Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1962, p. 12

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shoe HOLLY by Mao oowwma UNITED CIIURCII WOMEN llolh Unlted Church Woman met Aus eat the home 01 Mrs Clarence Flsher The dc vottonol pertod was conducted by Mrs Wltlson Elllotl Grace Elltott and Marte Fisher tons duet secompanled by Mrs Cochrane stvtlte plane Mlss lonary prayer am 11011th ed by Mrs or tollewlos wlth Blhle study Septem ber lelc study tell be the book 01 Gslallans Mrs Fish or completed the hook Marten the Day thls has been very Interes tlng and thoughtprovnklssur tea at slorles ttdll call verse conlslnlnl the word ltarrest was answer ed by 11 members and three rtsltors No nultc successtul bake sales were held durlnr the sum mer at ldnlstll Park Mrs Joe Cochrane and lttrs Collum wcro nppotnteo to In autos about slatntess steel cut lery and report at the nest meetlnz Mra Elmer Dyer ts to report on two 1le mats tor to Sunday School room and the restlbule ol the church Mrs Elmer Hunter ls eonvd act at the commltteo to make plans tor weddlng very tsvarnbls surn has been reullscd tor the tendon Blhle School land Anyone destrlnf plctures tok en at the schoo please con tact Mrs DownlnsMeetlnl closed wllh llyrnn tut tollowcd by Mlspah bencdtctlon Mrs Flatter served dcltclous lunch VISITING tteceat vlsltars wllh Mr and Mrs It Graham were cot and Mrs Gordon Dyer Dawnn Rae and Dalyn They are on route to with Stattoa at Mo oso Jaw Soak also 511 and ltlrs Lloyd Sweeney anlca land Terry ot Mont Aplca Que GC Consratulatlons to Mrs lounheed who observed her 00th hlrthdy on Ann lltr and Mrs Itodoers and tamlly spent the weekend at Ancestor wlth Mr and Mrs McNabb George Rodgers ls halldaylns with FrnnlrStono at Phelrston Mlss Connte Drown ls vsltlag her cousln Marlene Gartat at Aurora Mr and Mrs Kenwell and tsmlly vlslted her parents at Brooks Beach tayco aux to Wednesday UTOPIN Dy MRS WILLIAM GOLLOI Mr and Mrs Basil hrownley and tomlly Toronto spent the weekend wlth Mr and Mrs 11 Brownley Dawson MoConn spent few days last week wlth hlo grand porenta lllr and Mrs Albert Dawson ol Borrlc Vlsltors tvltb Vlltr and Mrs Jack McConn and Fred McCann were Mr and Mrs Dawson Monday and lltr and Mrs Ray 111115 and tomlly Trenton tor the weekend Maureen Jordlne hereto TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVRCHANNEI BARRIE FRIDAY AUEUIT 11 400 Tas Zone Caravan Huckleberry Hound Throa Stcosos Nows Weather Sports Father Knows lscst Donna Ilasd Show had tttvar tosnbarss Burns 11 Alton It ousnsnar leht Parry lttsson The Detactlvos CBC TV News ttvosthar Sports News IlIovlu 111111 IAAUIIIMY AUGUII 11 110 Tell Pattern 151 NIWI Walther 100 Rslublll Gama 01 week 10 Prlnto ot Wales Stskas on 511er ltuas bunny Country Tlsns NoWI Voathlr Sports Thraa Stoosas some at These Days ttobto Hnoo 252215221232 CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO FRIDAY AUGUST 11 100 Pmlossorl Hldaswoy Lowmon News Weather Sports Donna tteed Show Channel Nllto Thestrs Hava Gun Wlll Trsvol Countr Style ano ray Thontra Nows Weather arts Frldai Nlltht Thea rs Mahala Jackson slnss IATURDM AUGUIT 11 1100 Cartoons 1100 Protessoss Party 100 Sport Colldll 1trl Junnts troy 300 Mspto Lest Rlsoblll 500 Wreatllttl H1 Tlnto News Wasthar Eportl tho Fllsststonos Whlpllsh CARRIER MISS Your our sarrtsr hasaol