RENTALS ANTMENTs FOR RENT MODERN UPPER DUPLEX Pour bright rooms Id Private entrance Apply AllandIlI Harde Dlntl UINIIDBD ulMdnLIIned Ill apertnunt or non AvalIIbia lately Downtown In Tol bane PA Til IOOM mimicked heated partmant CantrIl mail or CONTACTED three room IrtInInL Private entrance Not ltthle or children Tomato troll ma Telephone PA 3106 CONTADIBD lwo bedroom niurniahsd apartment Central ted LI warm in winter monthly TOIEPOODOIPA HIM MILL Uniurnlehed Apartment or not too per month Hut and ï¬re included Apply ibT lnhn Telephone PA NS nannooss Apartment un rnIIhed Living room kitchen as piece bath private Intraim and wnier IuppUsd Tel no PA Hm alter pm 5L1 no room apartment in mm Completely furnished II can or can rm wee up one IIPA MOSS Europeans Apartment two bed nnu living room hath kitchen Iteva nirlreralor heal and Separatl entrance Parking end eiepbone Olin peaLrcoNTAINaII lplrtrnent ice at stove roirlgsntnr Ind light sup ued Ava immediately Dvsr ller Queen oi phone PA Midi UNFUDNISITID uii contained IriInIni mire iaria our rooms ood cupboards Ailarldsie as Cunphsll Ave Telephone PA JOSH or PA Will from noon sound no unturn iehed heated apartment Laundry iaclllIieI parklne are Close to St Marys and Oakley schools Salt contained avaiII new Tele Whittle PA MSW URNISIIBD rtlneut deans and bat Clean htattd nIIr Post Oiltee Service couple or tIcharo pleierrod riser Tele phone PA areal HEATED iurnlshed thres room jitmmtJVltllJlnannd reirl tar AVIiilble Scplemher cated It Daylield street tes month PA onan nnttlrnllhed ree room Ipartment with our piece bath room are monthly includes heat Ind laundry IIctItIles Located on gaming Street Telephone PA three we zbedroom apartments un Turniahed halted TelicontIIIled ground tlaor slowly decorated centrally located now Emit Telephone PA Head or PA nrunln Furnished two room apartment hedelttlng rnnrri Ind kitchen with stove and reirisers tar ole AiniIhla Itonrd ApgtK glazifllltbn Avneue Phone Tlvo EEDDOOIII hesiod apart ment with new ibineh electric and mlrlgerator Completely mums ROOMS TO LET TWO WINIEHID Mm not Perkins iaeiilliea Gentleman preiund Telephone PA Hm mutants Honuleapln loan will reamte Use st refrigerator and nandls CadizL Tslapbeaa PA or PA me FURNISHID Wtflu room or rent no main floor central loca tlnnplrktn Incillilea AXpIy New Street or telephone NIH nanoohi large bright contort ahie Big clout shower alum with has electric mu refrigera tor soprate entrance OnI elo tiemen 71000 weekly Apply I81 Dunlap Dost evenings NEWLY Decorated tarnished or uh uh roe kit caffhfnu 3535 but Ito PIan taciIItIeI Apply I1 Burieo Av or telephone PA OFFICES STORES RENT omen IPACI tor rlflt III lo cated on Collier st liaasonabls rstee Telephone PA Hm be tween In van =5 SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGE FOR SALE LOVELY Tread SQIIIIIJ near Lake Simcee Almost new college with living room kitchen and two bed room Completely iurnishad new Telephone estates ARTICLES For SALE USEDTVS all full warranty USED RANGES REFRIGERATORS TOP QUALITY GUARANTEED 4900 to 15900 EPLETTS TV and Appliances in DUNLOP ST CARRIE MONARCH REFRIGERATION is Equipped ToScrIlce Ali Makes of TV REFRIGERATION AUTO WASHERS DRYERS RANGES 2059 WE BUY SCRAP TRUCKS Highest prices paid old Vehicles or Wrecks AMCAN SCRAP METALS Dunlap St West illustauossxflwy 400 PA eases PHOTO REPRINTS svallablc at The Barrie Examiner ll yluL would like to have re prints taken by our stoii photogra phers please call at our Busi ior RIawnIbiy priced MS caucus res sate PUDIA iltlbutl IA Tiller Ia toienrreonuiaiao all us in in quad condition mu Iirohooo PA rswamae nu nae repairer mitt Tutu rates ii ITS57 52 mmuhp St em ease ram bought sold opened Iind combination heaaa Ioi liï¬lfllngonhilnm am MEI Saice Works TS IIIka It PA DODSON IA Sporting Good barries larmt selection ei on Iron gunning ior erg widget plan pen are even phana PA satellitequ Io nar BELGIAN DIOWNINO IDIOIDIILE