not eAvriciss roe SALE eAurohonvs itOoiisEroitar FRUIT vacancies morph has for sore doe man race color In nil lumen SEE communion mummiï¬m VlAU roll RAMBLER tam hearse lidhnm reunite flu or Viau Motors limited 17 60qu Street iiellai was PA 66488 BLAKE ST mum Militias room or rent on main floor culral luau PA 61321 mo ml for llll Prfva lion farting laelliliu hing Til owned mo Ieilpbope PA or imy lraet or telephone BROOM luxl Dfllbkflmlprt Dll DODGI Coupe for lull molar new 11m my good run able his closet abaacr alcove with nor electric mu iatrtpen ning order Telephone PA coals after an tor Sepsrale antsace One gals 101 mcuav aulorriatlc power tieniaa alooo weakly Apply in Dunlap Em eveninu steering uer brake radla icooo 1th Private Telephone LONDON MimiRemit at games edtn the United Kingdom night ruthenium PM Round Alderahot Easter Barrow Workinglon itradlord Doomter Greater St rt Crews Alex idham Darliogtoo Chesterfield Newport Giilliuiam Shrewsbury bililweil Southport Rocbdaia York City Lincoln Bartlet league Division Bolton Man United Ewrton Layton Or Mali City Iplwlcll Sheffield Blackburn1 Division Leeds Bury Luloti Preston Norwich iiudderalield Sundariand Rotherham DUPLEX TTpoms bedrooms untur Illahod healed Private ent llpcc flolgate St Rent I100 monthly PRONE rs am or PA amt Van Der Koo SillL hm Irishu It comes ttis Cap canton torid No anode uiaL Telephone 7183 Slroud BOATS MOTORS ll roor Humeweb boot it 111 Johnson motor and Lena Star tnlill All illl new sarrtllee or quick sale lnllylom PA ems is IORNION tinder lor up im model used We awn only can Telephone PA com or ID ply in Burton Avenue DEAN IlNGLl seat Hutu but Alan like new chosen motor and the new or Johnson motor Telephone ialltit him or Duraaa dense Churchill culruxu nbmlaa ll rluna bout powered by an so hp in Elven 100M itoiiaa for rent is lame Telephone PA Hm 010031 Apartmesi or rent Ilace bath cos Pariuas mas able Apply 52 11min SL ROOM Ind kitchenette lain and two bedrooms If lbclted Ii 35 Ill Sin phone PA £7400 TIRE aooir Apartment with bath for real IIelled Private ea or sellrooiained Telephone Hm entan ADTMKNT Fourbrlrht IND bath Tinted Private entrance Apply Allaadale Hardware Nd Barns Nttleltlzo tellcontained three apartment for rcpt Avalla edtetely Downtown area Te epbone PA III ROD unfurnished build note Central iocatioo llltlrluca AV sun Apply at ll ll WY Decorated ï¬nished as unlurniahed roam Equipped htt cheri Private entrance On bus stop Parking facilities Apply It Burton Ava or telephone PA 011 OFFICES STORES RENT omcs llAcl for rent well to rated on Collier Rï¬aaoaagl man outboard engine compel1y equipped Used ill hours sum uc riden Telephone PA arm SUMMER RESORTS ms ms di 11 be ca 011 DMIIOD Ill COTTAGE FOR SALE avgï¬Eflgflcrmf ml nigh ti iolepaoa Bournemouth Bristol LOVELY Tread Salttol near Lake months oi em up One male Sirocco Almost new cottage with ï¬gwf Nib Wm use map hldaau two door mull Ilvlnl room kitchen and no bed hudlop walls nu Bradford Iva iranmsra ppd room Complctaly lurnlabad automatic two tabs while an Isaac Telephone PA pairs hrown Telephone PA were after pm mt DDDalt melons ho aI two door hardl Automatic Pow er eout immaculate show room condition Tehphonl PA H185 FORD our door automatic new motor new tIreI custom ra Arrival training and roc reatlori camping for 1000 from who mor Sea Cadet Camp at for 10 best cadet in the Point Edward Naval Base at band from Cmdr lol Daciisiwrloo AAAl aaatia cry Wood islandL In CONTAINED three room aartmenurr tun lllllhio lcr children Toronto Street area Telephone PA MS LTCONTAINED two bedroom Obltilnlahed apartment Central Heated Extra warm in winter 51 monthly Telephone PA 286 IliALL Unlumlshed Apartment or root per month fleet and Ndrfljitclulltll Apply 107 John treat Telephone PA CM rwo banana Apartment un Ilcaiehod lelnluraarn kitchen piecl bath private salrao Tim and water supplied Tale bhone PA 341 after pm Urlnlho Apartment two be it roombatb ittcho re geratcr beat and val Separate entranca Perkin Wall and Telephone PA SHIT UNYURNIIITITD salt cnnlllned apartment Extra ru four rooms Good cupboards Allsndlle Campbell Ave TlIlFDOIB