PARKING METERS have replaced tree stumps and modernistorcs line Third Av enue where shocks and tents once stood at Timmins The Northern Ontario mining com munity this year celebrated its 50th anntveary Upper photo was taken during the winter of toll theycar the town was incorporated and the lower pirate shows Third Timmins 50 Years Old ConCern For Industry By BRUCE LEVIdTT TlltlitliNS Ont CF Five hundred miles north of Toronto lies town with billiondollar past and an uncertain luture they could not be reached again later So the practice is to mine some of the good with some of the poor til lionhomnre agrces with munists out found it couldnt be done The economic Elcture in Tim nllns has made is Job is tough one Management is tougher le For Tintmins marking ts hltlrdo Martin NDP member of deal with through Steel titan it 50th anniversary this yearis gold town its miners have taken st0 000000 for each at those 50 years froth one rnntn mine alone But like other mining town of Canada Tintmins is beingstrangled in costprice squeeze Tinlntins is the heart at the rich Porcupine mining district which has produced nearly Sl 500000000 ill gold during the 11051 half century lint the price at gold$35 an ounce in United States currency has been fixed since 1015 while mining costs have risen each year CONCERN FOR FUTURE Today despite jubilee gniciy an undercurrent of concern runs strongly througlt Timmlns The economic prospects at this town of 28000 persons are worrying the people along 3rd Avenue here as well as others along Bay Street in Toronto and St James Street in Montreal There is general agreement here that the price of gold should be raisedcertainly as high as $40 to $45 an ounce possibly as high as $75 The questions heard most are when and how much and what do we do in the mean time Bonitonune real estate developer and head of the Tim mins department of industries says The ore is therelarge bad ies of ituniouched The wealth is in the ground But we dont control the price at the commodity and at the present price its not ecu nomicol to bring it out NOT LIKE COAL The situation here is ttot like the Maritimes coal industry This is atbiltiondollar industry We can produce 1000000 ounces oigotd and sell it tomorrow He is not optimistic about the chances of secondary industry being developed in addition to the long distance to bring in materials and take out pr ucts there is no market up here ile has praise for Canadas Emergency Gold Mining Assist ance Act which pours more than 510000000 year in costaid to the countrys gold mines But its temporary measure The extension of EGMA and the recent 25pereent increase has given us new lease on life We have built 51000000 home for the aged We have built hospital additions costing 53000000 has permitted other one town men to be added the payroll have prospered and the starting to dress up MAY SET NEW TREND la is not permanent he admits but the as sistance coupled with the clip in the Canadian dollorin rela tion to 08 funds may be the beginning of trend which can lead to more realistic fiscal policy on the part of the fed erat government hitne officials say there is enough ereaiready provea to keep the big mines rolling for years town is an ounce it warm or en the lite oi the mines to take out the highgrade era and leave the lowgrade pockets who Parliament for the area that the town which flourished for 10 years has marked time for the last 20 Thats abontthe only point they do agree on CAUGHT IN SQUEEZE EGhtit came in in 1048 when the government became alarmed at the number of ghost towns springingup in the gold producing areas Mr Martin says The towns were caught in squeeze between the set price of gold and rising costs was through Mlnehiiil Some mines would rather deal with the devil than with Steel if it cost them less SAYS WAGES LOW When Steel come in in 1940 Ithe base surface rate was 05 rooms an hour Now it ranges from site to $132 an hour liltners got 75 cents plus cost ofllving bonus Now thoy get SIAZ to $105 And few of them get the $105 Buy it has been 14 mi Wages aresubstnndald by newhow long does an emer Vi YlldlUCk The tire next 50 gency last Broadly EGltlA is paid on formula based on the cost of production EGhIA averages 510000th month total at $12000000 to bring in new industry it would change the whole econo rule picture here Every session members of Parliament from gold mining areas pound away for other in dustrtcs EGiilA is like head ache piilit kills the pain but it doesnt cure the ailment Councillor James Bartle man one of the pioneers in the Timmins district says recent discovery of copper deposits in the nearby ltlelntyre mine could double the life of that develop meni IIAS IIIGII IIOIES We will be mining gold for years says Mr Bartteman The mother lode has not been found yet gt it has taken 50 years to find the copper at the hiclntyre which was within few feet There is no saying what met als will be found within the Craggy Leo Buck Behie is 47 born and raised in the min ing country around Kirkland Lake He is president of United Steelworkers of America Local 4305 and he is bitter man He led the first group