anon Want Ads no phenom agile The telephone ouran toutiforthaliuslml Wampum 190 THERES JOY in Red Square today or Moscovltu Montgomer LONDON APlnlicId Mur shal Viscount Montgomery moved into the eye of politi cal storm today after letting slip in press interview the supposedly private opposition of Sir Winston Churchill to Britain joining the Common Market Net for the first time the peppery 74yearold war hero appeared to have let in large diplomatic cat out of the bag Repercussions are expected to be wide Emerging from hospital visltln SirWinsten1pesdsy Montgomery announced he found his old chief in complete agreement with his own opposi lion in Britain joining the Eu pean Six Montgomery so He agrees with me He is the against Britain going The statementialmnst talnly caused embarrassment to the government which all summer has been en gaged in delicate negotiations with the European trading bloc For Sir Winston too it was obviously trial Nearly 100 Conservative members of Far ilament are firmly opposed to Britain entering Europe and showing signs of rebellion yeah old acted quickly from his sickbed to prevent his name being used umflltyi for tlrean Market faction Snon after hearing Montgom ery make his assertion in ielc vision newscast Churchilltor dered publication of hitherto private letter which set forth his views on tbeBritish application The key paragraph appeared to he the last thirdr the government are right to apply to join it sald not because am yet curt vinced that we shall be able to join but because there appears to be no other way by which we can find out exactly whether the conditions are acceptable In these terms Sir Wi tons position appeared to coincide V5vBftit Rise th Unusual OTTAWA CPl Unemploy ment inmaaed by 7000 to 308 000between midJune and mid July the Dominion Bureau of Statistics and the federal labor department reported today Farming was the weak point in Julysemployment picture Seasonal requiremenknf ag riculture were somewhat smaller titanic recent years the re port said This situation was noted particularly in the Atlan tic Quebec and Ontario regions whereall ttbeio empï¬yï¬cn occurred Non farm employment was higher in almost all sectors with increased activity in construcn lion transportation and trade Manufacturing remained steady with increases in many indus tries offsot by the seasonal lay offs for model changeovers in the autumn industr The serv field which nor malty shows drop in this pe rind held steady during the month Total employment was rec ord 6505000 upza per cent from year earlier Nonsiarm employment rose four per cent Quebec showed the sharpest gain in unemployed 4000 do spite lump of better than five per cent in its nonfarm employ iricTrr Long torm unemployment wa sub ntialiyk lower than lei year the re ortadded bout ewe lb do of those lesmall corrying bannersnnd huge photos oi illusion cosmon witlr the official government line But bscr rs pointed out the letter written year agoas private communica tion to parw organizers in his electoral district of Woudfnrd The question being asked was whether Sir Winston had since made up his mind that Britain should drop the negotiations and stay out of Europe if so he un derstandably might want to keep his views to himself Montgomery whose record of diplomatic fluffs rnngc crlticlsnrsjof GcnIEiscnlrower as war commander in ultra cnthusinsue estimates of line Tsetung made his disclosure of the Churchiilinn view in his customary pcrky Standing on the steps oi the Lundo hospit Govl Aid For Universities Wanted By Barrie Federation Barries argument in favor of the establishment of unis versity in this city was given weight yesterday when the On tario Scoop ol erslrederalfon executive gave support to similar schemes leeli Hraccbridgc the executive of the OSSTF said It is obvious thatwe must have federal assistance per boon to the extent of $100000 00010 meet our required need in statement to the federa tions annual conference Tues day the executivesaid thous andsof Ontario students are being denied the opportunity of higher education It said survey on projected enrolments showed that by 1006 there would be as many students32000in the fresh man years as the present total province university enrolment And by 1970 university en rolment would exceed 100000 seeking work in July had been unemployed for less than three months Another 12 per cent had been out of work for be tween four and six months with 