Midhurst Church 71Years Old alone on Church will celebrate its 75th anniversary replenish is Studentminister John FBuliner will be the speaker Guest soloist will be term er Mldhurst resident William my now at Tera to The choir will ring two an em Lttt 81 hchNTYBE HOOD Special to The Barrie Examiner LONDON PM oi progrihr inaugurated by the Ontario no pertinent oi Emaomics and de valopmani the tint oi three selling missions tram Ontario has arrived in London The dc partmente program to designed to encourage and assist mean he or meet his own needs blast at than have planned their own itinerary based on their own contacts Others have had con tacts arranged tor them by Ono aria House in inndon Some likely to result in actual sales tor thelrrontpsnles Grouptllfhé Has Landed In London ed at Barrie Ontario is to tour the continent alter visiting various parts oi the United Kingdom seeking markets or commercial rclrigeratorr and display cases Other members oi the Out ario Selling Mission are Rickwood president Hastings Machine Tools Ltd Niagara ve already broken ground av here to that their visits are PORT WILLIAM CPLKra neth Joseph Harrison as at Port Arthur was committed Thursday lg Utrial tube slitpy al yper es plumbed Foreman Alfred Scavareili llarrtaon arrested by pttitlth ciai police May is elected trial by Judge and jury on drum oi conspiring with others in the assault At the preliminary hearlog Scavarelli said he was beaten Jack Marlena export man ager atvDobble Industries Lime lied oi Gait Ontario besao extensive itinerary ahead of him in addition to buying has ineu interviews in London and other United Kingdom cities he la to visit Amsterdam Brussels Zurich Frankturt Duucldorl Cologne Hamburg Copenhagen and Paris He is seeking markt eta tor synthetic and wool tab rice tor the cutting trade Force lr director oi Up Your Heads and Lamps oi Evening Alter the service everyone is invited to iollowshlp hour where tea will be servad lbehlatory oi the Midhurst United Church goes back to 1887 when it was that built twoyear canvassing program had been taken in the congre gation and the results were favorable Contributions In the form at logs cash and work helped complete the unit by the endol August the same year iacturera lroln Ontario to ok port their products to Britain and to European countries No other similar missions repre senng various facets oi Oni ario industry are due to ar rive in the near luturc in the that party which has ust arrived are representatives at twelve industries located in Tomato Ottawa Niagara Falls Gait Acton Windsor Water iord Hamilton Port Hope and Barrie These provide tall Force Electric Products Limi balance ol companies item van at Acton Ontario will cone in arm at province and this his trip to several cities representing dlilercnt types Kingdgmrdnmfl pr amuset coislamlorï¬rotpecthETalcs morning service it ON THEIR OWN oi cooking appliances target and Rev Gilmore the min in and hot rule later preached the evening ser Dv NEW Viccpmdm vm oi Hill at Canada Limite Since 1002 beiora the church was built and the congregation included people irorn hiidhurst Cralghurst itiineeing and Hunt ere and McCrcas settlements the congregation has been led in services and spiritual devo tlon by 23 ministers DEATHS Falir Peter Broadhurst chiet engineer Vendomatlc Servioea Limited Tomato and Alert link er vlceprealdent oi the same company llolterman pre sident Duo Heat Limited at erlord Harvey preside ent Douglas hietal industries Toronto itlackI general manager Bench Foundry Lim ited Ottawa it Hodgson president Ca oadla Motor Lamp Limited Windsor Lloyd Jackson preaident Jackson Metal industries Limited Ham tlton hl Livingstone dent Coinpe From George Taylor public relations oitlcer at Ontario House in London comes this moment an the venture with pick axe handle in his home Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PAIMN ncfldl ox on or nod 10 char Wassgibcach helpl undernrlvlicgcd children at the Italiiox area recently at piclllc on Swan Lake near Kolleen McDonald demolish giant piece cake during the picnic The reireshmcnts tare Fund and in addition to hosts the sailors had quail licd lite guards on hand By THE CANADIAN PRESS Berlin Prot Hanna Eieler National Delence Photo or modern composer who wrote Nostalgic Mood East Germanys national all them Opposing