PA 64511 or PA S0117 Eh TWO 1111111101th Apartment oiee tric slave and refrigerator faun dry facilities Cellir Janitor service immediate poi eulnli Telephone PA 56097 TURNIth Apartment two large at roo newly dccoratcd¢dn traily loc vhoer the hospital and atom Low rent to ulta only 157 Mary Street ONE AND TWO Bedroom Apart complotniy sells ammo atava ralrirarator illtv liar From the mod ly Telephone PA 82570 017th on bedroom unfurnish edhaaled rtnseot sailcontain ed with llkndry an parking fa cilities near bus stop Telephone PAsldIIT FURNISHED three room Iplri areal Large living room bedroom hndfkitcharicttn Farlrlng apacu 0chan rent Telephone PA 200 FOUR ROOM round floor unlurn lubed hoatad apartmenL Laundry lacllllfe parking area Close to St1tilryl and Oak ark schools Sci contained new Talo DlJnlIo Ill SITSRO HEATED furnished titres room apartment with ranso anUrcfrtg brllar Available septemher heated at ill Hayfield Street monthly Telephone PA Midi MODERN unfurnished three anartmeritgwith tour piano room so onUtly Includes ea andlaundry facilities lulled on Penal street Talc hone PA 043 TWO lbcdmoln apartments un hed belied sailcontained ground floor nowiy decorated upstairs aeninily located now Telephone PA 85300 or PA DNPLIDNISITZD Apartment Beds room living room and kitchenette itsnpaita and refrigerator Ground floor Very central Suitable or two business ladies Garage Tols phono Pit oasis rm TWO BEDROOM healed lPIit merit ivltb new 30inch electric stove and refrigerator Completely sellcontained Near Oakley Park School and North Collegiate Avail lltll ilIIW PA bill Lowztt DUPLEX our large moon heavy duty wiring com pista bathroom all heated Near Air Port on Anne street North two miles from downtown Tole phnno PA sscss LARGE NEW two bedroom up stairs apartment Duniop street West llasted unrumished lin mediate possession Also one lied ARTICLES For SALE useo TVS all full warranty USED RANGES REFRIGERATORS Ia 490010 15900 EPLETTS TV and Appliances 117 DUNLOP ST BARRIE MONARCH REFRIGERATION is Equipped To Service All Makes of TV REFRIGERATION auro WASHERS DRYERS RANGES PA 82059 PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner if you would like to have re prints of any news pictures taken by our stall photogra phera pieasa call at our Busi ness Ollica lilo are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints SxiO I5 FALL FURNACE SPECIALS Furnaces Forced air all or gas installed complete with duct work as low as 275 PER WEEK NO DOWN PAYMENT WOODWARD AND SON PA sosoi OR STROUD tilts 12 KM AI moN FlrtiZMAN stoker for sale in condition Telephone PA ID rsss iraranass sso ai atotoa cycle lor sale flit Telephone iiiti slroud aversion DRY ELIII and Salt hpris foot wood tor sale 10 cord Ap ly Cecil IIuteltimnn RR Hewle rtonc Telephone Om Ill man heavy win mesh fence 100 ft long includes it steel posts ilfay be seen It 19 Erad roro street grtalephooclA cans plt mud Ercelieot pets brown also llLJlrrtatared alum Mfsbtan Ontario OROVB deli boxes 11 wide Dealers $1050 wldn high Dill Dealer Cookstowo Telephone to II DDED DWI Ior dale ysarr old Tolephona PA 01023 YORKSHIRES Boarr tram performance tested direso Ne Stroud NINE PIGS or sale Landraca and York cross nine weeks old Apply Kan Caldwell shanty Day or tele Tears pe1pprooiaton1elvphvdr nllmln Elmvala 15 FLOWERS PLANTS ORNAIIINTAI Tree suolpen cedari Birch clumps ate Taiaphpna Pilhllltl Graesy Tree mil PA eases ARTICLES WANTED DURO WATER PUMP wanted light be in PRESSURE PUMP Wanted lililt be In good condition PA Huh so onepisses Telephone ADJUST odï¬coalact Box ill DUrllIlI Telephone Allan Park FARMERS MARKET DEAD srocu Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For last service phone or ask for ZENIIII Diifiil NO CHARGE 20 hours day7 days wash PA 57751 collect NICKS DEAD STOCK RR prmead Ontario Licence No 171062 Nlcs Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case Now Holland David Brown acuity Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA aim CASE TRAD DNEJVAY in TERMS Disc for rate Massey refs Telephone Gormlcy bill unioadlnl form hllh also and 10 heaters Chill illcsiey hicch iiarvestsr Livssroc