an ahoigun Rllud ventilated rib uatabia Potty choke sheep akin lined carryhlg can No rou onIble oiiar retitled TIIIPMHI PA WIS FRUIT VEGETABLES POTATO ior Iaie Deitvmdvor at the arm ApPIy Prod Dobnn PA I7III SWIFT TABLE CORN Ior Tale Golden Bantam Will nil In In quantities Fresh crop Apply WI lass Prrklnl Mldhiirlt lepbcne PA NW aoon rbTATtIlts tor sale Apply Van Der Kooy dens Parin liltiqu ii corner lth Con ceulon lnndiil No Sunday ulta Telephone Islu strand BOATS MOTORS ll roar Patsrhoroueh hoot ll 11 Johnson motor and Lone sm trailer All like new Sacrtiics tar quirk Isle TelephonePAdllit DSTAN SINGLE Milt Iportster boat Alan 1959 like new 00 ILP Johnson motor and list new 11 HP Johnson motorttlehe=o mars Leirdy or Burkes Garage Churchill CRISTLINIR Pthregiu ll liuna bout powered by an 00 hp In boardoulhoard engine Completely slipped Used 10 hours blust riqdce Telephone PA 07173 ARTICLES FOR RENT Indiana to hold eamprn Ili plies with picnic table lid and shelved toed cupboard Por iull particulars telephone PA uses ARTICLES WANTED PRESSURE PUMP Wanted Milli be In good condition Tciephons PA Chit clinicroars ilontcd Contact iiiahton Unx 12 Durham ï¬rglld Telephone Au Park DOGS PETS DACDSIIUNDS AAA1 Gentle na tured Excellent pots Brown stud and smooth Registered Must be seen to be sppreeiat Pullman min FLOWERS PLANTS ORNAMENT Tron Pllntlnllt lunlpers Cedars Birch Clum etc Telephone ii Gracey Trea Farms PA eases DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid or dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed tree For last servlca phone or ask or ZENITH 91130 tNO CHARGE 14 boura day7 IIIya not BARBIE PA emI collect NICKS DEAD STOCK licence No 1741462 NICK Montague Prop chanted FOXTIIBidf Ontario ee AquMonve MOTOR CARS FOR SALE BUY NOW Save Tax ON BRAND NEW 61 VOLKSWAGEN warns PRESENT srocK uses Ai ERCE MOTORS LTD IN Lovswml CERTAIN NEW CAR Buy it now with lowodd llieiosured scoriA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA SEE JENNINGS USED CAR SALES CITIES SERVICE STATION Angus Ont Phone 44961111 in lemon ltldsau two door hardtop White villi tliol Vl automatic two tone white and brown Telephone PA in Iiier pm TRUCKS TRAILERS TILION FORD lnltk In reed enndttlonrnierdnnnpdakI four payments oi in monthly Tole phonePA Neill WTD To BUY cAali ros your car Liana aid on We trade erdawn Alan dala Melon II Read DIrriI PA 871 MOBILE HOMES MOBILE HOME 37 Two bed rooms and bath KItchIn and liv ing room combined Completel iurnlehsd Can be masd or let up anywhere at Victoria St or telephone cath PERSONALS SEWING DONEl Ladles cotton dresses hiourea skirts also chi drena apparel bl Thane eAeec siteraaans FORTUNETELLING Banyan want your Iutun told by ii To telephone PA mac ior appoint ment anyiirna BEAUTY IIIDP Coldwaves Sets etc by eertlded hairdresser in your own home or hospital see m1 Bernice PA eater or PA It It ACCOMMODATION for passe irons Barrie to Toronto Phone lblm aiisr pm or con IIct Mr Roblllard RR Thornton WOMENS COLUMN LEARNIIAIRDBESSINQ ermenlChariErédSchW Thorough training in all bran chcs oi beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 wossmv sT PA asset AUGUST SPECIALS TUES THURS AND FRIDAY NIGHTS pm to pm dmcmsesneonaun SET WITH ROLLERS 5100 CHILDRENS PERMS $500 ADULTS PEHMS IV so 7d rum Milt Nut be hot lienra lunch lIiI mgtfle on or Ailltnllllrtlmllllt IDDDLI ACID Con to Mill re Roam onlwrskanda for nuthu Idioma tlon telephone him lei ILL WANTID ior marin garden work would suit boy over it or Ph 01mm their director re qu according rtInca Inlt oflln Toaebifl Rvilegu WI an SL 3110 liarrt salary aIpeeied WOULD You like to turn your spare time into cash Opportunity or men or woman to supply de mand or wall known Dawiellb Products In Barrie Writs It ooea or more iniorouiion MM I000 Itchlieu loa FUTURE 1N ELECTRONICS You can becoma Ipeelaiiet Train Ii TICC trusted nInsI in Electron ch Training since ma Autumn tlon TV room in Toronto liohtruL 0r