Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited is Bayfleld Street Barrio Omaha Walls Publisher TUESDAY SEPT Suggest Comp Brian Sleight Gspenl Manager Jul ulSOIYEOuISG Municipal AdminiStration Should the heads of municipalities be required to take and pass course to municipal administration That was suggestion which came from North York councillor recently Certainly the com pulsory feature of this proposal would not meet with popular favor of those elec ted to office However as the Sudbury Star points out there is merit in requiring the head of municipality to be conversant With municipal administration to the point where he has knowledge which com manila es ectalessnmethingmorelIt than the ead in name only head without knowledge is no head at all un less it be figurehead No private business would think of naming man as the head of corporat lon unless he was thoroughly familiar with the operation of the busi cipal administration today Is big business involving mlllionsof dollars isouiidljudgmentvbase ledge and reason as well as the trustee ship of public funds When municipal council seeks personnel for lm ortant posts the die is cast in favor of per son with the best qualifications Why should it beany different for those charg ed with the responsibilit that accomp antes the office of presl ent of mun icipal corporation It is recognized of course that com pulsory qualifications would rule out many candidates for the position of may or or reeve Is that bad thing In this day and age it is becoming increasingiyA importanttoliavethe bestbrsins inthe top positionsincluding municipal ad minis ration gt It can be said with truth that the big gest dunderhead in municipality with strong personal appeal but total lack of knowe ge can be elected to the most responsibly position to he offered in mun icipal office Private business would not tolerate condition under which personal opularity rather than ability decided on executive positions were to be filled Whether person applies for job as department head or an office boy in municipal corporation there are certain standards of qualification to be met The administration of municipal affairs today is too complex and with too much at stake to leave it in the hands of those who are limited in knowledge and abil In later comment the Star writer notes that from cracker barrel to ex ecutive office is the sic of municipal administration in Ontar But while there are plenty of cracker barrel ad ministrators there isa limitednumber of fillthe osltions of Executivqe administration is applies ectedlgprescntg TVTC employEe Againstthis background it is easy to understand why stories emanating from Queens Park tell of plans to streamline the department of municipal affairs through stricter control and supervision over Ontario municipalities Because manic of administration has become big business the day may come when board of examiners attach ed to the department of municipal af fairs will be required to put the stamp of approval on applicants for senior ad ministrative positions in local govern ment 1th maybesome timeintbe fn the evidence continues to ac cumulate to suggest that too many un qualified people are involved in busi ness underta ing so large and complex that they do not understand It and must depend too much on the opinions of oth era for guidance Nursing comes Ititoo Own The first of series of penetrating art icles on thenursing profession ariolappearseelsewhererinTheExam today The series has been written by Alan McPherson special correspondent of this neutering wage Mr McPherson deals exhaustively with the progress of nursing in this province and the prospects for development of the profession in the future Nursing has come long way even in the past dec ade according to Mr McPherson Today there is growing emphasisnnauniuers ity training The prospects for steady employment for the young nurse have never been brighter During the 19305 the average graduate nurse faced an uncertain fut ure in her profession for hospitals for purely economic reasons were forced to OTHEREDITORS VIEWS TOO MUCH TO ASK Buffalo Evening News The State Department still touchy about anything remotely related to the subject of birth control admits it is of fering few foreign governments assist ance to acquire knowledge about pop ulation problems like helping them to conduct census In other words well help any coun learn whether its got population prob em but just dont ask us to help solve It DOWN MEMORY Lira 65 YEARS AGO IN DISTRICT Barrie Northern Advance Sept 1007 After lengthy discussionCounty Council House of Refuge committee de cided on Barrie as location by one vote over Penetanguishene Not being decis ive the matter was left over to lovember session of entire council Maximum cost 00 Carleyworkingonladder 40 est above