Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Sep 1962, p. 2

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jrnicnivn orMina days racing The first boats home the annual Invitational County Recreation Bd An intensive summer of work was reported to the Simon County Community and Retro ntion Board The Qgiit Rug and Crait Fair was held In Benton from Holy 25 to is and was success Iful About 3000 people attended tand the event attracted wide icoinmcnt all across Canada Itttss Louise Colley County Re crcation Directo in her top aclty as executivesccrclary oi ithe Slmcoa County Arts and Cratts Association worked with little committee as coordinator Early in the summer word gwas received from the Depart ment of Indian Aftalrs that the Slmeoe County Recreation Board would receive grant based on $2 per person liservlce in the field of community organization and recreation could be given jon Christian Island Floyd Griesbaeh Associate Director ot the Simcoe County Community fond Recreation Service took on this assignment His work there shows what can be done when people are encouraged and help ed to learn some skills of or ganlzntIoLnediJeadership Ar youth committee has been mak ing good progress on the Island and during the vacation season several social events were held winner and com roasts and record hop This co asgrecently ahsistedt akers Club and the Hand Council with the current major project on the Island the annual pheasant hunt The hall needed painting and the young people volunteered to take care of this andtdid fine job The Homemakers Club sent box of over loo craft articles to sell at the Quilt Rug Abdfirait Fair litany of these eyes of visitors and good size cheque went back to Christian Island SWIMMING Swimming classes with Mrs Flora Broley of Barrie as in structor were also an outstan ing success Upwards of so children took part in these and progress was startling as shown by the excellent results of Rad Cross Swimmin and Water Safety Tests Eight received Junior and eleven received inter mediate awards The staff has helped commun id ity committees in various parts at the County with the organ TODAYS STOCK MEnmpiie3I1YATETFtynn es Dunlap st EVfifIIIflsI Yacht Clubs lzatlon of special events picnic in Ore Township the Corn Iiill School reunion In Sunnidole Township lawn dance hayride and beach party for the Beeton Riirni Youth group Requests for technical advice about improving recreational fe cilities in summer resort area and several social events have been filled Two leaflets have been prepared by Floyd Cries bach Facilities for Outdoor Swimming Classes and Elec tion Procedures for Community Organlrntlons Orders for the latter are already being ro eelved including one from the Federated CoOper at ve for Western Canada Louise Collay has given major assistance to the National Programme Com mittee oi the United Church Womcn In preparing leaflet dealing with group work and human relations wide variety of mail has reached the Shares County Re creation otfiee This has includ ed information about the Phys tcnl Fitness Festival at the Canadian National Exliibi the next Canadian Conference dn Children in 10 and work shopon Education for the Aging to be held October In Requests have been received for material to be included in the Bulletin of tbeSoclety oizDirectors rof Municipal Recreation and tar stall to attend special meet ing sponsored by the Ontario Recreation Association on The Indian and Community Recrea tion questionnaire asking bout personnel ndministrn on as been received from the Lon don Recreation Department in addition there are constant re tion Service Staff members accompanied by Frank Willoek of Community Programmes Branch visited both Victoria Harbour and Stayiier in answer to requests for in formation about taming lanai mimicipal recreation committees Total enrolment in swimming classes in the County was up this year This was achieved through variety of rmange meats Fitteen communities have swrmmlng classes under the supervision of the director of swimming and water safety BEES Barrie NDUITRLAL Asbestos ANNE at