Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Sep 1962, p. 4

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orrswssrposr fvozu Markets rum urn2 Mums Published by Canadian Newspaparlidmited VSOMETHING id Bayfteid street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher THURSDAY SEPT Civil Defence artanbistghLGsnenlbfanager armrun Program To Suffer Due To Austerity Even when the civil defence program as part of the overall national survival pol cy of the government was at its peak year ago there were thousands of Canadians who looked upon it as little more than waste of federal funds And this despite the fact that the Prime Mln ister himself made more than one tele vision appearance to advocate the con struction of fallout shelters Now according to press despatch from Ottawa the governments aust erlt program is biting deeply into this pity defence program by cutting 86 mill ion dollars from the budget allowed the department of national defence Plans for nationwide network of nuclear fallout reporting stationsabout 000 in allhave been temporarily geonhole courses in survival techniques are not to be resumed Evidently austori gram is more than new piece of menclalure TempordryEc Defence Minister Harkness says that cuts in his departments spending are only temporary for temporary finan cial emergency and these savings cannot in any sense of the term be at tributed to unnecessary expenditures in the programs of the services Why son Canada has spent billions of dollars on defence since the end of the second World War and we have mighty little to shop for it the equivalent of division ofvsoldters handful of aircraft largely obsolete few ships of war and of course some utterly useless Bomaro missiles Instead of trying to justify the high expenditures of his department Mr 110 survival the military trainingrriin pro2cludingdslloutsheitirs But the thou ht thatoccurs to us is that no responsi to government practises austerity onessentisl matters unless It is bankru and not even the hitterest of Mr efenbakets weal ponents would say that he is if ter of bankrupt country Canada is too rich both in human and natural resources for on government no matter how in compe eat to place her in bankruptcy in period of few years The question of reducing national expenditures reduces itself then to this Either the civil defence and other survival projects are essenUsl to this countrys welfare and security or they are not If they are they should be continued if they are not then the government should forget all about civil defencoJ full force Asusteriiyorno austerity Mime Nicholson WAWA Operation World Market is the name given by Trade Minister George flees to his cornpreban live and to planned Insult on buyers order books oil over the world With crstlnn World Markets whose details his delcrlberbday Trader lines is seeking to open up doors in every tariff wall to admit Canadian sellers While our daily newspapers are editorially criticialng the indolent Canadian and against the longmandlng background of our Industrial inferiority cons plex Trader lieu bu setout to Dilly Patriot of Charlottetown Prince Edward island onomy Today one setAby the temporary economy program There is some talk about West Ger many paylng part of the butter the upkeep of the Canadian brigade in NATO But isnt the stationing of Canadian brlgad pin Germanyvanrcx pensive bit of braggodoctot Canada had no status as an occupying power Dur ing Europes recovery years the brigade was probably token of Canadian sup pnrt but those years are past And the defence of North America is as import ant to NAN as the defence of Europe In any case in terms of the forces align ed alon both sides of the Iron Curtain briga has as much meaning as ponsun in regiment of heavy artillery Earkness should be looking for ways or means of keeping defence spending down nomihlv at DOWN muosrtrur WAR DAYS 20 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Sept 1942 Five soldiers rescued from drowning in bay by prompt action of Cliff Carley and Delaney The diet rented row boa About in mddleofbaythree decided to go for swim army clothes boots and nits They pulled in the other two and soon were in trouble The boat turned over Carley noticed this and phoned the provost corps at Barrie Armoury then started out in his row boat but was overtaken by Delaney with his cruiser Marcath and provost corporal They got there just in time as two were face down in the water and being held up by the others Col legiate opening postponed to Sept 21 butvfour public schools Victoria Prince of Wales King Edward and King Georgereopened also St Marys Sep arate School at regular time New teachers on public school