hooalat CANADA Rial 8L onto Ont barn now Clams Due the Barrie Midland Coiling wood Orangeviile area List at autumn and thorough training provided Successiul an pllcant must provide suitable vc hlele plus reasonable cash equity against stock provided career and wish to own your ibusiness this is ly PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT deepen and curb two wcita Im mediately Apply Cecil phone 1in 91113 QBHYBDYADOY tnusaIhilyelI noun In EXPERIENCED bodyman licensed HELP WANTED appronlnailly naoo Maori between pm Del Butte MALE or serene alter acboe and child provided hibar home user By the day or month to or on iTilicrui Gardens slfston Telephone linsvaia to ss sply to Church lleIa usurp ItsUng cation and Austrian MALE HELP Rldlr ott Hasldant study at home Easy terms rm RADIO COLLEGE or Ton In in September Snap0n Tools of to our dealer Mr lien dersan transicrrlng to Port Ar thur we have dealer tren chise avail ble Immediately In you are interested in sales your opportun nb those who are Interested in WELDER With High Pressure Certificate APPI MANSFIELDRUBBER Canada Ltd ANTED Man and equipment to lllllll APPIyInPerv The Crown Co Ltd Dunlap St West DEALERxSALESMAN Flilfninltin excessbiflmaeed apply Sen all applications di reclly to SnapOn Tools of Can ada Ltd 37 Morley St Hum Illon Ontario with your name address and phone number All applicaan will be interviewed and holiilcd as to time and place In Harrie Onl GOFFSTOWNN guestNorma Ta mess mumsn Dumas rm no ll BASEBALL RECORD NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF ALEX HERBS she known as ALEX HERBSI late of the City at New York In the state oi New York one at the United States at America All persons having claims against the Estate at Ales Herbal also known ll Ala Herbal who died on or about the 25th day at December ital are audited to Tend to the under signed on or helm the 15th oi September lied their names and addresses and iull particu tars at their claims and the na ture oi the securities iii any held by them lmmedlateiy alter the said nu day of September l9 the as sets oi the raid decequ will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims at which the Executris shall then have notice DATED the tsih day oI August 1907 GLADSTONE CURRIE QC Wilson Building Barrie ontarlo Solicitor tor the Executrix 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION sane Saturday Sep tember IDS It II It LorLee ll tlvuuil vehicles provision at th Warehousemen len Act 1150 1900 Chlptll Jerry Coughiin Auctioneer Robby Predicts Hell Be Champ LONDON AP Sugar Ray Robinson came back to Britain altar 11 years Tuesday and pre dicted he will be world middle weight champion once more The 42yearold exchemp ls scheduled to meet Britains Terry Downes Iarmer holder at share at the world title at Londons Womblcy indoor Sta ltoldwnclysulen want to go out on top and feel that can win the chem pionship back again dont think am too old The last time Robinson boxed In London was in July list when he lost the piniaehdy rurp Dead ManCrashes Car Into House Art An automobile with dead man slumped over the wheel one loot on the accelerator raced 300 yards at highway Tiles day and crashed into dwell log where tour persons nar rowly escaped injury Medical examiner Lionel VLa voic said Oliver Lapolnte it died of heart attack bciore the accident He was alone in than can Lapaintes body also kept the horn button down and Mrs Ed ward Pilot said she and her by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS National nguo PctGBL Lot Angelo San Francisco use will St tools Milwaukee Philadelphia Chicago Houston New York 35 106 Tuesdays Results New York Pittsburgh Cincinnati it Milwaukee Chicago SLLouis Philadelphia Houston San Francisco Los Angeles Probable PIteberI Today iltilweukee Clonlager out at St Innis liVeshburn lid Pittsburgh Law loo It Hou Ilca Bnrnet 12 Chicago Ellsworth an and ltoonce as It Cincinnati Ma lohey so and Nuxhali to