arrlved by pan please phons PA 82433 And Copy Wltl Ba Doltrercd To Your Homo THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE vsurv ontvavounsstr cans AND rnucKs spent last week holldsytul wllh Mlss Boasts Mulr Mr and Mrs Jack litmus at ScltNNNRh called on Mr and Mrs Jack Ellls Sunday orna lns on thelrsetum tram Xenon Vtclton wlth Mr and Mrs John Mason on tho weekend were Mr and Mrs Noll Demo ster and Mr and Mrs Mes Dempotetr ot Barrie Mlss Ruth Jannett ts holtdsy la to Montreal tor law days In week Mr and Mrs Fred Irlncs John and mm at Barrla rlslt wlth Mr and Mrs1tor don Jonnctl durlao the week end Vlsltors wlthjths Exellrwcro Mr ondMrs lrsak 1511611 at Bermuda and hlr sadMrL James moltouthrrto fitnes rtsy Mr and Mrs Tom ta ter Mr rnmrfltlllttumlhigl hsrrc arcs so sad dsu tar ol BermtIdE on Saturday Maxnnd Mrs firm stronr and stomlly ot Carley Nell Watson and Card Sultlvssl ot hurrloxend huek Ewell ot nowmonvltle oosunday andtomlly returned to olls Cornors Thursday alter nd tag wok wlth tho Erotljs Tom afar ottorspendlnd two weeks hrbed wlth lots back ls ableta be out orotn wrsr Ono Sorvteo In the Rapllst Church tor Sunday Aug 1o wltl be at 11 nm Pastor Mltehonor wlll brlnr tho messsne The annlv ersory service wlll be on Oct cnuncnnt nyatas pnossnn Russel Stewart was to Botrte on Jury duty tor day last week Jtmmto Storey ot Llndsny ts andan some holldoya wlth hIs couslns tho Aker chlldren lttr and Mrs JohnSlnelnlr Sarnlo and Mn and Mrs Forts Slnelalr Barrle were weekend vtsltors wlth thalr parentsMr RIIILE 8110001 The Blbla vocatlon school last week lnthe Unlted and Anrll can churches and at Cherry Creek school was very suecess tolthera was stood attend nnea at all throc places Mlss Mary Sloan entertslnad tho hrldso club Thursday evan lnn last week at her cottage Aleonn Beach Mrs thllarn Ball demonstra ted wellknown housaworo at stands home In Nawmarkot Thursday ovenlns Mr and Mrs MacDon ald Carolyn and hohbte and Mr and Mrs Prnsser called on trlends ln Gravenhurst last Sunday Mlss Mae Presser and Joe Tonneseo o1 Ltttle Long ttnplda have been vlsltlng tho Iormnrs parents and other members of the tomlly tttr and Mrs Len Baudreau nt Nlagora Fnlls spent week ean recently wlth lhelr parents Mr and Mrs Russel Stewart am 11va t1u one Poter ounrsnwu mm 000 Front 1th Contra Markot Woman 1010 ntseovsry 11th CIIC TV News 1110 tVaathsr News sports 1110 Gsorttlan Chlnn twtn 11111 Mlnlstry at heart ATM 10v0 hlltth IUND AUGUBT 19 1141 Test Pattern av Comment or Convlctton Davey and nollsth World 01 sport World Soccer Country Calendar 2010 and News Amartenn Mustcsl Theatre Crossroads fihoycnfio 01V till 110 Hazel Ed Sutlltllrs Donansa Tho Tttsns CDCTV News Weather Nows Sports Mavle stmun ttrokarl sasssgg svsns199u9sau 28883 100 Feature Theatre 1000 Wtds World at sports 1100 Saturday leht Theatre 1110 Mahstta Jackson slnss lUNDtY AUGUST 18 11 11 Wrttten ttsltsn Thostrg Grant Most From cntcsse Youth and tellttton Around The World Maple Lest ussoballl Emotion rstrhsnks Presonts 1101110 Acadasny rertorsnsncs Showdown Lorstts Youns Eons vasllgfihuws aws en es ors 1115 MI at tho T110013 1111 Wrsstttno 111 Mohalls Jackson stars not of Borrto Frtdsy as HM and am Bruce 11 andhtrs Robert Slnelatr 1311et to 181316 soot GILTORD Dy AIM BAMBI Blots Club was held at thtord Church and Mrs Klroys cott at the