Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Aug 1962, p. 2

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WING COMMANDER 15 Smith of New Westminster 54 on airer eomptetingzi years continuous service =5nu Mljmwmrmwhwngcdflem Chief Training 01 CAF boy trnat first served at RCAF WEATHER Synopsis Very warm sultry weather continues in southern and parts of control Ontario to day Cool showery weather pre vails over and north of tire up per lakes minor disturbance moving through lndinna will lik ely cause showers in extreme southwestern Ontario today and second and stronger disturb once approaching northern Lake Huron Saturday should more widespread activity throughout the lower lakes Lake St Clair regions Wind sor Partly cloudy very warm and humid today and Saturday Chance of few showers or thunderstorm iii afternoon scattered showers and thunder Saturday aitemoon Vinds southeast 10 to 15 today southwest 15 to 20 Saturday Lake iHuron Lake Erie re gions London Sunny with dy intervals continuing worm and humid today Partly cloudy and continuing warmSa tuidny with few showers or thunderstorms in the afternoon Winds light today southwest 15 Saturday Niagara western Lake Onta rio souther Georgian Bay rc glons Hamilton Toronto Sunny wi few cloudy inter vals continuing warm and hu mid today and Saturday Chance of scattered showers and than dcrstqrms Saturday Vaiteiaoon Winds light today southwest 15 Saturday Eastern Lake 0ntavio Hali hurton regions Sandy with few cloudyiniervals continuing warm today and Saturday Winds light today southwest 15 Saturday Northern Georgian Bay southern Timagami Algoma re gions North Bay Sault Ste Marie Partly cloudy and warm today Mostly cloudy tonightend Saturday Scattered showers and thunderstorms de veioping this afternoon and con tinuing Saturday Not quite so warm Saturday continuing humid Southcrly winds near 15 becoming easterly or northeast erly Saturday Forecast Temperatures an tonight High Saturday Windsor 85 85 115 85 85 iii Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Peterborough Trenton Kit Sudbury Station Camp Borden Alter serving at RCAF stations from coast to coast in his cap he so iiriT ion Comp Borden At the iicer there Liit Quarantine Oi Boys Father TORONTO CPIRev James Orr father of young small pox victim will have his quor antine iiiledltlondoy and be free to leave the home of friends where he has been iso latcd since Aug 10 The announcement was made Thursday by Dr William lites lcy medical officer of health for suburban East York itir Orr missionary from Three Hills Alta and mem bers of his family were return log home after iivo years in the Brazilian interior when his to year old son James was found to be suffering from smallpox The boy isolated since Aug 111 at eastend Riverdaie Hospi talt may also be released next week said Dr George hic Craeken the hospitals medical director The boys mother brother and sister who travelled with him were quarantined at their Alberta home France Suspects Secret Visitor PARIS Reuters French newspapers today say the gov ernment is considering legal ac tion against ontiGaullist former minister Jacques Soasteite ru mored to have paid clandes tine visii to Paris on the eve of the Aug 22 attempt to as sassinate President de Gdulie So far there areno charges against Snustelle cxpelied roni Italy earlier this month and since has been reported in West Germany The newspaper France Soir says reports of secret Paris visit by Sousteile have not been confirmed it comments that even itthey were true and the French authorities had known at his presence they would hsye had no legal grounds tor arresting the former minister Two strangled Man Questioned EDMONTON roe Police today were questioning lit oid man in connection year with the deaths of two women strangled here Thursday night Names of the victims were not revealed by police but they were believed to be mother and her married daughter Thsi warm illed in his sariTc lnEaTi random r1 FthtllL LIEUTENANT ing as Sunday School Super visor Lay Reader iaochlk Gntesoi 00 Napier Street Barriehasredredfrgm the Saskatchewan FL Gates has ann da and considers Barrie as his h0mclie is married to the former Ada Varley of Col llngwood and they have four children Fl Gates is an ac tive member of St Giles Ang ican Church in Barrie ser Anglicans Close EighliDCIYSession KINGSTON CPIThe merit of the Anglican Church oi Canada has closed its 2151 trien nial smsion and delegates dis persed to parishes across the country with prayer to en large our hearts and enkindie our zeal Midday prayers Thursday pledging the churchmen to work with more ready dilis gence concluded an eightday meeting at which delegates la bored at least eight hours each day to hammer