Our Telephones For Examiner who AdsTele phone PA antic fbs telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept is PA scan local Weather funny and shifts warmer lo May Cloudy intervals on Sat urday this tonight to High tomorrow 72 Please see page solar No 09 atoms CLARK icii and her sister Julie were found alive yesterday near the Two to Mount SAN BERNARDINO Calif tAFlOn plneclud mountain slope two little girls one with an agonizing leg fracture kept three days vigil near the he dies of their parents killed in an air crash Leaning against tree trunk was the wreckage of their light plane its toll in the air its nose chrmpicd against the ground inside the planes cabin strapped in the seat was the crushed body of the girls mother Outside few feet away lay another bodywtilcir fuihcr Through thrco bone chilling nights and three sunscorched days without food without wa ter the girls stayed by the wrcckagc rusay scorch ploncs they snw overhead to spot them At mid morning Thursday help came TELLS HER STORY Thursday night in bed at St Bernardine Hospital six yearold Julie Clark told her story The plane went down real fast she began Mommy and daddy didnt have chance to wreckage oi single engine plane at Big Bear Lake Calif Rescuers said the parents At Julies side was her grandmother Mrs Scott King softly with tears wetting in her eyes Mrs King stroked Julies blohdc hand carefully avoiding the big black bruise near one eye iicr tears were not so much for Julia as for her soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs William Clark who died on the mountainside and for Julies clghtyeerold sistcr Laurie Ju lie was suffering only from bumps bruises and exposure William Clark was vicepres idcnt oi Travelodgc Motels in corporatcd Both he and his wife Jacqueline daughter of the corporations prcsldent were 32 three hours ofsurgery to act transformation scctio or the hospital was undergoing lilr and Mrs William ll Clark both 12 were dead AP Virephoio She was crying because her leg hurt But after while she quit crying Laurie said should goiovcr to the plane and try and find some water looked all over because we always carried wa ter but couldnt find any couldnt find any food either no YOU CANT Paar instant woman drove her car half way through the front door of the state revenue depart ment office in suburban was there to get drivers licence protruding bone in her lcfï¬iï¬gynkmn mwin thigh When the plane hit Julie continued daddy and Laurie and me was thrown out mommy staycd in the plane Julie previously had said she know her parents were dead be cause they didnt move She said she helped Laurie sit say anything up against log ing she asked an as tonishcd employee where to park and was told it bad bettcr be outside Police filcd no charges and did not disclose her name The woman then took the drivers examination She failed SIU Member Blasted For Shaking Witnessi the boy clung to the boat drift By ARCH lilacKENZlE TORONTO CPlMr JusiiCe Norris oi British Colum bia said Thllrsday that mem ber of the Seafarers interna tional Union of Canada ilnd had rendered himself liable for contempt of court by talking to federal shipping inquiry wit ness The justice tongue lashed Paul Stuart an eieciricientem played here for having chatted with William Fiegehen iii oi Coilingwond 0ot while the latter was still testifying to the inquiry dont propose at the pres ent time to commit you Mr Justice Norris said although wily DON HANRIGIIT OTTAWA tCPlThe govern ment today asked business how best to boost Canadian produc eavie par present the form of pleas for tax cuts and better tariff deals These were the two most recurring suggestions made as five industrialists and one retail business executive led off the trade departments industrial tak expansion conference one day session attracting more than 40o businessmen Carl Pollock president of Dominion Electrohome and of Association said the most urgent need in Canada is for corporate and individual tax reductions aimed at stimulating the economy Industrys ability to increase production on anything like the necessary scale will depend very largely on whether thcse incentives are forth comingand quickly liir Pollock said corporate taxes should be cut to level anceslsbouid be in eased you have endeavored quite clearly to shake him Fiegehen in his evidence or to have him change it He said the inquiry appointed to investigate bitter interunion rivalry and violence on the Great Lakes and seawoy should proceed Further this was first offence But lwill not hive witnesses before this court interfered with or intimidatedh iiir Stuart admitted that he chatted with Mr Fiegeben dur ing the noon adjournment and expressed sympathy as one working chap to another Mr Fiegchen said Mr Stuart came to him and asked him at leastas low as that in effect in any of the leading industrial couniri xDepreciatioo allow vi ness in Canada asks only for consideration comparable to that accorded