STUDENTS TTEND ASS FUNERAL TOR FRIENDS Students from Mcdway High School nttcnd about today of fiveei the six victims of cortrunk crash Monday near Thorndale in miles north of London Ont Three brothers and sister were hurled in one grave and theircousin in another at St Johns Cem etery in Arvn Ont Services were held for Douglas Partr inson l7 brothers Daniel 13 Ronaidh itsistcr Brenda ti and cousin Thomas Shoebotv tom Separate service was held for Bruce Montclth 17 driver of the tmck CP Wire photo LEGAL NOTICES TREASURERS SALE OF LAND FOR ARREARS Ot TAXES Township 0f ionisfil COUNTY OF SIMCOE To Wit By virtue of warrant issued at th wasjp wtilirtrilsï¬l undeThls harliihttd the seal of the said corporation hearing date the ith day of May 1952 sole of lands in arrears of taxes in the Township of In nisfii will he held at the Com munity Holt Stroud at the hour of two oclock in the afternoon on the 12th day at October 1962 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid Notice is hereby given thatthe lists of lands for sole for arrears of taxes was published on the 7th day of July 1962 and that copies of the said list may be had at my office if the lands are not all sold on October 11 an adjourned sale will be held on October toih at the same hour and place Treasurers Ottice this the 9th day of July 1962 it GROH Treasurer 12 TENDERS TENDERS Sealed stipulated Sun Tenders will he received by the trader signcd until 400 pm TUESDAY SEPT 25 1962 for the construction of an addi tion of Standard Classrooms Science Room Washrooms Siaifrooms and Alterations to St Josephs School Barrie 0n tario All tenders must be accompan ted by Bid Bond in the amount of 5400000 and the successful contractor will be required to provide rforrnanccrltondzl the amount otV100 at the con tract Plans and specifications availr able to General Contractors from the Architects on deposit ot $2500 and will be displayed at the Toronto Construction As sociation and Barrie Builders Exchange Lowest or any tender not nec essarily accepted NESBIJl AND DAVIES ARCHITECTS 13 Owen Street BARRIE Ontario I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Sat September ii am Sharp At LOR LEE TEXACO MOTEL Highway 11 miles north of Harris The following vehicles will be sold under the provision of the Warehousernens Lien Act RSO 1950Qh 1950 ev lton Panel new mo 952 Packard 1954 Pan 1949 Monarch 1955 Chrys noss to be given JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer hm Aucnon SALE Saturday Septmber 15 1PM SHARP LEONARD CLARKSON Lot 20 8th line Albion Twsp miles north at Button mile east of Hwy 511 on No 20 side road Reg and grade Holstein cattle tractors truck full Line modern machinery bay straw grain household effects ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND CO iVthLTD Auctioneers etoriaiHorbruï¬ooitiz Wasaga Beach 459 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY OCTOBER At lotn concession lnnisiil Township miles straig thighway and iniles straight east at highway 27 Au iousalo of GI hendofHoié Terms cash No reserve as th farm iSsnld KJER COUGHLle I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE SATURDAY soar 22 1230 pm SHARP Complete dispersal oi beet eat tle plgs poultry hay groin high class farm machinery and some household effects for nmsmrnrawemotw Lot 11 Concession Flos on Highway 25 second farm west of Edenvale Bridge Auctioneers ANDERSON PLOWAIAN AND COLWILL LTD Piece Of Sputnik Found On Street WASHINGTON AP The main part of the deict satellite Sputnik lV apparently has broken up alter 27 months in orbit and small piece is he licvcd to have fallen in Wis cousin The North American Air Dc fenec Command fNOltAD rc pnrted Thursday sotellitcdis integrated in the earths atmosphere earl Wednesday About that ti fiery show was seen in the skies above Wisconsin and little later two policemen at Manitowoe Wis found hot totepound picce oi metal in street The metal fragment all that has been found of the 10000 pound satellite was flown to the Smith Observatory at ï¬ambrrdgc Mass for examina on The National Aeronautics and Space Administration reed with NORAD that the fragment probably was part of Sputnik lV launched May is 19m No particular scientific sig ni once was 1tJaehcdtothc ct as lose speed succumb to gravita tion and are pulled back to destruction by frictionaltreat as they reenter the dense atmos pherc DOUBLE TROUBLE BUXTON Me APi Mrs Walter Johnson is see ing double Her firstgrade class in this rural town ship boast seven sets of twins ADMIRAL PLAN RearLAdmiral Edward FinehNoyes5i of Oakville Out and Chrster joined the navy cadet in i926 retires year as flogofficer Pac coast aft er 36 