he atria 3xem FRIDAY AUGUST 1903 CANADIAN LEATHER TRADE MISSION TOEUROPII Members at the Canadian Cossor Aï¬istaul General hlan Leather Trade Mission to Ban agar it Clarke and Co Ltd Pf Photographed hiltlip orenta Ontario Mrgwcgie Id Ion In Ottawa prior to their Bcatty President Beard Mannobm Mn Lees 0mm departure for London Frankv more and Company Limited President The Coliis Leather lurt Zurich Paris anrl Dublin Acton Ontario hlr Charles Co Ltd Aurora Ontario and Leil to right Iitr George Payan Vicetrcsidcut Duclos lttr AlbertB Cook President Province Asked For Ruling 0n Regional Governing Units NIAGARA FALLS Ont tCPJ The Ontario Municipal Associa tion has asked the province to passgleglsiation allowing forma tion at area or regional units ot government combining smaller existing units resolution to have the ciatlons executivccommiitce submit hrlct to the province stating that there is no ade quate legislation governing the formation tbigï¬ï¬‚dlll icgionai HmEmmett an cat Icgrsafiï¬i passer at the assoc ions convention Wednesday The resolution alsosoys the Ohtlt believes the present units oi local government conccrucri with growth are having nnd Payan Limited St Hyaci nthe Quebec hlr JackMoore usit ml LHennnncTer Win nrpeg umcr Goods Divi slap ciai government to consider the design of distinctive Canadian flog displayed at the conven tion and it the provnicc has no ohiections pass the design on Ill Ottawa tor federal considera DII Cancer Remains cuity in dealing cltcctlvuiy with many at problems caused loam Another resolution can demning loitation by some unscrupulous merchan disers called on the provincial Deputy Reeve llector Lacnsse oi Tecumseh near Windsor submitted the resolution and srud Ottawa alrearb has 2400 tiag designs gathering dust and it is tlmc for action 1mm government to adopt legislation no new dost inoculate and control lwnk sections termini ruptcv EOIIIEDUlOl tram left to right There is fire and other such sales or to Unsungwk on the blue stripe ailowiho municipalities to adopt bylaws commune such sale 2ritipi° Ittiehtuiihii saithARE Anzmmdmcwo Tire delegates also scd resolution asking the province to clarity its laws on bingo rat tics and lotteries conducted by charitable institutions Inso snndiug vote persons die Each one of the killer 1inc medical science searching into provincial lri taxation struc than they used to room orsc saunas sror You SAFELY AND SUREL ADJUSTING FOR YOU GREATEREASE AND nacxauo which STEERING MAKcssrssurNosr FORTLESS AND smooru so THAT onwrue urs BEAUTY IS LIKE SITTING IN THE BAG JOYING THE DRIVE EATLANP EN ROOMINESS ISTHE MORRIS IIODS MIDDLE NAME WITH PLENTY OF ROOMFORS LARGE ADULTS AND LUGGAGE SPACE IN THIS COMPLETELY NE OR IS RORALL TRAVELING NEEDS coin dealer rays people may Barrie TanaihgLtd Barrie Ontario Standing lliti Wallace ndCoasL oi the Commodities ch Depart ment of Trade and Commerce Ottawa Secretary of the title VIIKiller Disease GENEVA tAPIThc United Nations World Health organiza tion says more than 2000000 year at cancer diseases resist paper released here says science is stitifnr trom grasp cause even the nature disease it says more than 5000000 persons are sut ferlng trom cancer and that for every cancer patient there are four or live morevith some corousdismse= tuberculosis and ma anow are less lrequcnt bc5cancer is nadireasing the report says It an no QuotesValues MONTREAL CPI That dime you Just at In the calico vending ma mlght have been worth enough to buy to cups of entire Hyman Lipton normal cany small fortune amulet nthetr pockets without mil He puts the value or row dime tor instance It toplm roll at 190 nirde worth $1 at taco value would bring 50 fmrnu nurnismatlst liko Llpson la cor years met galle might sell for 3150 he it doesnt happen ottcn but sometimes mistake is made and governments print pbouey $3 $6 and to bill Damn has St bill that he figures worth about $200 it was Issued at Ottawa July 1900 INCREASING VALUE The influx at US dealer into the Canadian market is raising the value at Canadian collector coins Mr Lipson recalled the story at young Californian who came to Montreal to year ago with $20000 to buy up was Ca nadian nickels The going price at the time was $1 cards but he was paying as much as to insomocases he said in any case that coin now Is worth 820 About four months ago young man entered his shop pulled out handful 01 change andaelécled asked Is this worth anything It was an 1089 Canadian dime said lttrLipson im incdlately offered him $100 tor But the young man shrugged and said heck dont want to sell it and put it back in his pocket lll just het1 saidrhtr Lip son with pained look that that dime wound up In coin machine somewhere mechanism regulating the to of human body cells is upset nor what causes tumor to be come malignant We know that cancer exists ailover the world and that there isno area with carIccrAhce population VARIES T0 AREA The paper lists various stalls tics compiled by the World Health Dr ation but indi tiititFirE from conclusive It says for instance that skin and lip