foreign manufac turers by their governments Later the tariff theme was on up by it Look presi dent oi Du Pont oi Canada imiied who said more re search is one of the basic needs in getting more satisfactory industrial growth rhte in Can tbe Canadian Manufacturers ada Mr bank said this can be achieved through research developed within companies in anode or by purchasing re search results at home or abroad The government could help stimulate each of these routes or exampley its proposed tax ncentives for researchnot yet enactedshould apply to all research and not onlyto those who spend more research oFhighi Pollock said basi whether he was sure be was do ing the right thing The inquiry background in volves the ousting of the SW by the Canadian Labor Con gress two years ago for miscon duct and the formation this year of the CLOaffiliated Canadian Maritimc Union to fight the controversial SlU CLC witnesses again ThtLrsw day told oi attacks on CMU members who leplaced Sill membersgoa vessels of the Up per Lakes ShippingCompany of Toronto No CLC secretaries also tier scribed harassment last spring atctheir Toronto office coincid lliindrity or rMoplcwoodffihursdnySbé Ontario ecudo Friday September BC Byelection Will Be OTTAWA iCPiThe Conserv ativa govemmeni laces its sce oad test at the polls since the June itt general election In the British Columbia constituency of VBurnabyCoqilitlam Oct 22 The first test we in tho Ontario riding of Normal where voting was deferred to July 18 because of the death of Liberal candidate Albert Lavlgne prior to the general election xiifr Luvignes succcs my margin over Conserve alive Grant Campbell The BurnabyCoquitlam by election will provide New Dem ocratic Party Leader Douglas with new opportunity to gain seal in the Commons The to Saskatchewan premier was defeated In Region in the June election at which the onservotiveeprohirnadnuly the Commons members The byeloctlon was made pos sible by cabinet adceptnnce oi the resignation of Erhart Regier recicctcd in June to the sent he has held since 1953 Mr cgicr resigned to provide his leader with another chance and Mr Douglas was promptly nominated by the NDP ency mutation the possibility of fiveway tight loomed The Liber sis nominated aby municipal councillor who ran of Mr Regier in Survivor Watched Helplessly While Three Friends Drowned KITCHENER CF Tells year old Donny Schweitzer clung desperately to an over iurncd boat for more than 36 hours before exhaustion over camc him Kari Long 62 sole survivor of Mondays tragic triple drowaing on Lake Donner gana said Thursday The lake is 100 miles north of Sudbury Lang who spent two days and nights on deserted rain iashcd lake island described ow for two days and night had watched helplessly as log half mile from shore He said that during the boys struggle for survival Danny had watched his father Harvey Schweitzer 32 and his friend John Haiwachs 54 both of Kit chener slip under the water could hear Danny calling all Monday and Monday night and could see him all Tues day until it got dark shocked tired Lang said it was terrible ll co anything to help him Lang who cant swim said he had heard Dannys inst feeblecry around 10pm TUES day iust before heavy rain storm Wilen dawnbroke Wed esï¬ay the boat was drifting by lse ing with the period that CMU officials as Secondly the government should provide the same type ofprotec which is applied today by the urge industrial importing and exporting countries such as the United States and the members of the European Common Mao hot and this should rise and fall With prevailing schedulest soaks NEW nwanaivass Twaits president of HERBS ONE The minister was whaling away with his golf club trying to get out of the second trap Finally heloftcd his bail only to have it go over the green into trap on the other side Redfaced and exasperated he turned to the other memb ers otthe foursome Wont one of you laymen doiiars than they on in on ioiheimports pf clinical piddï¬hfa please say lfeau appropriate words Lang said the four had spent the weekend on the island Imperial Oil Limited said there must be new awareness oi governmental responsibility nvestmeilt2climatcland Jar appropriate fiscal and monetary measures We can no longer afford the sort of programs that encourage five industrial units where only two can be justified he said we cannot afford to dilute our effort by subsidizing noneconomic or noncontribu tory elements of the industrial complex suggest we have to concentrate on those things we can do best and that the record shows there is much more we loan do than has been commonly supposed Mr Twaits also urged that some system be set up to co ordinate and reconcile provid cial and federal government Wlluielv Fenchey vicepresident of Northern Electric Company said peign is neededato niakeCuoa disns realize thattia most cases their ineorite comes from other Canadians constitu Warren Clark Burli th Get 22 June Rene Gamache another Rumaby