to of ltlch4 mou Hill Ont was charged today with capital murder in the sheath death of the Bank of Monticello branch manager berellrldny Polioalaid another man also in connection Armstrong was arrested in MI Ibnhtiaacd shack near htin Earlier Provincial ii Const ft Dcslnuriers said he and lusp Stringer ar rested mop In building near Coboconk 35 miles southwest of here and he was taken to Lind say for questioning One report said the men was tnkeri loLindiay hospiial sofa fering from bullet wound An other report said the man was arrested in doctors office lnsp Stringer said police were tin building where the suspect vas arrested by Armstrongs brother Alan so who was living in cottage about five milrs from here Police learned that Alan had visited lawyers oliice earlier and from theri they traced his car to highway is The car was stopped by OPP constable ft Deslaurier abort am Armstrong toil police to the building banked his horn five times and his wounded brother came not George Armstrong was arrested no taken to hos pitativhereiie is being Jreated erï¬lirrgi bank employees sold it was the second time during the day the manhnd been in the bank The first timchc asked to see the manager but left without seeing him McConnell ti married and father of l7yrarold daughter was keeping tin bank open late because he bodbecuduc to be gin his vacation today and he mom who acted ih gunm apparently was not interested in ALVMulfdeT Manager the manager for fewmiaataa and thou employees board an argument begin McConnell was heard to any this is it and mentioned the alarm SMASHES GLASS tte gtninian rolled into the plan door of the office sinash ing the glass and competitor self Then he pulled 25cell bro automatic pistol from shopping bag it fired shots inane ichonu The manager staggered fro his office and fell to the floor Reg Wilsonhn teller said the gunman nishod from the bank after warning the staff Dont muvo anybody He jumped info car and drove north from this village 55 miles north of Pcterborough lilcConnells daughter Linda was shopping about block from the bank and was taken to hospital suffering from shock Eiffel being told of her fathers ea McConnell Joined the bank in 1935 iii Halifax He served in various branches until the Sec ond World War and after the war served in Hamilton and London Out lie was ap inted manager of the Ion stealing nay grey spoke to EURAS La AP FBI agents are intestigafiug re ported fhreats oi violence aria ing from desegregation of Roman Catholic school in this small unincorporated town near the mouth of the Missis sippi Rive The school was closed Friday by church authorities who said they feared violence and insuf ficient police pulsation The indicatodth acted to fe On Wednesday ive Negroes and 38 white1persons walked past large white tomb in scribed none except those of white blood to be hurt tom and started in of integrated Caihollc tilting branch in July classes in Louisiana The next clay the Negroes stayed away and the white at tcudanoe was down to 25 ORDERS INVESTIGATE Less thanithree hours after church authorities ordered the school closed Attorney General Robert euuedy Catholic himself ordered the FBI to investigate charges of threatened violence Sheriff Chester Wooten said his deputies bed the situation in hand dozen uniformed oftii cers mingled with the crowd of 100 spectators and pickets out side the closed schools Friday esidesthesorpeopleareut to cause any trouble ato tribunals2 Vidleirice HAVANA tori invasion litters gripped Havana today cite Unitcd States is preparing now attempt to pie Premier Fidel Castros reg ma The jitters arise fromuucon firmed reports of new landings by antiCastro insurgents in cen tral and eastern Cuba The Cas tro regime officially ignoring the reports ordered partial mo bilization oi the militia and re inferred guards at key Havana installations tWashington charges that two Cuban vessels fired on in Us navy plane over international waters Thursday broughta Viol lent denial from Castro early today in Havana radio broad cast monitored in Key West The Swiss embassy which handled US affairs here its iHeath Slated For ECM Talks LONDON Reuters Prime lilinisier ltlacmtiieo is likely to send chEIAWCoinmoa Market th hid11 liï¬ttuidhfefalï¬Twithuropean Common Market ministers he fare the Commonwealth prime ministers conference Sept 10 it was teamed Friday The foreign office announced that Both the deputy foreign minister will have dinner talks in Paris next Monday with Mau rice Couve de Morvilie the French foreign minister on his way back from holiday in southern France But Heath afsowaa expected to meet otherndnisters involved complex negotiationsoa application to join the sixnation Conuuon Market to formed sources sat Desegregation Brings Threats said Wooten They yust want their school back An hour after the church pas tor Rev Christopher Schneider told reporters he had decided not to hold classes Leander mmunlcatcd po litical boss of Plaquemiues Par ish county went to the school to address the pickets The worldour worldwill applaud Piaquemines for its courage said the 71yeareld Perez who has had political its sister across the Jam Strait the Federatiouof lila ioya control of Vibeparish for to years am proud of you for Iresistlng this Communistin spiredforccd integration am equally proudfherohosbeea no troubl for Vfuscdto say whether it had livered to the Castro rcglmu the uhenfliopszeadlas tl5wruingthat=aarsocb stepped up charges that the tech in tho futurowiil be met with all means necessaryI AFTER SELLING The plane iucidcnf came less report sunrises on Jitters Grip Cuban People than