were Miss Mary lfirby Thornhlll Miss Bern ice grnott Oshawa bliss Margaret BEEi Blackstock Shanty Bay Winston Law Thornton Vic tor Knox left teaching staff to go on ac tive service with Royal Canadian Artil lery Ross Munro Canadian Press var EranceshlaxwellpKengns lnwergayet thongs correspondent who cover Dieppa raid home on leave phoned Mrs John Andrews whose husband was lost Colonel Andrews commanding Calgary Tank Regiment got bistanlc intoth waier whentbelandmg craft was hit but it too was hit staff officer re ported seeing the colonel and his crew caving the tank and making for shore MajopGeneral Worthington return ed to England from Camp Borden County wheat acreage only quarter nor mal due to late harvest and dry weaa ther Miss May Livingstone Barrie florist The Pines greenhouses judged annual Oro Flower Show atCuthrie Arena and commented on the fine ex hibits Outstanding was the hydrangea panticulata grandiflora shown by Car don Waldie of Shanty Bay George Kirkpatrick Oro Station won field crop competition in oats and barley of Bar rie Agricultural Society Riflernan Mark Campbell of Elmvale reported prisoner of war of Japanese at Hang Passmore=o reported well in camp Miss El good principal of Ovendan College re turned cheque for $500 to town council which council had given in 1949 to help pay for 22Enghsh war guests OTHER rmross views COST OF lNFLATlON Port Arthur NewsChronicle If over the past 15 years we had de voted larger share of our increased pro ductivity to price reductions and lesser share to putting more and more dollars into pay envelopes both our current earn ings and our savings would have greater urchasing power Further we would now be better able to compete in both domes tic and foreign markets with those na tions that have not been as inflation prone as Canada So at least one of the basic lessons we can learn from West Europes economic The Barrie Examiner Antisocist as second class mail Post Offlbl Department Otthwl and for payment of posters in cash Dal Sundays and statutory Hottdrya excepted KENNETH WALL Publisher BMAN EIMGHT General Muller II MCPHETIEON Managing Editor CHARLES WADE Bush Muller HAIIBY WILSON Advsrtulng ltf JOHN ROW Circulation Maulr rl tlon rats daily by center alcwecklv hairs Slnlla new 7G By maltln ontarto car $400 six month $250 than 00 mgntoh airl Datarlo $500 yrsr $1 as if vsrri Ave Toronto Md cstburt stgiciiifsmniurm twhen deem stmt Vacch ver be or the Canadian Daily Newspaper nib mm Association The Canadian Pm and the Audit Bureaus Circulations dis Press ilexulutlvtiytenttls for Isalaulrdlidtiloishof nilthnewAa dillptfahehin that Ipcrmte or mess it stand thcfomtmrpnhhsbm therein from resurgence is that while the number of dollars in the pay envelope is important the purchasing power of those dollars is more important Two ON BIKE Cornwall StandardFreeholder The greatest hazard is two children rid mg on the same machine The of cannot be under prop cdnfiol With passenger on the crossbar or handle bars of how many parents stop their children doin this ticc is can ed on yard IA grave danger also is two or more riding abreast along busy streets or high ways One false move can mean disasi er even when the pracr And have you checked the no on Juniors bicycle Are you sure that he has one at all WHAT ABOUT CHATHAM Gait Reporter gt To increase safety notice that Toronto is to have its importantsireets painted to different color have it right here in Gait at some inter sectionsis that there are too many traf fic signshresultlng in confusion because motorists in heavytraffic just haventthe me to study all of them Furthermore motorists do not in Liir fright in their own front The trouble and we MR MACAWBER more soon now Conduction Detect =or Heart Studied By JOSEPH MOLNEll it Dear Dr Molnar What is meant by conduction defect of the heari7 is it serious Could this condition varicose veins and hemorrhoids have anything to do with each other lhsbddy Wductsfo the heart the impulses which tell the heart when to contract or beat lhere are two main types The commonest is called bundle branch block which means some delay in the trans mission of the impulse from the upper part of the heart down to the lower chambers or ventri cles of the heart The signal thiefwords is somewhat slowed down before reaching its final destination Generally this doesnt re quire treatment There are no symptoms that you can detect You cant find it with stetho scope in fact this kind of com duction defect isnt usually dts covered at all until you have an electrocardiogram Since high blood pressure or coronary heart disease are two possible causes of the fbundie branch block its obviousiy wise to examine the patient