Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Sep 1962, p. 3

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Wed Says Tarrcition System Hurts Sep Separate school boards Mi only in Barrie but throughout Ontario are feeling the pinch Barrie Separate School Board in especially hard put to main into its school system because of lock of money hinny people feel that the lit uation arises from an inadequ ate taxation system and that separate schools are not geit ing their fair share of the taxes SAME in rows Bill Merrick finance chair man of the Barrie Separate School Board says it was the same story in the 1800s as now Certain individuals werent interested in having children attend public schools which were then Catholic Schools Mr Merrick said As the population changed the public schools became non Catholic and the separate scho oi was interested in retaining the Catholic education within its school system inihc ithihbSéparnle Schools Act came into effect and since only minor changes have been made since the Act today is essentially an Act do slgned for the 1880s And dis crepancics that occurred in planning the Act are still with us LO0K BACK At the present time those who criticise separate schools system as being unnecessary in our way of life should recall that their nonCatholic forebear ers were responsibla for instl toting the separate schools sys authorization of 520000 per class room for both public and separate schools it is imperat lva then that separate school boards try to keep their con struction costs per class room within this figure All over and above this amount arising in the construction costs has to ba met by the money rcccived from the municipality property taxation tcm when formal education was beginning to take place in the early history oi Charla Mr Merrick said The chairman of the finance committee said NonCatholic individuals in this very comm unity have been thoroughly am azed andfound it very hard to believe that present legisla tion permitting the separate schooisysiem to obtain the nec cssary finances has so many loop holes that create hard ship on all separate schools in Ontario This can be more clearly set out by the following For ins tance in the mailer of indust rial municipal assessment only in those industries that are con trolled orowned by Roman Catholics are they able to direct their assessment to tho support 6f iho separate schools Present legislation provides for industry to support separ te schools only when the par eentage of Catholic ownership is precisely known Then this percentage of the share owner ship in the company can be directed to the separate scho ols Therefore industrial organic hions with on the nrircftind it rtuaifyim sible to determine percentage of ownership and consequently void any effort to make this determination It is suggested therefore that perhaps all industry in community should be able to direct the percentage of their assessment relative to the per centage of Roman Catholics in the population oi those comm unities gt That is if the Catholic pop ulation in Barrie was in or 17 per cent of the total popu lation then industry should be able to direct this percentage of the assessment to the separ ate school system Arrnoncnan lNDUSTRY Mr Merrick said The Bar ric Separate School Board ap proached industry in Barrie During June this year the board sent requests to all industrial organiza as in Harris to com sider ng portion of their municipal assessment to the separate schools But the three replies receiv datacsbowcd that these preferred to leave any division oi taxes to the municipality or to the legislat ors He said At present with all the industrial organizations in Borrle there are only three in dustries in the city that have share of their assessment go to the separate schools With references to residential taxes present legislation also creates difficulty in obtaining sufficient assessment to proper ly meat separate school board expenditures Mr Merrick said in the ease of mixed marriages the school act says the head of the citrate odocadooal ctfort put forth in feel that the municipality or the my artmeni ot Education in on in is to be commended for the province Biii as department of the government it can only pro Vida tor both systems that which is set down by the pro Quelled lotermittcoi rain through most oi the weekend put damper on vacation fun but it vincinl legislators did give Provincial Poitco Visualize for moment the fact that separatoecbool boards erect schools at lower cost and maintain their schools In most break with accident toils throu ghout simooo County at low point on nonunion most instance at economicaticvcis weekends through the surAmer the difficulty unit would be im the posed upon the general tax payer if all Catholic children were educated by tho public schools Mr Merrick said Ho said it is impossible to Department of Education should county and district came through without any serious to iuries on tho roads though sev eral minor accidents were re ported and property damage in several was high On Highway 400 Just south of school kindergarten Catholic family may send youngest child to the public school kind ln other words the systems Earle The ii1 tevmwmmselvesl children in must go to the public school system No division oftox sup port is permitted school boards throughout the province have difficulty meeting the financial demands of educ est buildings in keeping with their financial position LOCAL GENERAL WILLIAM MERRICK riilésdli Here again all for support Mr Merrick said Separate tion and they carry deficits from one year to another it is tho practice of separ to school boards to erect mod Slnce the Department of Ed cation pays grant on on Mr Merrick said the Dep LETTERS PATENT was ever face do more to adjust the division of municipal tan support but rather that the