Douks WatchEach Other CRANQ€ORKS BCiCPi TorontoErnest C02 01 hon orary director of the Ontario bors glared at each other across term gate Upward at 750 radical Sons oi Fmodom Doukhobors dc scendcd Thursday on the inrm oi orthodox leader lohn Vcrigin with request that they be per lrllltcd to sleep in his iields We have turned our backs on you shouted Vorigin leader at more than 10000or thodox Doukhobnrs tram his form gato You are not our people The ircodomitcs smallsec the entire Doukhobor dcr community 250 miles east of Vancouver on trek to Agos siz in the Fraser Valley Altllough thcre is some con tusionuabaut whether they would proceed iorther the an nounced intention when they lctt their capital or Kreatovn was to settle near the tedoral prison at Agassiz til miles cnst oFVancmlvel whoremony at their number are serving scn Icrices tor terrorism ASK FOR MERCY Have mercy on us and on our children called one oi the Frecdomltes to Verigin We have come long way and we are tired No said Verlgln Gods sake go The marchers had permission to spend the night in park near here But they marched pastitrto got to the Verigin farm on hill overlooking broad tertiie valley Most oi the group stood at the side of ahighway and sang hymns some knoclcd and prayedtor tour hours before theydccided to return to Gil pln Freedomite community seven miles east at hercwhere pent and recruited more marchers Some had lasted through the evening meal There were some indications some Frecdomites would return immediately to Krcstova be cause deserted lurm animals need attention The group has marchcdvaud drivcnonly 100 miles since spurotthemomcnt decision to ji Krcstova headquarters Sunday cool reception has Ebecn planned for them at Agasslz FOE Compiled by Flyno Darn Tar oAIBEIH Gas Gt Lakes Alto Nan Gas tAtlea Steel Blt oi Mont rBantt 9i NS tEelIiTel Tflnzlilan BA Oil 250 Power Cdrr Imp Bk Corn den Brewer CPit ican Content roan Chompah Call OII Harm alt Hud BI imp To no Ina Oli indl inland Nt locks Lana Lakellnd Mae Po Con Pnpcr Nonnda Conanmora Gas so Gunner Hinnger has 585 170 JE iOli 109 01 can Dyno Canflusky Cao Devonian nCamp Chib Con Dal Rib Copper Rand tCiitl Hall beniron Miner 10 Sullivan Falconbridza Laosou Laredo Murray Min Narmotal Dam Stores scat Pawn tlaldco Farma Home Oil luln soa Accept inter Nickel Inter rav Pt 75 Cluhp Massey Berg anNrN Gece Mines KemAddlson erlillllt My New North To invade To By ALAN rianvnr Canadian Press Stall Writer Therell be many moist eye and sad heart when Common wealth primn ministers gather next week in Marlborough House Like sohoolboys when the summer are over statesman will be alllictcd with an uneasy nostalgia an impresv sion that things are unlikely ever to be the same again This will apply particularly to the encoded white dominions Canada landand the United Kingdom All are apprehensive that Erit nins bid to enter the European Economic Community marks climacteric in Commonwealth aitnirs As ministers assemble lo the opulent conference room over looking the mail around 30 tootlong table at glowing red riblnga wood irom Atrlca even the most convinced Europeab may tool tremor of regret for the changing Commonwealth EVOLVED IDEAL Britons have always instinc tively teit themselves bound up with something bigger than their own tiny island The Commonwealth ideal has helped to compensate tor the death oi empire Now they vaguely reel French Ilrrest gt Five Persons PARIS APiTrench police have arrested five persons and are seeking six more in can nection with the attempt to as sassinate President de Gaulle Aug 22 intermed sources said today Oi ihe5six still at large three werearcported to be iormer lor eign logionnnlres ot Hungarian nationality The Hungarians lar believed to have not been pre sent when bursts oi machine guo tire raked dc Gaulieeau tomabile as it sped through the Paris suburb oi Petit Clamart The leader at the band was reported to be French lieu tenant who desertedjome time ago An iniormed source said the group were members of see cret army deltakiller com mando squad assigned the task of killing the French president TODAYS STOCK PRICES 00 Dunlop at E2 Barrie I210 not 1592 am so 1230 rm Pem Plpb Page Hersey Que Nat Gas Ilan Siddeiay Rothmans RoiII Hank Ealada Shirth Simpson Sbnwinlgan steel Can TOLDOIn Bk Trans Can Trans bit oo 14 oila 100 Walker oaw