lake last week tor losers to Nearly atten ded the classes dolly Mr and Mrs Robert hall and Mrs ttoa Coulta and Mateo ot Mldhurst were at tho Metvor Spencer plcolc at Owen Sound Mrs Appleton of nor oro called on local trteads lo Glltord CARD PARTY There was the usual euchre rty to Word ltall Wednesday rs llea Steers Mrs Gordon Bennett Mrs Pethlek men ttsmld Porrltt Jack Wllsoo and Ross Elltott wonorn ram1 ny star annoy Mlss Ann Rubldsotot tobtc also spent totr days wtt Mr annulus MeEtroy ttocent vlsltors wlth Mr and RIllrE 1totd were Mr and Mrs Botttt and totally nLJtexdole Mr and tlmhHandy alterl dcd the Royal Black Precep toryDerry Day parade ht Col tlnllwaod on Saturday Slncero sympathy ts espress er to Mlss denote Itconley and Mrs Kenny to their sod bereavement CROWN HILL By VJ DUNSMORE Crown llllt Unllcd Church Women are havlng bake sole on Frlday Aug 17 at 1050 am at Barrlo East End mop plus Plato ln vacant store near to tha Domlnlon Store Proceeds are In old of Boy Scouts and Cubs Mr and Mrs Maurles Part rldge and tamlly spont the weekend ln Shelhurno and at tended the Old Tlmo Ftddlers contest Mrs Horne vlslled last week wlth rolatlvcs and trlends tn Orllllo and Bass Lake She also attended shower for nephew Norman Moore at Howkastono and was guest 01 By JAY You are South nelther slde lgulnerable The to has com Booth West North Rut so out as Pass Pass Pan What would you now bld wlth coats of OM OIIDWUW 0111 hands sqoss 011 Motor we 72 UN AKQJUJ KQE cs votes onxooss 4112 VAN KQBN KJIS No spades mlnlmum openlag bld corrles wlth 11 an obllzfatlon to old thereattar ln mln mum terms The openlng dlnmond hld la thls euro 11 nullo thin and partner has done nothlng to cause us to rovaluo the hand upwards The two dtatnond bld cautlan ed urtncr not to expect too mue tram us and thts warn lnn ls repented by glvtng slm plo prctorenee bld ot two spudes lt ortnor chooses to contlnuo the lddlng he does so In the ace of our slawdown tnctlcs It rcbld at two nolrump over two henrts would be more torwordgalng thou the hand merlts Three notrump ltavlng ear rlter bld only two rllamonds we now have to show that our hand was not as bad as per tner mlght thtnk For example It our dlamonds could have been ltKxxxx tn whlch case we would also have bid one and two dtnmonds The Jump to three notrump ACROSB 850orsd 1A amarttng ptature 11an var Mollow some 11 petty 580111 paroonr hello to stang t1 Ftnecut 12 Pueblos hay tor fodder 70oal scuttle n1oattess uttmal IYour theotrtcot manner 1Add dlsv tlnctlon to 10 Cory room 18 Batryttke oroottsre oatdtslont 10Anxlo Saxon domsatto 11to place tllCut 200mm 19Wstklng sttelc cosmos ltttohon State northwest InnaChlnn 28$ advance 21119117 atom 30 Eocltl 31 nr311 corp 828mm 118mm bl1wo 911 3011cnttntno Dronoon AEIEEWO Whow covered abuser plant damped dmttora courageous 481aatttuto DOWN LHaatsnod ocean thavvoddtns st Athcrto last Saturday sns on some scomr steam sympst at the mo mualty ls expnhttodto Mrs Gerald Kc to the death at her tether ssacteontey last week The Boy Scouts had sheets slot car washlsst Saturday at Normlucks STEELES CORNERS By MRI ERNEST DALE Saturday motor the tenure otlorl ot Ebouaser Unlted hurch met at the home otthtr Mrs Matt Kaeoshsw to ore sen their son Ronald wlth little and New Ensllsh tests ment also two Rlsnucs soclII hour wlth lunc toltowed Elmer