season karma W031 hllee hlergerct Persons of do erbium spent the week wtthher cousln hi ee Joen Person Mr and Mrs Wildesh visited relatim in Tomato tee days lest wek Ed Lucas at Oreulevilie and Menodold oi Oskvllle celled 00 Halide in town muddy LAM litre ll Compile at Oehview Beach yere in town Monday Mr and horn Spence McCul lldtuh and tamlly oi Richmond iiiilvirttod Mr andhlre Poster and other relatives in town on Monday Lhire sisterion and Pauline oi hfenchester England spent the ï¬st week with their cousins and Mrs Meson Mn and Mrs Strsogwsye and ï¬lth and hire hlel Palmer of Toronto were guests at hire Primer on Sunday his and hire Bert Wildeeh nepent the weekend with rele ittvee In Toronto Mr and hire Cecil Reynolds spent the weekend with rele tives In picton COME FROM WALES Mre Owens and four daughters Christine Karen Stephenie and Rhineo of his as arrived at Melton by xplanaon Monday sndwero that by their cousins Mr and Mrs Meson whom they will viit tor several days hire iOwens and daughtere will loin MrEOwane who is on the stall tot ililicresl iilgh School in Port Arthur and they will reside In Port Arthur litre Herold Peltlgrew spent Saturday in Tomato Mr and Mrs John Cseele oi Fergus were guoete oi Mr and Mrs hioltett on Sunday Mr and hire it Thomas and lsmily of North bay spoof the weekend with htr and Mrs it ii Pearse Mr and Mrs Earl Hemmell and Mr and Mrs Sidney Kearns nttended the Toronto Exhibition Monday evening hire iw Wiggins and Mr and Mrs hiel Stewart spent ihureday with relatives to Stay ner Brien Sutherland ot ï¬ssion and David Owens of Allieton are spending week at the Simone Presbytery Camp at hlidtand Mr and hire it McCow ot TELEVISIONiBOGRIiMS CKVR CHANNEI sBltRitlE THURSDAY AUOUH Tee one Veehtlon ilrne mots Tracey Charlie Chan News Weather Sports The tstonu The Reel McCoys Tommy Ambrose Show My Three sons Ohdlt 50 country Junction Men end the Chilean CDC TV News The Weathermen Today In Sports Community News 30 The Untouchebies FRIDAY AUGUH Id 45 Tut Patten 100 Popeye 5e Pele 115 News Weather Sports 100 MIMI tlurnsbout Summereme The Zone ï¬rllnm up nun Three stooges News Weather Sports Iether Knows Best Donne Reed show =268Szsasie8sss 3505999 388328 crro CHANNEL roaoNro THIS EMBLEM l50 tiemlitoa visited JAY dun mott on Wednesday Mr and Mrs Nichol vial ted friends In Barrie on Saint number Iroln town attended the ionorel at Hawkins ot Alliston on Wednesday Mrs Robert Sutherland and end Mr end lire Wright visited relatives in Midland Friday 3AM BURNS the large been on the term of Jackson Glessiord two miles cast of heeton on the 0th line oi Tecumseth was burned Sua day afternoon tiny grain and number of costs calves and pigs were lost ihe Glesstord families were both may in Celedon East and Toronto Origin of tire is un known MIDHUBST STN By MRI MDNTEITII BCpl and thrownsmmllig rown en sm are open few weeks hollda with his tether Dick Brown lore they lbegeve tor Germany in Septem Mr and Mrs John Anderson and sherrsn of Toronto at few days last week with ar iee bowdery LODGE ANNIVERSARY The loyal True members eeie ehrsted the 15th ennlvtrteryoL liter lodge Wednesday evening August is In the An ilcsn Per ish Hail Attending sup were Grand Worehlpful rees of Canada litre Suean Spencer and Mr Spencer Oshawa Provincial Grand Won ehiplul Mistress oi Ontario Mrs Elsie Potherlck of Torontn past District Worship tui Mistress hire ii James who otganlsed the lodge 25 years ago and Mr James at Dorrie There wore guests from Coilingwood Orlllis Angus and Barrie hire James presented the 25 year plus to Mrs Elsie litontelth tiret mistress Miss Winnie htonteltb and Mrs Hugh Andreas The cake was given by hlr andMre Thomas Kirk