Northflto Opamtrka Quemoni lilo Algom Sher Cordon steep nook United tDIi wrlroy Wilton DOWJONES NEW YUIIR AVERAGES Industrial up LEE Halli up 16 Utilities up ID gt industrlaisvdowo on sauna excllnnols er ds up 10 Base Metals up on 01p 11 they are selling the Common wealth down the river in Australia whore the ting of empire lirst wns uuiurled in use whole communities depend on sales to Britain Australians TorontoEdna May Stewart former chiei operator in the Toronto loagdistance otilce oi the Bell Telephone Company oi Canada Saint John NECol Charles mink at the 01d Country Woaicy Weldon McLean at home Sentimentaily the Com monwealth means Britain iirst New Zealnnd and perhaps Can aria lnlrly high up the rest no where The flourishing town oiMil darn in Victoria State sells 40 per cent at its dried trait crop includingldollclnurr suitcase to 31° Britain It the Common Market bid goes through Australia will pay duty at £0 1le on every too at currents lilildura may become ghost town New mind has 2500000 eran at the South Atrlcau an First World wars and former member at the British Houseoi Commons Glion SpainLLGen Emilio Esteban lniantes 70 comman der ol the Spanish blue Divi toughtgagalnrteltussl ln theSecond World War hasten Kitty Donovan 05 Hearst newspaper woman for 40 years who once had horscli committed to mental hospi puaple and solmvom imp to to do nnexpose on treat Economist Colin Clark says it has the highest standard of liv ing in the world IIUGE EXPORT Every year it sends 20000000 lamb carcasses to Britain New Zealondcrs have tried hard to sell lamb and mutton in Canada and the United States but rth Americans stubbornly stick to steak New Zealanda butter and cheese exports are also in danger Canada has 61000000000 annual export trade with Brit ain The pulp and paper indus try collaring about one tenth the total hos no qualms about its ability to sell in the new Europe Prairie farmers simil arly 1ch high quality hard ment oi patients SarnnncLnkc NY Ed mund Lamy 72 US outdoor speed skating championtram 1900 to 1010 whose record for the indoor mile has stood since Eisner in draw fltNeW tell what he knc oihiarc 1910 Yorks Yankee Stadiu ycs ported trade Home City PLYER Iii noroairornnol Bo iicllnsky right Lo Angelou Angels tiOflili pitcher poses with team manager Bill President or Canadian Firm Says Britain Needs Market lly GREG MacDONALD Canadian Press Stall Writer Great Britain cannot aiiord NOT to join the European Com mon Market says Dr Yohe president oi iiF Good Canadian wheat can pierce Eu rich Canada Ltd ropean barriers ut many manufactured goods may suiier Speaking to reporters before addressing the annual meeting and the Canadian govornmont oi the Business Newspapers As ls worried Synopsis another warm day Satu Lakc St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Lake Ontario Ni agara southern Georgian Bay Halihurton Windsor London Hamilton Toron to Sunny and little warmer to day Saturday sunny with in creasing cloudiness during the atternoon and evening Winds light becoming southwesterly 15 thismorning and increasing WEATHER ll of the iorecast district will enjoy warm sunny weather today Cooler weather will spread through Northern Ontario today and reach into central Ontario Saturday but southern Ontario should have rday telnudy with scattered showers to 15 to 25 Saturday Timagami northern Georgian Bay regions North Bay Sud bury Mostly sunny and sociatiao here Thursday Dr Yohe said Britain will be lit serious economic trouble it she does not become member at the CommiiiPMrirREIW Dr Yohe recently returned irom visit to six European countries as part at 13mao productivity council mission in quiring into governmentlabor menngement relations He saidbe received the Ilii pressioo while in England that it Britain does not become member of the Common Market then she wfll likely invest heavily in it as she cannot pos sibly ignore it Dr Yobe added it is inevit able there will he common market between Canada and the United states and in the long run there must be world com mon market among western hemisphere countries ILIiTo or TORONTO CPiThe Globe These are then used to and thundershowers afternoon or evening Taming cooler late in the day Winds southwesterly 15 to 25 shitting to northwest 15 to 25 Saturday Forecast Temperature Low tonight High Saturday Windsor 50 52 