Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Sep 1962, p. 7

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SKIRTINGVV THE BAY ITS ALL oven Holidays are over its scam orxon time to take stock not only oi what is left in the cottage on board but also of what you have achieved what sails action ou have gained from your summer holiday Did you ose 10 pounds Did you learn to swim Did lng sunset How about your sun tan do her as you did in June you experience burn lvo weeks ago your tan was terrific Smooth golden glowing against the turquoise blue the white the apricot of summer clothes Suddenly its Septem on Darker clothes Eta ck brown greys winereds The fan that was terrific just looks terrible Too bad you cant just step out of your skin as you do out of your shorts Ge tting rid of tan takes time But some emergency measureswlll help ve your skin paler look some basic changing of your color For the quick result treatments ll beaten the try instead of your re shade of makeu base far far lighter one Almost pale moonlight eige Then light smoothing on of base that matches your skin color Then powder Youllvfindrthe underlying overtones without making week lighten the shade of ten pale bascmaltosifordighter cu look clownface Each iiaso as you fade out your Do try the following basic treatment recommended by Tina Case Breckenridge This is trlweekly use of cleaning grains These mildly abrasive cleansers slough off the old skin Remember that your skin is constantly shedding The new stuff coming of sun tan The cleansing ding process If you find ause the cleansi quently Rub them off wit through is delicate and free grains will hasten the shed that your skin is extremetly grains little less fre wet wash cloth instead of dry cloth so there is little less friction Secondly start using freshencr or astringent to wake up of ng speeds idisltin on itsWayftilltifwitltitfthatsallow this easy vakeupper of freshener or astrin look than gent weekly masque ots and lots of icecold skin latio Noi marvellous one made from marine algae dries soft as latex on your skin and lifts off all in one stimulating iant moist look of young piece While its drying its cleaning toning all of which brings back the rad new skin Try instead of your beloved colored eye shadows the lightening and brightening effect of pearly shims mering eyeshadow stick Sort of wakes up your whole face Lastly shield yourself and the power to darken sunfannin plans until next year from the autumn sun Se your skin Postpone your in the meantime its pale ns we love with winters darkly rich cos tume colors THlS THAT SERVICE STATION ATTENDANTS have their em barrassing moments too pulled into station near filled As usual that is Late lastSunday evening we Toronto to have the gas tank when theyre not busy the attendant asked if he could check the oil The oil was fine but he just couldnt find the spot for the dip estick After several attempts and iapseof five min utes he tore off into the office Several moments later be returned emptyhanded He couldnt find his flashlight NOTEonthebulletln board in localrlaundromat stated that lady would returned it had been removed from washer fromthlaundromatlhenoteawenuon Tmthedresshad and so was not too valuable another note replaced the appreciate having her dress during made by the woman After several weeks first and attached to it was belt The note stated that since the dress had not been returned the new owner might as well have the belt to go with it Now call that showing consideration for your fel low man Local Family littehdiReception Prior To Departure From City On the eve of their departure for western Canada the United States and Mexico farewell party was held at the YM and YWCA for Dr and Mrs Harry Holm On arrival Mrs llolm wes prcsenfed with eorsage The guests gathered in the spacious room downstairs which had been decorated with beaut iful floral arrangements Al Pickles performed the lican Church following their wedding are Mr and Mrs Piotrr Hartley The bride Iduties of Master of Ceremonies for the evening is introduced the first two artists lngrid and Ernie Haunt garten recent award winners of the Exhibition accordion duet class They favoured the group with several solo and duet numbers Following this musical pro gram was presented by group from the Music Studio of the avies of Canada Those par NawLeros triynpmnigr cnuncn Wm flcld is the daughter of Mr and MrsFrcd Widdlfield of Letitia Street Tliobrldc you love it in septem tember and October sun still has plenty of fire in it mm Dame Sttwell Marks Birthday tortuoumrwcm Edith Sitwali Englands eccentric lady of letters observed bar nth birthday yesterday But the is coking imam to mating some of her poetry act when the literary communin pen formanoc of Facade in which run by Dunc Edith are set music Sir William Walton Dame iii any the will wear red velvet dance blackondgold turban and necklace which comes accord ing to the British Museum INmoncofthItombaoftbo fuels in Peru happen to glacial doesnt lays Dania abouts people nu resent her appearance but says think it is mistake to dress like mouse Except when it comes to bravery we are nation of mice We dress and behave with timid clrcumapcction taste In the worst vice evenin vcnted For an interview Dame Edith wore four aquamarine rings that glittercd like electric bulbs large purple mantle smart hat and huge aquamarine brooch Damp Edithappcarlto