and Harold Dates John and Moonla Dales Toronto cat Saturday wlth Mr and rs Ernest Dales jocouelene ttumble spent ssv oral days wlth her uncle and suot Mr and Mrs John Ouah Barrlo Mr and Mrs Ell and Norma and Mr and hrs Polllssonl Toronto spent the weekend at lhelr homshere Mrs Jock tumble spent the weekend wlth her parents Mr and Mrs Dawsberry ttlchm and ltttl Mlss Emlly Gardener Rrad lord was Sunday vlsltor at the Gardener homo and accompan led them to tnntswood Prlvoto ltospltel where they vlslled cousla Mrs Amy ttourhton and Mrs Edwin Kneeshuw GUTHRIE Rev 11 and Mrs Coulter ot Rldsewood New Jersey cot led on lttr and Mra Alec Gra ham Mlss hunts and Catharlao Dry son at Toronto spent the wee end wllh lhelr aunt Mrs Mccunlr Mlss Cotherlne and Annlo McCunlp at Toronto are at thelr home here tor the weok end Mrs McCunlg Mrs Napler Karen and Barbara Me Cualg returned wlth them for CONTRACT BRIDGE some holldoys BECKER cannot be construed as My hand slnco we pravlousty llm lted our 11110111111 by slgnott robld at two dlamonds Wlth Partner contlnulnr to force the stud desplta our corller wlll tnnncss to stop at apart score we cannot at ord to bld analn tn mlnlmum terms It Jump to three notrurnp ls clearly 1ndt coted Four hearts Obvlously thls hand rlres greatly to value once partner mentlons hearts The spado response pulled our hand down to value but tho heart bld more than restores the orlttlnol ovuluotlon ot the hand It would be wrong to bld onlythree hearts because that mlght causo partner to thlnk we were respondan only be catxse we had to The dump to tour shows newlytound values based on the ttlscovery ot heart tlt 1t Invltes partner to noon to wards slam heorlng In mlnd though the llmtted strength shown by tho carller bld at two dlomoads Three clubs The danger of mtstlt to clearly Indtcoted by partners responses In the sults where we are short We knnw thts but North doesnt The way to warn htm ot the mtstlt to to bld three clubs showtnn length to the minor suits and dlstrihutlon that does not lend sell to notrump play bld at two netrurnp at thlo stage would show more balanced hand Tomorrow Mnxtrnum secur asurrcnosswono rnotssty cotn RIII tty sec on 51 IZIEK AD UNI mm mow ON on Llan or as of MARTHA Nr as 11 Doors on ANTE 2311 cs support rrsn NLI 201nlot earn =5 H125 tlno 1210111 211op onoae streetcar colts naMognttudo so oa 301ay oompllohed attontlors al1or 01iounder or 118 Common Chrtsttors vtpsr Belenco MBlbllenl 12001111 his mother Orknoysr Inlet as Roman garment JULIE JONES DONALD DUCK BLONDIE auz gamete ER NIUGGS AND SKEEI SEESOJMARMNG BEAUTIFUL GlRL ANDI SEE FOUR LOVELY CHlLDRENt cow DAY MUIIHAVE THAT LOCK man 501 CAN RELAX IN mews OMIMOMNIII are NWNCI RNA NGEAIN 9011 lltlfi 1AM ankles 50an 1M LATE VACATIONS Haven ED on THE OFFlCE ILL GIVE IOU HAND OKAY ANTI wrNsTvttvtI 111 sows YOUR TNLWA TO FIT rsscsurosw mo MI 10 911cm 91 TIRR 1113 W9 Mm WC AID 11 mot wavw Dourntos Bones were TH IVA HIGH RN WNALLTHEWAY 911E JUST WON FlRST DONTOO PRIZElNAJlNGLE ELOSE GRANDMAB CONTEST 1111 TlIERIS APAt PltOllE W11 AT THE VlSlTORS ENTRANCE WAITILL ervavou DADSOFFlCE NUMBER sumac nonnav YOU W15 ATIHB LIK Whereas waLLAT LEAST at erv lousyAnsme HEP OWN CALLS dont you 1ch You 010 At wisdom tun snss KlsslNEVERVBow WHO GETS WITHIN REACHK SHELL BE kEFTW

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