councillor and ium bar grader will represent Social Credit George Bumbam New Westminster storekeeper has said he will run as an inde pendent Mr Dtefcnbaker announcing the byciection dote after cabinet session said legal offl ccre express grave doubts that an MP can rcsign between cotton do ytW mons There was no precedent However he said it was decided to accept Mr Regierl resignation but it must not be regarded as setting precedent Mr Regier won the seat with 19000 plurality and will act as Mr Douglas campaign mans ager ills resignation leaves Commons =italidings=atllo gressive Conservatives loo Lib erals 30 Social Credit and la cw Democrats combination of all three opposition parties would be necessary to unseat the govern mcnteasiiy Mr Douglas has indicated that he opposes an other general election this year and if he wins BurnabyCoquit am and carries bionic col leagueswlthhim in keeping the government in office during the session which starts Sept 27 government will have shouted to him torhangson loorwote edge over any Liberal editmcomblnatlo camping and fishing and had set out to return early Monday Their lofoot fibre glass boat laden with camping and fishing requipment suddenly sank about 100 yards from the shore Long the only oneito wear lifelocket said drifted away from the boat but could see the other three hold ing on to the overturned boat thought had had it Mr liaiwachs who knew cant swim shouted to me to grab an other flosting lifejacket man aged to get it and hold it up against my stomach He said that after he had been drifting for about an hour he heard Danny call out that his father and liaiwarhs had gone under drifted onto small island and could still see the boot about half mile away with Danny still hanging on goodd PEKING Reuters Chinese Community party the Chinese people Vance of an lndinn note note last month LONDON AP to his walking aids put TORONTO CF Mrs police constable slain in gun granted an annual pension of Toronto the McDermott on bail si Alberta Delonnities nap DEER Alta to children here says an ltics in Albertais linked on level of strontttun gations into the rising formities for theprnvin thecottnection between radiation cannotbe 011 When came up had it Bellas Bureau Atalanth some PrintiétIhmcd ken Bells his polliicll bureau faced the threat of harassment from new quarter todaytho militant commander of the 45000 man regular Algerian Army Aitcr fivedsy vestpocket civil war rebellious guerrillas in control of Algiers and cen tral Algeria recognized the au thority of the political bureau as Algerias temporary gov ernment Thursday lien Bella in turn put brake rcguior mehich uy easeriirs agreement and tried to con tinue ltn advance to Algiers Col it rt Roumcdienne chief of staff of the regular army reluctantly agreed to ob serve the ceasefire but bitterly protested two major points in the ceasefire agreement CacCrushes Girl To Death DRILLIA fCPiA 12yearold girl was cmshed to death today when she was trapped against house by runaway car Sylvia Hornby run screaming across lawn as the car bore down on her straight into fence and bushes which blocked hereonlyescape Witncsses said the car prob ably would have missed her if she had not run The car parked on steep grade with its brakes on be missed group of student Sylvia daughter of Mr and Homby was on her way io Hillcrest school where she had uuoiled this week as To Study Report Before Adoption OTTAWA CPiAdoptlon of many of the farreaching pro posals oi the Giassco royal commission on government or ganization appears almost cer tain The only question left is ow many The commissions report re leased Thursday calls for massive revision of the whole federal operation to strip away mass of outdatedlcontrois and put it on businesslike basis Prime Minister Dlefenbaker said after releasing the 300000 word report that its proposals will require the fullest study and added ilve always found that those who talk ioudesiabont economy scream the loudest when action is taken to bring ltabout Finance Minister Nowlan who said he has not yet had time acceptable NEWS BRIEFS China To Reject Talks The Peoples Daily organ of the said today that indlan procondi tlons for talks on their border dispute cannot be accepted by This appeared clear rejection in ad asking China to send representatives to New Delhi for discussion of restoration of the status quo and easing of tension in the Ladakh bo lminaly tosubstantive discussions demanded by China in rder areaas pre Sir Winston BackOn Feet Sir WinstonChurehill said goodbye today on bat and sat in the sun Doc tors had sent him pair of parallel bars and urged him to use them in golï¬ng back full use of his leg Now the ba Policemans Widow RWarded Frederick Nash widow of battle last Februaryhss been Toronto council Payment to Mrs Nash will be salary of firstclass constable in 1962 Gamblers Surrender lit abiep also surrc superintendent of the provincial about $5200 by Metropolitan Equal to