be at the peak ofhcrhul llfe Itn American university has bought her manuscripts for the equiv alcni of 3000 WOMEN DIRCORS LEND HELPING HAND it takes Woman to finish the iobl in flurry of last minuturrangc of Mrs Mcl Jsmtcson ieltlhd1lrs James Paarsnll directors of the womens section of Orer Worlds Fair take time out of their busy schedules to help complete the price list tenths big event anagram ualfal exhibition which attracts crowds from all cor hero of the county promises to be bigger and better than Shirley Ann Geii Marries Paul Arthur Priest Today Miss Shirley Ann Gcll became the bride of Paul Arthur Priest at an afternoon ceremony in Trinity Anglican Church today Standards of white gladloll formcdzthcbackgroundraetting for the ceremony performed by Rev Col Sherring The soloist Bntce Owen sang the Lords Prayer accompanied by Mr Belchcr organist The bride in the daughter of Mr and Mrs Martin Frederick Gcll of Barrie The bridegroom is the son of Mrs Parker Priest and the late Mr Priest of Barrie sninar GOWN Enteringllhe church on the WBS attired in traditional full length gown of peau dc sole The fitted bodice of the dress was fashioned of reembroldered French Alencon lacc Similar French Alencon lace enhanced the front of the bouffent skirt Anlobl sash swept to chapel Bi crown of lace and seed pearls held her elbow length veil of silk Illusion tulle Whte gardenlas and frenched carnat ionst fashioned the bridal bou que AiiENDANTS The brides attendants were hilasDorotby Elliaio Soil Don balnson en tonc and Miss Jane Rooke pian rstacompanist Their numbers ncluded solos duets and trins of classical and popular vein Mayor Les Cooke expressed regret at Barries losing Dr and Mrs Holm Mrs HnlIn was presented with bouquet of flowers by Miss iliunifred Lagecr of Stayner Mrs Frank Cheppel of Barrie presented Dr Holm with gold embossed desk clock featuring signs of the Zodiac and desk pen on marble stand with gold plaque engraved with an expression of appreciation from patients and friends Dr Holm thanked the group or the gifts and expressed hit regret on leaving since he and his stamin had enjoyed their life in Barrie Dr Henry Dobson and his wife were introduced to the gathering by Dr Keith Dr Dobson will take over the Clinic with refreshmeptsi brief social period followed Loc Cowper Studio groom is the son of Mn and Mrs Hartley of Nap ier Street Archdeacon Allan Head officiated at the often nmplon as maid of honor Mia Sandra lcnncit cousin of the bride as bridesmaid Miss ludy Laws thebridca nicce as iunlor bridesmaid Mlss illl ans sothubrideiswnlmawag The maid of honor and hides mold were similar gowns fash toned of moss green peau de solo The dresses featured soft lyscoopcd necklines elbow length sleeves and bellvahsped skirts fheir headdreases were moss green roses with veils ables carried bouquets of Shasta The flower girl wore bouff nni frock of white Swiss cotton enhanced with scab of moss green Her headband was of white frenched carnationr She carried basket of Shasta daisies Gordon Priest of Ottawa at tended his brother as best man ANN LANDERS telephone friend and get her to talleabouhsomconsdnnmnst uncomplimentary manner when all the time that someone who was being talked about Is listen ing on the extension telephone in the first persons bouse Isnt this about the lowest trick you overheard of in your whole life was trapped into such situation and would like to have comment from you VlC1llfIZED Dear Vicilmlzed Yes this Is indeed chubby trick but it should teach you leason Never say anything about any one on the telephone for any place else for that matter that you would not say to that per sons face And as for the cat who framed you shes promising candle date for the All American Skunk Award Female Division NONSUPPORT Dear Ann Lenders You will neverprint my letter because uohdy wants to face the truth about this subject You often use is sentan that makes me laugh quote The 5338364 on usHupporii his wife and children Well have news for youthe law may say so but in this state its just joke lspeak from experience and heres what its like The sup port department at the states attorneys to takes your name and all the information They tell you to wait three months You wait Then you ap pear again and are told they are trying to contact him You wait another three months After that they tell you he Is not at the address you gave them So you phone and find he is there and has been all along You go tnrricyscffxce They saythey look into it in three months they call anymono tritium 12 so For Only For DOOM ceremony Hamid Parkercf ltlineslng and berry Carson were the ushers At the reception held at River Gardens the brides mother ro cclved wearing sitcsth gown fashiongL of tisrnaninkbrown rendt feather hot and mink stole adorned with corsagc ol yellowsweet hcart roses completed her coa lumc Assisting the bridagrooms mother were frock of Dior blue brocade matching fea thcr hat and corsagc of pink roses complemented her on semble lhebrlde chose double knit chocolate brown sheath dress with beige accessories for trav elling Her corsago was bronze mums On return from the wedding trip to New York State the couple will reside at 88 Blake Street Shabby Trick Teaches Lesson What good is he to ya to fall So you any Skip it My advice to women wttb chlldrcnisthlaStlclLitoutun til the kids are old enough to stand on their own feet Once man leaves