two FIGS for sale revrn wceks old Talsphana Ora is utter pln WSANED PIGS Ioi raie Tele phone ivy mill for rurthcr in formation POLLED nnharonp Bull 20 months or age Reasonably priced or quick sale Telephnno 4534776 Cpnkstown PUTIEDRED Herciord bulls for 1e serviceable are also Home STROUD ii us Chain Saw now Apply vtls Cairns telephone PA 55897 ID PIGS for sale eight and lllnl weeks old Telephona PA $6949 or PLY Harold lfchiaster RR opts Serviccable age stuck Vii Smlil phone SIRII one 5013 Ora ITIDTBB CHOICE hereford Hollara due to freshen immediately Afro SEWING DONEl LI 01 cotton CHIVDOLIT for IIII TM car is in lrnlnaculala condition Four brand new tires Motor ill perfect condition Must be seen to be Ipprecllted Telephone PA 557M TRUCKS TRAILERS Iï¬TON POI Track In good condition 2150 down take over paymaou of In monthly Teta phone PA com PERSONALS Mullaheh lrdltllb la phone PA Halt oops FORTUNEIELLINU Db nil want your lutura told by cardal if so leicphons PA 60130 for appoint ment anytime ï¬g BEAUTY SHOP Coldwavet Sell etc by certiï¬ed hairdresser in your own home or he Ital up vice Bernice PA use or PA 507 Ta ACCOMMODATION for Dllllligcil Irons Earrle to Toronto daily Phone mm liter pm or con tacthir Rbhllllni RR Thornton unitle ilira Oreeri lamoua character ruder and advisor on all Emblems at life Firsttlrne in arrfc ll unsatistiad no charge All questions Iree 170 hayiield Street anytime lhdria PA HAM LOST FOUND LOSTMlle Beagle Hound Mid hllrlt vicinity Telephone PA MESS IO HELP WANTED MA BOOKKEEPER TYPIST Required for accourilanls of lice experience preferred 5day week company benefits Write giving lull details to Box Ear ric Examiner mrcrmu HELP AND warms WANTED Apply to Byme at Lunch Bar Gray Coach Terminal SEWERS WANTED iIIiMEDlATELY Work at home doing simple sewing We supply materials and pay shipping both ways work Apply Dept DIt Box 7010 AdelaidePost Offica io ronto Ontario aeLas ASSISTANTS for ladies ready tiltl wear rniltst hiva langleiri EIICO II II me Rae PA N105 pp RELIABLE woman to babysit daily in my home Starting Sapt amber Telephone PA 50519 sitarsunnio waramass Wanted full or instituteno iatr hours Apply Huannia Steakhouse Bradlord at or telephone PA coast We are interested In who has executive ability in the Barrie area for at tunlty tor the right man present dud previous employment laroliy Scottish Loam Divisio IF Al 11 Stranraer yr Brochin East Fife Forfar Hamilton Stirling St Johnstone Albion Berwick vs Queens Pk ppd Scottish league Cup SupplementaryRonni Bcrwiclr Dumbortpn coastcar rm Worlds highest mountain range the itlmaiayas have ii of the worlds 17 peaks higher theorrgmrieemwhn Trait HELP WANTED Emmy NS Ldg Cdt Roo Wiiaon son 11 Wilson at Bar ust 31 at uslcs Acadia sum rie Oct receives the award gt Photo Cod Fishing 011 Labrador IsExperiencingrBig Revival HEADS CROP BRANCH TORONTO CPIDouglas Parks chlel instructor and ex lelision spedailst at tho Kempt ville Agricultural School about 10 miles south ol Ottawa has beenappolnlcd director olzthc field crops branch In the On tario department oI agriculture was announced Wednesday He succeeds Arthur Martin MALE HELP AN INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN AND HIGHLY RESPECTED CANADIAN COMPANY HAS SALES POSITION OPEN man between thclngcs of 15 and is One can meet the public and who has lived cast years This Please give age Is an unusual oppor educational background status Ail replies will be kept in strict confidence BOX 12 EARRIE EXAMINER Canada Ltd Due to our dealer Mr lien derson transferring to Port Ar thur we have dealer fran chlsc dvailblc immediately in the Barricltilitdland Coiling wood Orangevfile area List of customers and thorough training provided Successlul api pilcant must provide suitable ve hicia plus reasonable cash equity against stock provided if you are interested in sales career and wish to own your lbtlsinéssw lhisrs youropportuo ty Only those who are interested to coming in excess of $7500 need apply Sen all applications di rectly to SnapOn Tools of Can ada Ltd 37 Morley St iialn ilton Ontario with your name lithium and phnnc number All applicants will