Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1962, p. 4

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orrawa arrears ministry and Newspapers undue Id Bayueld Street Alerts Ontario with Publisher Canada New Sells it fl Watches To Swiss em Sleight desersi attain riiuasntv sooner styreneme Insurance FirmsWili Give Drivers Among youn drivers Insurancecom spaniea in the nited States sretrylng right now to separate the sheep from the goata Thaeffort to do this is evidence that the Insurance men who should know have Incredible as It may seem actually iconic to the conclusion that there are good drivers and that they merit con sfderation The young drivers those under 25 hold only per cent of the drivers lic cases but as group they have been Involved in nearly 30 per cent of the fat al accidents Many young drivers thou are hot forandmore=reliablebehfn therwheelringthesetestsiieadfifigbetrvs than their elders but it has been difficult Consideration heretofore to Identify the real trouble makers who are believed to constitute t0 pdr cent of the underdb group Tests are now under way In various iparts of the country to seewhetiiar slai plc psychological questionnaires can make the to per cent of bad youn driv ers ive themselves away by ten tional revealfn their disrespect for su thority If relish tests can be developed the bad risk drivers can be made to pay high insurance ratesor not drive he of average pr Iums to which they are an titled Seems like good Idea But we dont peMrvs MA er youn drivers can then enjoy the envy the examiners In their task of check and coming up with the right answers No EqsyReadflo There Is no easy road to achieving and maintaining prosperity Thoughtful Cane sdians have been aware for some time that Canadas economic roblems go back to policies that were tn orce tn the years that folIoWed the Second World War There were the years of change In Europe and some countriesinAslallteypasScd largely iinnoticedin Canadaas revenue surpluses created an Image of prosperity whieforetgn markets were being lost abroad The summer conference of the Cana dian Institute on Public Affairsat Lake Couchiching examined this question the Sudhury Star reportsRavaged bywar Europe needed new spirit torehuild Canada just continued in her old ways Impressed by her prosperity end role In the United Nations Canada just didnt pay any attention to what was happening in Europe In the wisdom of hindsight it can be seen there is truth in the assessment of Canadas postwar position The expected recession during changeover from wartime economy to peacetime econ omy just didnt happen No bombs fell on this country to destroy cities and indust ries The natural resource wealth of the country wasundamaged and the demand for labor outstripped the supply to the point where It was necessary to encour age largescale hnmfgration And It Is ruethatthefoca po prof terest in international affairs was the Un ited Nations Speakers taking part In thedfscus stone at the conference agreed that Can ada could not find solution to her rob lema bytrying to copy Europe The tick treatment of austerity isa reliminary to recovery as Canadians rea he the world does not owe them living that like other nations notably the European na tions they must get out and scratch The never had it so good ropaganda of the Ltheral government in he postwar years and the lack of firm decisive ac tion by the Conservative governmenty contributed to the false sense of well being Canada will be better off when it is realized that soft living is not the way to developweIltoned muscles the Sud bury writer declares 65 YEARS AGO IN COUNTY Barrie Northern Advance Aug 12 1897 Warden Whitesldes and members of county house of refuge committee met to consider 39 tenders for property Wilkinsons flour mill in Barrie had cap acity increased to 150 barrels per dfem Two vagrants one from Midland and one from Nottawasaga ages77 and 82 died in county jail Theirremalns order ed sent to medical school in Toronto Toronto Globe published details of the former county treasurer Sanfords big steal of $6285702 between 1835 and June 1897 when he tookoff for South America mand Much hay and wheat spoiled in Oro Campbells elevator at Lisle destroyed by fire also nearby Littles grain sheds Ice cream was served to winners of Sons of Temperance contest at OroStstion Numerous washouts on Barrie streets followed heavy rains Editorial was on The Troubles in India caused by wild tribesmen Body of Ro bert McMillanfound nearLovers Creek directly acrossbay from Raikes Cove 7nnsnrnnnnnrfr TALKING THINGS our Charlottetown Guardian Lord Taylor the Briton who the key figure in settling the So wan stalemate overrthemedi plan has had some things to say about the dispute now that he has returned home that deserve to be remembered The chief obstacle to settlement he said was the complete failure of both sides to understand the others point of mew No gnetfiould first the