ground at William Ainleys windmill when rnng broke and he went tumbling through derrick to ground striking on braces every few feet when he fell clear 4N0 The Barrie Examiner Authorired second mail Post office Department Ottawa plylncnt of pootue ginyclsh statutory Holiday exc unnueru WALLB Publisher nnrsn sasroar General Mlnlger ii MclHBltsON bfanulnrlidltor cannons wanes Euslncsr ltllriager nanny wrason Advertising hllniur roan riornsacirrnitiu ram Subscription rate daily by center sac weekly cisao yearly single copy to By mil in Ontario $700 oar $400 six month do three monthl SIM angel Outside ontmn do your Outside Canada I7 yo officer 415 Unlversl Ave Toronto tenthsrt pom ifontrun his art deem strut Vancou Member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Pub Ilsliera Association The on Press and the Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press is xcl slvcly entitled to the use for IlptlIJIIChIIOn of wr dispatches In this paper crotIItctIto It or Th Alonolafsd Press or heaters and also the local new pflblllhlr therein bors over ongths next street broken bones or int maintain service by trainees under the rarvlsi Motifattired Tï¬iy the graduate nurse knows can get job at any time However as the demandgrows there is an evident need for more highlytrained staff to cope with the changes in hospital tech niques and modern medicine Legislationadopted by the Ontario Legislature this year creates College ran wan roar ro Youacooo Harlin Diet Is Important During Pregnancy By JOSEPH MOLNEH It Dear Dr Molnar What about counting calories during prcg nancyf Im in my seventh month Should carefully controllcd diet accomplish as much new as normally Do some foods lurn off more readily than others or is calorie caloriel Eor several Weeks have been on diet that would ordI seemed to help much lilydlet ls sensiblehigh pro tein but few of those delectable desserts loveMRS Yes calorie is calorie But there are important things women should know about diet in pregnancy And about diet before it too of Nursing comparable tothe College of Physicians and Surgeons nursingeducation underit its own profession Eventually we will have more nurses with university degrees taking their plac es in all phases of hospital work It is an enticing prospect and also challenge to young women who look to the profes sion for their lifes work oiltrol and places and perhaps dont amount to much But when pregnancy be gins the additional demands of the baby turn small deficien cy into large one If woman starts pregnancy with such deficiencies she cant expect to make them all up Sitpay rea sonable attention to diet all the time Theres also some point to keeping your weight correctbe RIVALS IN THE NIGHT DetroitFree Press Common Council has climbed on the cruising leer cream vendors because of the clamortralsed by their belts and tunes Ibis Tin the works that these will have to be silenced between it p111 and 10 pm The councilhns polnthere When an leecream man= passes by on summer evening he often makes it tin possible to hear the television of nelgh ernal injuries were found Royal Victoria Hospitalhad its first patient William tbwell wheeled from Allan ale to hour six minutes Nearly 700 attend ed the annualpicnic of Sons of England at Capt Whishs Sandford authorof The Romance of grove Miss Mary Jesuit Missionf left for homéin Yorkafter visit torh native town Bows for two months TwoLefroy men got in scuffle due dispute over boatand one man wound upwith broken leg Mari not injured paid fine of $50and costs in Barrie courtlfor assault Dif ference between them was over six cents People going to TorontoExhibition weed it was waste better to spend money at home Pastor Benner baptized 14 converts in boy at Shanty Bay My Ardell has at last succeed ed lflgeltlflg telephone at Thornton Avening cheese factory handled 8000 pounds one day The best looking girl in the world ves on Con F105 this newspaper young man Sta her man got two months in county jai for poisoning chickens that msrauded his garden Frank Keogh has threshed 1500 bushels this season in Tosserontio has his barns fulland has enough in the fields left to fill them again to the roof Miss Stewart of Thorntonhas gone on wheeling tour to New York City ac companied by three lady friends are pregnancy babys weight at birth is frequently proportional to the mothers at the time of conception Oh there are exceptions as every body knows but in general heavy women have heavy ba bies exceptionally thin women have little babies and average women have average babies Having very heavy baby is nothing to boast about and it doesnt mean that the baby will be extra healthy Average weight is best Overly large ba bias are more dangerous to de states the Flos Centre correspondent for he =needr onhiit liver Having largo babies along with