for these possibilities and treat them itthey are present if no such troubles exist then rule the delayed signsl anythingto fret about However the other main va riety of conduction defect is matter instead of the heartbeat impulse being delayed in transit there is slowingup at the point where the impulse starts This is an actual slowing up instead of delayointransit so to speak The impulse doesnt originals as often as it should Thus the time at which the heart beats is not merely de layed the heart doesnt get enough signals to beat Without these signals it doesnt best slight delay you see doesnt much matter but when the heart beats only 45 times minute for example instead of 60 or 70 more or less thats different matter Slow heart best which also is confumed by an electrocardi ograml can produce symptoms such as giddiness faintnes omentary nnconscious ness This sort of defect cer tainly requires treatment Various drugs are used such as ephedrine atropine henese drine and the steroids icortls one etc to speed up the heart rate In extremely serious cases work is now going on with spatial devices which sub stttute an electrical impulse at somewhat faster rate than the slow speed These are called pacemakers These devices are for the very serious cases not for the ones which are encountered ore dinarily This is afield in which more is being teamed from month to month Anyway it makes great deal erence which kind of conduction defect is involved Causes of the second type They vary considerably but are usually incited by some serious infection whihh can range through such things as diph theria rheumatic feversyphilis isnt and others which can affect controlling these discosec is so important Dear Dr Molncr What Is the treatment for buraiiisfLC Depending on the case doc for use various ones including infection of palnrelievers hcai injectionoi cortisone and aiml lar hormones xray thersp surgical removal posiis withdraw SAC NOTE To hills Folly tumors are not serious or dan gerous and require removal only if they becoms so large or are so located as to be nuisance ib they are unsightly QUEENS PARK of calcium de demonstrate to Canadian manu facturers that theynrs at least theiequsl of any otter Tth has never been too much trouble about selling the which nature dumped in ombnckyard or proliferate on our farms lint our monufc turing industries suffer from that dcfcatist shlbbnicth about our domestic market is too small coupled with the un questioned snd serious handl cpshtatdr forelimb many of on plants dont per mit them to compete in exports BUfixDlNHhRPRID lint from the very first day when 22 months ago Mr flees was uppointed minister of trade and commerce he has been brusquely telling our mnnufnc furore to get the lead out of their pants end he has liclp TODAY IN HISTORY lfy THE CANADIAN PltESS Sept list The Mayflower sailed from Plymouth England 342 years ago todayin 1820 witb for passengers who were to establish the first permanent colony in New England The itiiton vessel had left Southampton Aug in company with another ship the Speedwell but after two trials the second ship was pronounced unsea worihy nnd the Mayflower sailed sinne tsso Enlistments in tho Canadianzirmy Main force for the United Nations in Korea were announced as 5691 fully shown their salesmen where in the world to take their samples in this as remarked earlier Trader lines has done more to help Cnuadin industry in 22 months than his ii prede cessors as Canadian trade min ister did in the 66 years since our trade department was pro sled And as proof of this daring assertion submit the record of salesmanship now being achieved around the world by Canadian manufacturers We are selling watches to the watchmslters of Switzerland umbrellas to the Briilsh who have always worn an umbrella as fifth limb toys to the Jay panosc who are themselves toy makers to the world These im probable achievements serve to show our salesmen first it can run Oférhtilili World Markets is lw to Csn ads is included in the world and markets for Canadians now 1958 Moscow snnotmccd the removal of former pre mier Nikolai Bulganin from the Soviet Communist Party presidiumx OPP Ordered Issue More Than Warning By DON OHEARN viohoNtOTovtbc writer the Ontario Provincial Police over the years has been an excep tionally line force One of the reasons for liking it so much is that its men at most invariably been courteous and considerate They havent been cops MlNow this is to be changed killer Orders have gone out that in future provincial policemen on traffic duh are not to issue so many warnings Where there are reasonable grounds for laying charge charge is to be laid This order is part of do or die