legislators of the twentieth century should review the Schools Act This is sublect that could easily demand the attention of Royal Commission Mr Mer cick said He said separate schools servo need in Ontario and the goucroment torridgating that parliamentary ndtsifbi to the foods are not to keep ing with todays progress They will be the first to acknowledge that separate scho ols are soundly built at lesser coat and maintained at lower figures than public schools And government on thc pro vincial and community level it with educating the students in separate scho ols within the present public school system they would find the tax burden impossible lilr Merrick said credit must be givenfor changes that have brought relief and it is my sincere hope that the Out ario Government will continue its commendable efforts of re cent years to como forth with better grants designed to assist both the separate and public school systems as they are in Ontario today and to relieve the municipality of on over burden of taxation for educa tion purposes Want Investigate Sundaie Finances Highway 37 Sunday mooring vehicle rolled over after the front left the blow out HINWs ing it into swerve Driver Jerry Newman 14 of 356 Delv aware avenue Toronto and his passengers walked away with only shaking Four cars were involved in roarend collison on Sunday evening but drivers and pass my SevErnfoihe occurred but ihero were no in iuries to the immediate area The Wasaga Beach detach ment also reported qutct weekendin few vacationers and liftlo activity At Orangevillo quiet week end was experienced by police who credited heavy rains with keeping most drivers off the road The fnnisfil municipal police also had quiet weekend The officers are still investigating the breakla at lhclGA food store early last week when quantity of food was stolen Loot Shocks lit Building Site Two construction shacks at the Highway 400 site of the Continental lnn were forced open during the weekend but apart from the contents of soft drink machine little ap peared to bo missing when in vestigations began The shacks belongodto Aber cromble Electric and Allandale peulledwbciiJhO confound over AtVictoria Harbour pollco reported from the incidents ago resulted when car driv bausheno and Henry Wardle of Current issue of Ontario Guz ctio iisis Letters Patent under the Corporations Act issued to Orv Hardy Motors Limited of Barrie as private com pany dealing in thehautomotivc business Principal sharehold ers given orn0roiileRay Hardy buslnessman and Lorna Eleanor Hardy housewife both of the City of Barrie and Barry Douglas Timleclt ac countant County of Halton KIWANL SPEAKER Johnny Munro of Toronto former Queens yniversliy foot gt birllstirr and Bigbour official now an insurance executive will be the speaker at the Kiwanis Club of Barrie dinner this evening at Community HOCKEY STAR CHARGED Bobby Baun at Tomato Maple Leafs has been charged under the Small Vessels Act for oper ating motor boat without an other porson to watch the watr or skier being towed haun was charged by OPP Constable Bruce Reid and will appear in court at Brechin Sept 26 OWEN SOUND CALL First minister of Orlilia Chri stian Reformed Church Rev James Kuntz who came to Canada in 195s from Holland with hintits and twodaugh tors has been called to charge in Owen Sound He was active in erection of the new church in Orillia Road of Highways was read to the on Coldwater GETS ILS HONOR William Hume administra tor for 0rlllla Soldiers Memor ial Hospital will he admitted tothe American College of Hos pital Administrators as porn inee at the 28th annualcon vocation next Sunday in Chic ago TWO LIQUOR VOTES Two liquor votes are being held in Muskoka District this week Town of Bracebridgc vot es on Thursday on lounge lie ensing and dining room licen sing Similar voting will take place Wednesday in the Town ship of Stephenson Siyearold Huntsville man WASAGA BEACH Special special committee to be ap pointed by the Sunnidaie Town ship Council will underfako to interview the Municipal Board for information concerning de layin holding public hearing in relation to approval of do an building shim Lumber Police said it appear ed that the clectriclans but had been forced to secure tools to gain entry to the Allundalc Lumber premises The tools were left outside beatureitor constructionof 1a med municipal office and fire station At the recent council meeting The ladies washroom atltho Canadian Nntlohal at grbph it was decided also its this office was entered Sunday but committee would request the no damage was done and noth Municipal Board to make acom ing appeared to be stolen pol plete investigation into the an ice said nncial situation of Sunnldole Township With Reeve thgldlntortnexwashromaandrpoiim Footprints were found loading Prldham authdrizcdto arronge tsuspeot entry was gained an early appointment with the Board Among other items discussed at the meeting was the appoint ment of Bruce Webb as super visor of the township dump for the remainder of the year Grants totalling $75 were vot ed for two events$50 to the Stayner Fair Board and $25 to the Centre and West Simone Plowmcns Association for plowing match to be hold at Chuck Pattersons farm at Sun nidale Corners October letter from the Department council concerning link be tween Highways 92 and 26 Marooned By Own Car MOUNT ALBERT Special was critically injured when his car rolled on him on Highway is near here last night MI Stepbcn Reynolds is in York County Hospital Nawmarket with crushed chest head injur ies and severe internal injuries Hospital officials listed his con dition as critical Police said Reynolds car rough insecure window BETIBES ant Officer Class ill Joyce of Kingston will retire from the Regular Army this month after3 years of service foreman of signals he has been sta tioned in Winnipeg forrihe past two years with the