Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Aug 1962, p. 12

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HARVESTS HEAVY CROP Jimmy Carlson son at Le loy Carlson owner at the land combines crop at rye that averaged 05 bushels an acre The rye belore It was swathed was six teet high Last year Carlson in the middle oi the drought hit southeastern Saskatchewan grain belt had almost com plete crop failure on this land Oats planted on It was only six Inches high This year the area has had at least 11 inches at rain 01 Wirephotol German MD Searches For Malformation Clue LONDON Ali When the baby smiled for the West Ger man doctor It looked the same as any normal healthy inlanL but it had been born without IIIIIS The doctor was Wtdukind Lent pediatrician Troubled at tile Irequonclvcot snch births in iiambure oz kept asking bimsoil Whiit to causing this horrible thing Why so many babies without srml without Icgst The question began search that gradually was to untold into the tragedy at thousands women who look the dmg thal tdomlde The day was Nov it 1001 Lens luenioned the mother kinda eaten any unusual loads during her pregnancyi No but she iind taken sed ative pills repeatedly Which pltlst Contcrgansho sslu This was trade name at thalidomide drug developed in West Germany It was the tlrst clue wondered if this was what had been looking tor Lens recalls IOLL NOI KNOWN didnt know at tiiat time what Contergan was But it tnmed out to be widely dls trlbutctl In thstl Germany Women In Britain were tak Ing It too and In probably dozen countries besides The toll ot babies deformed Iii not known for certain So tar there are only estimates In West Germany 3600 last year alone in Britain around 1000 In the late summer of 1001 my colleagues and mysclt In Hamburg had noticed trc onency ot mottormed babies it was completely puzzling to me says Lens lint noticed that the mob formations were on ed mostly to the same form and one thing was clear there would be only one main cause So went out to look up tannlies and personally ques tion them Within low days Lens tnmcd up 17 babies similarly crippled All 17 mothers told hlmthey had taken Contcrgon during early pregnancy Now well on the trail Lent got In touch with other doctors and medical otiictals tn sit the West German states 13y Nov to he was able to tell the North RhineWestphalia so eletyior pediatrics There are Indications that Contergon 1s dangerous IN AUSTRALIA TOO Almost simultaneously doc tor tn Australia made the some tlndtng Dr Itlcliride saw con nection between thalidomide and the births at several dc tormed children tie reported his suspicions Nov 211 to the tirm moritettn thehidomlde In Britain and due or In West Germany Lenzs re port to the pediatrics society was bombshell The Cbcmle Grnencnthni ComJiony tied discovered thalid omt in 1051 and had tested it until 1057 The drug had been tires to rats and mice to see whether it was toxic to cats tor possible eiiccls on bloadpreo sure to rabbits to case It eoused tever and to guinea pigs to exclude allergic eftccts Thalidomide come through these tests It was sedative and hypnotic which seemed an attractive alternative to more dangerous barbiturates Chit dren had swallowed Islg doses and suitercd no ill ellects In April 1050 thalidomide was marketed In Britain otter Brit Ish clinicians out It through controlled trials which rulcdit hate Why didnt the scientists test tor possible ill ctfects on the unborn It wasnt the practice Preg Wants Overhaul Oi Service Act OTTAWA CPI The 70001 member Civil Service Federa tion at Canada Monday made public Its proposals tor Xyer noting the Civil Service ct They call tor negotiation con ciliation and arbitration proce dures on all matters pertaining to public service salaries and working conditions negotiating agency would be established by the tcdernl government with full authority to conclude agreements with recognized associations oi fed eral employees Stoit associa tions would he recogntwd by ow Fred Whitehouse federation president said copies at the plan will he sent to all members at Parliament copy went last week to Prime Minister Dielen okeraloag with request Eetottttlicstool gsiigtoii Emitter streams at we rtrom it nant women were considered to be In biologically exceptional category and not suited for such es SUPPLIES CALLED IN to West Germany otter Lens made his report Crncneathol uttered to tell doctors not to prescribe the drug top pregnant women This was not enough doctors agreed and nIIsupplIos In the hands of wholesalers doctors and drugglsts woro called tn on Nov 011 1601 Even today Grncncnthsl In sists that the case sealant Its drug is not proven lt regards its withdrawal as temporary tierrnon health authorities in Bonn say the question is still open but evidence ts strong lteporta from Austria Swlt zerlnnd Francoloiand and it oly show concentration pi stolennod cliildronta citfos where the drug has been sold British doctor who is clos el associated witii new safety tr tits at thalidomide says Scientists had never hetero thought that such tests for drugs cftect on the unborn should he made 01 course they know now It Is horrible thing that has happened At great cost an entirely new lield ol scien titte Inquiry has suddenly opened up seeking to tied toolproot way at establishing that no motlcrn drugs can harm an unborn child that he met with civil service representatives to discuss the governments salary freeze and