Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Aug 1962, p. 5

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French Donbiing fags their lifllNGHAlfothtanAbout eight serious was Injurethle rnms tltculcrnlA number unis Inhabitanisorl bolhsldes French government aiilclaln oi the Iron flirtain aspire trials griffinognflwlnm fihmgiflm and economists rcgsrd Britains and more toward this louidon ma chances of negotiating betway do Goalie says and any member Into the Europsan Common arrangement made directly and Chm In wig 0M0 Market at less than woowith at this time by President Kcn Durham Gum mm the odds against still lengthen nasty with bloscow would Ignore mm menu The has hit scardriven by French tails Into account The Amorlcm you Hume DH DMWI iiiiiiinnhhiiiih°ii°n units is unites Emu um °° it what an eminenl cconomist 1m mu cmmmw mn some Pam Jmuu Chum we do Gitqu argues tends to pcr MW MIMI Murine called the smell disdain In Wm amp mm by Dun Id AM mm mm Commu are mum CurtstnI Fergus Oah are In satisfactory condition In hospital hero Ken the rageaters theIsouerkrauIr the French pmldcnt does not both linenng andchil Kunkeb Into and the mainrmlstlert want mcreiy crttclai united both Irorn Teuwnlarwomo and Emile MM Europe but Iltarlly strong both passengers In Minn Duells mm 10 HOW and independent Eulope one car were taken to hospital at log for the secret influence on mm mm moth Wm mam gum In at can livelorl balloon gondola lor which stars lied Buttons the governments conc men by RMHM mI hetmumidtitan Kunkel tn aatislactory titled iupltcris the local air LsdricI lisrtlwiclic Fab the divergent conccpions of he numnmwwm be prepared mam point oi 20th CenturyrFoas Inn Borhnra Eden Peter WW WW PmIdml to talk to II only out at car Wingham is as miles north at retelling oi the Jules Verne iorra Richard Haydn and Kennedy and President do CMMI Marion adventure comedy Five Barbara Luna starts at tile Wilt Weeks in saloon lhe itoxy rhcnire Wednesday Animnfitgbihfiipingeraug It Irwin Alien production In aunc all man rrioohiet said in sin Frnynclsco aSClSt RIOlmg In Britain Cinemasm mm that helenrs tor the Iuturc oi alibifl Sigh int Causes Public Concern SEISMDISCM mafia by II onuilce mm Lennon tori Ii rottcn Aworo oi lhc government Tolell Patient But for de Gauilc It In not tomato splashes against the dilemma Mosley calms to It READY OR NOT simply question ol tinkering side or nynunrt pnttceninns deicndinn lrcc speech and In FWISIIIgGKNIN mp SMASH am with the oIrIIqunlzaIIIlon at 150 fncc knocking at his helmet able that the police protect him Tm halfdflhr KIOJIIIH Gary Doucstlc left outside the main gstcs oi the first Into the CNE when it VEhw III lg Fight break out around SUPPORT 13 and marketrm ma mum WIT is Canadian National Exhibition in cns Aug 17 One of the V0 platform where chestthumping am PM Cm grounds Illeyrc not taking lirds dads brlhgs them load 010 Weapons In Europe pnsctct speaker are launched Thammclmm Hm on WWI mm is Is bcin Ivon an ax orimentnl It at Toronto are camped any chances on being the CP ercphotu SETS FRENCH In It ruining swarm oi angry form command who DE Gnu confide In my humanlyl hearted support of probably no drug shouldnhc tell to them II EastWcst recrncntmus morn than couplc 01 thousand tor OTES miss div Inxnilan He ismm at the longtcrm reestnlbllllm These are IIIIcIrIinIsl In IIrIIIIiln people in the entlre count think ihci would be enlcd that It would be yearn mcnt ot normal links between 05 Millet Their enemies ibo mlltnnt mitt or phyglclnm dinere before the city had sewers and the two hnlveslaf Europe °K 3mm mg mwm BflllFfliiIlils Wu cammu all knowins the VIIIIIIEIII water piped In which would blurkshlrts It or mmo nisis socialists nuclcardisnrm knowing the situation she sold not save their