Womens Bale Ini Society Is Craze Oi Contradiction TORONTO lCPlA refit his cross oi contradictions Is the way prominent American sociologist describes pre mtday attitudes toward the booths role of women to society Dr Mlm Komerovsky chale tonn of the sociology depart ment of Barnard College Ce tumble University glch exam es of the contradiction to her Women In the Modern World 0n the one band the save woman who goes out to work Is scoured of leaving her children MR ANDlllllS JOHN LANGMAN Emmanuel Baptist Scene Of Nupiials Vows were exchanged belwccn Miss Joanvlllnrle Pearson and John Silas Lnngman at an of icrnoon wedding ceremony in Emmanuel Baptist Church with Pastor Williams officiating Slindnms prnlrciï¬ï¬rlfï¬li and while shasln daisies decor ated the church The organist iliiss Barbara Beers arcompnnlcd the soloist Miss Marjory Hambides The bride is the dnughicr of Mr and Mrs Elvin Pearson of Thornton The brhlegrooms our cats are Mr and Mrs Ewart Llangman oi innlsiil street Bar BRIDAL GOWN Given in marriage by her In ther the bride were full length gown ol taffetaond lace The fitted bodice of the dress was fashioned with portrait neck line of lace embossed with se quins and lily point sleeves The bellshaped skirt oi the gown was enhanced with front panel of lace and sequins crowd of earls and crystals hcid the waist ength veil of embroidered nylon tulle The bride carried cascade bouquet of red roses ATTENDANTS The attendants were Mrs Ilrel me New the brides sisler os matron of honor Miss Elna Grey of Toronto and Miss Sharon Pear son of Alliston were brides maids The flower girl was Miss Lynda Atkinson of Deep River The matron of honor wore streetlenglh gown oi turquoise silk organza over taffeta The bridesmaids gowns were of yel low silk organza over taffeta Eltoiting Fashions Draw Paris Raves PARIS tBenterslA husband andwlfe team from home has conquered the Paris fashion World In debut that recalled the first postwar gala openings oi the late Christian Dlor and Jacques Faith Simmons and Pablnanl draw raves Friday night from fashionwriters and celebrities Theirs was one the most excitio collections seen In Paris is season The Fabianis combined youthfulaad sporty look with mood of pure sophistication Walstlinas are slightly lifted and treated to concave effects In front Jackets and coats generally sweep free from the body at the back lllany achieve cape et iects especially In formal even lag fashion with belts tied high under the bosom and dramatic backs that swing out in tent or pyramid effect Dresses and suit skirts are cut in funnel shapes with full panels concentrated in front Meanwhile another new sll bouelie the bulky top look with wide shoulders was seen both at the Lcnvln Castillo and Cap ucci showings Friday Previously shoulders had been narrow and skimpy in tended to offset the prolific use of muffled scarf neckline and bighrlse collars Castillo and Capucclni both voted for collnrless unn darned neckline but broadened the shoulders and widened the sleeves Skirtrworn an the ob rGay Laronhe apnea side Lanvin dd lrnvol Arrangements amislnr nus nan norms oasonrs courses consonants 0R Johnson and Co Ltd World Wide Servlc as lill hllnlnp nun 597 my sL Tarantfl Itilt was wore pink silk organza over toi fctn All the attendants were pic ture bats to match the tones oi their dresses They carried car cado bouquets of while SlIleB dcldsmhphchï¬mstloh Keith Wood oi Dalston was groomsmnn Carl Constable of Strand and Wayne Hill of Toron to were ushers RECEPTION At the reception held in the Church Hall the brides mother received nltired In gown oi pale blue organza over lace tier accessories were white cer sage of pink roses complemen led her ensemble Thte hrldcgrooms mother as slsted wearing beige ensemble accented by corsuge of burnt oronge roses The bride chose turquoise linen suit for unveiling with white accessories and carnage of yellow roses On return from the wedding trip to Winnipeg and points in the United Stotcsthe couple will reside at lift Barrie Guests attended from Elmvaic fimmlns Deep ltlvcrAlllston Toronto Trenton lhistletown Waikerlon Midland and Pontiac Michigan THE STARS SliY lly ESTItELLlTA FOR TOMORROW Fine MercuryUranus Influ once now stimulates practically all endeavors Friday can be really big day for those engaged in writing advertising promo whenan title and inventive fields But all should profit In some way ginning this generally fine pe FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that while presently you may not be making as much progress as you would like it would be foolhardy to let down in your efforts Within four weeks you will enter an excellent month long cycle which should give you big lift as well as giving you new start along your road toward cherished goals Despite possible temporary sat backs in October and Novem ber make the most of the Sep tember period Use it to further longrange plans to make new contacts and to lay the ground work Ior expansion of your in terests during the first six months of toese period which promises to be highly produc tlvs from both employment and financial standpntnls Even though it may take some time for you to attain the material rewards for your busi ness efforts you should never theless find great happiness in the knowledge that your per sonal affairs will be governed by excellent planetary influen ces for most of the 12 months ahead which presuges fine fam ily social and sentimental re latl ships If youre thinking of travel consider trip into this month or in January even though it may be of short dura tion If hoping for