the come of ht former ed tad Up traloin to study it thoroughl tcan prison hostel who Not More per Copyl4 Page Says There lire Ritemetive To Joining Common Market LONDON calPrime him later Dieicnhaltcr nowly ar rived in London tralian and New aniand prime ministers to lunch today to ik over their mutual food etc port problem should Britain enter Market The luncheon in his hotel suite was the Canadian lend ers first engagement following his overnight flight from Ottawa for the Commonwealth prime is conference Prime Ministers Menzies of Australia and Holyoske of New chland were the only guests at the gettogether which London newspapers have formed an empire summit Agricultural exports to Rrit sin by all three countriesins ciudiog some $300000000 year from Canada are vitally in volved in the nset collation belwéerrï¬rjluilrimd tho six ton Common Market Holyoake has been the most cx piiclt of the three in criticizing the trade tcrms under discus son The Evening Standard says today the British tried to discourage to dsys meeting on grounds it would appear to he gnnging up of bloc of Commonwealth members insich tho prime lillfi istera conference DENiES GANG UP On his arrival today Dlefcn baker denied in press cootcr coca tention source said one purpose was to study prospects for the next rmde of llritlsltCommon Mor kct talks on the agricultural ls sue to see whether any dent in the Common lilorkct position could be expected Dicfonbakers arrival meats included hint that Can ads may preseanroposals itbaL would allow major increase in Commonwealth trade tivcs to Britain joining the Eu ropean Common Market Die Spy In Coma Heart Weaker LONDON AP Doctors fighting to save the life of un conscious Dr Robert Sohlen said today the fugitive spys heart has weakened and his cott ditlon is giving cause for auto icty Sobicn still was unconscious more than 24 hours after be dragged himself in another at tempt to escape being sent back on life sentence in an Amer Tbe til year old psychiatrist was hurried to lliiiingdon Hos pital after taking heavy con centration of barbiturates The hospital at loco am an nounced Dr Soblen remains unconsci ous His heart is showing signs of exhaustion llis condition gives rise to anxiety PRESSES PROBE While doctors sought to rouse the runaway spy from his coma the home office pressed forward with an investigation iotohow Soblcn was able to drug him self One British newspaper specs uialed that Soblen had managed to hoor drugs doled out to him MONTREAL tomtram Mal kin iinearold typesetterand former RCMPa constable from Alexandria Qnii was charged with capital murderullhursday in the rifleslaying of Lorraine Kenny 29 office worker Prelirnrnar hearing as set for Sept Miss Kenny NorthSydney NS woman who had been in was found dead shorti midnigh been struclt in the face by llet rom rifle had the AW the European Common government any such lift well informed Canadian com belicvs there are alterna reol less than two months fcnbsker told an airport press conference altar his RCMP plane landcdiollowing the silt hour flight from Ottawa lie declined to be dawn on specific plans Canada may have and sold the olicmntivcs to be discussed net the conference will not be drastic But they would provide the opportunity for an expansion of trade within the Commonwealth to greater dcgreo than ever before met one hot the trade terms for commonwealth exports so far worked out in Britains no gotiations with the in Market should be reconsidered DOESNT SAY He did not say which of the tentative agreements negotiated at Brussels he opposes How ever the only major agreement cilngCsnadainvolv lam mean that by taroii Britain entered the Common Market thc full European tariff would be levied on Canadian manu lectured goods entering Britain Pro conference speculation has tended to portray the so cailcdwhlte Dominions Canl ado Australia and New an landas intent on forming fercncc DENIESANY BLOC Eut Dicfenbakcr sold empha tically there is no bloc Co farcnce ource gliersaldth thre grouped all along at Britains express wish in relation to the Common Market nogotiai lions audit was natural to con tinua in this way Diefenbaker also reiterated his view that it is possible further Commonwealth prime ministers conference will be ne cessary when negotiations on Britains terms of entry leather sixnatioh Common Market are completed in fact he used the phrase when and if there is finality brought to the negotiations on noaanr suntan by Brixton prison doctors treat ing him it said he might have pretended to swallow pills but concealed them under his ton He said he had never seen Miss Kenny before in his life and had had no intention of harming her Testifying under the protec lieu of the court he said he had been waiting in an empty room crouched down behind the dourK when tiltssvKenny appeared in the doorway He said he told her tokeep artist and motioned with his ad for her to come into the lnsfeodyofd log that he said an