building costs Wk 01 3mm KIWI sis and probably oven tow nitri nnttng would bedlitlcult it it voice their demands mph who you or It con mm blank MI mum TRAILER BYIIAW Mosley himself has been mans norvollve linrty There are lsz and pending tcdnrni resolution will Wfls brought In to handled in the iroquent street and Gentlcs war veteran and leave It in the doctor to guide war 19 Council by the Committee up lighting school boys among them whether to ten patient he pointed by the Reeve to in The violence In cruising ln Among the extreme rightlnts taking in exportmcniri ants By ncs quiro into the possibility of the 0111101 mm comm pm Mom be known uhllc township adopting trailer by mats Reuters Five sure build up on PrimeMlnlar Mosley 65 Is bbronet or The My um The lnnlsill lire equipment light near their home which aw which would cnablli the churches based In the Soviet tcr hiocmlllnns govcrnrnentto hereditary knight and lives lo we Wm limb was called in Bell Ewart on they claimed was in dorlr use of trailers undcr supervls Unlnn undny became mem ban Fascist street meetings on at London molt swim 10 ImIll In known Saturday altcmonn to extinguish orca Councillor Torrens had Ion to be used as residences bars at the War ld Council at Yet this In hold wheres able nqunros lie disclaims ontis grass fire on the property ad lightenourvdarkness feeling and They indicated that inquiries ICIillrchesIlhu tilvearcUnlun demuciluilc=gevcrnmcnt must genflligm or oven in color blag Id mu 15 till ji9i3hePb° Imk ml immtdlfltwntflhtsdahmotionltIiIIbeenmodcolrlt=muulur oIf Evangelical Christian Rap Irsad carslully Home Secreth ills enemies collthln sham mefiofiqmubrifim Vacant londwns pnrt attican mime request be granted and politics In the nearby areas tist ot the Sovch Union Genr lienry Brooke assertsrestric Ho himssll says he wants lan cotsuggestcd for purchase by the liytlro make the instniln IIVe 0i which have traIlcr hyslclan harms xioh Orthodox Church Eston tions on expressions of opinion which would make Jaws No WW the township to add to strip tion The applicant was htrs bylaw one prohibits their use an uthcron Church Evango can limit the entire population and mm forum Wm gagginti voIIIoI gzgelnngiIgII now owned and whiciIII IIs intcn It Applcbnum lsIrIIIIIcIIy iIJIlIIIrIIlIIgw themdtoI he licnl auger milchug Lat IthnrtyI to non nomnwhm cine IIIIIiIrIIchIm mg dam In dad torB ark his area or lry nys on our Via on menu mm mm Plans lorpthe purchase Ielt DESIRE DETAIL permit thair use Iorsixly days Church with acceoilns payment Iron dais cad rt through when it was suggested Sums at the residents alicct Innis has clam In Itth Etmmhdm company to test new drugs Dr Karim medical nIiIcer that tho local residents pay ed by Wilt mm buIIdlns bylaw which prohibits 0mm of the cm on 59 township to ask that the city using trnllcr morn than sixty or the Foo andDlug Adminis ni nIrIIh rIIIItebSince then iittIIe gtIggoIIngIIlgrfflgngzlggIgIg days In any one year IIS 0Y3 acht trIsuonIvnIIInIarvnIswfiiIvaIgsg Film on Ce EIVeHIDIJ Irltbemther areas contacted our son av porn ow owned by the 2533 lgth 3600 some bylaws exclude trailersv prmgggfiiprgrigclgsgloIfihl NYl In program lfcolltigd township oi the other open pro IIIIIIEESIIIIIII f3 EZIIIIIIII Within 200 feet of any builtrup third mum misadventure in IgfIIflflNCIlY and hmdh inquire if this property includes mm mm that me in turd coiiisivn run nssocrnrso PRESS nndrisn lvltolnycvwss made their street Lot ol the orig mm mm of his royal yacht lian crush had In the Vostock III He mm mm iietfihliititiiivii can an arm has has in all or fill iiniwciiticlhn°i Iiiuifl but Hm It will Iii iiltnIncccnuninotch mg mg agmgtugt the property from Crawford Wit bout 301mm 5W orbit and journeyed more than figufiggflysflfidfi gm school want