20 per cent jobless for more than six months Virtually all of the yearlo year drop in unemployment 46000was among men over2n years of age The Atlantic region had the highest jobless rate 73 per cent of its labor force The na parcent Quebec 53 in the Pacific re gron 30 in Ontario and 21 on the Prairies year earlier the regional rates were Atlantic 7AQue bees Ontario 37 Prairies 22 and Pact 54 ton SlTUllilON IN our neuron otrnwn tCPiCanadas un employment picture in July tip thousands July JunetJuly 1962 1962 1561 61177 6752 6743 6568 6451 688 we militia ONTARIO REGION Labor force 2402 2404 2457 Employed 209013022345 ALL CANADA Labor force Employed Unemployed Discloses nuts celebrate in the Soviet capitol AP Virepholol ion is confined with broken thigh he positively beamed sot isfacllnn at photographers on he dropped his bombshell is that all right he asked Then he hurried off to his country home in Hampshire There Tuesday mght one newspaper was able to roacb himthc staunchly antimarket Daiw Express The Express quoted him as was anxious to know what JlinstoniboughLahnutIn goinglnlo the Market Sir Winston did not go into any reasons it was simply case of me asking him if he was against it and Sir Winston say ing that ho was He did not elaborate hi The overall problem cannot be met by simply expanding the present universities the executive noted his issue SEmga cwo nking Ural has been followed in its preliminary discusiuns onliresnbj The executive oi the OSSTF feels that this would be far too costly it is more logical to start other universities strategi cally located throughout the province Some Barrie residents are presently in the process of pre paring brief that can be sub milled in the Ontario Govern ment pointing out the necd for such program in this city or in the general area At pres ent the city development com mittee of Barrie City Council is trying to arrange meeting with Premier John Roberts mi nister of education for the prov ince Unemployment lotais by re gions with June figures brack eted Atlaan 46000 45000 Que hcc 100000 t105000 to unem played and the jobless rate was the second ina row Nu months ago the province had 01000 out of work 34 per cent of its in bar force The glint ng four 1tiargh not gt un employed total fell substantially was not unusual the report said During the last five years varied from on unemployment increase of 15000 to drop of 09000 Itt mid Julyunempluyment representcd 45 per cent of the Canadian laborforce the same percentage as in June In July of last year there were 354000 out of work 52 per cent of the labor force The joint release said employ ment rose by 110000 during the month with the increase in the total labor force due to the influx of students into the in bor market An estimated 173000 teenag Feraiermhvlï¬iï¬l ririsTirelr most of whom found work set by nliicant with drawal of rrred Women Unemployed 94 9211a from working anks tmlssile hascs htï¬ihfffd is Taxilermils the JunetoJuly figures have This increase was partly olf canadian Scientist Urges AntiBomber DefenceSystem OTTAWA 101 Defence Escarch Boardseicntist any reasonably strong North American antibomber defence system must he malntaind for possibly decades and that Cap ada must contribute to it 11 Sutherland oi the ds operational research groupthe bookmom boys of defence planningadds that no one can say when if over it will be possible to dispense with active defences against the bomber Mr Sutherland writing in the current issue of The laternn iional Journal published hytho Canadian institute of intcmo tinnol Affairs says the bomber is more accurate flexible and versatile than the long range missile and can carry nigger bomb load He says Russia has roughly 1000 planes which could reach North American targets on once way missions and despite what Soviet Khrushchev says is continuing to develop advanced types of bombers WONT SUCCEED The result is this As long as there is reasonably strong North American air defence systemgsonwatlcmptrtor kltuck outthe retaliatory force using either bombers or mis siles is not likely to succeed if there were no air de fences by using their bomber force the Soviets could mount very damaging attack xcd se riousrisk that they could knock outtlro American command sys em At another point Mr Sulher land says in his article on titled Canadas Long Term Strategic Situation that the US is bound to defend Canada from external aggression nl SoldIllegally