San Francisco Marlchal l7 lol at Lee Angeies Padres IMO Only games scheduled Tbnrsdaya Games Milwaukee at St Louis tN Pittsburgh at Houston San Francisco at 105 Aug Only games scheduled AmerieIn League Pct GEL New York B1 59 SBI Minnesota Ii 51 Sdt 2V Les Ahgcles 7e 62 557 iii Detroit 70 67511 10 7t 69 507 iii 70 70 500 11V 68 74 479 14V 65 74 469 10 Kansas City gt as 450 tilt Washington 54 E1 383 23 Tuesdays Hesults Les Angcles New York Kansas City Boston Detroit at Baltimore pod rain Minnesota at Washington ppd lillll Cleveland Chicago Probable Pitchers Today Los Angeles lChoIIca New Yorktlerry Zulu Kansas Ciiy Segut 85 at Boston Wilson lie Detroit Banning lsa and gulrre its at Baiiimore Roberts 97 and Fisher 75 Minnesota Stlgman 94 and Kralick 3103 at Washington Stenhou ii to 11 Cleveland Grant on or Me Dowell 27 at Chicago Her bert 149 Thursdays Games No Games scheduled international League Wer BL 91 57 615 B681 SIIS Ill 80 68 541 11 7d 69 531 12 77 71 520 1i 7t 76 403 19 Richmond 5692 35 Syracuse 51 96 847 ailI Tuesdays Results Rochester Toronto is Syracuse Bulialo Chicago Baltimore Cleveland Boston Jacksonville Tomato Atlanta Rochester Columbus Bulialo Atlanta at Richmond ppd rain Jacksonville it Columbul 710 Gamer Today Rochester at Toronto Ni Syracuse at Buiialo Ni Atlanta at Richmond Jacksonville at Columbus American League IM Ante 000000801 01 New York 0217020020 All Lee Oslnski Spring Navarro llit HI and Rodgers Ford Bridges t7 Daley id 75 and Berra Howard til Hits LAL Thomas NY Boyer la Kansas City MWM 71 Boston oocouieoi mr Ratiow INS and Sullivan iionhouqueile ll131 Nichols and Nixon lilir KC Aiuslk Ill BenGreen Cleve 0020000000000 It Chi DouiobiDoWOIIlll Donovan use and Romano Edwards illt Busherdt hau mann to 75 and Carreonr National League New York mommo l1 Plttaburgll 001010 0x Anderson tlel Hunter Davlault and Plgnatano iiaddix 95 and Burgers Chicago 000001000 50 ELALUIIII bellman 77L Kooncc 99 Stevens to Anderson nod Thuckcr Ber tell Jackson tillill and Oiiv ills SibMuslellï¬l Oliver Cincinnati 2013l0012 0150 Milwaukee 100030200 0140 OToole 513 iimsnnn and Edwards Spohh Noltebart to Raymond II that Show Curtis ll and Crundell Ueckct Hits Cln Pinsan lit Edwards Kcough t7 hill hiaihews I75 Pblln 010000000 to Houston Naomi at iiicLlsh 95 Green is Short and Dalrymp Bruce 98 had smith lilt PhilaDcmcter 15 SanTran onouotuz 41 Les Angech 100200001 70 Pierce 135 Larsen and Holler Richerl Perruneskl 53 and Hascboro Hits SE Iielier 181 Pagan international League Jackevllia 010 450 10 D0 teccercl it Sims ti Slslt Smith Step anovlch and McFarlshe Jacksfville 0020002 013 Columbus 8031001 1210 Iinwklns liiorcno Key is and Sims Jones is Pehanlck Stepcnovich l5 Priddy Brand Rochester 000100 001 50 Toronto 201 010 lilx 90 Quirk liiarttncz t5 Lehew to Short and loanettx Constable and Porter Syracuse 010 electo II Bniinlo 0202010x 010 Bearaarth ilicAvoy ti and Dottercr Jenkins Barnes and Lipskl HUBERT $550 To $1250 RUBVS BEAUTY daughter Valerie probably Tulle Street Drillia Telephone were saved iron injury by the 31W uninterrupted sound Two hIaN wanted to train as tuu 5h glanced nut mum STATSRThlililiiipiiiii saw the approaching car and year Apply to Bar at arrri or tied wrih Valerie an Instant be iore the vehicle crashed Into the aminer kitchen where she had been IroIIing The kitchen was de mon on WOMAN to supply es molished FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies it Service Case New Holland David Brown Beatiy Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 82373 CASH TRADE TERMS MINESING MOTORS nus China We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders G055y Prints 51 lo $125 plus tax Barrie SECONDHAND STORE AFPiy Grtliliill Auto Body LOWER DUPLEX our large rooms heavy duty wirins um leie hsthraom all belted Near Air Port on Anne Street Nbltll two miles Nils downtown Tele phone PA ester LARGE POUR Hoom Apartment uniumlahed heated sciieontalnod