Carlton Pdcing Ont Golf Squad LONDON out CF the Other mm included died amateur poll cham Bredley Oshawa 7373450 plonnhip moved today into No Dolen El lions herelei €11th medalploy mpeu Johnatooe St Thomas Ml tion in the who oi Ontariol mrvlctow in the Interprnvln Bowermen Belleville Mill ell team Michel and elmul Morison North Bey 7e73 teneour ounlllylnx round that in hit more oi pleyere heading Allen St Thomu IMOlot ior home Slots Si themes nonlei The layer who qulllfled Digorlend North Bay 7M7 Iilerlwo eollohole rounds lncludinx many oi the turn Shirk Kitchener 7970157 competitors comprised 45 Ce FelrvStretlord M11451 gt gt uadienl anoint lo invader NoyuPortColhomo 71771 ll lllilllil Ill IIIII II mm the United Stem end hwy Windsor Wisill lone South AirmenRex Taylor Hauler Kitchener 7971151 DOUBLE mm iiom lohermeshuri Kcnney Woodstock moim The uallilcatione were not WWW Kllchener 7544149 lineily guided uriul late one Mmaccloi SI Mam em day when three players 197 emerged item In llmln roup Block at Colhirlnu aloelav thet tied It 157 alter so nlei Stely Ottlvre noslee and settled their on argument Dorolloeler Kitchener 7tl7 in niddendoath pllyoii 151 Hunter Chetham 7777151 iiiliio°lilréilfdtl mamn Windsor leeIs lieumgert Kingston waneloo lhwmmdmmpb Saiirln Windsor linolei in the prcxxure on while the Waite Si Thomas 8369172 lront mom for 77 holes col mm Sam Tm PM Davidson ounwuiiooiu this W0 51 Galloway St lirryi roanm one cam in more 576 erniluz twohold dcllclt Jlgewn Pembmuih 7° down the last nine in win by margin oi in stroke over Al Sigma SLmmn 75 ES cur Hoppei Windsor 3281164 CHOICE emotional iiiinslzliiiidrim SKINLESS CHICKEN nine until the ilnal nut for home suddenly faded and took mt WWdiwn WP MeGrath Oshawa 7777454 third place with 590 to Albert Galloway Smith gt The deiendlnz lirltlah Colum Emmi Thor 7W4 hla team oil to poor start Mole Kitchener Moslee could never catch up and tin mm mm P1 mm LONDON CF Flnol chm Gm cow than scores in the whole Into who in delence oi till ame Pl 10 19 FRESH KIllED EVISCERATED teur II today Need the On Non Scott 60 iiffl°lii337 iiEllitiiliiliifiiliili no erosionElmer the Sunnlnsdale course par oi mum 75 LBI nonunion hi3 British Columbia to lock at Toronto each with us Keith Alexander lose Cann mm mm WW 75 llll dien amateur chem lon led his Alberto melee wlthpltt on two Bub Kgdr WWW 757515 mm lteitmlicehuroti Vancouver 7a READY To SERVE FRESH YOUNG ClrlNG To LEAD Bill Walrli Vitrl 7272 iiiniiiiilliliilhlii CLUB STYLE Alberto one then came apart Bill Pidlerirl with our the first round tall 35 CW oil in atrokee with 77 lion Fiddler could oquel Mimi mm ggretroundecore with rounds Doug suverw calgéry 7a hlli Walleham at Victoria war Bola Wylierciilgary 7574149 331 $113de Suhtohenn loos Bert Tlcehurat oi Vanoouver magma 5th 79 lEANBONELESS won the lone member or the Keith Rover Region 6678 team who appeared to iaea drown mlr ii ampoli mne grade in the pinion win mm 7775 hlrdleiputtol Minot Manltohn 5M Fiddler also qualliled in the Playoffigliloï¬ with Mifllinï¬icoll 75° 79 its am The addition of Tloahuret and ï¬uommuk WWW Fiddler means that tour team gm mum WWW m7 in ennui Columbia aneiinunaf f5 Wm Malena me NEILSONS JERSEY ï¬lledaw lordllodayï¬totrte oil mm may bring together two of Canadnr in 3mm T°r°nt° 73 prime hopes in the second mund gt flaw Conan lfltchoner 6971 la FAvoitED Lou Molner lloronto 757044 Conan meets Sid Salomon Wk Weiluck Toronto 7273 III oi St Louie and la top 15 heavy lavorile Wealoclr is an Quebec 817 vor Claude bulnnr Beler me $3123 iifmhif59idqMv 157 GOLD RIBBON Alia in the upper lieu oi the Madm MoMml 7m draw Ted Adams oi Phoenix 155 IS OZ Arlz lose Canadlan winner Brian Molnar Montreal on meets Bob Cochran oi Nor 75157 mum Mo who am Brian Powell Montreal 7475 in the qualilylng round 14 In the lower half at tho draw le flmmcblEJ 634 Don Cherry oi noun run Bill Bishop Saint John llim MOUNT ROYAL LOCAL oaowu Texas meeta Ernie Haueser at 159 Kitchener Howell Fraser ot gaung Dowllnn Monoton lu Cream St lei Corn 29 HEAD it our ms 3151 elinen isnlti ï¬ning ue LARGE FINE GRANULATED veteran 11 Haveritioli Jr Doug Lewis Moneton zero HEADS of Lancaster Pa lee BliSEBllLLliECORD Whites 430 ONTARIO uorl ran CANADIAN runes iranrns City Washington National Lrnene cm Chm Les Angelo ion on ProhuhlePltchere runny MAPLE LEAF San Francisco 77423547 115 Baltimore Eetrada at gt Cincinnati 72 47 605 67 DEtmit Aguirre 95 gt plums 665 mu Chicago Pizarro 1111 and LBS st Mule 55 5434513 Wynn no at Cleveland Perry Mflwnukée 55535 ao anndDowallzsl Philadelphia ascension Magogmï¬ï¬‚ialtegymlolo 01 EE giiesiii ii iii gin oual no ALL POPULAR anouns New York 57151 Washington Stenhouee 107 gt gt rm at Kansas CityeiPllater 79 SARTON Phlladelpliiaallylflaweiioriii B°t°s°iwall 31 at OF 53 Francisco mug Angolan liahneky an 200r Los Angeles Plitahur mm 55m Milwaukee Clncinnatlgt Shim at Km Clll Louis Baum New York at Minnesota Gamellhuraday Chm WW comm NEW LAUNDRY DETERGENT 3919 PMSbUIEh International League woman Milwaukee at Cincinnati Jacltennvlllo 76 43 689 in San Francisco at Chicago Toronto 70 53 569 ll St Louie at Houston Rochester as so 532 12 American Lear cininin WL MGM Atlanta am em 16 Naw York 71 is 812 Richmond to 71 not 31 Lee Annalee 67 so son syricnre 45 la in on Minnesota on 52 555 66 Chicago 0155513115 ck ï¬at Dwou 5a 60AM illE1an at Syracuse ppd 35mm 53 61 Atlanta Rochester Cleveland 57 61 453 Boston as 75 Builnlo Richmond Kama my 53 In Toronto Columbus Gumrl loduy Wflshlm 73 38127 Torouio nt CulumhuaN niesdaya Results Biilfnlnat Richmond NawYorlr Minnesota Atlanta at Rochester Huston 79 Lea Aunelos l5 Jacksonv