Se Aluminium Alberta Gu Alta Nat Cu Atlnl Steel is oi Mont Bank at NS Hell Tel Erulilhn BA 01 EC towar can Imp likcom OddBrawn CPR Cln Cement Can Chemical gain 01 nguy Power Con Minds Con Paper Consumers Cu DonL Tar Gt Lakes GIL row Lnbntt Lnkelnnd Mac Pow Nornndn Cart Dyna can Hush Can Devonian Camp can goo Nikki DEM nu Cnn Hill 390 505 110 As Dentson Mines this sin Lamaque rado Salli van Fltenribrldfl Normetal TAKING PRIDE Dis San horn Found Dom Sturll Harden Forms Home PIL Home 0i Hui Ea Min Imp To new In Oil In Accept Inland N3 Inter Nickel internrov Pt donkey Clubp Musey Perl Maritime bf lttnrrny Min New North so is 117 its 3in no my son iilr 44 at 470 we 74 100 not 21a on trait me new Nor onL NG Moore corp Mela Polo Oshawa Pacific Pate Pom Pipe Page Horsey Que NIL GI Hawk Siddeley Rathmnns Royal Bank Salads Shlrriu Simpson Shawlntreo steel or Can Torment BL Trans Can Trans Mt Trad Mn Texaco Union flan Walker GAIN Northntn Opemlskn Quemont life Alum Sher Cordon Steep Rock United nu throy Wiltsey 2175 760 it Lei 55 51 33 295 IN PRECISIQN Fride of eraitamonshlp inspires every one of our mechanicn to proceed with predator skill malt big difference MARKE on every lab or auto repair Trcir in your favor cur morons no7 goo time was had by all Examiner Photo Mrs Mary Elliott Leadership for these classes has been pro vided on shared basis with staff oi qualified swimming personnel travelling from one area lo another Local comm lttces which sponsored these classes were as lollows ford Highway No it Strand Alcona Churchill Leonardsl Beach Bradford Elmvale Dod phin Wyevaie Saurin aner ley etci hinplcton Phelpston Wed and Silver aniei Mount St Louis Coilingwood two groups Nottawasaga tzion Jubilee Dun troon etc Stnyner Wasaga and Patchs Beach Tottenhsm Town Tottenhnm Country Road Head Advanced classes were held in four areas of the County About l600 children were enrolled al together in the above classes Alliston and District with its committee had over two children from eight local groups attend ing the Alliston Rotary Pool for classes Earl Gllroy directed this program The recreation director Miss Colley worked with this committee as consult Ins secretary Fenetonguiahene had 252 children enrolled in sWimming classes This program is administered by the Penetang uishene Recreation Council with the county recreation director as adviser MissShlrle MeKa was end swim Five day camps initiated by local community committees and under the supervision oi Mrs Florence Fish of the Slmcoe County Community Recreation SerViees were held at Glen calm Ehnvaic Stayner Coll ingwood and Painswick Two hundred and twentyvtive children were enrolled Leader ship was sin hared quests rouletterot referencer totalsb from young people who hava worked for the County Recrss ssi came our eaders and volunteerspent we weeks in each at the above named communities Directors for the day camps were Laurie Damon and Miss Susan Jones of Barrie Brian Meteolfe at Toronto and Floyd Gricsbnch of Simeoe County Recreation ervice Some evaluation meetings with summer staffs and local swim ming and day camp committees have already been held and more areyotrto comerltrls ashamed that over 20 such meetings will be held within the next few weeks In discussing this report the board remarked on the inton siva nature ot the scrviceihe staff was commended for its iineieitorts this summer he ceohrealfiittieultiesfincause budget office assistance has been curtailed and Mrs Florence Fish has carried heavyburden of ott ice work in vaddit to her supervision of the day camp Gli RIBBON WINNERS at Bar rlo Yndit Club in the consul invitation event between Bor rlo and Oakvlile Yacht Clubs in which Oakviiie ran away with the first eight plum are WEATHER Synopsis An area of showerl and tbundershowers will spread across Ontario today in advance of the arrival of cooler weather Lake St Clair Lake Huron Lake Erie regions Windsor London Mainly cloudy today and Wednesday with occasional showers and scattered thunder showers Wednesday Winds south is today becoming northwest 20 Wednesday Niagara Lake Ontario Geor gian