Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Sep 1962, p. 4

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Norrie router it Walla Publisher Brian Slught General Manager MONDAY SEPTEMBER lb m1 Pleasant Relations Assist Teacher Add Many new teachers have taken up positions in the Barrie school system and it speaks well for their appoint ment when study is made of their qualifications These new teachers have wide var lety of interests in the academic and sports field and it is good to scethat youth work has romlnent place in these activities This interest in youth work brings the pupil and teacher clos er together and makes relations in the classroom much more pleasant To attain adequate professional com etence it is essential for teachers to ave good knoivledge of childpsychol ogy knowledge of psychology an understanding of the emotional and mental changes during childs life en able the teacher to encourage the gifted child and not to discourage the slow lcarner Itis essential for teacher to have genuine affection for children cs ectsl ly the mailer child to have be ief in the importance of the schools role and Right Use Of The shorter work week and its implica tions as applied to the American econ omy are discussed in recent editorial in the New York Times which points otit that the formal decision of the AFL C10 to press for 35hour workweek in Congress and at the bargaining table re presents vote of noconfidence in the Kennedy Administrations ability to solve the unemployment problem ironically it comes from the very group that will be working hardest thisfall to increase the Presidents majority in Congress President Kennedy and his Secretary of Labor Arthur Goldberg have sought to impress upon their union allies their belief that shorter workweek would be bad for labor and the country the editorial continues The federat ions insistence that hours he cut one eighth with no out in weekly pay plus its demand that all overtime be at double pay would cause new inflationary surge and vastly increase our competitive difficulties in world trade it would throttle at the source the gains in pro ductivity made possible by technological progress thus shutting off the abundance Pupil in Class conviction of the teachers power to mould and build young lives While the average pupil does notus uali present any serious problem most pupls at one time or another require some assistance to help them success fully resolve their personal educational or vocational difficulties Onelrnportant function teacher can perform in to help pupils to identify and understand prob cm which ma be causing them concern Another to revcnt these from developing into ser ous problems which require curative measures Those whose privilege it is to teach our young people should be aware of the guidance needs of the av erage pupil Some of the new teachers will be com ing from other arts of Ontario and it is up to the stu onto to make them feel at home in their new environment and to establish firm friendship friend ship between teacher and student makes life In the classroom much happier and usually makes the pupil all more anxious to succeed Manpower through which the eventual abolition of poverty must come lts end result would be fewer jobs not more Labor does not argue that existing work schedules are too arduous much less that adequate headwa has yet been made toward meetln unsatisfied needs of millions int country and ov erseas it is concerned because nearly five years have gone by since the nation al unemployment rate dropped signific antly below five per cent and because it sees no pros act that any of the mean ures underta en thus far by the govern merit or industry will produce an expan sion sufficient to make anything approa ching full use of our idle manpower or machines These are not frivolous concerns and they will not disappear until the economy starts growing at the accelerated rate the President promised in his 1960 campaign This is the challenge that confronts the White House and Congress if unions are to be dissuaded from applying their po itlcal and economic muscle to the self defeating pursuit of scarcity rather than abundance DOWN MEMORY LANE 40 YEARS A69 IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Aug 31 1922 Town Council asked tenders for paving Eliza beth St and Essa Rd Government grant $32000 Rev Thomas Dew of Essa Parish rural dean for West Simcoe Angli cans Christ Church ivy celebrated diamond Jubilee Shareholders of Yorkshire Worsted Ltd Barrie knitting mill decide to ask probe by attorney general when officers refused to disclose costDf new machinery Work plentiful in area Very little handouts Dick Heppleston local butcher heard radio broadcast from Louisville Kentucky re cord for distance here by airwaves Half Barrie houses still without fuel for coming winter due to local coal strike in Pennsylvania Mothers Pensions Board helping 130 mothers in county Town Council refused request of Hanover man to rent main floor of town hall for roller skating rink Miss IdaCreswicke won county ladies golf championship with rs Hamilton also of Barrie runnerup At NiagaraontheLake Purkis of Toronto won