doctors point view icians in ten they could undeiPst ag tans couldnt put their case before the doctors in acceptable language AsLordTaylor could have added refusal to continue discusaions developed became sketche The Barrie Examiner Authorised as Post Olflce Depaitiabdenglgttrwaf land for payment of postage In ssh Daily Sundays and statutory Heilds excepted KENNETH WALLS Puhflaher enran saaicac Genan Manager hleliflERSfJNMnnulng Editor CHARLES TRADER Bulfnlll dinnlgel nanny moron Advertisinghianaglr roan nonnao orientation Menage Subscription pm daily by carrier 50 $1520 year Sin ls copy 1a Eymalt In tibltesrib £700 year no measure cud three monthrattle month tin do OntarioIMO year outsid ilttDIi year Offices as untvsril Ava Totoaths atheist attract Montrss iris est Georgia Street Vaneour Itlcnsbcr oftbocansdlsn Dally Ushers Association The Canadian Press and the Audit Bureau of circulations an Canadiin area II Canada slysly entitled to the urn tor republication or all news dis Itobas In List paper oradltod to It or The Assoc ated Press at Reuters and also the local as tinned thcr In our MEMORY LANE Farm hands in great de cal insurance th and and the politic5 ewspatier Pub where his clothes were found two weeks earlier It Is believed he drowned trying to swim across bay 11 miles Crowd enjoyed Mazy dance on shipboard dur ing moonlight excursion on Kempenfelt Bay nglish farmhand 18 disappear ed from ossorontio topsomeJimeFdis covered working near Burks Falls for the local magistrate Charles Buchan an of Cookstown got 648 marks inEnt rance exams highest In South Simcoe Alliston Herald reported wellknown localinan devout Presb terian went tochurch on Sunday wiih what he thought was hymn book but on open inghe found it was book on Safe Meth ods of Doing Business Brown brought from his InnistI farm bunch of wheat with every grain in each head routed some an inch long ewson publisher of Penetang Herald appointed police magistrate for Georg Bay region and part of Muskoka south of Moose Creek Small fruits of all sorts reported numerous in county Hay crop atJarratt very heavy but no chance of curing it Cattle buyers active at Goldwater offering good prices after the breakdown incommunlcations became complete point was reached at which both sides seemed to be fighting over their fight rather than over any of femtssues that had given rise to the 1S The fight for time became hate breeding thing instead ota normal sort of controversy with normal hopes of get ting itself resolved The break came as Lord Taylor has eit plained when he was able to put the two cases down on paper With this ac complished each sidegot the opportuna ftyprobably the first real opportunity to give quiet and reasonable considera tion to the eldest the other The lesson in all of this is that there is scarcely any problem within democracy that cannot be solved or at least carried to paint of acceptable compromise so long as hues of communication can be kept open This is the point that needs to he kept in the forefront of memory long after details of the storm that raged in Saskatchewan last month have been fotigottenp was Lindsa in The Modern Democratic State whb he key to democracy is thepotenc of Is cussfon good discussion can my out wisdom which is attainable In no other ii shoutthe same verdict as Lord it down in the Séakatche only short journey to hinss out in ion and ariadtairinr Trfthousaudbf Tnilllhms resafrOm the shore but BIBLE THOUGHT bothlsides returnefi 10 llshedasthe seat of gov theliifia awe some crises we wrH ay Baboon TILLEY Canadian Press Correspondent CANBERRA CPiFrcsh es sessments are being made in Australia at the vast neglected wealth known to be hiddcnbe low ground and of the potential of development above ground right across the northern half of the country optimistic official reckoning at federal level Is cautious state governments are enthusiastic but obnost penni lese and political partycstl matesund views on action vary according to the measure of present or likely responsibility for ensuring development factfinding mission saw so much was Id so much and given so muc to read that at the end of the tour according to the leader the mission had become staggered by what could lie ahead The leader Liberal poli tician Henry Bate said it seemed to him the whole of north Australia was iron are with threats moratorium tons lie advocated the setting up of federal and state planning body to safeguard mineral de posits against Iorelgn cartels picking the weakest seller and reducing prices to an uneco nomic point DEVELOHHENT BODY Later there should be de velopment body for the whole of north Australia Most of those who talk elo quently about using the North appear to be agreed that gov eroments must Iofnhaods with free enterprise to get develop meat of proper magnitude and are equally agreed that federal and state governments and lo cal free enterprise have not available for diversion to the North