weclr after aatiCasfro students in twosmaii boats shelled suburban Havana ho tel filled with Communistbloc technicians and fondled off newround of Cuban charges that US invasion of the la iaad was imminent Havana trafflc policemen fo day carried stubby aubmacblne guns in addition to their usual side arms but the city remained quiet However informed sources said oibnu police have stopped accepting applications from Cubaus for travel to the states until further no The informants said the order also apparentlyaffects travel by Cubans to other Western nations but does not apply to foreigners coming into Cuba No hint was given is to the reason for the decision or when it might be rescinded However it apparently will not imme diately delay the exodus of Cu haitzbcorivioavingflo 2000 week most by the 16 flights week to Miami There is founmouth backlog of pes sengeis with exit permits ARREST 400 Meanwhile 400 persons have been rounded up in mass ar rests throughout the island Cu bes polic announced Friday at Mexican airliner flew so Cu ban refugees from the Uru guayan Embassy in Haven in Mexico City Friday iltrrastiic first of live plenaedJiightsto bans who had taken the embassy The refugees were allowed to take maximum oi 22 pounds of luggage from Cuba The were to fly to Miami today asylum in resort our The Examiner wflt not publish an edition on Labor Day Dally publication will resume Tuesday September SingaporeIVotes 0nliniiy Issue jiNGAPORE AP This teeming island state is voting udoy on how it will unite with The ruling Peoples Action rPaify of Prime =hiirtisfer Kuea Yew has staged year loagtiglil for the merger The doctorate can only vote you on merger but the bat iot offers three choices of how it should be realized 0f Singapilieres estimated tr independent Singapore with in dependent Malaya Maiayas Malays outnumber the Chinese in the federation by only about 900000 Under the plan Singapore Malaya andtho Borneo terri tories of Bruu Sarawak and North Borneo William coun try of 10000000 Typhoon Hits Hang Kong HUNG KONG tReuters Tilphoou Wanda hit this arowdcdjdiritii coionyw1tb full area today killing persons 05 miles an bonnie 100 pe hs More than 15 persons are homeless and about 18 are miss ngaccording incomplete re ports outlying island waited the res toration of it about at rate at almost bring out an estimatede Cu MOSLEMS DEMONSTRATE on street corner in Algiers eating for an end aficivil war and strife in recently in depcndcat Algeria Hiousauds roamed the streets asva gen eral strike grippedtbc cap ital Labor unions the Comm 3c 1V1 ALGIERS AP Ai etteredmeerecdo ii war today as 30000 re lar army troops massed south west of Algiers for threat ened offensive against met our guerrilla forces holding the capital The rebel guerrfllaleaflers of wiiayas fmilitaryzoaesl and ordered their smaller and less well equipped forces to hold the city at any cost They also attempted to drtun up civilian backlngfor their cause calling on the Moslern population to form human bar riers against any advance by the motorized heavilyarmed regular troops loyal to VicePre mier Ahmed lien Bellas politi cal burenu There appeared to he scant popular support for either side inthocapital Warns its has IihlorePiane ey moanfwonaisou WASHINGTON CPi ident Kennedy has warned Cuba unist Party and mntinous guerriliesin control of the city urged the demonstration with slogans such as Down with civil war and Seven years of war is enough AP Viropbofo via radio from Far ldas southern tip Imminent guns howtizo ad recollicss field guns and awaited wordto move out Their commanding officer Mai Ahmed Sadoun said The National Liberation regular Army intends to establish order in the capital and order will be established The rebels tool Algiers last Saturdayforcing the political bureau to flee The insurgents claimed Ben Bellas faction sought to turn its facto gov eminent into mihtary dicta torship Bar Association has Friday 20000 lifoslems pan eded through the streets of Al giers shooting down wrtb civil war Theydemanded an end to the chaos which has mcked this nation sincoibwon inde peadence from France two months agoaffer no years of bloody rebellion and terrorism The rebels appeared to have some success in the country side where they organized dc monstrations in scores of vii lages and towns There was no report that the regular army forces errned with Soviet and Chinese wee Wdndci at least 50 The typhoon travelling about Word ceaualtiesdrom puns had received marching ordersHowever one group of 2000 at Tiaret 150 miles from ships including the Brill commando carrier Bulwark sailed out of home Friday night toride out the stnrvnat Vsea es the typhoun swept from the Pacific At least three person and murcthaugOvve whcnotttfoo struck the outlying town tia this arcing One the am town wasjfloa depth of five feet and the United Stateswiil return tire lf American ship or plane are molested on or over inter national watersoft the Cuban coast The wamlu followed alleged Cuban mach iregunning of slow moving Amertcenoavai piano while on routine train ing mlnioa Cuban Premier Fidel Castro ina radio broadcast monitored at Key Westrie dehiedtoday that hiban shipsfiled on the US plane and said the White House charge is eovcriiptor what he called continual US aggression against Cuba In broadcast over Havana radio monitored hero Castro said that any further aggree stop by the United States will be met by the strongest repri so The government of Cuba is not afraid of the United States Castro said inthe broadcast The people of Cuba will an swer any aggression with the highest cost to the United ployed