Bay Haliburton regions Hamilton Toronto Increasing cloudiness today with showers and scattered tbundcrshowcrs eginnlng this afternoon ltlainly cloudy with occasional showers anditurnlng cooler Wednesday Winds light becoming south 15 this afternoon and northwest 20 nesday Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Wednesday Windsor St Thomas London Kitchener Wiaghain Hamilton 7t 70 65 75 65 75 75 70 75 70 Toronto Peterhorough Trenton Kltlaloe Muskoka North Bay Sudhury Enrlton 55 Kapuskesing 55 staff and program plus other work with groups in addition the weather was anything but cooperative and caused re scheduling oi losses and extra field trips $52333$2$$8¥$$838 TN LINE The financial report showed that finances were in line with the approved budget in discussing the future plans oi the Simcne County Community and Recieatlon Service the board noted that the office had never tamed down legitimate request made to it in all the yaarsvotwttsiexiston there is uncertainty as to the services tutuie because at County Councils motion to re pool the bylaw under which the Simcoe County Recreation Board operates as otDeeem her at 1962 Under the circum stances the board stated that the staff should be extremely cautious in undertaking new projects this fall Evaluation meetings and programs with such organizations as the Sim coaCountyArts nadCratts As sociation Beeton Rural Youth Committee group etc will be given attention However new requests will bacareitllly re corded to be considered it and when the program In reorgan ined and revamped The board plans to hold i1 tober People from us Pro vincial and National recreation and community organizations will be invited to provide in formation on similar services in other areas gearsomeone i0 from leit Doug Ronny Nation oi Snipe Champion and third in Sundayls event ltyearold Elli Hendmhot who shared second place and Howard Richards lTIEMDRB Ocikviile Take Invitation and runnerup in the national Championships to Doug Keary Go right is Al Sariesat Rear Commodore oi the Barrie Yacht Club who brought the first Barrie boat over the line UnempbymentUp Near 25 Per Cent The number of unemployed males registered at the Barrie National Employment Service Office is up about 75 per cent from the same date last year according to figures released by the NES officetoday There were not unplaced inni applicants on August at 1962 compared to 425 on the same date last year On August 31 there were four more unemploy ed males registered than on July it when the figure was 550 Hraemer manager of the Barrie National Employment Service oltices said the main reason In the rise in the number at unemployed males was lay otis at Camp Borden DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS New YorkDavid Hoyt Sull berger ot stock broker and brother of the chairman of the board at the New York Times Terrncine Itoly Maurizio Serra 23 noted underwater swimmer who wrote the book My Friend the Shark after be Ing attacked by shark MadridJose Canon 81 pres dent ot the Spanish morals sci ence and political academy of cerebral arteriosclerosis Santa Cruz Calif James Mentholby ltiaedonald 63 Ca nadianborn veteran Broadway actor Worcester lttassRichard Guest as vicepresident of the Massachusetts Life insurance Company until retirement mercenaries The picture for iemale em ployment Is little brighter 0n us August 31 there were 213 to males compared to 390 on July El and 853 on August 31 1961 During August all males and its females were placed on Jobs Mr Kramer said at least 150 of these went to work in the tobacco harvest lhere are 79 male vacancies mostly in the agricultural field mainly the tobacco harvest The others aroscattered through various occupations The otflceihas Itl unfilled fe male labs and these are in cler ical and sales service occupa be lions including waitresses and mes 52 two months ago after collaps lng while playing golf Pietau NS George Murray 56 publisher and edi tor ol the weekly Pletou Advo cate and past president of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association North Conway hill Poet