One child Welcome Play Iron Parking Available September ii Telephone PA 335 fll IDPly Lid 17 Essa Road PA 89811 No Appointment Necessary Io HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP tabllahed cuatonlerl with lemon nationally advertised Watkins pro ducts No Investment Earnings or its and up weekly Pillllble Full or parttime Write to Ii Ersdidrd Street TAILOR NEW two bedroom Ill ItIlrs Ipariment Dunlo Street West Hosted uniumi ed ins irrediate possession Also one bed room bachelor apartment Tale pp PA Torso In heautliuiiy lit apartnj bulldin roTrii or stove laundry II lticl ito 1e incinerator lan ttor service and parking Tellphcne TAdlifl CONVENIENT eIst and location Modern LWII bedroom apartman completely nitcontained vene tian blinds automatic laundry Ia elllties stove relrtgernlol Tele phone PA em or apply as Nspier street MODERN APlltman two bed mama large living room kitchen and three Piece bath Front and hick entrances Laundry room in basement One or two children welcome Apply iii liaytield St lephone PA 5671 zngtPTmNALLY isrda live room Ipmmnnt lvllllble Immedtnuw in new modern building Very close to public and separate schools lilbiematic laundry maintenance mica Steve and reirigcralor op tlonIl Paved parking iacliltles For iurther lninrmstion telephone Ilkatare or PA assat STCOIITIORTA plI live in Snrrle Modern large two bedroomopartoienls available now In brand new buildings located in lovely residential district Very pearl to separatsu dpublla school Parktny Bot up rlled neirigerutor and stove on onllIanitdr service lieuoaabia seni ADPU 147151 steel Street Elmo er telephono days PA Here or evonlndl PA sisal ROOM BOARD SINGLE ROOM Ind Bnlrd ll sbialunchespacledInrl lIIin Telephone PA 80073 COMFORTABLE rooms load and laundry Abstainers Apply 10A nspper St East Alllsion HODIII AND baud available Home hooking Lunches packed General Electric Apply Brad dord lit HEIGHT PUIINISITED bedroom Centrally located Board optional ggfliurther detIIiI telephone PA ROOM AND BOARD or working men Lunches packed Reasonable roles Apply tut Sophia at West Barrie APARTMENTS WANTED YOUNG COUPLE Wltll lamin rec quires twa bedroom ground magW Telephon Has all used goods plus new slightly damaged items way below original cost We also buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST APIiunePA822427 lelEhAEIERS ANTIQUES The Shame or Simone County FLOORS 0F ANTIQUES lUltNliUltEi BOOKS SHAV iNG MUGS GOELEIS PEW TER FINE CHINA BRASS COPPER iRON OPEN DAILY I0 am To lOpm LL mvv as CHAIGIIURST our BARRIE PAS3401 FREE Year Guarantee on Used TV picture tubes plus 30 day warranty ID=UP Appliance HIGHWAY 27 NORTH Jones Antiques Occasional furniture brie abrac china and glass NOW AT IslCOLLlER ST PA 66261 mDN mBhlAN taken or sale In Edndlilnn Telephone PA 1559 AIATCHLESS 650 114 Motor cycle or sale Still Telephone iiiit Stroud eveninge TEXT BOOKS tar nit North Culi elilte Grade II and 10 French Geography Mathematics and English Good condition Telephunn PA 56501 BICYCLE or La ILIII medium size with mine wheala also boys Bicycle standnrd are new tires Eoth in need condinnn all each Telephone PA 34710 CHESTERFIELD Suite hiveupart whodmglummw 1m rrec Tum oed condition Price its by In Individually Apply tin Blake 13600 mlleI Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE HONE103MLNESING DELAVAL ALIESANDSERVI€E Milkers Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Parts tor any milker HANK BROWN RR BARBIE HOLLY PA 60838 DNEvWAY DISC or sale niassey Harris Telephone Germlcy 521d 5h GROVE self unluldinx lame boxes 14 wide It high Dealers 050 also one 16 wide hills heaters $1200 Bill limity McKee Harvester aezhsler caohstown Telephone tea LIVESTOCK THBEB CHOICE Hereford HELLER dial to Ireshen Immediately Also one choice Hereiord Bull 11 months old ready tor service PA dSdi some P0ULT SAVBNOW on Main Chicks Your best choice or proven per tormance In livability bed con version egg value Incomo