in efforts to bolster Sliding mlssloua description first ero cia Gary Powers went down to Russia The naval keemdu said he plane was tug low on an observation course par allel to theitwo Cuban vessels The plane was tiyin low enough to that the men in the vessels could minimum the markings the spokesman said WATCHING RED TRAFFIC He did not elaborate but it appeared likely the US plane was one on number sent out to keep track of heavy flow of Sand ahlp traffic to Cuba reportcdtp helmportlng runny Soviet technicians as well as in dusfrlal and militarycquipmcnt tbeCubaa Communist regime Kennedy did not say how the embed forces will seek to pro tect themselves and assure the free use of theopeu sensnoF molly anything more than three milesfroin the cost uJtï¬amaimejountriesr maintain sov gnty extends miles off the coast However the naval spokes men said there are great many US ships and planesio Straitsaom gt north Cuban coast near the city of Cardenas no mile east of Havana the White House said Frideynight SHIPS OPEN FlitE naval spokesman said that two small naval vessels be lieved to he Cuban were in the area and that either one or mild rcspouï¬ulclrly if celled upon the warning is clear he said They the thibansi just better not shoot at us while we are on the high seas Some Republicans have urged Kennedy to seed in the 115 Marines to quash the Soviet supported Cuban military build both opened fire on the sari autlsubmarine tracking plane which had flown from the Bose Chloe navel station on Fl on at trig mission The piano nonoaliy carries bombs and depth charges on well as rudnr but no machine guns Neither the twiucngiaed aircraft nor its crew of three naval reservists were in the first ineldenbof itakind intho tease Caribbean area Kennedys warning relayed Friday night to the Fidel Cas troregimetbrougbwttirswise embassy in Havana said in any such future incident The US armed forces will employ all means necessary for their own protection and will assure their free use of such waters Congressional leaders ep plauded the White House action saying there is nothing the US can do but retaliate if chat longed Cubans have repeatedly ac cused US planes of violating Cubpri air space up but Kennedy stated earlier thlsweok he is opposed to di rect invasion because of the wider implications this would have in the EastWestcold Operation Effects Cause Girls Death RICHMOND Va AP The side effects of rare operation in which she received healthy kidney from her mother brought death today to tsyear eldnlnnetwriclc icago hospital statement said she diedof hemorrhage caused by complications of the total body irradiationshc received prior to the transplant opera tion The transplanted kidney builtl continued to function very we or Doctors explained Kflint if radiati of the entire dil with Viirays and the use drugs was necessary prior to the Aug operation to prepare Janets body for the dney The White House insistedthat therpiane was on training from her mother Mrs Rowena Crick 41 HALIFAX CPiédhe inna tcnced to more than six months Asystem along this lined diau Bar Association Friday recommended major change in the sentencing regulations for penitentiary prisoners Thecbougcarri at after number of suggestions on the same subject were reyccted would make federal authori responsible for prisoners Boysiiesign is indian Emblem deslgn bya 15yearoidlilanitoha Indian TORONTO fCPl for offences under federal statutes This means great many prisoners who now serve time in provincial and municipal prisons and tails lessgadaptcd to rehabilitation would take their sentences in penitanfiaries or other federal institutions schoolboy has been chosen as the national emblem of Can edas lodiansThe emblem two peace pipes crossed in front of gwam is by Sam Isaac ogBirtle indoneSians Approve iran Agreement JAKARTA APt Tithe Indonesianrlarllamentapprovad un ab ously today flie DutchIndonesian agreement transferring ed stration of West NewGuinea to ladouesiaby next ltfayl after periodof UN oilrtiiaistralionK WNDON GP Claims King Arthurs Tomb nun archaeologist says he has found the the helllegendary ruins of Clay nbttry iNo Request For Financialiilid BONN Reuters AWéstGaimanforeign office spokes miuigszxidjtrldaysfhutnoyreduest has been received so for for west Genuine inaneial ossistaacortoward the maintenance meat favored by some of the small prnvlucesvwitb limited penal facilities Under existing law risoncrs sentenced to more than two years regardless of offence are sent to federal penitentiary Delcgatee at the associations annual meeting acted on resold tions from the criminal justice section The weaklong session ends today with more rcsniu lions andqelecfion of officers tionalong with others pass by the association will be for worded to the justice dcphlh Also agreed to was proposal that drivers who have lost their licence th convictiena under the Juvenile Delinquency Act the Motor Vehicle Act or the Criminal Code be allowed to continue drivingpending the outcomeof an so cal The general session rejected number of criminal Justice recommendations the moat important being Nova Scotla eponsored proposed amendment to the Criminal Code which would extc ndi as under which pohcemen or private citizen may make ar rests withouta warrant lt wouldvpermi arrest with ind table of Canadiaaarmcd form stationed Netlierlan Pay island lone tintrpohsrronsiiar iscg endltii buts out that Theliothcrlnnds has ii iroyed anddi it Show IN ioiiannrseono more real now an these oundnffér Johanursbus monomer Socwanraswmriuowrarmusrmmï¬lrmsinm was in 193s foikarehn as hall in ng any consequence in the Witcphoto out