effort in highway safety The highway fatality toll has been increasing at an alarming rate this sinnmcr To try and curb it extreme measures have had to be taken Too bad MUNICIPAL CODE ls there not compromise possible on the question of mu nicipnl ethics rad Ontario Municipal Asso ciation has been bat nn was featured by personal re sediments and splits and many suggestions that elected offi cials should let their con sciences be their guide two areas About the only sound argu ment presented against code of ethics is that it might deter some men from standing for council The main argument for it is that great many elected pe ple really dont know what is expected of them in an ethic way gt it can be quite within the pets souai ethics of some of them to rcpraent firms doing business with counciiorsveri do busi ness withpouncii themselves They have to be told in some way that this cant be done and that is the main purpose of havo ingro code of ethics It would collect and publlcfre prohfbl tions that arcinctually in the Municipal Act now gt As for keeping muscle ThaL nhacktdnyorhfilis=ohl€in codehs Winn might be disbarred from soliin thercity two blotters Presum ably he thinks stationery deal ers would be deterred from run ning for public office But then there is the othér side that some men and per haps some stationery dealers have been running for office to build up their businesses Is that right nnsnen for Kingston Ont have been broadened beyond our own borders These are two continuing benefits which will endure in Canada long after Mr chs has bccome name on tombstone Manufacturers are learning now and will never forget that they can meet and IiJhEhEELJH atheeworidsin selected lines ls flees Operation the Ottawa pstols at flysad buy missionsMr flees now is launching further valuable stem to help our nmnufuturm Pint will come the industrial expan lion conference here this week math €11 In 93 lion in bi and the national Canadian samples show to limit ibe auction will bring no business executives and of cfsls from leading world coun tries to cum to visit our plants and see just what Can oda makes The samples show will bring more than 500 buy from around the world to huge exhibit of Canadian prod acts of the whole range nor malty found in any lsrgs do partment store These two promotions by the trade department together cons biggest actual world rtetover gathered by any government and trout ported to the very doorstep of the manufacturers And now for the first time Consdlon manufacturers are really trying to scllt the id and rgely thanks river of our ncwly tnspl trade depart mentsucceeding Halt Epidemic With Vaccine NEWDEIJll fRéuieralllt dis has launched mass voc cination campaign in an at tempt to ward off virulent smallpox epidemic which ex perts predict will hit the coun try next year The forecast is based on careful analysis of the inci dence of smallpox in lndlawin the last years It has been found thaithe disease breaks out in epidemic form every five or six years The last epidemic was during 195755 when more than 100000 people were affected More than 40000 lndfsns died of smallpox in that year Six years earlierin lost an other epidemic hit indie with equally devastating results The grim warning about the impending epidemic was given by fndius health minister Dr Sushila Naynr in speech to the tick Sgbha lb Pnrlisnren Health experts are not too pessimistic about the forecast however They believe that with preventive measures already under way the disease can be checked if not nltogctiter alim inated national smallpox erndl cnilnn program has been launched at an estimated cost of 69000000 rrupces tit So long as Canadian quality matches others and the price is right our salesmen con sell around the world ltfr flees os scrts And that includes right here in Canada where our man ufacturers are being savagely outsold by evenStephen com petition such as from US plants tht few mii awuy acrnssihe border NEW STEPS STAGED Fnllowing up his earlier meas ures such as Canadas first port cdnference and 12 provin cial trade conferences and more recently the Canadian samples showscolorfully described in to help man in the pohir tertiary oraIwhorreouesle do unto mePsalm This program has been speeded up in view of the ex perts warning But many hurdles have come in the way of its speedy implementation jrrBlBLEjTllOlfGllT The Lind is on my side will not fear what common 130 Take the Lords burden upon you andynnshall find His strength withinyou to help you bear it dog that is to help mistreated persons With him beside their hit office nudhcrncar is WiferToni and their five LJCP WironhntnLJ

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