Gen Curtis Lehiay lettl United States Air Force chief of staff called on PrimeMinisler Dielenbnk er at his Ottawa home yest erday before leaving or Washington after day if talks with senior Canadian About 100 Persoiiisetreat no Glenn Gerald Concert STllATFOilD CP About 00 persons walked out on icon Gould production at tho ratford Music Festival here riday night The celebrated pianist up cared as director commenlro and performer of oneper rmancc program or music of 19205 The walkout chino during the rst part of the program do oied totbe early works of elas lcal composers Gould hnd ex lned that he would contrast early work Vol such campus era as Sir VliilnmWalton Stra vinsky and others with their later works to show their de veiopment However there appeared to he recesses of the theatre to which Goulds soft voice did not penetrate AUDIENCE LEAVES Ports of the audience began to drift awnyduring the pet formnnce of Waltons Facade poem set to music The words were spoken by John Horton and Norm Kombrink the music Sons Of Freedomiiave No Funds Return ToThe Kootenays VANCOUVER CPDSons of random Doukhobor lead have decided to return to yr Kg Hootenoys but they havent money to go back Now that wrote ready in back we have no money and transportation sold loo adovinikoif spokesman for the to members at the irateninl ouncll who were freed in New estminsler on conspiracy rges Podovinikotf also said he opes to call meting with embers oi the BC legislature ask or emergency govern ent relief since many of their omes have been burned Freedomite women burned 250 homes in the Hooten ys following mass arrests of redomites on terrorist and anspiracy charges About 60 eedornite men and some at omen are in jail on convic ons ranging from stripping to rrorism spokesman for the attorney encrals department said the overnment had offered the roedomitcs aeouittcciin New estminster their transporta on back to the KootcnaysBut ie after normal one made Uh dastatcs Marines serv ig withhlho 115 embassy ii iii it undreds who ilonked to blood ii ooor clinics when hospital tnlswos not taken up imme diately The Frecdomltm were half lied today the deadline for any government obligation to pay relum fares had passed Houdini Back Behind Bars NEW WESTMINSTER 130 CPlPeier Day dubbed the iloudlni of the British Columbia penitentiary was back behind bars today because of the alert ness of guard from another P115011 Day 24 serving six years for manslaughter left penitentiary officials baffled when he pulled his disappearing act Wednesday night Hed still be free if olivduty Oaknlla guard Sid Walker 10 hadnt spotted film an down town Vancouver street Friday ld seen him in Oakoiln the day he went to the penitentiary and knew right away who he wassald Walker who left his car and hogan following Day Walker flagged down squad car and police officers cornered Day without struggle near Stanley Park mininrs in THE ans supplies of blood become so low operations were cancelled Donor Staff Sgt Francis Cale at Morihas vineyard island Mosgo gets goodhomered mnsteriul rendition of Alvin provided by an ensemble of mu sicinns from the theatre orches tra if had becnfive mlnutcS it might have been clever said reviewer Molly Graham of the Stratford BeaconHerald But 15 or no minutes seemed to be bit more than the audience could take Criticism was also heard of Gould known for his eccentric ity in dress and behavior who appeared in cloth cop and plustours At one point he sat on the grand piano at another he sprawled fulllength along it However many of those who walked out during the early part of the performance returned after intermission andhoard Gould and ltliss Kombrinlt in army officials CF Wire photo Sees Priority For Monopolies UllAWA CF Appoint meat of Wallace McCutlt cheon as senator and minis ier without portlolio in the Diet enbnker cabinet serves notice hat corporate monopolies will be favored by the Conservative government the president of the New Democratic Party said Friday Michael Oliver said in statement issued from Mogog Que through the