hard match from John Boys of Barrie in semifinals of all Canad ian tennis singles during international mushrooms VIEWS CHAMP OR CHUMPT Cleveiand Plain Dealer 27yearold Parisian after having gyrated for 96 hours claimed the twist championship of the world Reuters dispatch said that during the final hours The Barrie Examiner AuLiinrlxcd no second class mail Post office Dtbnrtmenlt Ottawa and run payment of postu in cash Dally Sunday and Statutory Holidays excnpled KENNETH WALL Pnbilahar RIANELAIGBI Ginnrnl Mlnlgel MEPHEBEON Ilflfllllfll Editor CHANLEC WADGE Itnslneu Mangar nanny WILSON Advertising Manner JOHN HOLDER Cllcnlltlan lllnnager subscription ntn daily by carrier dhwenkly elm yearly Single copy To By mail In Ontario $100 your 00 six month do three monlbl 1100 month Outside Ontario 39 $2000 your Otfloos 415 Unlvenit Avot Toronto 840 Cathcart Etrcnt Montreal 25 Nvclt Martin Street Vancou WNlamhnr of the Canadian Daily Nawapap Pub lilherl Association nuaitaumu of circulation Thn Canadian Prussia caclnrivclyienutlemtbc use for re iibllcalton of Pan are Keillor and loo it your Outsldo Canada tournament Commercial department of Home Collegiate closed there bein little demand for such instruction Mrs SprouleBarrie public librarian since 1911 endered resignation to retire Douglas Stewart local lawyer won Barrie Golf Club mens championship de feating Alex Gait in final Beekeepers in district have fine crop of honey Robert King of Holly has most 200 colonies Wright Minesing Station lost barn when hit by lightning and burned with all grain two calves dog and five puppies Autos in Simcoe County new number more than for all Canada in 1947 John Jory Dalston struck by lightning and suffered severe shock Lorenzo Robin son Crown Hill injured in fall from straw stack Twoyearold of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Johnston Minesing had nar row escape from drowning when she fell into cement watering trough She was unconscious when pulled out by father Little Gracie Ronald of same village pain fully burned about hips when bottle of sulphuric acid leaked out on autoseat on which she was sitting Gardeii party at Guthrie in aid of community rink yielded about $300 he rested five out of every 60 minutes and was under observation by three doc tors lirom the nearest psychiatric clinic we presume FOR LONG LIFE Cleveland Plain Dealer if you want to live to be 100 dont fight the things in life that get yourdandei up Just become philosopher accept the things you cant change whether you like em or not and roll with lifes punches This was the advice given to group of Chicago Rotarians several days ago by Wisconsin sur eon Moderation was one of the things stressed not abstin ence If you cut out tobacco and cutout a1 cohol and cut out sex you will cut out pa perdollsl tli surgeon warnedu Tho Clnldlln Pldll and the ETHIOPIA REPORT FROM UK Britons Changing Habits 0f dating By ill lticlNTYllE HOOD iandoo linkinnd Correspondent For the Barrie anmlner LONDON The eating habits of the British people are chang Ing lharoast heel of old Eng land and for that matter the roast lamb too are being alde traelred and superceded by the growing popularity of poultry Britlah housewives too are showing an increased prefor euce for what might be termed convenience foods These trends are disclosed in report which has been issued by the National Food Survey Committee It covers domestic food consumption and estima tes that during the year und or review the weekly house hold food expenditure averag ed so per person or this expenditure 71 cents week was on convenience foods Cakes pastries and bla cuits accounted for 30 per cent of this amount and cooked conned and processed meats and fish for 21 per cent CHANGES SINCE 195d Reviewing the trends of con sumer choice since less when free market was established after rationing and shortages the report shows decided drop in carcase meat purchases Poultry purchases however have trebled although only twothirds increase was antici pated Lower imports of beef rath er than any lessening of dem and with meat prices rising while those ofpoultry were fat lingwas factor inthis llOS tic change from former Brib tab dietary habiu The report says that if the demand for poultry continues to expand and production costs in this indus try to fall the consumer pref erence for carcaac meat might well be weakenndystill further in the longerrun The growing popularity of the convenience foods the labor savlng and semiprepared foods is taken toreflect the modern tendency to fireplace the work of the housewife by that of the machine This is probably in part due lotbe growing propor tion of housewives who are tak ing up paid employment While this does augment the familys purchasing power it diminishes the pnrtunity or perhapsthe inclination to de vote time to preparation of cod valu oft conveniencefoodpu chases by last was up by 17 per cent against one per cent increase for other foods FOOD PURCHASES An analysis of food purchases shows slight increases in pur chases of milk cheeserand eggs Butter consumption fell slightly but with lower prices the consumption of potatoes was much higher Sugar purchases declined