MONTREAL CF Specula tion in taprermits has amounted to on 50000000 racket in Montreal during the last few years the civic administration charged Tuesday adore the Quebec transportation board The number of tort permits in Montreal has been frozen at 4925 by provincial law in ct tect since 1551 Since then black market has existed for text permits Lucien Sauinier chairman of city couna cils executive committee told the board small group got control of an ever increasing number of permrts and an individual who wanted one often had to pay between $10000 and $15000 for it Mr Saulnler said The official permit price is $01 but the city had none to sell They were all taken up years ago Arctic islonds It SUTIIENLAND most regardless of whether or not Canadians wish to he do fended For as far ahead as one can possibly foresee this will be the central fact of Canadian strategy and the basis of Cara das external Other Sutherla Conndns lo claim to its still not he 11 Canada the my eontiniro lorecdgnltoa re spunsihllity for their defence There is no mnjorthreat of Soviet invasion of the Cuna inn Arctic but we cannot in tnily ignore this bccausa it is real Soviet capability Thereis not much of case for basing US long rnnge missiles in Canod Gulls For jerruiqejjjj roxouro CPtA new plea for trace in interunlon war riore on the Great Lakes was made Tuesday at the opening csslon of the federal industrial inquiry into shipping disruptions and labor strife along the lake front ltlr Justice Norris crved notice tlrnt he will not tolerate any ottemplsto frus trate or intimidate his oneman investigation ilc told the Seafarers Inter national Union ofCannda find to use its influence to end hor nssment of Canadian ships by American longshoremen and SlU members think thesltuation is dis graceful when someresponsihle eople are acting like lot of Sons otpbreedom Donkhohors sold the Vancouver jurist mumsBRIEFS ASays Russians the Masters MANCHESTER England Reuters director otlha nearby Jodrell Bank said today the Russians are new masitrspf space and can knock in the scientific sense American spy satellites to earthol the So The Russi have clear superiony Bernard LovellI Telescope Station Lovell commenting pace twins declared the military if not THE HAGUE Reutersl Dutch forrccsrmdtsputed West New Guinea today drove off Mustang fighter space An official Dutch forces formation of threoindone planes which tried to enter evGuinca communiqu is tied Lin Hoi landia the territorys capitol said that one of eMustangs lost heightand started to trailsmoke Specialist Looks ill Soblen LONDON flamers British blood disease specialist to examine Dr Robert Soblen re ported in excruciating pain by convicted Soviet spy suffering authori sytoday calledih his lawyer The tilyearnid from 1neurnbic leï¬kemin Tuesday won weeks reprieve from deportation ilcdStntcs where he faces In life pr sonl Negro Quits Govt Post SALISBURY Southern Rhodesia dealers Negro to hold an dxecatlchostlntbaCentmlJfrl WestonFme opcans are incapable of tréatl per Savanna parliamentary oral home affair ministry called the gov ents tat ship um are no rat or Ddothcr races fatrl today only low not from ByTruck 1D ltmnnlhold child was killed lust outsideher parents lltono Township home yesterday when she was rrtn over by truck driven by visitor to the farm The victim was Dawn Lucile Meltelvierdoumrter of Mr and Mrs ltonald MeKolvte whose form tsttcnr Roscmonl Comnet Dr Shannon sold the child had been playing near sandpilwhenlhe truck or rivcd After the trtlck turned to leave she was seen to get up from the ground then collapse She died before nredicai help could be summoned The name of the driver of tho vehiclewhim was thought to be scrap iron truckwas not known at press time The child Is to be buried Thursday afternoon lh funeral arrangements being made by serum to thEThape Dr Shannon said no decision had been made regarding all inquest but he felt there would be one arsutrs noun of theories to examinations written by linrria Calicgiulcs students appear on page 12 of todays cdltihn 11 Marine srara His outburst come after Up per Lakes Shipping Limited re ported one of its ships was re fusedassistance by SlUmnnncd tugs at Chicago and faces boycott by longslrnremen In no uncertain terms the 60 yeor uid Vancouver jurist servcd notice on all parties that ira intended to get to the bottom of the longbrewing union dis pains that have disrupted lake shippingeven if it