be Interviewed and notified as to time and links up to $140 an hour Piece 11 Qaflie out WELDER With High Pressure Ccrlif PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT NSFIELD RUBBE DEALER SALESMAN SnapOn Toolsof LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS 1N THE ESTATE OF MARGAR ET iSADELLA ROWATElale of the Township of Ifedonte in the County of Simon All persons having claims against Ilia Estate of Margaret isabclia Rowat who died on or about the 10th day at May 1902 are notiï¬ed to send to the un dersigned on or before the 24th day of September 1962 their Dairies andmddtosscshod iuil particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities iii any hold by them immediately after the said 24th day of September 1562 thc assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Administratrix shall then have notice DATED the 24th dayyol Aug Hat 1962 GLADSTONE CURRIE 00 Wilson Building Barrie Ontario Solicitor for the Administratrix I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday September Commencing at 1030 am sharp Ituss LAN BURINLNlid CPI Four achohncrs andsomcn this south shore area are fishing Labrador waters this summer double the number that partic ladï¬asts or crease is expected for 1961 This represents rovaal of the summer cod fishery off the this Labrador coast once is main stay of Newloundianda fishing industry This segment of the Industry practically disappeared during the Second World War 11 fishermen abandoned their boats to work ashore for cash From 1560 to 1060 only about 20 boats year were sent to the Labrador cod fishery resurg ence startsdiost year with about 50 boats being shipped to Labrador points for the fishing season About 500 tlshermsn and members oi their families also went north by ship This year in addition to the andSon SIB flur ney NS National Deleon schooner crcwslrcmthIsarou than are fishermen from Coli caplion Bonavials and Notre Dame boys and other ports of the island it is estimated it NEWIOIRT and fisheri men and lhair families scot tcred along the Labrador coast season MOST LIVE ASIIOITE In tho bygone heyday of cod fishing off Labrador scores of achooners parllciputsd and tho fishermen moslly lived aboard the sturdy wooden boats Todays operations are galler ally based ashore Some fisher men took prefabricated homes to Labrador with thcm Ihls year The men who fish from shoro are called planters those who live aboard boats floaters Soms fishermen who had shore hues more than 20 years ago are patching or re building their shollera Bridge By TORONTO CPI Juhka and riverboat run vague and haphazard course down the wide Sltniokya River in East Pakistan Especially when an downstream the flimsy crait arcrswept along with the current and steered with little ac curacy Naw the East Pakistan gov ernment wants bridge to span the river bridge which by design should limit as far as possible the chances of cralt smashing into its aupport iog pylons Tho government has specified minimum of piers and the longest spans possible Because steel is especially expensive In dollarshort Pakis tan it requires that steel in the construction be kept to bare necessily The whole projectis sceni ingly devised to bring on an architectural headache But an Ontario engineering firm has submitted plan which experts say Is one or the more ad vanced concrete bridge designs in the world it comes fromtho drawing board of tho twopartner Tor iver Terénlï¬rFlrm3 The roadway and aldowsiks to foot in width run along the broad top ol the triangle The sides slope Toward to nap rower base Another feature is that both the sections and the tbfoothlgh Vshapad piers would be cast by digging out forms in the ground at the bridge sits and using the piaotlful supply at io axpensive Pakistani labor The sections would then be hosted out on pontooris Only few similar structures have been built so far In Erotica and itaiy Already employed as consul tants on more than 150 struc tures for the Ontario highways department Damar and Smith hope the Pakistan project will load to batterlooking bridch for Ontario The partners are convinced the time has come for Cana dians