your chances for getting support money are mighty slim cen Through it Dear Ec Some states are tougher on the scoundrels than others that in favor of eiobbeh iag these lowllfcs who try to run out on their responsibilities Regardless of the law your last paragraph makes lot of sense if aman is short on integrity WILD BlD Dear Ann Lenders dont know if you play bridge but think you can advise me whether or notyou know ihu game Myhusbnnd and play lot of cards He considers himself genius think hes fine player but he can and does make mistakes As for me lm good player but dont pro tend to be infallible The other evening we had an other couple in for bridge Since my husband has habit of over biddiog was upset when he spades quietly so you know what you think youre crazy He gave me withering look and said Just shut your big fat mouth and play the hand We didnt make it and he was furious After ourguesta left he said Your cutting re mark rattledme endthat is why we lost refuse to play cards with you again think should be the one who rs mad Do you agree SET Dcnr Set You were both out of order with temperaments such as yours can think of agoodcreasonsiwhygyoumnd our husband should not play cards together Throw in the dcclcnermanently SCOTTISH EWELLER¥ Shipment Just Received Brooches Pendants Etc DICK STEELE SGN Cor Colllcr und Enyflcld PA Milli opere¢witb4wildbtdof evcr according to the women directors The fair will be held Sr In and 12 like umincr holoi No Other Iob Is Equal To Womans Role TORONTO OP Alcaa rigid definition of the roles of men and women in pressntday society would eliminate much unoasincss and anxiety in women today says prominent American sociologist Dr errn Komarovsky of Barnard College Columbia Un iversity Now York was key opingspeakccflbursday cpcnlng esslon of The Real World of Women fourday CECvsponsored conference at the University of Toronto Dr Komarovsky saw resent day attitudes towards role of woman as mas of contra dictions PERMANENTS SPECIAL lcbmplcie Open Toes Thurs Fri 11 lll OPENER EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE as am Rd Alilndllo lhr appotatmcar slit PA eesn ECONOMY CONVENIENCE rat the iOWlNDOWS lDOOft ASlOWAS That ATTle CONVENTION Mr and Mn Graydon Kohl of Stanly Bay Road were moon the guests attending the math3 wcddlég held ev at gsway on at Restaurant Mr Ind Mn Kohl arc moi oring to Montreal today and will leave that city on flight for Halifax to attend the Onl arioQuehecMnritimes nnls convention to be held at the Nova Section Hotel Mr Kohl ta ppatdent oi the Kiwanis WWI Ilfcmpeuieii Buy Bar rie and delegate to the con vcnilon Mr and hire LE Altsn of Toronto Street melon ed to Halifax earlier where they have been visiting with relatives Mr Allen is treasurer of the Barrie Kiwanis Club and la the official delegate to tho convention WEDDIN GGUESTS Itmonstht outobcity guests present at the wedding of Miss Shirley Ann left and nut Arth ur Priest at Trinity Anglican Church this afternoon were Mr and Mrs Nowell and Garry of Troy New Yor Mr and andzhfrszbr Mann and William Mann of Dundav Mr and Mrs John McGean Port Franks and Mrs Riggs Brampton Mr and Smith Willowd aio Mr and Mrs lack Priest Mr and Mrs bowrle Miss Beth Cotes Sculllno all of Toronto Mr and Mrs Priest St Catherines ENTERTAINMENTS Prior to her wedding today Miss Barbara Bonner has been entertained at many events Mrs McDonald of Jona thon Court entertained at miscellaneous shower Cohostc sacs at the event were ltirs Peoria contacts mummwhudmCNlacoPAsfln Quentin ahdhirl Shirley Grhnnn Ganesha included Staff members of the Bell Tombs dc in Company of which the an employee iho bride receiv ed many lovely gifts trouascautea was held in honor of the bride at the hem of her parents Mr and bin Wilbur Bonner of Mary street on Wednesday afiemoon Pro aldtog at the tea table were Mrs George Evans itira flan old Atherton Mn Douglas Wil son mother of the bridegroom and Mrs Elmer OBrien len assistth were Mrs George Miles Mrs Charles Fisheries him Cook Mn Georg Livingston Miss Karen liter Iflla Joy Livingston Mrs Shin icy Grierson and Miss Barbara Wilson Mrs Webb als ter of the bride and MisaErma Clark were in charge of tho uarcau rooms Following the wedding rehenn an on Thursday evening the bridal party were entertained at the home of Mr and Mrs Webb Contra strccl MOTOR TRIP Following weeks holiday in Montreal Queec lran Taylor of Mclrose Avenue has lorwlsitcdwith his motherand tutor in Montreal resonators $599 open evaNINcs race PARKING oan garriolt gran Stylists in Maple Ave PA M661 RUMBLINGS FROM ROCKAND ROLL RANCH NEAR GRUMBLE HILL RR THORNTON September lai find me back In the sun full time We have had good summer The barn are fill ed with hay and the fields are seething with calves Bandollorof Wynatea 2ndhaaioft us lot of fine specimens of the AberdeenAngus breed soth wuson as Doctor of Osteopathy qncl5elfstoring Windows TEEN Expensive not in MORE with WtNTEftSElll saltstoring COMBINATION WINDOWS 00 Iran MONTH When you consider atoms and screens for your humobc sure and visit your lumbar dealers to ace the new WINTERSEAL SELFETOBING COMBINATION WINDOW Youll find its the window ihnt combines the convenience of an allmetal window with the bean ty of unequalled insulating efficiency of wood The ornaalrtgly low price will please you Aluminum siding You envelop aluminum siding

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