out of the International Union of Mine hlill and Smelter Workers tiad in North America in 1047 nd was criticired for it The theory then was to stay in MineMill and clean the Com Storekeepcrs But mucit of it isdtiglt ugth 3500 minersdown tn the last is years through technological changes Tb isthe only major in dustry in the country that has never made provision for pen4 me the money mum stunsThe mines are perpetuatl lng themselves in everythingl from oil to base metals And the miners in Tlmmins are among the oldest in the country One mine has more titan 200meu with more than 25 years service lie doesnt believe Timmins big problems can be solved in Timminsthat must be done in the financial centres of tile country snout WORK CLAIMS Nobody should be allowed to hold on to claims for the future to develop them when theyre ready The cï¬lms should he developed new Another answer is second ary but allied industry Johns itlanville for instance mines asbestos here It could make its pipe or fibre board here He believes you have to start somewhere it the indus tries dovetop here the markets will come =r iiuek has six daughters and sevensons and the lock of opportunity for young people worries him The disgrace of the north is that there is no work for our girls Without education they are terribly exploited along trd Avenue Up here With few op portunities open to her agiri is lucky if she gets 65 cents an hour Avenue Photol this Year tBIACK MOTHER APRICM Tit YEAR OF TRIM By broil Denim Africa in much intho new today is notion otter notion breaks troeioi European con troi and vein forth on the hue Itdotu national cov emignty There have been many recent books Ibont Attica but probably none quite like thin Instead of writing ot the retool African situation strict iy in terms of preseotday in tornational politicl Mr David roa seeks to the past for the cause ot present events in 50 carefully documented ages he trace the history live centurierof Mroitarropean ro ln doing oohereveoll oltinterest prejudice superstition and outright lies have colored the ideas of End moans aboutthetr neighbors in COMPLEX SYSTEMS He quotes contemporary ct tors and documeatl to prove that when in 1441 Portugese explorers made their first con tact vtthihe natives of that West coast of Africa there ex istert highly orgaatred states with comp ex systems of gnv crnment which bore strong resemblance to form though lnot in character to those ex lsting in Europe From the very first eonlact first the Portugeoe then other European ons set eul lo nndcrmtnei and destroy those established states in order to exploit the continent and ttr peoples SLAVE TRADING This ctive mu pro ceeded relatively rtowty until with the establishment of Erin opeanvcelooieo ia the West in dco South America and the southern part of North Amen ice the slave trade hcearno immensely profitable it on in this period that many at the worst misconceptions concemE lag the character ot the peoples of Africa toot root in Euro an minds For the slave tra era in answer to those who from the beginning questioned the morality of lth traffic inhu roan beings invented and readmabrood picture back better but living toihcir tangled in state of unredeemed nvegery Sheet hictnl Heating 75 Ecelre St PA hioto ISiul Serious On Africa human in term they pictured pee more brutal than the tango bouts ilv ng liver me rouolid than inhuman horroro oi the nave Ibipl hold it we there deliberate lies which mould and colored European thinking about African Negmr even otter public indignation aroused and the at trade abolished rtcrunsvrror roam The picture is not out one and it does nothing to tint ler the European nations Davidson however is re arty and detective writer tie mint out that the Idea oi sloth cry was neither unfamiliar nor moment to the African rui en and that many of them am as greedy tor the protils at the trade as any European trader What they did not mob in was that tho ionn of elev ery which they practised dll temi from the chattel slavery ot the West ladies as much or the life at moored race horse differed in that of English cool like their Europ eounterpnrtr these ntlett ANNtvrasMies HOSPITAL FLOWERS Deliveries Dally FENDtEYS FLOWERS 14 Blake St PA users 01 Ieholort ebtc icon interesting and pi the come at politic wit and against each other and eventually come to look for Enntpenn support and IMAM lf cooperation with riermcoald win that support they would giro lt Block Mother to scrth hook which should add much signal understanding was mm rituotlon in gh profound it ll eminently road not without riches of anionic humor CLASH WlilI POLICE intNGKOKltrniland mph bandLol so upturn smuggler trout Burma shot from with That border police in northern Thailand and Iced three of theilrl controdes contend in an ear or en oer ores re said to BUSINESS MACHINES 80 Dunlop Br wearer Inert With Vaythirst for pleasure Some men inst talk Others go into action and getrvhat they no the men who We brew Red Captor menwho get what theywantthe fullbodied flavourofhonest alooPouryourselfa chilled bottle of Red Cap oi thirstfor pleasure Snappa Cappa Carling Redcap Ate today