to demand that public authorities produce structure which are estheticsliy picas mgu COOKSTOWN onto firm Nicholas Dams and cry ataru mm mm mman Tm nsnp FURNITURE and Antiques ch01 Humord Bull 11 phona PA 38150 CONVENIENT east end IOHIIOD lilodern one and two bedroom Iplrtmunih completely sailcon Lalocd venetian blinds automatic laundry facilities stove relrlgerh tor Telephone PA Man or apply its Napier Street MODERN Apartment two bed rooms large living room kitchen and threepicco both ant and back entrances laundry room in basement or 01 two children welcome hi all Do Said 5L pr ldllllhbniImPA SRTIS EXCEPTIONALLY largo ova Min apartment avufiabia immediately in new modern building Very close to public and separate schools Autamatic laundry maintenance service Stove and refrigarator op tinnll Paved parking facilities For further information telephone PA 653 or PA Mill iIIOST COMFORTABLE cc to iivaln Karrie Modern largo two bedroom apartments available now in brand new buildings located in loyal residential district Very near superltovlnfljliitlla Parklhgo Hat wltnrlup plied Refrigerator and atnva op icnat iarittor service Reasonable runt Apply 14715 Steci Street Barrie or tclcph no days PA 1415 or avanlngs PA Hedi ROOM BOARD EIIIGDT FURNISHED bedroom Centrally lolitcd Enhlrl oplloIIIL Egylurthcr details toiopbnns PA 110011 AND Donna for working gt men Lunches packed Reasonable ratcs Apply Sophia St West parrle k5 MARY STREET vicinity down Iawn area Gentleman preferred tfll pack lunches Home privil Apply 90 liary Street Tel phonn pa uses APARTMENTS WANTED YOUNG COUPLE with famuy rd uiroa two bedroom ground our apartmont or duplex in Bar rlc lleasouabla rent Telephone r11 allal bid of reason clearance 10 to 10 or on all goods No reason Ibio nffel refused lories Antiqued Ill Collier Street PA 63161 SPACE HEATER or safe beat up to four name also iddgaliorx tank WILII stand Both In good condition mrooably priced Taiaphona PA paras bought Ioid opened ra st combinations changed cars experience how overs heari iera charge From service Inching Sale PA 61513 noasows ITwa nrti Goods Darrfaa larrcat Ioiapctionucl are arms everything or the sports man Opal every evening rale lpibone FA 66850 Highway 70 Dan BELGIAN BROWNING automatic Ia gausa shotgun Raised ventilated rib Adiuatahla Polly choke Sharp ck is lined carrying case reas onable otter nursed Telephone IA 613355 SALVATION ARMY FIIIIILV Wallace Contra cement block building illblilntl Wicolll till Used clothing and furniture to meet your lamlly need Open Monday through Friday to pm Friday 70 pm Saturday oon ph RADIO TV HlFI WANT TO MAKE sasurrrur MUSIC our your roar Now wmi LOWCOST uacnvsuaab scom PLAN LOAN THE BANK OFANOVA SCOTIA ARTICLES FOR RENT TRAILER to hold camper Ill pllcs with picnic taha lid and shelved food cupboard For lull particulars tniaphona PA H165 as Try Examiher Want as bonus or ram for chicks 11 WHILE PRESENT STOCK LASTS AT STD months old ready for service PA Hm Elrrte vouuav CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more pauilrymeo are choosing DEKALB PULLETS arted ready to lay and day old or now or early order discount For service or help on your poultry problems works To Blake at Craig Hum HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS amour PHONE 77 MM WANTED IS Puliats starting to lay Apply bisrcua Street Bar rte or telephone 135an ROCK mists TI II Keririyd Ml PA 53507 good iny i0 weeks old 91 each oultry Farms shanty Ontario PA 65356 FEED SEED GRAI OENZSEE WIIEAT or laid Tcie on DA Mild AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CAR FOR SALE BUY NOW Save Tax ON BRAND NEW 62 VOLKSWAGEN PIERCE MOTORS LTD AUSTIN for sale A55 birch Priced to soil Telephone leZ apply George Johnston RR Stlyndt ide IREFlillT and ll Consul Both In good condition Iplceti quick rslc Telephone PA Live in or out erice preferred handwritln aminer exchange or light housekeep ing duties in west 2an 01 city Nocsrs or pets please ply Box 10 Karrie Examiner RESPONSIBLE Young Women or Girl to work parttime in house and store Must be honest and reliable Reports for right person rile Box Barrie Examiner