anything like the kind of money needed for most effec tive exploitation There is nothing In tho Nort that has not been therefor miiv lions of years The big differ ence however In that today it is known wholepnplililtidiil of white people can work andxlfve in those regionsrin enjoyment of slithe amenities of modern society The Mount lsa copper mines area provides striking ex ample of prosperous healthy happy community able to live in armrest that not so long ago was sunseared desert MAIN ATTRACTIONS So also is Woamcralrlockatr range In south Australia an example of how readily the d25 art can be transformed Iron ore cattle raising and fattening on grand scale rice for Asia irrigated crops and roast IN HISTORY By THE sandman mass theWater first sIcamhoatto ply the Great Lakes lcfl Black Rock near buffalo on its maiden voy age 144 years ago todayin title Tire vessel terrified lndions watching Iis prog eteamed Into Detroit harbor three days later with 29 passongers lCS tubaRegina was estab rnmeni for the Northwest arriipnesw 05 ThE BUSH FIRE Australian and Is Hiding Wealth knowing or going astray other agricultural products are the main attractions for the northwest of western Australia Among the big names already Interested In the iron are there are Rio Tints Consolidated Zinc and Kaiser Steel Corporation In conjunction They are together in move to see what can be got from the vasIPIlhara de posits cvcr which they hold Ieascs covcring moo square miles lifftnul and Mitsubishi of da pan through subsidiaries have been In Australfaon sugar coal and honors missions One representative after visit to Pilbara described the Iron ore deposits as trcmendv ous and said he expected Arts trails would become the second largest supplier to Japan as herein incomes mortal OTTAWA Canadas nearly fired up manufacturers now are selling watches to the Swiss and mnbrcllar In the British ifimutrlltely feats of salsa vledLv illustrate how Trade flolster Hess has shown if manufacturers to their surprise that they can compete successfully to world markets Trader ltecs basdons more to help Canadian Indust In 21 months than his it pre cessors did In the es years since our trade department was created This not glamorous min fairy was the cattle ger among our govemmeat eparirnents when Hon George Hoes was ape pointed to It In October 1960 Even Its showwindow staff of trade commissioners stationed iovcrlsali rsnlrcr very poor second in contrast to our yelvet preto collared diplomats But Mr Hoes has Inspired the whole department with excited enthu claim for his imaginative new drive to make the world Buy Canadlan And trade commis sioners from Djeharta to Detroit are forgetting the olcetles of the embassy cocktail as they get another sort oi kick from the geisdluucsoasiul Josh oL Iltlr naiairenp rfi STEPS TO SUCCESS srts HAVE MM seesaw5r LETTERS T0 EDITOR 1i MANAGER HERE ENJOYED BAND IN WEST Vancouver 30 Dear Sir It was pleasure to see and hear the Barrie Collegiate Band yesterday They were outstand Ing and WA continues to do tremendous job Sitting in the crowd wasgvery leased to tell the people aroun me that was the first fulltime Chamb er of Commerce manager and industrial manager in Barrie and that knew Mr Fisher and his abilities and successes with the band Hope you and yours arewell and hope to size you latter part of September when attend my annual meeting In Tomato Kind regards RUSSELL DUDLEY Executive Director Pacific Region Canadian Council of Christians and Jews Inc The Japanese Steel Industry HanQueaniedJn TencYears baenexpected since the Saska By TAICESHI SATO TOKYO Reuters Japans steel industry which has under gone phenomenal growth In the last to years Isprcparing for still another period ofrapid ex pansion Since 1952 Japans stool mills have more than quadrupled their output The country now ranks as the fourth largest steel producer in the world with on annual production of 18000 000 tons of crude stccl The steel market has suffered mild recession this summer resulting In cuts of to per cent in production and restrictions on raw materials But leading steel manufacturers regard this as only temporary setback The official aim Is to melt an annual crude steel produc tion of 48000090 tons by 1970 lo report entitled Prob lems of the Growing Japanese Steeilndastry Takeshi Aless salta executive vicepresidnt of the Nippon Koksn emphasized that steel consump tion per head of the population in 1961 was 593 pounds to Japan compared with LIDD pounds in the United States and Less pounds in West Germany SPECTACULAR GROWTH This fact alone he concluded is sufficient to indicate the necessity for and possibility of continued rapid development of the Japanese steel industry rapid expansion of the use of agricultural machinery by Jo panese farmers Japan hasnow arrived at the threshold of mass consump tion ofsteel products as the United States did back in the 1920s Akasaka commented NIGHT FIXER The eastern nighthawk re