52 52 50 52 55 Hamilton St Cniharlncs Toronto Pcterborough Trenton Killaioc Muskok North Bay Sudbury Earllon Kopuskosrng White Riv Moosonee 55 48 7d 75 75 75 72 75 76 15 72 and Mail says Great Lakes conierencc oi the international Longshoromens Association in Milwaukee Sept 20 will discuss TodayCIA hos l7 offices across the province and overl50000 policies in force in plans tor boycott of all Ca nadian shipping in United States The boycott is being considy cred as another move to aid the Seafarers international Union tindln llabattie against the Canadian Union commie pb The Globe quotcs Pat Sulli van at Buffalo secretary of the this Great Lakes district as conlirming that conierence is be held and that manylLA locals are bitter about the CMU also is saldtoh But maintained the agenda for the meeting has not been com pleted Tire paper adds However it was learned that the main pa pro pithe meet ing to touch nor boycottun loss the Canadian government takcsvactton against the CMU Speaking later to the BNA meeting Dr Yohe said he felt it pertinent to report what he suw in Western Europe on how labor and management and govv ernmcnt attack their joint problems All the countries Dr Yohe said prepare economic intor motion usually by govern ment agency designed tor this purpose although this maybe supplemented by economic stu dies pursued soparately by economistsandzi oril or set limits for negotiations do tine goals and to deter mine productivity accomplish ments at the past Goals are set and broad en compassing plans are laid in joint government labormam agemcnt agreement or at least in understandingso that each segment may play its proper part Also labor negotiations are Allan Lennox has tcrday prior to the game Bal insky said he had been sum moned to base all commis sioner Ford Fricks oitioe to industrywide not by individual companies or plant locations Employers are organized into industrial associations of man agement and these associations are grouped into federations which meet regularly to dis cuss nli phases oi management activities cannot but conclude that transtormatlon such as has taken place in Western Europe is possible for us in Canada it we can but tind the touchstone that would make it posslb cunvsuan tor rcllet pltehar Dan Osin ski Rigney hold closed dnor meeting with his players and the reported trade was the topic at discussion AP lircphotol FOR EXPERT REPAIR WORK iIIEIIEII MOTORS your DODGE SIMCA RENAULT VALIANT DEALER 75 Hradtorrl SL IEONE PA mo stocksaonosnuruarrunes RESEARCH ADVICE nesnrrr rnonson AND COMPANY LIMITED 89 DUNLOP ST SUITE 100 ENTRANCE MEMORIAL SQUARE PA 82412 BARRIE PETER wnsr sash PEng arcar hilMBEltLToronto otootnrs Canadian Stock oxenam branchescoast to Coast to Canada New York London can our obligation Joined the Group of CIA Representatives lathe Barrle Area GIAismn0ntaï¬aIBasuaity=inauratt few years ago by cooperativelymindedpcopic provide themselveswilh dependable insurance protec tion and service all lines company iormTrd ALLAN nonwox Painswick on new AUTOMOBILE URBAN FIRE ACCIDENT AND SICNESS FAMILY LIABILITY Other representatives in the Barrie Clarence Brown RR FARM FAMILY PROTECTION area are Barrio PA 05689 Wilbur Walton 52 Newton tzBarrlo PAB4000 Ailén Lennox and Clarence Brown can help with your LIFE insurance needs too They represent both CIA and iAs companion companyComparators Life insurance Association Ctroperators insurance Association Winners in the cor MissingAppliances Contest FIRST PRIZE WINNER homaaiull oi CGE appliances MR JOHN KUSHNKRYK Prince Albert Sank SECOND PRIZE WINNERS choice altwo major appliances DR GAUVIN Euthanasia NE MR ROLAND TANGUAY Charicebourg Que MILE GINEI YE LAMONTAGNE Disraeli Que MRS ANSELL Saskatoon Sack choice at one metal appliance MR GOODMND EllistanNflri MRS ALFRED PlDLAE Morel MR FREEMAN P011 errsra N3 MR ROBERT HAY St$tcphenNB MR LAURENT BOUCHER Sherbrooke Que run Manan comic Lac Megantie Que MME names nuisance Quebec Qua Miran TREMBLAY Troia Rivierea Que MRS JAS HOOVER Dunnvilio Ont MRS MOORE Toronto pat Mos MYHNA KOEOKE Midaie Sank RT MRS MONA ENSLEN Medicine Hat Alta MB PETER BOLDI Nelson 80 MRS MARTENS Abbatsiord EU In addition 75 fourth prizes can transistor radios were awarded as consolation prizes Names avail able on request All winners hav been notified bymail cannulau GENERAL ELECTRIC