partys head unriers here that Senator Me Cutcheon is the personification of Canadian big business in appointing this man to the Senate and bringing him into the cabinet the prime minister has served notice that the inter cats at corporate monopoly en tarprise in this country will be given high priority in the tie clslons of the Conservative gov eminent Senator Mchtcheon vice Bergs Divine Contata Woman Drunk nry Decides roar nrnun CPtA cor ners in decided Friday night at Mrs Lillian Ostburg 811 lieron Day Ont was drunk hen she fell to her death from ride chricsday night The jury was told the woman mother of three young children had refused to leave the ride when ordered to do so Dr Allan district pa thologist said he found 23 ports per thousand of alcohol in the womans blood when he exam ined the body The individual was plain drunk he said Dr DavidCoulsoo said Mrs Ostburg died of profound shock from multiple injuries the worst of which was 12inehbylive inch wound in her thigh when three cars at the ride passed over her body Charles Marlin ot Kansas City owner of the ride said the woman had taken one ride but became belligerent and re fused to get off when the ride president and managing direc tor ot Taylors Argus Corporation Limited big com merciol and industrial complex hosed In Tomato said on his appointment Thursday that he would resign these and other business positions raxaanius EXAMINER SATURDAY AUGUST 111 iddling Coolest Final SHELBURNE 0111 lCPl Some of North Ainericaabort manned their news Friday night and early today Is this village of 13m renewed its claim on Canadas oldtime lid diing capital By the timeabout 150 am tha judges report waldo urea Canadians and one Amen loan had moved into tonights finals of the Canadian dramploasblo oithe old inc ttddlers contort The eight won out over some on other professional and am teur fiddler from live provinces nnd three mm in the bottle for the championship and some $1000 in prize money Heading the list of finalists in delendla champion Al Chemy so of lnrhnm Ont ThirtyéFive Boys Girls Tested In Simcoe County Swim Program Thirtyfive boys and girls who have been attending swimming classes with tho Simeon County Community and Recreation See vice were tested at Bardin Pool Camp Borden The snccesslui candidates include Dane Clousen Danny Boyle limmy Doyle Mike Mcttanna Theresa Melfenna Cathy Smith Tom Smith Bob llitchmon Jo Ann Bailey Mary Ann Bailey William Bailey Shirley MeLuin and Wayne Cnrrlck from Tot lcnham and District Rhonda Mallion Brenda Cullt bert and Jim Loeb from Band Head and Ronnie it unsell of Gifford Wendy Bell Co note Kidd Russian Spaceman Smitten By Flying Bug As Child MOSCOW tAPl Tess said today Rumlaa newest apoca mnn Andrian Grigorlavich Nl kolnyev was so smitten with flying as child he once threat cited to fly unassisted from CC The Soviet news agency gave this background for the cosmo naut who will be 18 Sept He was one of six children born to collective form can ple in the village of Shorshnly on the middle reaches of the Volga where villagers recall the incident followed Nikola yeva first visit to an air field when he was eight years old Nikolnyev enrolled in medical rooonro STOCK examiner FLYNN 91 DUNLOP 31 EAST Slltlsticli summary Ior week Barlnt Aug AVERAGE YIELD Average Stock Yields Built ll Pietormd and Stocks 04 Common industrial 20 Mining PriceDamian Hallo of ritual la ran industrial index Ahlilhl Algoma letliilmrtum elo bone EA 011 Canada Came Canada Packer Clnldiln Bank of Co Canadian Celancao CPR Ceasnll DliuilersSeImm Dominion Stores Imperial Oil ed finished CUE ribbing from Corporais David Eggierton of Cleveland and Jimmy Peterson of Aburn Bay Mich 0P ngiphotoi Co Limited htomallonll Nickel intermivinclal Plpa MassEyFor ran Slilwiril Sieol or Canada Waller GMV Steel Company of Canada Limited For the sixsmonth periodeaded June 301962 net income amounted to $13241 145 or 65¢ per share as com pared with $11374748 or 59 per share for the correspond ing period of 1961 First half production was 1343113 tons up 