WOMEN Prop hdfldwlflrï¬milllli MARY CAMPBELL 80 works on another quilt for the Can adlon Save The Children Fund Bedrlddcn since she in anemone British Col umhia hirs MARGARET HOBBS retained the provinc ial constituency ioi the New Democratic Party in Tues days byclecilon She detected Liberal and Social Cred dit candidate inï¬rman NEWS more than 1000 quilts which have been sent to children in Korea Greece ltaly and parts oi Canada English ringer lAN WATERS one oi the stars to timJlLEL the world to Join in and Slng It Again in the non ular program at that name broadcast weekly in the BBC General Overseas Service Among re ent engagements outside broad st in Jan Waters appeared in the suc ccssiui London production oi the musical Do he hit SHIRLEY tumr him at St Catharines mother at six children has steady output that reaches about 100000 words year She has been selling writer less than live years turning out adult and iuveniia lictlon articles newspaper column and comic strips Children Should Be Accustomed T0 Budgeting Their Allowance By GARRY MYERS PhD Whatever your practice of giving your child money during the summer vacation has been you and he grew more aware of the problems involved when school begins There are more regular needs then It the child returning to school operated pretty well on week ly allowance last school year it may be rather easy to resume that same plan ior this year WORKING OUT BUDGET Suppose your child regard less oi his age has never been educated in the use at budg eted allowance Then you might Wisely give him some money each school morningvand have him tell you each day what his necessary expenditures were Working thus with him this first week you and he can or rive at budgeted total tor the next week MAYr NEED REVISION This budgetmay have to be revised alter few iveelts The main thing is tor him to list with you his regular daily needs with the understanding that when special needs arise tbcyiwill he provided ior In addition to the total bu eted needs you will wish to add small sum tor him to use as he chooses You may be in clined to make this amount too large it he lniorrns you that some other children have more pocket money than be Dont succumb to such pres sure Better as rule that your child has less pocket money than the average at his classmates than to have more no matter what your income is When his allowance operates well he receives budgeted amount on certain day oi the week with the understanding that ltmust last through the week HAVE IT READY sponsib lior having the needed amount on hand with proper change tor the regular allowance day Not to have this amount on hand means all sorts oi trouble to everybody If this negligence occurs of ten the allowance plan may generate into mere mockery IRREGULAR ALLOWANCES Untortunatcly many parents who say they provide allow ances for their children really do it only irregularly it re quires doc selfdiscipline to do it well As they succeed in this direc tion they avoid good the American Society oi Clin Tcanpoonoru One parent should take re canto no Reveal Finding And it Warning CHICAGO APlA mall lost of Ohio women ior cancer at the womb yielded atladiag and warning today 11in iiading One at av seven women so examined to late highrisk class The warrior Such women should have more inquest checkups preterably iWinI yea my extraordina resulted irom an long term pro prove thr cure rate ior cervi cal cancer in Lucas County To icdol Ohio During the years 10153 women were examined more than iwtrthirdr at all the women were more than no iii the total tests were ex anrincd at lust twice report on thotcrta was mode at the annual meetinl at lcal Pathologists Iienry Spence oi Duntroon and hibitacst lheï¬onediln National vegetable cirrses while he won vorll gin vegetable marrow and various squash classes Mr Spence is director oi the Colllngwood Fair and is well known as motor exhibitor at all the prin eipal iall inlrs in Slmcoa County No recent promotions in Camp Harden were Helen Bruce oi Utopia who will go to it Coy RCEhlE as clerk No and hirs Oiiotd oi Angus who will go to RCAC School as clerk Two and Civilian Time keeper otlthe School linJ nd hits Victor Gibbon oi Bar have as guests Mrj and Mrs Jacob Miller liira Gbbons parents and her bro or and his wile Mr and Mrs Oscar Miller who have motored up dirotn St Johns Newiound lan Iienry Britnell oi ME and Angus is patient at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Mr and Mrs Blair racemes SAY Jr FOR TOMORROW Personal interests and ii nances continue to be governed by line planetary aspects Study all communications carefully There may be horhingers oi good news between the lines There is tendency to be un conventional now so be discreet lest you attend conservative eldy ers or superiors FOR THE BIRTHDAY lt Iomorrow is your birthday your hdroscope indicates highly satisfactory year ahead Phases your lite most gener ously influenced by line plane tary aspects are iinanciai and romantic To give you the picture briefly excellent monetary periods are the current month late Novem ber December and the iirst six months at 1963 All oi these pe riods indicate tine returns through increased power gains through sound ii nancial