being overweight is frequent sign that diabetes may develop later in tho mother Getting back to pregnancy dont let yourself put on too much weight About in to 20 pounds is maximum for best health of both mother and baby Get plenty of protein plenty of calcium from milk as the best source it amlnC cltrii rui the source There was day when protein was supposed to cause tox emia How this idea started dont know but It was to don gerous mistake Actually pro tcln deficiency makes woman more prone to toxemia besides helping to cause varying de grees of anemia Baby avhiiabic and mother suffers The old say ing of tooth for each baby originated ln the days when women didnt get enough cal cium and babies robbed them of it back of Vitamin has been shown to be one cause of pre maturity More tomorrow on diet and pregnancy amln my What might be the effect ofhaving one ovary re moved Would it cause emo tional upset fatigue or trouble during menopause MRS No none of these if an ovary is defective or diseased and the other normal there is no ill ef fect at all from havingthe faulty one removed Dear Dr Molnar When ei ther my husband or eat either fresh or ca ed asparagus there Is strong odor to the urine Is this an indication that and Jokes being Iomctlm Infimdtand coldsegroro do many liLKS LIKE Ii MAN BIBLE THOUGHT Ior day In thy court In better than thousand had rather be it doorkccprr In the house of my God than to dwell in the tents APsalin=8lttillh Life Is to be measured In quality and not quantity Roberts Tour New Hall Over KAPUSKASING Ont CF Membois of the Ontario lcglsv latnre leafed through rainy Sunday at this pulpamilling town as miles northwest of IImmlns with half of theirltvdoyeduca ort custom On torio still ahead of them Premier Roberts concluded week of official duties Saturday night by opening ssrapoo vo catinnal training wing at Kapos kasing High School The premier told an audience including legislature members and civic officials at the wing which houses two classrooms singss machine laboratory and auto machine and electri cal shopsthat we seem to be over our pal of prejudice against vocational training He cited the overload of ap plications this year at Torontos hyerson Institute of Technology as an example of changing at titudes towards vocational and technical training The world touring members ted the Spruce Fallsj oTripanyï¬ree nur saw at nearby Moonbeam Sat urday and inspected the com panys pulp and paper mill here Thetour has moted into Its southbound second week with stop at Kirkland Lake for visits to mine and lumbering sites and the collegiate and vocation institute the it does not agree with usi MRS No its the naturelnotion of certain chemicals in asparagus orrawa REPORT Outlines Problems Facing The Nation PATRICK Nicaoisou OTTAWAflhe Canadian na tional secure prescth some pres ant anxieties and future dangers grave enooxhto transcend the scope of party politics in the view of experienced observers them These recognise that Canada has been allowed by successive governments to cosstthrou the lpostwar WlIhflilliI ade quae TIBET or world conditions We bola as pointed out been living in dream beyond our national means Sooner or later prrfcrably sooner we mint stop coasting and drearrrlng and keen to step with other his door canyin our one load but first we must run hard to catch up those now matured changes Typical of some of QIILDmIIl which Canada proposed years ago while we are In ctuded out We poyexorbltani taxes to maintain large arrogant Frankenstein in Ibo form of Crown corporations unfairly competing with private enter prise and an excessive bureaw cracy which battens on the to prayer whilst enjoying let ui cured and secured work patiot denied to thoxotoxnaycn WHO DARE CRY EMT That is thsplciurc Deept thinking observers brie ask if anyone political party would dare to halt electoraibribery and take the necessary unpop ular steps Would any govc ment slash the army and the civil service throwing thoud sands out of work Impose th means test on welfare pa mental Cut Myriam nem Slnce the war we have gone atoo for In extending the protec tionof the welfare state Soclal justice and Insurance against lnbuman hardship caused by illness unemployment physical sired by most Canadians But we suroly go little too for when we hand $65 month to =afftucrri13rï¬i alrcady enjoying private in come of $65 day or so ALIENS GUIDE DESTINY In our post war economic ties velopmonl we have been for in permitting foreigners to dictate the policy of 57 per cent of our factories 01 per cent of our mines and 75 per ccnt of our olIiields We need foreign capl tal and must pay it the good hire which enterprising money like Industrlous labour is worth but we dont need to pay it the bonus of also giving it control of our businesses And as buaiacsscs alECBIlhdlunlléa