Man was south bound and skidded VimbaSlgnm Squadron He not of control and rolled into swamp on the east side of the highway Reynolds was thrown from the vehiclcwhich rolled onto him and pinned him in the mud Saverai passing motorists DEATHS and his wife the former Ann Dilworth of Harrie will set tlo in Victoria BC Narrvc NAME An express train in the Malay Federation is calladtho Golden worked waist deep in mud to El free Mr Reynolds weapons of the abor owpipa after the bamboo Breslau and Gertrude Gillies crops in the county have been itll MRI EXAMINER MONDAY ll LIDI yrswaasn Misanos 30110015 Pelice de Rain Traffic At Ailixton police reported that mi of their ictivltles con tinued to be centred around the mysterious disappearance of to gearold Thomarina Baker of Breton inspector James illrria of tho OPP Criminal in vestigation Branch is back on the cocoa today Stayncr police reported quiet weekend with no serious accidents ELMVALE BUSY This however wasnt the cm at Eimvalc where the Provincial Police detachment was responsible for the invest igation into titres highway truf fic accidents The first involved cars driv en by Sharon leopard of RR Wyevnlc Passengers in the car were Lowls Leonard and Wayne Hall both of RR Wyevale Tha ihree were trcai ted in Midland hospital for min or Injuries The ncldcnt hop on Concession of Tiny Town ship ln the second accidentcars driven by William VanLcirwcr of lot Letitia Street Barrie and Edmond Quesnello of Mid land were ln collision at tho corner of Highways and it Thu other incident was on Saturday night when car drl vcn by Gilbert Cadcau of Mitl hind rolled over on curve on County Road Cadeau suffer ed fractured arm VICTORIA HARBOUR titers reported investigating series of crashes that left peo ple charged under tho Highway traffic Act Few injuries were but property damage rrin high On Saturday night $300 dam en by Leonard Menard oi Tor onto rolled over in the ditch on Highway 12 Also on Highway 12 cars driven by Albert Mace of Waua Hamilton were in collision There Was $250 to the Mnccar and $150 to tho Wardlo car in this accident on Sunday At the intersection of High way 400 and 12 Victoria Har bour Police investigated on no cident between Shirley Riley of Heads Breeders Cyril Cook of barrio has been named chainan of Simmo County Beef Breeders Associa tion for the 1m sale at Cree more November Sllnsbrcsslers signmcnt Final entries will not be in until the weekend hchill of the Livestock Branch has completed the in speciion of entries for Zono Yorkshire sale at Harrie Twen tythres bred sows one gilt and eight boars have been approved Frost was reported in some areas of South Simone last week but no damage to tobacco reported Tlio following lair dates have been released Tossoroatio School Fair LisleSeptember 12 Cookstowu Fail Fair Sep tember 1415 Essa School Fair Thornton September is lnnis fil School rFair innlstil Park September 20 Nottawasaga School Pair Duntroon Septem ber 21 Conservation Club To Meet Tonight Barrie District Hunters and Anglers Conservation Club will hold its first fall meeting at the Orange Hall Ailandale this evening at eight oclock The club announced that its Hunter Safety Course will start Friday evening at Barrie Sports bulistor icon TO SEND TOMMIES PICTURE T0 SPIRITIlliLlST Corporal Raymond Perkins of the OPP gives picture of Thomasina Butter it who has been missing from iho Beeion area since August 19 ioWlliiarn Grant of RR Londoo Mr Grant plans to send the picture to medium in Holland who is noted for her mystic abilities Wliephoio OF of Toronto Total domagcwas $400 and Miss Gillies was char ged with careless driving in another accident three cars were involved with total damnge running to 51000 Dri Ltd Collier Street FLY Tca vers were Herbert Montgomery of Waubaushenc Kirkpa OPP trick oi Weston and Lawrence crash Groenigcn of Willowdhle nigen was charged with less driving his vehicle for business for pleasure TORONTO TO HALIFAX vsHRS 05 MINS UP TO 8FLIGHTS DAILY $96 ECONOMY RETURN Ask about even lower Grou 10 or more flying in Canada pFaresfor groups of Spe Your Travel Agent or Contact TCA at 130 Bloor Street West Toronto Ontario muscoma our unss® th cannon For Your Reservations Call Now BARRIE Ii DUNLOP sr RAVii SERVI CE ransom Finally the Victoria Harbour nvcstigated single car when James Allen Sine Groc by of Viciorindiarbour lost con curs irol causing woo damage to house tmalel dircoiuchooLtag mm spppmtfAnomCdthTJlicTathér By THE CANADIAN PRESS or property owner or tenant must support the public school by virtue of his taxes even though all his children may at tend the separate schools ONE WA STREET There are approxi mately so families of mixed marriages in Barrie Conseqa entiy all of these taxes must ward 45 mlnlnfi 5PM man whose family wnedtbe rroca horse cui kidnoysiirgery igo to the public school system in short Catholic as property owner or tenant cannot support separate schools even though he may Pringle as otielievillc wish to former alderman and city soli grn some mixed marriages sitar of stroke Eight ObitStanley Cole ii of Sudbury member of the Laurentinn University board of governors and supervising eagl noer for the Ontario highways apartment there are childrcnof both Cath pile and nonCatholic faiths is possible that one or trypmny oiiend public school and the others attend separate ebool Then all the tax sup pot automatically goes to tho school iii 72 who served for to years as dean of women students at the tract Badanai wife of the bib eral member of Parliament for Fort William consultant in industrial arts at TorontoMarlon ls Ferguson diversity of Toronto Fort William OohMrs Hu Las Vegas Nev Robert rowing Laehlne Que Robert Toronto Kenneth Hall as University oiToronlo after heart attack love BEST BUY for cnauasovsn cin or none new nouns

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