yenrsservice He will who on so Nona Arcaa Auctionee crash The youths car was the limit iJust AroundCorncr From sec shortens WWï¬rNo AND APPLIAN ASK ABOUT our sescmr naeseason HEATING OFFER MONTREAL CD Iho tragic death oi two Ottawa sis fch in multiple coitision ot ears wa investigated Thursday cinl otter wboheid MES The driver and four youths with him at the time were charged meanwhile by munici pal police ofsubnrbnn Dorian with disturbing the peace The charges arose from what police termed an argument and fight preceding the highway object of search by both po licc forces when the crush our curred The dead are Judith Taller 20 and her sister Margot l7 daughters of Mr and Mrs Fred Taller anti nlcccs oi Robert Southam publisher of the Ot tuwo Citizen Mr Tolier is welttruowu Ottawa real estate mnn The driver held on coroners warrant as material witness was identified by police as Hera 1mon Grcoier 23 of Dorian The inquest is expected to be held next Wednesday In cases By KEN KELLY OTTAWA lCPi What difference three months makes At first glance that might describe the contrasting pos euro riimitviviinistcrzblcieea bakcr now and in May on the question of Russian colonialism On May it ioNeepnwa Manr at the height at the general election campaign Mr Dictent bahcr said This full providing that we receive and hope we shall the support at the people of Canada we intend on behalf of those captive people to place before the United Nations resolution calling upon the USSR to act to bring freedom and opportunity to those peoples Last weekend at Lake Louise Alta Mr Dieienbaker spoke tion he succeeded by Commodore William Landymrire to right of Brantford Ont an other former cadet who start ed his career With the navy in 1586 CP Wirephoto from Nationoi Deleneei Phone PA 60512 Police Investigate Collision Thai Killed Two Ottawa Girls rasrmatcnh oh 51 Dieienbalrer Hints lit Lack or Support For UN Crusade at vioientrlcath inQuebcc no charges are laid until alter the inquest GO TO HOSPITAL were taken to hospital Three were soon released Grcnicr and Andre Lnlondc iii of Der rion were held longer tor treat meni The crash Wednesday night involved four private cars and truck it occurred about 19 miles west of Montreal on lie Perrot between the Dorian and Ste Anne dc Bellcvuo bridges The girls smalltype car was crushed Judith Tollcr died in stantty Margot died in hospi tal in nearby Laehine shorUy after she had been taken there The sLsters had been shopping In Montreal and were on their wayhome Judith was to return to Queens University at Kings ton for her final year Margot was to enter Carleton Univer sity in Ottawa this month Following the fight inDorion municipal police notified provin cial police to be on the lookout fora white car containing sev slowly and emphatically to stoic at press conference the present position want to see Russian imperialism and its effects ught trefor the United Na ltd byï¬resoidl it is necessary to have wide support it is not unnatural that some African and Asian coun tyranay over peoples in Europe as colonialism and for that reason among others it may be necessary to proceed by speeches in condemnation of Russiam imperialism the manner or method of presents having the subject before the UN CHANGES VIEW What happened inthe three months to prompt Mr Dieien baker virtually to abandon the idea at condemnutory resolu Mr Diefenbaker hinted in his Lake Louise statement at the chief reasonlack of support from some African and Asian countries who were approached for backing of resolution Foreign affairs experts here say the African and Asian coun tries have never regarded the mcolo sVapply Russiassr nenceandeon trot ovor Ukrainians Lotvians Lithuanians Poles and Hungar ians in their eyes colonialism means domination and exploitaa tion ofblaek brown or yellow races by whites Therefore to them resolu tion condemning Russian colonialism as applied to the Ukraine and other Russians Ihs nae9 Leeume tries do not regard Russian tion is not as importént as on New mom In Us Politics our rates WASHINGTON AP The infusion oi Soviet military equipment has made mp2 major pawn in the cold war No tangents it just heroin pbere problem it has an explo oivc potential embracing the entire systemrof US alliances if the United States should take military actiooto remove the Cuban thom nnd three senators have recommended it thc price would be far higher than many would suspect mother the United States would be accused at usan the same tactics it condemns when used by the Soviet Union if the US permits Cuba to continue unmoiested then Cuba becomes an ideal trnlnln ground for Latin American guerrilla forces which