too could our labor unions he in the interests of each Cann dlnn and of Canada In defence we suffer the be littllng and embarrassing situa tion where our defence forces are cxtrnvagantly impotent and often seem to be little more an devise for promoting familygroup paid tourism to foreign lands In International affairs we have permitted other countries to advance and benefit through international trade development boards paax ploynieot Insurance Fund Im so restrictions on foreign can lot and foreign unlon leaderg ship Cut back tariffs and drive our photo to become competi tivc in the world picture Few iievelhctsuchstcps could be taken by any federal government composed of one petition Just year ago asked Hon ll Pcorson tender of the Liberal party if he considered that for those reasons Canada should in the present conditions be governed on national coatl tion of all parties Solutlons to polltical prob lems have always been handl reached by party warfare he told me Some actions must be unpopular to begin Willi This is true now more than ever But he did not believe the alt nation to be grave enough to mend coalition government year has passedNand today Mr Pearson says ote coali tlon ls required but good wise and forsighted government pol Iclcs in which both partiesor such can cooperate for the good of the country imple mooted by man whom con cerned withthe national welfare rather than party advantage So in Mr Pearsons view we need interparty cooperation but not all party coalition ideally the two need not be far apart Advocates Inquiry Into Text Books yDON OHEARN TORONTOThe Roberts plan for co ry education has got off to stumblingstart The plan becomes effectiv this year in Grade To date you can say It is par ttally effective partially inefe fective In some areas the program undcr which students elect to take academic comme yer edtllIOBI plied In others it hasnt Nobody will really dispute that the program and accept ance of it was not fully pre pared Some say it has been rushed into and that it should have been held off at least another year Others say the government was so late in planning it tona expert says it should have been started at least five years ago that it had to be started this yearno matter what shape it waste One viewpoint that can be taken is that the program rep resents such great change it never could have been launched in neat and orderly way That inevitably it would have to be worked out through trial and cr pr and gradual public educa too It alsomust be home in mind that this is not the key year The key yea the program is Grade 10 it in this year that it is compulsory on stu dents to elect the course of study they will follow And the coursesth sp progrnmewont apply toGrad visionariescationic so Alexander none the former Gladyslnngbrldge andflew Io theBritish 70yearold prime minister of AWN Jirids 45 on their arrival at Lon don airport They were mar rlori In mu let for the conference of ii tish seminary Qiuhmlgsa talentsnorms mm 10 until 1068 So while there is scope for criticism it should he accepted with reservations raxr scsivnarr The school year started with panic over textbooks at least here in Toronto There were not sufficient new texts on hand And insome cases it will be several weeks before they are available Which brings back an old LIGHTE lit the Worll try to the textbook situation probably long overdue This is one aspect of educa tion about which there seems to be very wide complaint The writer for one has had teachers complain to him of new editions of texts with very minor revisions from the old bnt meaning that the old must be scrapped And numerous parents have complained about of books andthat their children cantuse oldtexls because they have become outdated One constant source of sung piclon is that number of the governments own of II write texts Another is that there always has been some question of tho school book business because it tends to be high pressure There may be nothing at all to any of this But if there isnt publl in quiryand here is one instancl where select committee could be evident bodywould re state public confidence Archbishop Blasts Maternity Clinic WASHINGTON AP The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Washington sharply criticized the operation of Vir hospitals maternity clinic which includes pro gram of family planningsome tunes through surgical steriliza Sacha program absoluter immoral Most ltev Patrick OEoyle toldchurchgecrs in Matthews Cathedral The clinic was set up at Fau quier Hospital 20 years age to provide free dicalcaie for needy mothers Since the family planning in struction program began some so of the 100 women treated have chosen to be sterlized after thachild is born Sterilization is generally limited to married mothers With three children iy tli ST wni Ky