lated to the Whippoorwililis mainly active in the evening and before driw The spectacular development of the Japanese steel industry can be explained Akasaka says by the following factors An unprecedented boom In now plantyand equipment fer Japanese industries The steel industry itself CDTIICHDUE two ambitious pro gramsaimed at the moderniza tion and rationalization of its plant and equipment increas ing the demandfor steel The demand for stcelfor the manufacture of durable con sumer goods which was limited beforethe Second World War has considegohly increased The boys are hopping now we have got their striped pants off them says one of the ex port drive lcadcrs in the mlnla try here The hard sell of exports was Inltiatcd by Mr Iccs within 24 hours fof his appointment as Trade Minister Within eight weeks he was able to Initiate the Ifrsi positive step opening Canadas first export confer ence here In Ottawa Trade commissioners brought home from overseas posts around the world to describe to Canadian husinessmcn just what could he sold where The second stage was to en large this impact Ihrough series of 12 provincial trade conferences three In Ontario centres and one in every other province Experts from our trade department and others versed in thckcopture of foreign defence contracts Ioumgyed to these conferences to meet some 5000 businessmen When our tndustrlalilts had been spurred by step one to met the opportunitcs at the export market and briefed In the particular opportunities by step two Mr lice was ready to launch his third stage Cans dlao Samples Shows pularly diubbed Fly and uy Min so HUMAN DYNAMO At the first of there held In Toronto this summer no top bu ors from United States re outists and store chains met 120 Canadian manufacturers and examined their products One manufacturer had to close his order book after selling his entire output or tree years ahead Another spoke for the group when he told me This guy Hoes is dynamoIf any Canadian manufacturer not go along with him he to am tool similar success In Montreal led to other tIyandbuy mis sions being planned nt Winni peg In Octcocr for the three Prairie Provinces and at Van couver In Novembcrfor British Columbia manufacturers vs iTflmrm launch his fourth stage in his drive tokcep Canada ahead of her tradingrivals This will be an industrsl expansion contag once held inoftnwn Sept was banned as meeting of smal group of Cansdas top businessmen to hennand to dis cuss the proposals of six indus trial leaders on means of achieving greater and more competitive Coodian produc tion But so many additional executives have heard of this and askedto be invited that the venue has already been changed from Parliaments huge RallwayCommlttee Room to the much larger main hall reom In Ottawas Chateau Lau rier Hotel And new It seems probable that regional followup conferences willebe hold to cater to the swelling number among Canadas 37000 ifldlfl tries which want to stakeclafml on Canadas oewfound export bonanza ahcv Three Private Health Groups To operate UnderMedicare REGlNA CPIThe Saskat cliewon cabinet Tuesday ap proved applications from three private nonprofit health agen cies to operate under the prov lnccs compulsory medical care Insurance scheme Approved were Group Medi cal Services Medical Services incorporated and the Saskatoon Mutual Medical and Hospital Benefit Association The action by the cabinet had loop agreement was signed July 23 endings today boycott by most Saskatchewan doctors against the plan Approval will allow subscrib ers to have these agencies for ward eccounta for medical serv Ices after Aug to the medical care insurapce commission for payment The professional members of the agencies must agree to ac cent as payment In full sum equal to as per cent of the cur rent Collcgc of Physicians and Siirrcona schedule of fees Womens Health Minister Walter Davies also announced regulations gov oming the operation of the ap proved health agencies The regulations apply only to the portion of an agencys busi ncss which involves payment for insured services under the Medical Care Act An agency still may work independently to Insure subscribers for other types of benefits such as drugs and private hospital beds But approved agency health services handling payments for insured servicesmust he kept separate from other agency operations ATTENDANCE UP TORONTO CF crowd just short of record for the fourth day of the Canadian Nal tfoaal Exhibition swelled the to tal attendance this year to 751 5nd in four days Gate receipts showed 178II00 persons paid ad mission to the ONE Iucsday 12000 more than last year soiocsrsr iDnring lost more than 1000 000 motor vchiclcs and 1560000 refrigerators manufac tured here 4Thei had jelso been will instruct the are teach thee In the shalt goal will guide thee with mine eycPsulm 323 illiere is no excuse for not wny whichthou esroiess 2501

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