transactions Romance will be highlighted during the current month also in December and in May June and July of next year It you are single there is possibil ity at sudden marriage during any one at these periods and it you are already wed marriage ties will be strengthened Avoid fatigue and nervous tension in October and next February since they couldvai iect health adversely child born on this day unnecessary annoyance to them and the child and practice him in wire ways at receiving and handling money PARENTS QUESTIONS Five or 10 minutes beiore dinner is to he served remind our son nine to get ready but always theitamiiy must wait ior him to appear at the table Announce once to him that it he isnot atthe table on properiygroomed he will not beiiioweddo iamliy but will eat alone in the kitchen Then keep your word gram launc ed in 1941 to im lholtCASCSchoolwoian cx Exhibition in seveiaioi tho Irnsrrnaramrrm mrmrttfln Wu sroaotcaaaroansrorouuo MEN For the younger men in the irrnUy hm rte riu card inns ior which the nttruo socuo NOTE have returned tram twoweek vi Ho 14 laces More CA station Brayman lhay olidayed in the lil rl ited armpits hirs Gerrard oi Headquar tora Coy RCASC School was me sealed with travel clock and case by members oi Club itl hirs Gerrard and her lamlly have leit ior Oakvliie where her husband was recently posted The Executive Oiilcerr at Na tional Detenca Empolyces As aoclntion at Camp Borden and District will be delegates at the Civil Service Federation oi Can ada Convention which will he held at Hamilton item the 27 at August hi lioiimaa oi Barrie hi Braymao oi Cooks town and ill Collins oi Barrie will lenve Sunday ailernoon There is abuny schedule laid out ior this Convention but the recentwage freeze ior all Civil Servants will give the delegates additional work It is expected that between son and too dele gates irom atlliiaies oi 15F all across Canada will attend this convention ALL wooL TARTANS saoaocer MOHAIR ANGORA tcnsvs Fabidcs available in dress weight suit weight and coat weight WMUME navelrm AN EAR wet5 roe vourooeaa weve preserves250 necessitate resetarrows tionr are given in rim it The design on the left in tnrca co shawl seller with colouriol glag while that on mrigthMm smooth neck and the stripes in one alcove are lost meant ior his school tariourr it you would VSoaplinds Water an Housecleanlng time is here ezuti yamarrow to many homemaker who clean house tram top to bottom twice year It your plans include paint log and rceeorrting this lim hint may save you precious mnuios gt Fresh point on hands and clothing will come oil It attack water and soap or detergent PEMIitIETITS 3539 OPEN EVENINGS FREE PARKING internist so Maple Ave PA Mill ed immediately with warm like thrlnrtructioor tor Imit ting one or both oi then sty lor simply send stunned reltsrddrerreo envelope toithr Needlecraft Departmental title paper outing the Boys Cardigans allot Num ber 1M ponderinrtattnolemovc stains trom garments dont Iron over the stainheat may set it permanently its better to treat the stain and redeem for it necosrery bcioro Iron Ill in Au Examiner Want lid PHONE PA NAN Mott Women Supéririseg Home Construction HOW iCPl model bum under commo tion in arthritis toninc will met to every termite the on thick Moonstone race or housewives withhpurh us acumen to help architects plan the room smog are osrvirloa story nomination worn and decorat in hath in their loo they are shim one natives at New ork Mrs Schwinn has lived here since her marriage to moi bulldor vi are tong can or at the and at so and tun oirh homes with women in mind Although neither hrs lorrnal training In building bolh know something about ltMrl Schrolbcr er the wits at builder ecorrtor oi her own he Mrs Goldrtein ll enenthualartic amateur can poorer One iaaiurn oi the boom is ulaglc color schemetho mix ture oi white grey and beige bleodaiwiih everythrnl PM areas indoors WMle sully supervised iron the kitchen The rise and location or closets Wjiiloll otshcivcag planned Labor raving materials and devices have been used The oven door can be removed ior easier cleaning Kllchen cabl nelr are finished in maple Ira completely washable The ceramic tile counter tops are ugly repaired it one tile it can be replaced sep rrvlccr PA M902 rowsAvE conical LL What is discreet dress its one which doesnt tell your secret that its basic business dress and heavydatcr allin one See for yourself how these smartly simple styles tagsl reveal lovelier you without revealing their versatility or small price have acutely without retrieving the tail counter We no inporteat cor illfoo when is at or ride rrlbrr than on the neat horld Outfittier the danger or burnt trom steaming microns mu Ground at childrens rel The two claim are expert cocoa burlaeu women tor both end In business minlrira on and tin Gold rtola roar an insurance broken mm and cosmetic ciao hatership have badoo trouble supervising the crow oi men GET THE PRESTIGE GINGER All GET WIlSOIlS ti 10DAÂ¥54LEFT roa onion mm wrNratf CLOTH COATS or 10 All the newest in coalsiiave just arrived the selection 70f styles fabrics and colorsis tremendous and the savings are equally as goodl So shop today and put your choices in our Iayaway