out poiicycn saw in he Barrie school1M was taken at gJ ll honor of F11 Gates and shows left to right Group Captain it Hilton commanding Officer RCAF Station Camp Borden FL Gatcs and 11 Benson ufficers mess pres 11105 tilllliet ideal Afarmcensusis acres to 13156 British Colum 2521 to earn and Cub parlia subjects ranging from divorce and nuclear weapons to the the ological naunces of the historic episcopate depleted synod at full strength on upper house of iii bishops and lower house at 295 clergy and laymen diss sroc union name FRIDAY AUGUST 81 Shows Decline Orchard Acreage OTTAWA iCPl Fruit or chard acreage in Canada dc clined by 10 per cent in the 195641 period with agate trees taking ihc sharpest rep The Dominion Bureau at Sts tlstlcs released another section of its last term census today showing fniit orchard ma at 0150 acres It was down 10 per cent from 1956 and to per cent from the 1051 figure made every five years Ontariolost 5910 arm or or chard land lathe liveyear no mo most of It to industrial and residential or nsion It ban has 60720 orchgrd acres Nova Scotia dropped i015 bio 1989 to 37100 and Quebec The number of rapid trees on commercial orchards was down it per cent from 1956 litarlret garden acreage for vegetables was up 11 per cent in the same period to 21mm th increased plantings crcegecdcuotcdttodhasmali fruits strawberries raspber ries and grapes shot up per £15453 area of greenhouses it per cent over 1956 totals and whopping 70 per cent irom the lost iigure Since 1921 fruit orchard acre age has been reduced by half During that time the number of apple trees declined from nearly 11000000 to less than 5000000 while other iniits showed increases in contrast the 1061 vegetable acreage of 216003 acres com pared to only 30009 acres in commercial vegetable produc tine in 1921 Bettermethods of packaging preserving and dis tributing cg eta bies have caused the leap the Church is lagging behind the rest of the world in recognizing the worth istrative matters oi women in admin His point was underlined by corn mactomotoes and beans leading the way who armors cussed administrative matters Thursday and issued special plea to allow women bigger say in the councils of the Church Canon Scott of WinniA peg said it is tragedy diet the fact that he was reading report on womens work in the Church authorized by commit tee chairman Grace llutchlngs at London Ont She was dele gate tapast synods while living in Toronto 74 notice Minister Uses iRare Power Of Office KENme VITAWA iCPlJustlce liia lster Fleming exercised rarelyused and littleknown power at the federal Justice minister to get the Ontario Appeal Court to review the conviction and sentence o1 Robert Roberts of Toronto Mr Fleming was in panic ulorty diiflciili position Thou sands of signatures were attired to millions may of them 1mm Mr Ficiriiogs own constituency asking reconsider ation of Roberts arson comic lions and 24 years sentences This is difficult pressure for any politician to resist without making the countrys higticd legal administrative office ap pear to be activated by political motives itir Fleming could have thrown out Roberts convictions and sentence Bat that might have seemed like site being swayed by Ipetition pressure So Mr tuning placed the problem squarely in the hand the courts where it could be decided without any question at litieoi pressure whether in fickle had been done Roberts Agriculture Minister Hamilton to has little earn alga under it that lur ltam lion might like to know about lieo been hand ing out cigars to friends around Parliament Hill No its not the arrival oi third child for the 50yesrgtold minister and his wife although thats the way it looks at first sight The cigar handouts are Claims ProblemOi conscience own tceiJiiré Roman CififihEani Canada said Thursday socialization is the oatur to the twin oiaiiiirianSociali lord and individualism In to Labor Day message is sued through the Canadian Catholic Conference the bishops said socialicalion gives human features to the planning re quired by industrial society titan smiles as he stands be tore his own creations The bishops message cati tled Socialization sold prob lem of conscience pervades the minds of the Canadian people This problem is the conflict of values the issue of individual freedom versus social progvr ress Pope John in his social en eyclieai Matter et Magistra is sued lssi year had pointed to resolution of the dilemma NATURAL UIIGE He called socialization the ex pression of mans natural well nigh irresistible urge to work with others toward objectives beyond the capabilities of the individual Totoittarisn and materialls tic socialism is an extreme heretical form of sociolllation declared the Catholic bishops