Angus Sundey visitors at Dick Browns were Mr and Mrs Lloyd Langley end Leone end hisrle and friend at Goldwater and Mr end Mrs Lawrence brown and sons of Barrie Mn John Robson and family Toronto visited her parents Mr and hire it Pblmck last week Red Blter iensboize Bums Allen Stunnng Night erre seen The Detectives con TV News Weather Sports News Movie Ledy in The Deri IATURDAY AUDI 23 Ileet Pattern News Weether Baseball Gemn at Week Prince oi Wales Sickee on setrt Bugs Bunny Country Time Nowe Weather spans Three Stooges 100 Some of Those Deye 730 Retell Hood and Have Gun Will Travel sate Peter Gunn Front Row Centre Enter Perhie 155 100 550 000 000 510 ass l0d0 Discovery lid 5an 0f D9 this Deoreian Chloe Iwtn hill wtld Harvest Blue Peter cm CHANNEL9 TonoNro THURSDAY AUGUST 15 400 Professors Klrieewsy 500 The lawman oso Sports Weather News 100 Delve It To Beever 130 Sport Close Up Footbell Forecut TBA Football Fervent tits lour Football to playing his cards well should the ace and South was faced RUGBY 01 MRS NEWTON Bob hedbope II patient In the Western Hospital Toronto Wcaitwisbblmetpeedyre eatery William Lenek end Miss or Wt tnw on en end igewfnn of Mary hire Kenneth Method end Mr and Mrs Archie Hound of Detroit hitch are spending severe days with Mr and hire Keith McLeod endsrelstives In the oommunlt hire liiem Lenfruan end Mr tieddye oi Drills Vieimd Mr and Mn Wilfred Johnston We welcome Mr and hire Elmer Sears and sadly to the community They have bought Aeneid ilornes term Mr end Mrs David Rodgers and tarnlly at Burlington eat the past week with his let er Themes Rodgere Mr and hire you illing worth and family have returned to their home In Hamilton alter spending two weeks with the lettere perente Mr and hire Art Lsngrnen Mr and Mrs bleke Nash and tamlLv of ltlchvelo spent their holidays with the lettere mother hire William Robertson end brother Earl end family one session by MM JOHNSTONE family dinner was held Thursday August is tor James Crawford on hie 07th birthday John Crawford ie ndlng week with Mr end in Andre Galina In Sarniu lilies Lillian Graham had the misfortune to break hone In her right ankle speedy re eovary is wished her Sorry to report the horn on the term of bill Thompson was deelroyod by fire August 11 The August moods of United Cbureh Women was old at the home of hire Morrow with splendid sttendence The pre eldent Mrs burton presto ATole oithanke was extended to Mr and hire tlopporior lump Ind social hilflr or eating teik which lairyum to think about The hostess served his and hire Murray Moore and family attended the Leann hfooto wedding In Atherly United Church Iltosd ceiling on the Mine tonesywere tlev it Lode dau ghter Barbara nltowanlng Mr and hire Blake Nash and Iaeniiy ot Yongehtirat COOKSTOWN By DAURIBN ANDERION HOPPER REUNION Mr and hire Douglas Hopper held the yearly reunionoi the flop fondly at their home on nody Aug 1e Neotytlve adults and children were present it was meet yable alien noon tor all and to the silver wedding anniversary at Mr end hire John Church on Aug 15 the celebration was held on this ettomaon with everyone espress ing their congratulations and best wishes for the lulure end number ol beautiful gins were presentedrh delicious did her was sorvedAathheclase their Itltitiness in entertainment to all WOMENS INSTITUTE meeting of the Womens institute will he held on Thurs day evening Sept at the town hall with Mrs ti Smith as convenes The topic will he Can adian industries The motto Ia Business is like wheelbarrow it stands still unless pushed Roll call is scripture verse pertaining to industry or Agri culture No films will be shown Cotton Mode in Can ndai and City of Gold Host