to non Including gm mummy and with llv persons obnnrdI orbital nhols by thotilnlted lion in milk ihfllidom do II can ax cri cod 773000 miles since his Saturday German mg nowbmmd imam dented anyone the Crawiord subdivision on Fagin magmmfififi avert sutnI control In useunII Gilli 50 hinuioiis th births at thousands ot do date had seen them startingit AWE m0 cnscd camps The too old and banged mm 1° on Int LL co totmod babies in Europe and it mm Some of the land In owned by divisionsnow built on The re the camp ownm ls Jam III EggNI IIIayralggfihthrIiItnné YlfiiilgnglzIIInlgmplflgegnJug PIIAVIIIII I11 gin301 Pm mm Gunilan III mm Councillor Jack Torrens who to Side 11 mime to $100 per year for each trail mt acne to rig It hit in Vostnk travelling tom vlch was launched In the Von weswgIMIMIDaLtWfin also chairman of the Fire Com gm Will or and individual owners are Ebony 25 of Binflfimfit miles at nitltutlcs at 110 to 1575 vlch was launched In theMw pmngn gouncg mince but he had nothing to HIE my and required lastly the townships rim miles which took one hour and lock Iv Ho orbltcd marathon otter 311 to 330 IbeyIZInd Ihntwemeionndszo pcrmnnlh Em appeared nominates with atopspccd ct at times and covered about maggmfiunmlgfioflg 121 Emm magnum an mus 33m in IIITIisIICIIImIrIiittco recommended 17403 miles an hfur in Inductor3oilooclnllcs on Lake In Wham ADULT ENTERTAINMENT at the Council meeting last One owner of art built PM mi WM about It miles Balkfl EVESll0Ws nrIno nuance week delegationot two came home claims theyp debldccl to bgmdhmytfihuulld be Home G1 61 SW SC ASKS MONEY mini to request an additional street build there so that they would we and emu mm or CALGARY CPIThe Social 011le hr depreciated or pasta LONDON AF Princess bits In Vostak ll travelling 435 mm mm Can II 9mm propelWI They should at Margaret came home Saturday 000 miles at altitudes oi 110 to hit imd rum II no nca arezsc on me rout nmacas ncpcn 69 on as ours an IE IIhl tedh hl nlhli lld anIII Hilfiuhwipfflm illties are nearby 50 Ihnt trnn ence celebrations minutes with top specd oi I7 31 if eh sportation would not enter Into The princess was suntnnncd 750 miles an hour In 10430 MW the problem Rigid to rid rd and smiling as she arrived back pound space stall Pam Vapnier dd First Centennial Servmes should be established and his air with her husband the Febito tacit us Marine mm Wm t° Wm IE9 Imm $5000 to $10009 Earl of Snowdon LLCDI John Ii Glenn Jr com mm mud By VILDA it CAMPBELL unfortunately they oiten cause WWII s5 tor the camp pleted thrco orbits in Friends first of the centennial misunderstandings and impede Wit WI trailer OCCU ship 7trnvcllingol000miles nt mm mm wed IfifhtIp£yjngnnnihermfiler BeporisnTruce altitudes at 100 to lot miles in nonr routes ohwwas held Sunday Aug and camgggzede an MU um mwmmp LONDON iAPlTho Observer gmgphzweémfi KEMPENFE when large congregation Holy Commugion ofihe and IlsACING FUN says IheChinng KaishekiamilyI hour In tho Iznrpound space mm mm attended Supper Ilifi cIIjoycti an llourh no autIIPCIIIlnmiuIIlst ChineseIIieadcrs mm iiiA ziigoflndivho The Ilarncss races el in III mg ave score and MI MtfiuI cmuscfia mfg luternchonni inIhles are often the Agrlcultural Park on shins amicably settled the ham at thtiifirifoiitlmfih Chm vim The cm was composed used to settle weighty disputes day afternoon ThereI was ter completed three orbits in DELANEY or tome choir members up Todays chaIIhnse the speaker good crowd for the first open Smfiflm PM Aurora travelling 81250 mlltls tween the years of mg and concluded IS to erect tables Ing day and it appears this London newspaper says the deal 1930 Iva the faithful IIIIEIIIIIMI not WFUSI event will om weekly provided for truce III the fit altitudcs of lit to 1644 miles BOAT UNES In tour hours and