couidun dertolre what Soviet Premier Khrushchev calls wars of Nb oration To solve the Cuban dilemma three senators have reconr mended military action They are Homer Capehart tttep lnd George Smothers Dem Fla and Strom thiirmond Dem SCl There is no doubt that the United states could clean house in Cubaif the US would be willing to pay the price The Communist regime of Pi dci Castro has had three years in which to indoctriaote train and equip an armed force va riously estimated at between 250000 and 300000 men These men are well equipped with for few minutes later call reached the provincial police station at Burton from on uniA deniificd man crash Police said ihc youths ar travelling cast on slight urvc struck the rear of theme and swung over into the lelt lane Three westbound cars were approaching The driver ofthe first deliberath drove into ditch Police said the girls in thcvsceondcar had no chance of avoiding collision The driver of the third west rcporting the brakes and collided with the youths ear but his own car was not badly damaged Dorion police said the others charged with disturbing the peace in addition to Gren blay Is Dorion Contrant Lan bound car jammed on his andLalondc are Andre Trcmi dreville 21 Dorian and Regent mer US weapons and Soviet bloc arms huther the urtSeoce at 3500 Soviet technicians would rpm vidc stiffening force for the Cubans These men undoth edly would operate the soil aircraft militia they brought with them successtul deciding to Cuba andthe destrudion in Cu ban nrmcd forces would re quire tnr more than few mnj rines it the United Statesls will log to stuanll ships including those flying theiSoviet fine by seizure er sinking ll eccssary Cuba could beblock ed great deal of the interior of Cuba is mountain and flung gie Even lithe United States successme in ed Cuba titero wouldbe war of attri tion probably for years to come Military action against Cuba easily might set off chain of Communist counter pressures against the United States and her allies in Korea Southeast Asia Berlin the Formosa Straits and the Middle East lf Coha wore conquered the United States then would be left with the task oi providing novommcnh Aoy government so installed probably would be viewed as puppet regime owner the United States re gnrds the regimes in Poland East Germany and Hungary in brief military solution to the Cuban problem is notu simple one MIAMI Fla tAPi The police paddy wagon loit the station with 10 convicted drunks When it arrived at the city siocknde there were only five The reason Somcone iorgot to lock the rear door msunnser homer no DUNLOI IT IL name rirnc writs exams rumor surmount an Ontario Needs 2009 Police OSHAWA tCPlAnndditionnl 2000 policemen will be required in Ontario during the out to years to keep abreast at the population gronth Joseph Men nill director of the new Ontario Police College at Aylmcr Ont raidThursdny Air Mennill into some 300 delegates to the 30th annual 0n tarto Police Association conven tion that too policemen will have to beaddcd to the prov inces poiiceforccs each year for the next 10 years Dclcgntcs Thursday also unantmouslyamcd with re oiution submitted by the limits ton Police Association calling tor Improved provisions to be set no tor widows oi policemen killed in therltno of duty noon at the resolution will be anon WEI5 in 6653 Sn my iunl tion this sorter It you did it ntunsabrt our sin your lawn leIIlIIlIIiIlI rflor rinrrmnrnu moir III on Mt protection surest noln thcu mrlor itnn prehirtns teldlnl your lawn new with atria we Til itililrportiirn micelionlnltnl minimum I19 Dunlap St red by the OPA and rub mt to the attorneygeeeratc department Premier Kongu Prime Minister Dicfcnbaker and the Ontario Police The proposal reflects that It fuii ay of an officer killed in the inn oi duty he paid Iii widow You can always trugti Cook Your Allied tons DISTANCE MOVING Sate prompt insured moving Warehouse stor age facilities at your net VICEs STORAGE NOW AT 110 ANNE ST PA 61863 Your Friendly Allied Van Lines Agent roorreaooa LAWN against WHlTE onus DAMAGE warren lflLLf rrsorouruwonowwrni 711 rsorruziiir WITH WHITE GRUB KILLER BROWN CO LTD PA nsooo Moreoox 2o Vaudreuil subjected nationalities has no real meaning PIEUV W0iflfllPr4vrs hormonalIsa cow AUTHORIIED ILELAND MOTOR SALES SERVICE A82206 SiOWIN 5i mlltlflm enlniWflnIInlv network brought on theCTZV taketoe AHER WORK relax take ave But make the break worthwhile make the sign for light likable Labatts 50 Alebrewed with just the heart of the hope fora perfectbatance of vigour and smoothness Any wonder brighttasting Labatts 50 is Canadas foams growing ale to you lay Iobons Soc TV page Torstotien