esseswlll bshlrs Baker Mrs ADonnelty Mrs Rh lay Mrs Marling Mrs Coulis ht Broley hire Coulis on re Smith CONTRACT BRIDGE by JAY BECKER East dealer Neither side vulnerable NORTH Qï¬h 905 003Tq meat use 085 +7 dinz south West Pass 19 we Page ass North Dbie nsl 4e Opening leadjack of clubs final declarer in addition also do all he can to induce the opponents to make mistake Here is case where declarer combined both features to make doubled contract that ap peared doomed from the start West led club taken with with his tirsl problem how to handle the spades so as not to lose tho trump tricks He also had two heart and two diamond lasers to worry about Deciding that East had the ace of spades but probably not the AJx South played low spade from dummy East went right up with the ace and led the ace of diamonds hoping West had the king and would give him diamond ruit olethe nee denying the king so Eastled the king oi clubs ruflad by South Dcclaror now made the key play at the hand when holed low heart to the ace West following with the seven and East the tour it was an innocentlooking play tbat might have caught anyone asleep at the switch and East was soon to learn why South had led the heart to early in the hand Declaror now cashed the queen ot spades clearing up the trump situation and then the queen oi diamonds prep in for the situation he hoped would exist on the next ploy ills eiforts were rewarded when he led heart from duru my and East was forced to win with the icing East had only clubs lclt and was forced to lead one South got rid of the lack of hearts on theciub return and inter ruffed his fourth diamond In dummy to make four spades doubled if South had given away his intentions by drawing tramps and cashing his diamonds be fore attacking hearts East might have jettisoned his king on the ace and thus defeated the contract Possibly East should have done this anyhow hut Souths smooth operation caught him totally unprepared Test your dummy rial reenter sores BLONDIE or surname JOB cure OFFICE FOR SUMMERS ALMOST WAT Oiil NOW if6 MVGIY OUSAND M5 AGIN thong 13 orcaWirts nun am so BACKTD swoon are or DAILY CROSSWORD hostess thrower 11mm mun Main DOWN dfleathese an undue was Mt atrial EEIE BEEEE EEEE News Weeuier Sports Peiedium mo lilalellle Jackson Sinn FRIDAY MiGlidl ll 1015 Menlie Jackson Sines 1030 D0mintr taso Free and has no Channel it Iliehtre sss News eon Professors Hideaway 600 Lawnsn nso News Weather Sparta 700 Donne Reed Show Channel Nine TieIt Have Gun wtu Travel Country style ane Grey Theatre 1100 News Weather Spflfll 00 ï¬ddly Night Theatre thalamus Jsekeon Sinn SATINBAY Alialifl non Certnons 1200 Professors 100 Spans College 130 Junlla any noo win out mm iii 53 Eight 0m 500 Wrestling all 9s rusesneer war zoo The Flintstones phash tirmdetfmsl moo Fight at the vi tsoo Saturday urea Theatre income Road lean Mahalle Jeeksnnhiuae cnnnunulssivoua PA 92433 And Copy wtu lie Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE pelvisYourser cans AND TRUCKS scene ALLOTIIOSENICEOOOD NECKJ WOWMMWW Tumost CAN Een FOR 651 THAT FOR Nonlle identities your WElGiiME WAGON SPliNSiiRS ï¬rms of Mzh In flu business end no lite at your nomennnlty For lplormaflon cell 645302 meme mm Maria and Pierre 10 Music note DebitNIP loiterl tool 114w 10Eort Hunt 22 Peruvian 100 900 Mi 1M0 expiorethn mummy sooth rose body DEncIreie 21km Ditsnsln 1961111 ion 5mg nationalism our invsvounruu our OUR SECURilYmETS iliE RULE SAW ow hawthorn Issscomor sccunmouceï¬io any rurarsscuremns amen 381languages awesomeness Ersusartinn maltreatment IIIIII 4eoocooecocooeuoeneeccunuoao budontonnovoouonueo IIER DADDYJ ilfltiDEREDlFilm vousaunvamnlm Swansonlimousine MUGGS AND SKEET