look end less time tm bound that will not be frustrated by nrw effort to ex port Canadian labor dispute to the US said Mr Justice Norris The judge appeared to be ongrybut be quickly explained the was speaking loudly so that cveryono corrld understand him clearly The inquiry plunged quickly totlre heart of the inteeunlon rivalriesthat underlie the re cent disruptions of lake shipping in American portsand in lilo St Lawren Seawayto the bitter feud etwcen the Sill and the new lilnritiine Upper Lakes shippingatound which the ligirt lras beenwaged mdny attbe tederntt non barn where zenloin normally The blazetto pla Powys hidingueho byMtas Berlin incarnation arrangement 460 their tomorrowiu rer loll summery turn to page two atoscow the Russias heavenly iwinsï¬reiurnod to earth today and were reported in good health otter hulls eye landings ending record break ing space flights that apparently gave the Soviet Union giant stride toward manned shot at the moon said the two Russian apncemon brilliantly fulfilled their task and for the next few days will remain under observation of doctors to study the influ eocon of prolonged spnco flight on the human organism surge of lubilniien swept over the Soviet Union at the news of their landing the 0g ency said Moscow residents flocked into Red Square Cosmosl Cosmnsi Cosmnsi shouted younger members of the crowd Toss said ltlnj Andrlan Nt knluyev landed in his spaceship Vostok lll stints am and Lt Col PaveIPopovich in Vostok 1V six minutes later at 1001 am BOTH ARE WELL Beth cosmonauts feel well said the Soviet news agency Tcsssald landed etc spaceships predetermined of the Soviet Union The iondrng sllc Tess said was to the south of Korngondn town in Krizakhslnn ln rcct proximity with the planned points of landingJI This is the area rumiwhlch pnst space uies short of four days for Ni kolnyev who blasted off at 1130 am Saturday and just 01 minutes short of ce days for lopovlclr who went up at 1100am Sunday The Communist party central committee the supreme Soviet presidirtm and the Soviet gov ernmont in jointmcssago sold Nikolnyovhnd circled the earth more than at times covering distanceet 1600000 kltomc lres 1000000 miles The mes sage said Popovich made more than 40 orbits for ardistnnce of nearly 2000000 kilometres 210000 miles They far ouldislanccd the lime and distance of any pre ceding spoce flight Soviet astronaut Maj Glrer man Iilov set the previous record with his 25hour l7orblt illght Ang 1001 Americas The Soviet news agency Tass shotsrhnvo bccn slauntltmt The flights lasted just05 mm neurons1 Russian Peoplehrelubilant LtCol John61ennond lt Cmdr hlnleolm Scott Carpen ter each made three orbits this year The unridsfirat spoon man Russian astronaut Yuri Gagarin mode can orbit loallng 100 minutes on April It 1901 The Tar landing announce ment said in conformity with the pros gram of the flight for Aug 15 1002 the spaceships Vnsiok ill with cosmonaut ndrlan Niko oncv on board and Vostok ill with cosmonaut Pavel Popovleh on board have landed in the pre determined area The space ships Voslok ill and Voslok iV hnvo landed normally Follow the time of land ngs fNikoinyevJnlnc rhouro fifty livcmlnules Popuvleh one minutes After the space flightvand lho lnndln both cosmonauts feel well program of the flight of tho spaceships Vostolt ill and Vostok 1V had been car rled not fully VlLL ACCLAIM heros welcome and world acclaim awaited leolnyov s1 and E0p0vlcb ntwhom Snvlot newspapers dubbed the heavenly twins Red Square nircndy wosboing mode ready for mammoth welcome for tho lwntncw heroes possibly Sun Ten hours zero dnywhlch is Soviet Air Force Doy After itsilrst announcement Moscow radio began program not patriotic mnsipr Both radio and television coir celled regular rngranrs for the latest space bu lelins mixed with patriotic tunes Aloscuw television promptly showed pictures of the two cos monauts to their flying helmets shots winch hccame kind of trademark of the Monday op eratlon Soviet Oililellsfllthd not dis closed rnnclr of what has been learned so in However the flights apparently are thirstarc sulls The two cosmonauts proved thatman can withstand the rig ors of space travel with its oc compnnylng wcightlcssness at least for atrlp to the nroon and hockSuch trip is expected to take least three days with the first tno days devoted to launching spaceships into orbit and joiningthem into single crafttfut finni lunar voye longest trnveillng spocemen