as minutes anvt Dock nayflclu st Mrs Howard Campbell at the Erin Batting was Sim5 lFomosa and to L1753 14 gm Mm campwl has Bowmm LUNCHEON bIIIskI and mm lth pspcedo amiss rhnno PA Hits runs and 202 Mm MEetiecfilégflgTirsaitierrsemenmum If Formosa by Gennrnitn WWW Tour aontnvnlinble rnr simo Chung HM and Toss the official Soviet aown chmtor as arts years mule quartet composed of stay for the bountltul luncheon tcd the lollowlng Nationalist Chinese successors gene mp prepared by the ladies or the M0 Id Clearer Information Ilgures or the two newest spans Ewe Caidwa George Cflmll should be on view we believe 10 Wm bcll Gordon Caldwell and Har We by HI III IsIhots as of ti am Moscow so so WI or old Walker song Ewen nld and couples Club 931 inclination would have an idea Aug 11 loss Soviet his well look the place at hl bra £3 hiimlrgmglgl 11 of how to evaluate their choice Pope eaks LN therlnlnw the late Edward mm mmnfimeI MEI We took chance on the CASTEL GANDOLFO Italy Johnston who sang In the ori Newton 355m Mm Howard man from Alliston and he did Pope John said Sunday he DRIVEI ginsl quartet for many years CampbeuI Mm EI Lam James not make the turns last on hoped Russias new space ex IHIATII Douglas Gilchrist oi OIaItVIils peamu and the WWW Re augh leaving our two dollars periment would assume the DRIVEIN who grew up at Guthrie and EIcMI Mitchel Copies ol this for better horse slgnliicance of homage to Tatum AND TUES Mlflehwo 0599111 the 13 mm history are available Glide Imamn AIhLin=ob0a 777 Gilchrist was an elder here for STEAM TRAIN many year mg mm In the SunIdIayIISchool roanu residents living near Towusgifiténgilogislillzfiy when notchi HaveIrm long Barrie about rilno IzmINISIEIB ormer minis choir Iand surprised to see ssmoklog lur rib andIeven though it will Adult Illcv Douglas Muir ofIBracc young people and former comotivcjdratvlng about eight raining we and many others Entertainment TONIGHT ONLY bridge who also spent his boy ohurch lenders There were passenger coaches proceeding were on handlust to see the and youth in Guthrie also church reports dating back north Sunday afternoon This smoke Water supply facilities momma and whosoI father the late to 1565 and many wellwont steamdrawn train was on on the return rip were not Fawn on theme was church record books trip to the Mariners Folk FIes needed at Barrie and lbestap ZWWW elder for yearn was the guest was day 1m he in Ocullan it returned lasted less than ltl Inulcs II IrIIrIIeIIIicgfIrpaslggflgajgmhfiasizz chehed In the history at Gulh 519 Travellers Cheques are strictly turnout In sndIIanhesinns His text F° grbmembe Now SHOWING It wnnmkéep ihntrnrnneyrnte when travelling bleaiisire litheinPfliesartoeresélncteahilti Tmm roak ATHENS 700 AND 8th Ab Bowman you go In Europe or Canada mfiereflemifigd 119 mth and Whflby ilillliiiE sso IlEYIiUlilsoi economical Travellers Cheques sold by tho is prone to compare but IIIaIlII Mable andItheIIIIsIE COM INGI SOON AIRIAI one In 13 Mid can be cashed quickly and easily III IllflLimLe in our daily lives 29 onlybyyOILYDWiflnmmwmnywm Pilalls liQIIIsuidh inoIIIIlIIII sttIIIncII AllTIME ACADEMY warn Jaynnbccolnss Sn If your monoylnfor spendingand lint or seem art so iu In Eé twannuuuuou flllfllillfl Izzy3mg mi on mam travellers do anatomicalrm MIIIEIIEIIIDIIIIUH untulsmuItlllncotoc tum It IntournvcilsrsII lEGlON Mlutvuusmmtts in uh cheques the 150th bosom II garfira unauthorized you gofirrheyn available In COFEATWE IISI Canadian or US dollars of WEEKS VJ sailboat 3W1 SDA ticMartinis vi JACKPOT $50 ililtliil IIIIIIili BANK on ONIIREAL ltIUST no avsnv Hm II II we mflli in naounan aourvns SHARE run lvanhra Iv II II WILLARD PARKER MERRYANIIERS II LEGIQN IIIAII RUBERTDIXuilifvtxi 71 COLLIER St

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