as did those of preserves but with good supplies more green veg etables were bought The ex panding demand for fresh fnut was only affected by reduced supplies of some kinds less flour and bread was bought but more cakes and biscuiu The BIBLE THOUGHT He that dweileth til the sec ict place of the Most High shall abide under the Ihadow of the Alan hi whenw are nine place ointcd yllimfor us there we have llis protecting hand demand for wrapped bread in creased One bright spot in the report is the statement that with the Increase in pensions old age pensioners spent more money on food especially eggs from fnilt and green vegetables And Just note that has some algnitic cc London housewives bought frozen vcgc tables at rate twice the pat ional average was Niven LIKE This Look Back On Life Things Didnt Do NEW YORK APtA man is known by the footprints he leaves in the sands of time liut deeds are not thconly measure of identity What you havent donstctll who you are in the world just ubout as rureiy Is what you did For example am the fellow who at 51 hi never has Woii more than to on horse race Kissed greatgrentgrand mother Married red haired girl But did marry brunette and blondo who turned out to be the same glrll Eatcn boiled quail eggs fried grasshoppers or Hawaiian pol in YOUR coon HEALTH Think Of lirt When You Ate By JOSEPH MOLNEE MD Dear Dr Molnar have ath erosclerosis Please tell me If there special diet for this firm that sells health foods claims can prolong my life by using its products What is your advice On such foodaf And what effect does atherosclerosis have on the srterieaiMlld MC Everybody who reads this column sooncrpr later will have atherosclerosis lust ai everybody will lose the limiter neas of youth and acquire few wrinkles and notice that the hair gels grayer if not thin ner So what The longer we live the older we grow it may beindeed it is prob ablethat diet has some effect on atherosclerola but so do othar things such as age her edity and exercise Dr Paul Dudley White doesnt ride his bicycle and talk about it just for fun He knows that steady exercise throughout life has its effect on keeping the arteries in better condition The two things we can con trol diet and exercise have lit tie it any effect in correcting atherosclerosis after it has de veloped They are preventlvcs not cures dont mean radical or rigid diet dont mean violent exer cise if people would get in the it as young adults of doing eries less space to carry blood just as lime lor rust deposits in wa ter pipes cut downtba flow There is therefore general Young decrease In the efficiency of cir culation sometimes to degree that blood pressure increases significantly as Nature tries to overcome the partially clogged arteries There is in addition an increased risk of clots blocking an artery somewhere either in the heart muscle in heart at tackt or in the brain atroket The answer to atherosclerosis is in prevention and the earlier we start the better Dear Dr lilolncré if two yearold child has cataract in one eye about the size of pa per match head not inflamed and hardly noticeable would you advise letting it alone to see if it will go away Or should it be removed nowf 156 would not expect it to go away Cataracts dont would leave It entirely up to the eye specialist to decide whether it hould be removed how or is er an hoursibriskiwaikiug ortiia equivalent ry day that would be autiicte Some days it could bebowli swimming gardening bicycling or what ever suits your taste Fordicl nothing tricky Just balanced one that keeps your wcigbt steady and normal That in itself probably is ruifiicent since it will automatically keep your intake of fat at suitable level lint some deliberate re structlon of animaiiai and the substitution of vegetable or Iisb oils may be wise On this older at the Atlantlewe have tan deny to out quite lot of fat because It is plentiful As for the ballyboed health foods dont see anyevidetica to indicate that they are better ciriiwa acronr Party Whip Comes By PATRICK NICHOLSON UllAVtAqlba importance of party whlmtn the lieu of Common been mic lende tloiially revived by present situation when minorlt dov eromantboldr office la in turn has touched on brood dlrc on of voting in the item When Parliament meets later this month moral pecta of thoutople wlii claim the daily Interest of inert MPI In our 24th Parliammt which met first in tiny ms the gov ernment voting was an heavily outon the combined opposition vote of 49 Liberal pliu eight CCP mentv ban The tooth member of the House of Commons was of course the Speaker who only vote to break lie Thus the party whips on both side had little Incentive to per form their main lack which is to whip in the maximum strength of their party for any votesince the opposition could not expect to oulvola the gov crnment CLOSE VUIES LIKELY in this months new Parlla merit the voting strength of the Conservative government will be only llt while the 100 Liberals to Social Creditors and 19 NDP members could overthrow the government by combining to vote solidly against it on any rnn or vote This will keep the whip bury it also poses the deflnl on of major vote and the vexed question