cummings 67 also nov elist playwright pointer alter stroke Osaka Japan Ht Rev Fraser 85 Tomato born founder oi the Searboro For eign Mission Society tendon Ont Alfred Morrlce 79 pioneer oi offset lithography Fair Haven NJ William Blair e7 father oi radar in the United States Hollywood Billy Wilkerson 72 founder of Holtyivood Re porter and the man most cred ited with developing Sunset Strip into plush night life ar heart attadi Ltd QUALITY useo CARS VOLKSWAGEN SALES AND SERVICE BI Essa Rd PA 55558 CHANGEOVER CAN BE DUNE FEW HOURS PA 66558 amount of cash It was lair wind ior Oak vdle Yacht Club Sunday as the tailor made Lclcan sweep of the annual Invitation event against the host Barrie Yacht Club on Hempenlelt Day With eight snipe in the wa ter and the winner of the na tional championships and hi runnerup in the lineup Oak vllle had the first eight boots across the finish line of the six mile race Howard Richards was first home Sunday beating third place National Champion Doug Kcary Richards was runnerup to Henry to the national event at New Brunswick In August Saatchlng second place Sun day behind Richards war it year old hill Hendershot at is age veteran sailor First Barrie bent home was skipped by Al Serieant rear commodore of the Barrie Club innn open cluss event five Barrie boats entered with Hmwne winning in his four me tre followed byMMacLarcn in lightning With almost cloudlcss skies and consistent breeze some pro nounced it an ideal day for sailing semc could have used hilin more wind BOUND ON BRAZIL Keary will be bound for Brae 111 this winter to compete in Western Hemisphere Chant pionships against the best of the United States Bermuda Check Theit Iii Drug Store double window on the west side of Atlandale Drug Store was found forced open late Sunday morning and cash and rubbing alcohol stolen from inside The break was discovered lust ore noon Sunday and exam ination showed that two ttlls had been forced rotten smsll removed and quantity of rubbing alcohol moved from the store shelves Barrie city police are investi gating stairs KLEENEX 200s 400 32 Hltilils IDAVITES 100s reg 495 A7V COLGATE denial 33am reg 98c FtORIENT Air Deodorant reg Loo 139 STOPPETTE RollOn Deodorant reg 98c 79c room PASTE SPRAY NET manna rumor smallness 15 Sailors Cuba the Bahamas and the top helmsmen of many South Ameri icnn nations He said he will not take his own boat with him the Bra liiinn authorities will provide snipe for him to race Hts pro blern will be staying to trim for the event may will be right in the middle of their cannon Idowa there well be right in the middle of the off season he said Sunday We may chop Ice and keep sailing right into Dev cember to keep our hands in he went on Hoary who has sailed but about everywhere in North Amtrein had many kindtwords to say about Kernpenfelt Bay as sailors paradise His ven dict one of the most anion able sailing areas we visit in the season For the first time since the event was started Barrio writ travel to Oakville for return iisture later indha seasons rt INHALES DIES FALL RIVER Mass AP Wayae McKowea is was found dead Sunday after inhaling va pors from model airplane glue QUALITY FUEL SAFE CLEAN DEPENDABLE sauce rsAcocK residential Lauren PA 8522s Special Values and Reminders This Week Money Saving SPEEIIIIS VITA DIET ths of 90 tablets regr298 on 499 LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE 89c tubes 99c tusrnfiaEius reg 250 START scuoor RIGHT WITH VESQUIRE BOOTH POLISH 29c Finishing Touch Nail Polish Dryer L25 191 237 63 Mens 65 SCRIPTO $I00 Pen 59 Refill 98c 79c 98 139 THERMOS wide mouth 279 369 425 NORTHRITE on PEN 98c DISCOUNT PRICES ANACIN rag to CARTERS Little Liver Pilis tag 95 CREST Tooth Paste reg 105 ENO FRUIT SALTreg II9 NOXZEMA skin cream reg 189 I49 PALMOLIVE shave cream reg 65 MilkmfeMagnesior RESDAN reg I50 SILVIKRlNrtieuidShanipoofrag 29 392 TONI Home Permanent reg 200 ALLANDALE DRUGSILtdhA Esra Road PA 82 23 CALDWELL oaucs Ltd 66 Dunlap St PA earns SLOAN 128V banning Street PA c5401 aoss onus STORE Angus 449sosi 89 I49

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