Prevadesiliads0iCanosiisaiL in itself socialization no more necessarily leads to this kind of socialism than the natural de sire ter freedom necessarily lends io iheother extreme to dividualism indeed soelaillation with all the organizational activity which it implies is the natural solution to the dangers of both extremes in our society Socialization was also the res vitniisation to social life that had been destroyed by the spread of factories in the 19111 century NEEDS UNDERSTANDING Western society cannot he come truly human society if thereto nbasicmisunderstaod ing about the nature and tune tions of social organization said the bishops The organluitinn is meant to serve man not man the organi zation To misunderstand this is to throw us back upon the In dividualism versus socialism conflict of the 19th century Energy action and goodwill are wasted when society is with out social phyiosophy ade quate to the age sold the pre Iates They therefore urged that the churchs social teaching he studied now with great city than over before Kapuskasmg White River ilioosonee Tlmmlns TODAYS STOCK PRICES by Flynn Bi Danton St Harris Compiled trains name in the sparsely housed northwestern outskirts of the city The slayings apparen tly occurred about 915 pm First reports said the two women had been shot but pa lice said later they had been strangled They had lived in the home two months Asbestai 32 Abttlbi 45 Aisoni Steel it iimfnium 201 Alberta Gas zsy Aitti Not Gu Atin Steal 34 El n1 Mont 5W1 bank or was soy Bell Tel 51 Brlxilian BvA Oil ac Power Edutaika Com Cdo Brewer CPI Cds Cement Con Chemical Dom Tor Gt lecl Got Few Can Paper Norsndc Consumers fins 17 WINE Gsco hflsiss Connor it Can Dyna Can Husky can Devonian Goran Chih Con Del Rio flapper Randi Con listl Denisun Mines 10 Sullivan 190 Fiicenbrldgo 151 Wi 360 030 500 Holiingsr Lamlouo Lorena Narmetal ledea Forms Home Pit Homl 011 Burl Bay lilin Imp Tobacco no 011 36 In Accept II Inlunfl NO inter Nickel ll lnterprav Pips Jockey Club hissst F0 KnmAddisori Maritime titurrny 111th 95 New North IND 1315 acne Dam Found Dam Stores 13 Ner Ont no 17V liloero Corp 4a are Porn is 17 All ii its lwl 211 15 no Fete liii 31 Pain Pipe Page Hersey 13 1M Qua Not on 1134 IIIWIt Siddlov 390 50 EOthmlnl 14V NWII Bulk ENE Shirt 11 Simon 170 Showin hrs anDnm Bk Trans Gan Irlri Mt Trad Fin Union Gas Walker MW 1W4 19 195 315 985 155 115 United 0i 133 Wiiroy 45 Willie also Northnh 300 Opsmiskl Elli Quamant 775 lilo Aigom 390 Sher Gordon J0 Steep Rock 111 500 FIVE moss some oceans McKenzie New Northl Castle West Malrite Conofl oowaaes new roan evenness 1nd do so and an 01 Utilities up 31 condition ecoen nxoisane men too on an Golds up no Buhintllo am 17 on no1 wlt 18H Whh inake Whiskyhsays sonnsxxsncsmon DRIVING Do NOT Mex Fine whisky is luxury and should be treated as sucbAnd knowingfwhcn to say no plays gréat part intbe art of sensible living Neither whisky nor any other alcoholic beverage has anyplace at the wheel 2of an auto mobile This convictioo must be shared by every thinking person who drives car paiticaiarly this Labour Day weekend when many holiday ail in the interests of Canadian agriculture Canada is producing what US presidential candidate Al hillbioogcd for in the ismsn fined litHeat cigar Ilr 11am ton says Three Canadian trim using Canadiangrown tobacco of course are taming out the nickel cigar and Mr ilamilioa says hes doing his hit moire people aware of it by smoking them himself and offer iag them to friends along with boost for the Canadian product Defence Minister Darkness looked asuncomfortahle as the troops the other day when he got taste oi the torture the weather iniliets on the 1000M men who daily perform the changing of the guard ceremony on Parliament Hill in full ionnal regattatop hat cutaway coat striped trousers and stilt collarlitr liariracss made an inspection of the guard at the retreat core mooyon thohitlinoorteg temperature and almost 100 percent humidi At least his headgear was cooler than the men he in speeteo II DEIlTiiS Dy THE CANADIAN PRESS WiningAlbert liamcr former vicepresident of the Canadian Bar Association Oshawa OohArthur Hatch to one of the few remaining Oshawa Boer War veterans Quebec Edmond Levesque 72 father of Gerard Levesque Quebec iisiinndgamernlaister iondon EnglandDavid litur ray 74 prominent history novelist liooige IIiillliiS CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrio no so BL ing families will be travelling on Ontario highway If you expect to be at the wheel of car this weekend we say to you Think before you Dont drink before you drive TIIEAHOUSE OFISEAGRA1iI its MENWH crrrrvxon TOMORROW PEACEKQE Management TODAY

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