ovor deed and chick costs Early order savings Ivailsblo nnlv Contact Arnold Retake Cedar Valley Ont Toiophnns 54W hit Album FEED SEED GRAIN OENEREE WHEAT phone PA MISS or sale Tele AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CAR FOR SALE SEE VIAU FDR RAMBLER Viau Motors Limited 17 anan Street PA 66488 an BLAKE ST PA 61321 iaoa Milli Tor nle Private owned soon Telephone PA nIia BO OKKEEPER TYPIST Required for oeeouatanls ni Ilce experience prelerr 5day cgm9apyben gIvmg full detailsto sort Tie Examiner SEWERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY Work at home doing simple sewing We supply materials and pay shipping both ways Make up to $140 an hour Piece work Apply Dept D27 Box 7010 Adelaide Post Oiilce To ronto Ontario PRACTICAL NURSES wanted ior all shifts also parttime nurseJor Ark Eden Nursing Home eons Straud WAITRESS required or 11 time or iulltime employment Unl inrnu and transportation supplied Telephone PA 669 SALES ASSISTANT Ioi lldidl ready to wear ert ence iull or time Apply line PA DE RELIABLE woman daily In my 22 =delp babyalt Se to In exchange ior light housekeep lng duties to west cnd of city No caner pate please Apply an it BITrte Examiner RBSPONSIELBYoung Woman or Girl to work parttime in house and store hlust be honest and reliable beneiiis iorrldht person Writs Box Barrie naminer CLERK steneerrpher required ior City of DIrrle Public Works niIIcI day week 71 hour day with iltll employee rhenetits Salarysrneduli In eiieet Apply City Managch oitlce nl IUIEDIIDIID PA 5209 or an Ippolnlment Ior interview KIND IIIOTFIERLY woman in the Itliandllc area who would like home away from home during the day to look IItel small my whlll motth teaches Prelerahly an old or woman who would like to he gamut Iinlnlly Telephone PA SxPBnlENCnD Young Woman or general housework One day per week Telephone PA 614 EXPERIENCED Waitress ior In aids and curb service Top ngeI Apply lilchial Drivein nestun ant 177 Bradinrd Street Tele phone PA dlSIl RELIABLE Woman to email child In childa ho hreI JSELAIZILCIJRVITTM Iti erhli power he radi Print II PA 01701 days per week whila mother warts Po IMflliabw on PA Hit evenings TryAnEsarnhservwmt NEW FOOD com Ile with outlet Eeaumlor til Si itnch street Montreal 15 Quebec SALES HELP AGENTS tnibrnrstion telephone Illr Ilnirh PA $1831 In to 12 noon and plant In Barre requires Im bltious neat appearing men to act as salesmen in the Barrie district Remuneration on either my Ind bonus or straight comm Alon your choice Our present Itaii make over $5000 per year For iilithur llltnrmlttnn phnrle Illr Morris raglan 10 In to II noon EMPLOYMENT WANTED MIDDLE AGED Herdsman ockin position hilly nulliï¬ed lt0 Telephnnl 7481 Eimvale POSITION WANTED housekeeo er or one In two Idliltl Tele phone PA More ELDERLY LADY Wdtild like posi tion as companionhousekeeper Reliable Reference Write Box Barns Examiner to nyahi he grl nice Full set or books to trl hellnce Telephone 73BH7 Eimvalc Li LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims gainst the Estate of JAMES HENRY HEALEY late otihe village of Eimvale STILL STARS By ASSOCIATED PRESS drove in four runs withghia let aï¬s eadla place Cincinnati to 96 triumph over Milwaukee Braves that kept Reds on games back at National League leading Dos Angeles Dodgers Pitching Larry Jackson Cardinals limited Chicago Cubs tivc singles striking out seyen while walking none in 71 victory FROM our MEAT srhvlcrcouuuh aouetess RUMP on aouuo STEAK eCounty at simmered tired who died on the 3rd day of July test must forward some to the undersigned on or beiore the nth day of Sept ember 1982 after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto and the executors will not be liable to any person at whose claim they shall not then have notice Deted at Barrie Ontario this 24th day of August AD192 BOYS ISEAGRAM and ROWE 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario Copy Ibr Want Ad Section macccote