127 andsoles were $164 livi7t41 up 157 second continuous annealing line will come into use this montliand larger warehousing and ship ping facilities are nearing com pletion VW Scully president stated Devoluntion he said had added to cost or iron are imported from the USA and as result has helped lotvcr profit margins Bell Telephone Company of Canada Limited Net income for the first half of rose amoun ted to $112759tw or $131 per share as compared with $26 954239 or $120 per share tor the corresponding period in 1901 Operating revenues inv creased 92 per cent to $2299 million from $2105 million in the corresponding six months Dominion Tar and Chemical Net income for the six onth period ended June one amounted 97320037 SOcprir share as compared with 91101616 or 42¢ per share for the same period in 1961 Hail president stated dollar dovnlw ation resulted in rise in not erntingipmiits of about $2 mil million Monre Corporation Limited Net income forthe sixmonth period ended Juno to 1962 amounted to $8716519 or 6101 second ha lion to $265 million trim $24 Aug Yaar are 411 300 90 491 per share 810 Aug 10 1160 2117 205 1910 1111 1185 2150 1d 10 1109 1501 1M1 1171 $03 2111 ENE5 2852532233333 =4niv PNN 005 BULLETIN BRIEFS per share as compared with 58203138 or title per share for the corresponding period oi 1961 Sales in the loan period increased to$tl77 million from $7131 million in the same 1961 period incoming ordcrs con tinue to show improvomoit over last year and the outlook for the balance of thoyear np pears good WZHI Browne president and Duncan son chairman stated in the in terim report British American Oil Com pany Limited Net income for the first half of 1962 ended June St 1062 amounted to 514070000 or 70c share as compared with $13257000 or as onshore for the corre spondingperiod of 1061 Asbestos Corpor Ltd For the six months period ended June so 1062 net income amounted to 31147011 or die per share as compared with 51406523 or 752 pershare for the corresponding period of 1961 Sharoenrnings are has ed on two million shares ont stnnding at June 00 1962 Peniiale president stoted shipments are ex so at the iirst halt if woridwtde economic and po cal con natmdetei ate ln this event the wiioie years re suitsshould be fairly close to those at last years DEATHS 11y THE CANADIAN PRESS Pasadena ColliTod liuslng 60 famed sportsannouncer tram 1027 to loss of an illness that veme Hammett so 1mitCmtr Fellow Sovidt cosmonaut ficiai at the federal department began with abrain tumor in 1951 Night The other seven are John Stump to Coaoeant Obie Ed Cynrlit oi Voedstockcla 0nl ch tardry 39 Saint John ND and hm Tomato ntans thin McGowan 56 Vie tor Pasowisiy 32 and Graham Townsend 2o Tiirce itddlersStump Torin send and MnDornthy Hone ion 41 of Esrlton Oohgained the finals in the oonlcsic nov elty class Clierny who won the class in root didnt enter year Mrsuilonstoo also captured prize as to woman fiddler The mic an oovation this ear right to entrants Seton and third positions went to Ellen ltoth Walker 11 ofHamliton and Laura Graham 10 of Wood stock respectively Beverley McLean Karen Mc Lean Lynda ititchfe Kathy Whitfield Murray Archer Hob ert Crane Patrick Greater Douglas Johns iohn Kidd John Ritchie and Nelson ad of Elmvaie and District Annnldridge Gary Critten den Michael Livingston James buddy and Dave Wilkinson of Collingwood The test was conducted by Comp tlorden Red Cross Ex aminers under the directions of was Weatherall instructors included Miss Elaine Drnry of Crown Hill Miss Margaret Hol lett Hamilton and Orr Lake Miss Marilyn and Miss Lynne Walls of Barrie school but changed his mind and switched to forestry Ha was foreman in lumber camp when he was ordered into the army He became radio operator machine gunner on an aircraft crew and later was sent to flying school He hccnmoaiet pilot and once landed his plane In lipid after it had flame out rather than parachute to safely and let the aircraft crash Ghermnn Titov who orbited the earth 17 times Aug not once wrote that Nikolnyov is the embodiment