EXPERIENCED Waitress lor lit slrle and curb service Top wages Apply Richies Delve1n itoriaor phone PA 61571 casmpa with silica ability for drug store Knowledge of cosmetics uscntiaL Good future too bright young lady Apply in person to Mrs OIllt PARTTITLE Typistv Must ha Int Hours path9 pan apprnxlmllely Please apply Harmon Transport ldllpbn Straet between ands writesï¬oultjarria Morris National Employment Allandaie area one awa from home during the day to loo liter small baby while mother teaches Pralarlhly an old plri of family This hone PA 68503 MALE OR FEMALE lilmDLo AGED Couple required to look after school aged child ren Eause provided Father home on weekends For uether intorme tloii telephone Lciroy 101 work Would suit boy over to or pensioner By the day or month itiiicrert Gardens Telephone Elanvaic Want ActSection accepted Illtlll Dm Day before publication PHONE PA Mill You can become specialist Train at 11cc trusted name in Eiectrorr fcs Training since ROOM AND noann available free flop lV Md courses in Toronto Montreal Or study It homo CANADA I61 King St onto Oat Enrdll oow ciuru start in September YOUTH or full time bicycle do wtllianrs Torgls Automotiva Ltd WANTED Manlnd equipment to mediately Apply Cecil Harris not 177 Bradford Street Teie phone In Full DELWERY BOY son Tha 7d Dunlap St West am MEN wanted to train as full More Real Estate salesmen chance 10 earn up to $10000 to $12060 per minor SALES HELP scam NEWJOOD company In Darrlarc KIND MonLY woman in the duties ladies who would like who possess LOWOIII hours it Lly to not as food consults information or woman who would like to be PASihii NEW FOOD company with outlet and plant bitio ll llIlSrllCiIlIi tho Redmuberatinn on either salary an Inn your choice 19211 Alltolllb lc Rosldalil Easy terms lrea onklet RADIO COLLEGE 01 Top very Bicycle supplied Apply Mr eepon and curb two wells fin to use bicycle ours is 1115 pm Apply in all Crowd Co Ltd Apply to En 72 Barrie Ex ol neat ppcsraneo car are willing For further telephone Mr Morris 10 Ilr1 to II noon in Barrie mullircl am an appearing men to act Darrin district bonus or straight commis Our present all make over $5000 per yes or furthor fnformallo On corner of iiwys 89 and 27 Complete stock of hardware groceries and property consist ing of frame budding warehouse and room bungalow in Cooks town ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND COLWILL LTD Phones Victoria Harbour 5061122 Wasaga Beach 459 AUCHON SALE Sat September ll am Sharp At LOR LEE iEXACO MOTEL Highway 11 miles north of Barrie 1ini following valiicleswiil be so theWarehouscmcris Lien Act RSO 1960 Chapter 428 1950 Chev ltan Panel new mo tors1952iackar lilacs 1949 Monarch 1955 Chrys er No crutificate of mechanical fit nuss to be given under the provision of iBSFPcn JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer Will Bell Request WILL USE PONTOONS bridge design to tho use of pre ll hinrrLs PA MI 10 our WANTED fnr market garden EMPLOYMENT WANTED MAN WITH 4th Class Engineers papers desires position in home Write box 11 Barrie Examiner noomccurcre Typist Racclv ables or plyublca payroll or one rl office roll sat at book to baiahee Telephone TSIRT OTTAWA CF industrial Wire and Cable Company Ltd Toronto manufacturing and marketing 0111ij pcclcdlo pporatodsynncppil cation by the Bell Telephone Company before the board of transport commissioners to irr crease its capitalization spokesman for the Toronto firm said Tuesday night it feels that Rollie not making proper usc of existing capft Robert Smith specialists and missionaries Iiillle develop inggficid of prostressed con crate The bridge they have de signed is long narrow affair which if accepted will be major first for the company One or the main features of the Dacca Chittagong mo stressed concrete for spans of 300 feet This is achieved by casting and prestressing in the form of hollow triangular box 800 feet long sac us roDAv rBliTSTltilES TIRE SERVICE ioi aAvriaioi st rA S6549 Try Our Better Kind ot Dry Ciaonlng Sarvleol Stubborn spar Ditapm manila pin Pariplroliah Stain Removed Seller in Holds longer it DuniopWbaI ssudiito plat PAth