Still Too Low rononro tcrtitors titan 1000 blood donors helped re nlcnisb dangerously low sup piles tn the lied Cross Societys Iloronto Trontusion Bank Mon oy society spokesman sold that before Mondays donor clinics were held we bad Just about days supply lclt We like to have at least three days supply In th bank tit many of our regular donors are out of town for the sum mer The society said there still to great need and more clinics will be held today in an exchange it hl ott arcticcs Ill mmmo sooner Pointer Will Do BbokOn Canada ROME tCPIdiotott Beoys centers sad brush hsvstskea lin tromiths books at the Saskatchewan River to the banks ot the Tiber and soon theyll be taking him back The as year old pointer Phatosrspbsr who has acquired 3sosavtsbls reputation and Roman vtlis by taking pliaures oi rules has been comm to do photobook on Canada The Wilmer who left his birthplace sdlclos list Alto 11 years ago and tound to national tame will make oral short visits to Canada with Is comers to get ths book started In time for publication to csIobratoths 1067 conten nlst ot Contcderstton Bony wont say what so prosch he will take but no em phasich that the book will deltnitsly be treated from peculiar angle gt While in Canada he will also orranite an exhibition at his photographs at the Royal On tario Museum in Toronto The museum like many oth ers already hosa number at his paintings in Its collection for Beny wal noted painter beiors he took up the camera and went hunting tor niios BOOKS ON ROtnitt When he was concentrating on pointing Bony bod works In more than 21 exhibitions In Europe and North America Within space at few years he saw them bought by mu seums In Montreal Toronto Winnipeg New York Cincin nati Ohio Yan and liorvard stoned Ih universities and cities In Isrsel Buttsorlsnd and holy He took up photomphy origv locally as means oi capturing scenes tor later painting but soon became fascinated with the medium and with the ruins ot ancient civilizations The result has been litres books the first on Greek rules mood ruins and the third on the voy age oi Ulysses The second boots The Thrones oi lIsrth and heaven carries commentaries by lean Cocteau ltoss Macaulay Bernard Berea son Stephen Spender and oth ers of the European intellectual elite it won prize as the best bookicxhiblted at the Interna tionsl Book Fair to Leipzig The third Time at Gods is scheduled tor publication in Sea tembcr In France Council England the United states Sweden The Netherlands Noe way and Finland The camera has dons more tar Bony than the brush al though he still points its gets humorous sin Issiln meats and to much sought otter as portrait photographer Its maintains studies In Toe onto and New York and to downtown home but his orrnan cnt home tor the lost years has been villa on the banks at the Tiber Ito goes to Yugoslavia this summer on magazine assign ment and later takes sit on twoyear photographic tour at the world to gather Illustrations tor Rose Mocoulays book The Pleasure of tin counciivoteirnséns Observers To Vatican PARIS API The World Council at Churches represent in Protestant and Orthodox is the voted Monday tommttt the Vaticans Invltotton toscnd observers to tho Ramon Cotho Itc ecumenical council in home this fall The councils centralor ex ecutivecommittee which is in session hero unanimously adopted committee recom mendation to this effect The council designated Dr Luknlt Vtscherresearch secre terytor the councils talth and order commission minister to the Swissfltelormld Church one at the observers second to to be ppointed Inter Dr Viseher also has been des Ignotcd to accompany iomnn delegation of tho talth and order commission to hassle to make contact with lenders ot the flue stan Orthodox Church The dele Igatton will be in the Soviet Un on from Aug 22 to Sept As CONDITIONS The recommendation sold the observers should attend them can council under three condi Ions The purpose ot the observ ers to to obtain dlrecl Interme tion on the work at the Vatican council concerning relations be tween tho churches and Chris tian unity in general The observerswill have no authority to speak otticinlly tor the World Council or for Its member churches or to nego tiate toothem But the observ ers may give intormal ex lano tions at theWorld Councl po sition as expressed to decisions at the World Councils Assembly last year In New Delhi and of Itscontrol committee The observers will report I15 Economists through the otiicers ot the Worldwouncll ot Churchds The World Council includes an churches in more than 110 countries Ice Had Worried Beiore MM Died HOLLYWOOD tAPtdoo DI htoggio quit his sinuousayear Job to be near his oxwlfe Marin lyn Monroe says DiMaggIos iormer employer IiIlooette Incorporatodr oi Smllhtleld Vo said Monday the onetime New York Yankee baseball star resigned Aug as vice rcstdent ot com pany whie supplies military st exchanges DiMaggio was reported deeply worriedahout his ewitio days belore she died Aug Moncttc said he believed Di Maggio was still in love with Miss Monroe thou hthelr mor riago bad taste only nine months Marilyn married playwright Arthur Miller otter divorcing DiMaggio But when she dl vorced Miller she saw DiMsg gio immunity and vocationed with him In Florida IIDVOCATEB MEETING BELGRADE tAPlYugoslav President Tito advocates new meeting of President Kennedy andiPremior Khrushchev as is way to lessen EastWest distrust and Improve understanding Tito oxpesscd his