealth But the torrent was no less strong and in some cases stronger from India Pakistan Ceylon andGhana Prime Minister Dicfcnbaker leading off the Commonwealth leaders replies to the Smith cdse for Common Market mem bership put some rearehinl questions in the apparent hope that Britain will give the lch long second thought THINKS INADEQUATE Dieteabaker said the Cook dian government considers to adequate the trade atsuraoocs obtained so far byrBritain In the Brussels negotiations He urged Britain to press for bet ter terms and said that afor fhcr prime ministers conference is necessary befornBri makes her final decision Countries whoserlcndcrs were Scheduled to speak today were Malaya Nigeria Cyprus Jo mpica Trinidad and Tobago of Rliodeall and Nyosaland THREATENS nxrsrauca New Zealand Prime Minister Keith Holyaakcs statement that his countrys ownexistence and mean existencede pended on Britains choice is wuleiy quoted Macmillan in what many re garded as the most important speech of his career argued for more than an hour Monday that he re Commonwealth and act Britain has only to gain by joining the European Economic Community or Com mon Market He said the realitiasof ecolt nomics dictated that Britain join the sbcnation group com posed of France West Ger many ftaly Belgium The Netherlands and Luxembourg make Britain Tuesdays policyspecchea in answer to Macmillans argu ment took five hours But can fercnce sources said haveno effect on Britains deg lamination tojoin the Corn mon Market Told To Inquiry TORONTO CPiThe Norrlsj shipping labor inquiry has heard about ashortlived revolt 10 years ago against the die tatoriai power of Hal Banks as Canadian director of the Seafarers international Union The story was told by James Todd former SIU patrolman and port agent who now is see Hrctnrytreasurer of the Cana dian Maritime Union CLC mortal foeotthe SIU on the lakes Mr Todd said he Was one of three SIU men who petitioned the international SIU for the re moved of ltir Banks as head of the Seafarers Union in Canada in 1952 His charges against Mr Banks were heard in Montreal by what Mr Todd said was threeman trial board made up of Paul Hall new president of the SIU offNorth America another SIU vicepresident and Mr Banks himself It was just whitewash job for Banks said Mr Todd The whole thing was ridicu lous RECALLS FROM MEMORY Mr Todd dredged his mem4 cry to testify about the 1952 trialonly to be confronted later by what SIU lawyer Bruce Thomas said was the transcript of the hearing Maurice VWright lawyer for the Canadian Labor Congress and several affiliated unions promptly asked for an early aci jburnment to study the surprise document This is document we have been looking for for years he said Mr Justice Norris granted the adjournment aadaif lowed ltir Wright to consult with ltir Todd Overnight on the SlUs bluebound transcript The 1952 trial was held after Mr Todd and two others sought the dismissal of Mr Banks ashoss of the SIU in Canadaasking also for Cansj dian director free elections complete financial audit and immediate revision of the SIU do not ship blacklist of semi 300I seamen tints rapt Killed Bylluto Toaonro coirt out Chung was struck by car and killed hmdaylwhile on his way home from school with his iiveyearold sister Lcnn Wit noises saidilhevhoywho es coped injury inthe spring when he was strucksby police cruiser near hishouscclash from the curbat mark school crossing