of composure which is uneoessoryo for commander of space shp Nikolayeva Communist rarty member was backup man or Titovfortha Vostoirll flight Hoop Cholera Now Being Controlled LONDON Cat 01 The hoggholera epidemic in Co tario and Quebec now appears to be under control says an of of agriculture Dr McCicnaghan dir actor of contagious diseases in tha health or unimalsbronch said Friday that public sales yards closed July so to curb the outbreak may be openedin two or three weeks Business Brisk lit FarmyMarket large and varied selection of fragmgnrdonmodncewasofter ed at the Farmers Market to day New potatoes sold for 50 cents basket and cm was offered at 50 cents dozen Raspberries netted 55 centers quart and yel low transparent apples 75 cean basket Honey was in ample supply while home baking rpduots were plentiful and sad well Braided mats were offered at $1 each an JAMES srnwanr Dr James Stewart son at Mr and Mrs Melville Stewart of Bond Heart hes hren owoiul dad thodegree ot PhD in chemical engineering by the University of London England He is graduate of Bradford High School and the University of Toronto The doctorate was granted for research on the ef facts of very high pressures on chemical reactions Dr Stewart ondahis family have returned to Canada and will be living in Kingston where he has itoken position with the Du Pont Research Centre PM new noon Prime Minister Dlefcnbaker confined to his Ottawa homo since he lrocntrad small bone in his ankle July now is able to get around the house using crutch Until the past few days he spent most of his time con fined to his bed Here he turns to talk to reporter alter Contact ahakeup tCP Vtrephotoi WEATHER roorcnsr Forecasts issued by the Tar onlo weather office at mm Fins sanity weather is ox pectod to continue today Show ors moving through lower Mich lgnn are expected to reach up Georgion Bay regions Windsor Londom Sunny and little trema southwestern parts of the province Sunday Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Lake Ontario Ni liollhorton southern Kitchener Wingham Hamilton Winds light becoming south west 15 this aftemaonrthen light tonight Forecnlt Temperatures Low tonight High Soadny Windsor as hit 70 la 75 7S xwarmor today and Sunday Winds light iodiiynsanthenst is 500m Toronto Hamilton Partly clhudy early this morning be coming sunny this afternoon Sunny with little change in temperature Winds light today southeast 15 Sun day Northern Georgian Bay Tim agoml Cochrane regions North Bay Sudbury Sunny and warm today Clear tonight increasing cloudiness early Sunday fol lowed by showers in the after noon Littla change in temper ature Winds light today south 15 in 25 Sunday Algomo Sdult Ste Marie White Riverregions Sunny and warm must of today becoming cloudy with showers tonight Cloudy with occasional showers early Sunday Clearing and turning cooler Sunday evniag For PLUMBING and HEATING iNSTALLATlONS THE BARRIE COLL St Catharine Toronto Peterbomugh Trenton Knialoc itlaskokn North flay Sudbury Enrllon Kanuskasing White River Moosonee limmins 70 75 75 75 70 00 75 75 75 72 70 WE V5 601 THE leMMND warrarer FASI TOGV5 Wk HOME1N EVEN HEAT THAT WILL 457 srcnrr IS OUR M20067 noLLs EGlATE BAND GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE FQLLOW INGFlNANCiAIITONTRiBUTlONS TO THEIR PACIFIC TOUR EXPENSE CKBBCHVN IArcna Dance Party Mervin tooth Dank at Montrea Lynne Walls Parry Atitamoitve Harrie Ltd The Consumers Gas Co Cnsdens Pharmacy Lid Stewart Wholesale Co Ltd Mchehern and Flynn Cnrtagc Inn ltlorrlson Mrs Long Rclds Barber Shop Knights Drug Store Wnlls 11an Mayor Motel Ltd Slessorlnsnraiioo Boll Saunders Lid Universal Cooler llorrls Auto Electric Tlioinns Electrical Supplies Ltd Dale and Company Ltd Gwendolync Scott Catherine Coulis lsnbclle It rs Ramsay Dr Doidg linrcn Embersnn Mrs Katina Span Ross Caldwell John Trihhla 31100 Sin Con Mnriorlo Russell Dorrie Tanning Ltd $l1hlill 500 10000 1000 2500 5000 FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS wu MADE or LATER oars SIMPSON 24 Hour Service PA 82659 Barrie