views on wide range at world problems an Interview given to two American visitors last Tuesday and published Saturday by the oitlctal news agency Toning Dont Fear Further Shocks Orltccession ny senses nuunn Canadian Press Business Editor There seems Little likelihood that business is uddenly going to tail out of bed says the cur rent monthly economic letter oi the First National City Bank New York Discussing the American ecm nomtc scone theletter odds fWe have had no excesses at business spendingtor inven tory or plant and enulpmenb which need correction There is no apparent reason to expect additionallshoeks like the steelprice controversy or the stockmarket breakto replace an atmosphere at caution with one at downright gloom The weight of evidence does not sup port the view that recession at hand James Richardson and Sons In Its current investa highgreats stock market is sues thatrhavo had the se verest fcorreettan or even over casscetions will in general tend to re cover mors rapidly than the overall market The review suggests tor Investment clglit accurtties that have had substantial declines adding that It should not be regarded as complete IistuThe eight tacks are Aigomo steel Canadian imperial liaak oi Commerce Dominion Stores Greater Winnipeg Gas 1m pertol oII Investors Syndi cate Moore Corporations Placer Development holdst Queens University Kingstenr Sept 57 sponsored by the Textile Technical Feder ation of Canada news release says registra tions havobeen received from protiealty every textile region in North America and that speakers will be from England Switzerland France and the United States as well ostrom Canada Discnssion topics will be con version ot ilbrcs into yarn cen verslon of ttbrcs and yarn into tabrtcs dyeing and finishing mill supervision and knitted fabrics II Mcrseresu of Montreal the semtnsrs general eholr man says that since the that seminar was held in 1915 the benefits gained by the Canadian primary textile industry train the exchange Ideas are local eulable Morc titan it at Canadas largest toad and beverage producers will have exhibits at thelnternntionnl Fond Congress and Exhibition at the New York Coliseum Sept Add in nddltionito the Canadian governments cx news release says rep resentatives at 05 countries will attend and that atten dnnec Is estimated at 50000 from the food trade and 350000 from the general public Participants are ex pected to include cpres ItlIIVCI at 25000 snIcrmn es The exhibition was first on Mediterranean Bachelor Jock Norris 50 and his two attractive crew members set sail for the south To Hear case Rails Cut CHICAGO AP Iho US Circuit Court oi Ap eols cleared the woyMondny or on early showdown on plans of Us rails roads to eliminate thousands of jobs they consider unnecessary The court acceded to re quest by tho railroads tor test emcrg consideration ot their motion to dismiss tem porary injunction restraining them from putting ojohainstt Ilng schedule into eiiect Thurs by Judge Elmer Schnockenberg oi the Appeals Court govothe ilvo unions involved until pm today to the opposing briefs and pleadings 11o said the Appeals Court might wish to hear oral arguments Wednesday The strategy of the railroads has been to win court approvct at their Jobcut order and send the dispute toWoshtngwn tor White House settlement It the Appeals Court dis missed thc injunction the five sacroiliac unlsosdoveianaeo expectc to serve strike notices and President Kennedy then could prevent any work stop page tor at least 60 days by appointing lootfinding board unions was arenas tors brekemcn and switchmen TREKKED WITH seasons TRANSPQRIING ALPS To ATTACK Rosa held In larisin 1050 and no Lsnssnnetflwttnrlon DID Lm tt 1052 Home may oppositions The live unions roprcsent210 000 engineers firemen conduc tN ANCIENT amesiwas annalsits LOGISTIC TRIUMPH CARIrtAGtNIAN ARMIAND ITS ELEPHANTS THROUGH TH seas at the weekend Donne Biornsnn 21 and Cathy Its gen 22 leitiboth psychia They have announced they will appeal courtwrderudenylag petition tor permanent Injunc tioaagoinst the work changes The jobcut order would elimi nate immediately the tabs at 40000 diesel themes and top ott 25000 other iobstn the next Ilve years presidential commission had recommendedthnt tho obs at 13000 diesel firemen ho im Inatcd at once and that the 27 000 other tlromen notbo re placed when they retire dleor are trsnsterred to other duties CENTRAL sitivit Stnce 1045 the only Canadian bank with the right to Issue notes has been the Bank of Con ads the central bank snares novsnraaa sons trlc nurses saved tor sue for their shore of the $2000 needed torthe trlp Norris built the toton 43foot schoon er Aria In seven years Ithen thoclriosLmoney runs outthe gtrlsVwlligo ashore to work whileNorrs will charter the Anrlatorrlidttng trips CP Wirephotot insultsan AGENCY no so auxsue or uanius Now At ousNewtocariou dEcclos North Phone rssosi2f SEE SHORGAS FOR ALL voun NATURAL cos AND PROPANE HEATING ano APPLIANCE NEEDS ASK scour our specsu PRESEASO HEATING OFFER movsneoav WASADRAG WHENPREHISTORIOTRIBES THE MOST sonoaisme Fears on MOVING Actonomero some HISTORIANE THE coveosvweow prone Huuoneo YEARS Ago were one AMERICAN wesr MOVING tS nose rueogrhnr TIIAN MILITARY messianic NOW SIMPLE FAST AND TROUBLEi=ng wine BecameDock cavemen PACKING UNFACKING AND maximums fgr any TIME youaeepa MatER Lefyour fihgers at five MiaIrving1 fhraugh fhe you

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