cancers are 20 times more common among white people in the southern hail of the United States than among wh the tit OTTAWA tCPlThe military will have exclusive use at North American skies ten been madly locair detence Eur Else Sty Shield III All civilian flights in Canada and the United Statesthere are some 200000 day includ tag 000 frran overseaswill be grounded between um and mo pm EDT to permlt North American Air Detenco Com mend to test its ability to turn back any bomber assault on this continent Grounding otcivitlan essential Norad says because electronic counter measures will be used during the exert Resume For Nickel Reps TORONTO tCPIThe Ontario Labor Relations Board will be asked Sept to reopen hoar ings here into allapplicatinnrhy the United Steelworkers at America tCLCt for representa tion at 15000 nickel workers at Sudbury certification vote held in February gave the Steelwork ers lswtcsrmoro thantheySb per cent plus one required to wrest bargaining rights at In tcrnationai Nickel Company at Canada Limited trom the Inter nationl Union at hline Mill and Smelter Workers tindJ William Longridge secretary treasurer at itlineMill said in an interview Wednesday Our poaitionis that the vote should not have been held in the first place hiineillili originally asked the board to reconsider its decision to hold vote July 26 The unions submission was based on evidence at torged Steel membership cards brought out at the nearby vFaIconbridgc Nickel lilines certitication hear ings in the face at evidence that some so cards had been forged atrFaIconbridge Steel asked on July go that their application for bargainingjgtlis herer WWW Mr Longridge added If we had known about the Falcon bridge lorgcrles before the Inca hearing we would have insrstcd upon tall examination of all the Steelworkers membership else There will ntlect air traf fir control radars and other electronic guidance systems The simulated attacking torre US arr torcc bombers and tow RCAF CHM letswill try to lam the ground radars which will In turn try to undo this with counterviamrning of their own TCA CHANGES PLANS TransCanada Air Lines will to cancel or change scheduled de parture times of ot its 105 ï¬endny flights The Air Transport Asociotion of Canada tired all protest to Transport Minister Balcer against the grounding it said Hearings ttobb said Tuesday night Both membership campaigns at Fol conbridgcand taco wcrc car tIetIOtttabsaiutoiyconcurrently by the same ofticers lie said since torgerles were proven at Falconbridge there is reason to believe some lnco cards at Sudhury were also forged OTIAWA CPI Canadas anticombines commission sug gested today that the Combines Act may be powerless against all but the most monopolistic of Industrial mergers This opinion was contained in report by the Restrictive Trade Practices Commission on the cardboard box industry The commission said two le gal interpretations by Ontario and Manitoba judges in t900 have raised questions as to the meaning of an illegal mcrgcr under the Combines Act The commissions report stu died the judgments by Ontario Su leide If case invoi ing Canadian Breweries Lim ited and by Illanltoha Chiet Justice Williams in case involving sugar rctinory mer gcr Shield In For floors undoy is the second busiest day ot the year tor Its member airlines The association asked that it be consulted in future on fur ther Sky Shield exercises It had simply been calllcd in by the NCAP and given the date and time hlr Dulce told the assoele tion be is inclined to agree with embed ior consultation before hand and has passed on this view to Delencc blinister llark ness Last years Sky Shield it was held In October and took civi Ilan llights out at the air for hours Toronto Astor To Broadway NEW YORK AP Toronto actor Lou Jacobi 40 starring in the Broadway hit Como Blow Your tlorn will replace Charles Lauwon Inth movie irma to Dance United Artists reported Wednesday Jacobi will play the key role as bartender and judge Laugh ion was torced to drop out be cause of itine Report To Paper Box Firms says Combines Act Powerless tact isnt altered It wiiihe very difficult indeed tor the Crown ever to secure conviction In merger case unless the mor gcr constitutes complete or virtually complete monopoly in the industry NOT REVIEWED The commission said that the findings at the two judges Were not reviewed by higher appeal courts It is our hope that in the near future the questions raised by these decisions will here viewed by appellate tribunals more particularly in the Su preme Court at era armoured The commissions report dealt with ttmcrgers which have oc curred since 1045 In the card board box industry it said that in thellght oij the two 1000 judgments none of he mergers would stitu a1 merger Act 7OMPIETEIY NW ghotutindfltherevolutionory stem can roams NFLIIID sung For that Limousine ride the Patented HydroIastic Suspension is totally new concept in riding with years of tests to back the scientifically smooth ride Your authorized Morris MG Wolseiey Riley dealer for this eaAI rund so authorized