of party solidarityon votes tradition was intro dnccd into our Parliament by the latew biackenalo King according to many observers whereby ovary vote in the House is rcgurdcd no vote of confidence In the ability of the ministry to carry on the govern ment of Canada From this It automatically foilowrthot the government innit strive to win every vote and hence that every ltiP must at all times vote In aupport of the lcndcr of party Such rigid party discipline is QUEENS PARK Admin and must to tbs lnwoili working of party poli tics in the opinion of some ooh IticlnnI who argue that no party could govern without it Others believe that such slavish aubiniulon to the lcadsnhi of party obicttaln some mu forces the individual MP to vote in manner inlmacl to Ms con atitucnta interests and merely reducer him to the status of performing sealas the appeal ion parties repeatedly de scribed the Liberal follower of Prime Minister St Laurent hlr if ftadanal the Liberal MP for Fort William he ofteo discussed with me his own vig oroua intellectual obiecllona to luck block voting on mlnor moi SOME VUIEB TRIVIAL The solution seems obvious and ll experienced frequently in the British Parliament Except on vote concerning measure of motor importance to govern ment policy such as the Throne Speech or the Budget or on specific motion of censure of the government him should be free to vote in accordance with their conscience and the inter ests of their constituents and defeat on such lesser vote would not be accepted as an overall tub of confidence For major votes in the British Par Ilarncnt the party whips send out summons underlined three times Such three lino whip is strict command to be pres ent nod to vote with the lender Thus some opinion considers that Mackenzie King If it were he did Canada disservice by instituting this invariable party solidarity on all votes With the close balance in the now Parliament we will likely see return to the system of pairing whereby Conserv ative and Liberal MPs in pain will agree that one will not vote if the other is compelled to ba abaeutuldut MP5 will probably not forget that accidents can appen and an unintentionally broken pair caused the defeat of government bore threa decades ago Roberts May order TfixllinlrStudy Oy DON onntinu TORONTOPremier Roberts has given almost certain indica tion that he will order his own taxution study He told the Ontario lllunlcipal Association that the federal Carter Commission would be limited to federal tax fields Obviously he said further study would be needed of pro vlnciai and municipal fields And though he didnt defi nitely prornlse such study he inferred he would order one once the Carter Commission terms of reference were made known The word here is that Mr Roberts will not order royal commission He is not it hi said too favor ably disposed towards thia form of inquiry fljhewideranging Roach commission into crime has done nothing to add to his endearmentt Rather be will have govern merit study madeiby experts someof them civil servants NO MOON in his 0lfA speech the premier made one reassuring statement The tax study he said will permit us to view this enormous tax problem as whole rather than piecemea in his study at least he wont be shooting for the moon He wont expect it to come forward with cureails He will expect it to assemble all the pertinent data Correlate it and present it in simple form This Is good approach Before our tax situation can be digested it should be known Just what there is to chew on Then after proper reflection it can be put in more palatable form The tendency in the past has been to believe in tackling it in one big bite There is suspicion that this Will he expected of the Carter Commission tat the time of writing terms of reference have not been laid down And this is too much to ask for If onhr for the reason that it takes different type of man to put facts in order than to an alyze them There appears to be some chance of real progress from the approach being taken by llfrl1obarts GOOD MEN The test of course will be in the men who make the study no matter what shape it may take The relative value of any study is tied to the relative Jyaluo of the men who conduct if the premier can come up with some good man there could ha very significant step for ward in the progress of the province filigfffltfllERMONEY Talk it over with Nia gara Loan Adviser Its his job to help you Niagara loans ago made up thana perfectly normal bai anced diet They are fads ex travagantly urged by salesmen pod promoters As to what effect athem sclerosis has on the arteries essentially it simply means no curnulatlon of fatty material on and in the lining of the arteries This both atlffens or Minions then and gradually makes the lifliEi diameter smalleryieavlog to $2600nnd are usually thana day Remember welcome at Niagara NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Lorgolt AllcCanadlan Consumer Loan Company BAitltlEr ii Collier Street Phone rn color completed in less you will always be onriiia ozcnihoroost Phone an dddd ausoraica IN connnvcwoon liq 11 sprouting street Phone not

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