longer journey the period between next May and September will be highly suspicion DELICIOUS lIONEY DIP oonurs SPECIAL gt54 hloeterr In the Art or Daltlnll 60W Captionid woohwonrns JlnssinLLsL 45 DUNLUP ST unattended and oi rebelling agalnst rodetyr pressure rlo have her stay home and look alter them 0n the other there were growing demands that women The engagement has been announced of Miss JoAnno Tobiasx daughter of Mr ond Mrs Tobinsz Bayview Drive to Jack Phillips son By GARRY MYERS FILE family with one or more children over four or five can enjoy together considerable fun with sounds in familiar words while relaxing at the end of meal or by the fireside or on thaporch or lawn all the family can join in useful and satisfying uni llo Illustrate one person may name an object or any other word and ask each of the rest with It III no one can think of more such words Then another person my name new start ing word gt SAME SOUND member oi the group may name word and ask the rest to take turns at adding words which begin with the same letter and sound Later someone my name word beginning with sound made by two letters like hr in bread or ch in chair and have the rest keep naming other words beginning with like sounds and letters After more of similar fun one person may name three or four words which rhyme but are not spelled alike as why sigh tie eye buy or do shoe blue you know Then othersin turn my name like groups It will be fun to see how many such groups can be made up NOT ALL RHYME It may bemore fascinating to name three words which look as if they would rhyme but which dont all rhymp as for car war doll roll toll cow now show Use of poorer pencil might help in melting up such interesting lists of words It may be still more fascinat Ing for one person to name two words spelled the same as how how live live dove dove but pronounced differently depend ing on what they mean Each word pronounced in different way when used in meaningful sentence adds mltement to this exercise T0 WEDIll TRINITY lINthCllN heoorakl achievers In the outside war Many of those who stayed home complained of isolation ess monotony and men tnl and Intellectual mgoation resulting from exclusive assocl stint with chlldrm These name bouscwtvu were often criticized as being spelled and lazy Their critics were quick to ray that the mothers at home are falling to discover mechallenges of keeping from linearly ruin cowrcnancs The crate of contradictions was mirrored in more than 600 letters received by the CBC alter television program The Best Thing to the World to THE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUST ll IN which no women from moss Canada were interviewed to find out what it means to be housewife The program was preview of Luau that will be rather ex plored at the Real World at Woman CBCspaalured coo fcreuce at the University at Torv onto Sept as Dr Komlrovlky boo been chosen keynote Ipeahor Some loo delegates inclu representatives of in optic womens aroupl women iron every province except Prince Edward Island and from almost every economic social and ed rcaglonal background are to ob en Delegates need no Ipeclnl qualifications other than lnier est in the subject eayl hllu ilelcn Coronation oi Tomato conference organizer The uniqueness of this con Icrenoe Is that It will pull to gelher at very heterogean group to discuss what hu he come for monywomen an acute dilemma Participating in one sludy grou for exam lo will be rura woman of Grade ed ucation and university dean of women Also attending will he 25 men most of whom work with per sonnel and co educational groups QUESTION SPEAKER Following Dr Komarovskys address at the opening session she will he questioned by socl ologlst Dr Frank Vallee of Mo Master University ilamllton and Dr Nathan Epstein chlnlrist at Mch Universi Mont wears GIRL BELIEVES KNITS You will too when you see the clock trim look of then high fashion wool doublehnlts by SPORTSTEMPO all partially fined for beautiful lit and priced oh no low lie 1qu to shop our new exciting knit dopdrtmont the best knit doperttmont in town see these and our large selection of other rlyloo available from 2995 4995 of Mr and Mrs Phillips Barrie The wedding cere many will be performed In Irlnlly Anglican Church Aug in Photos by Erin of Com era Craft Family Fun With Word Games Increases Childs Vocabulary games see that many words all or npart ofwhichlook alike usually sound alike but there are many exceptions and that we just have to remember how these exceptions sound and are spelled MAGAZINE FEATURE One of the childrens maga zines carries regularly many such exercises which with pic tures give rich experiences with sounds of words and parts otwords Tmonmmmmr Suppose child six has vnSept delegates will hear six Canadian women tell about the satisfaction and drawbndra of their various roles Dr Brock Chisholm of Victoria psychiattst and femur direc tor of the World Health Organi zation and hire Jeanne Souve Ireelanco radio and television commentator from Montreal will comment on these views One conference lenders are Miss Brynn Ball director of the National Monpowar Council In the United States Miss Mo rlon Royce director of the womens bureau of the depart ment ol labor In Ottawa Charles Lynch chief of Southam News Services and Mrs Jean Newmun former member of Toronto city board of control Miss Caracalleo says the con ference ls based on the as sumption that the more you know about why you feel the way you do the more you can do gboultfl it frao ope wlIget eo plo thinkingcnd thus eveli ally help to mould new tudes which morocloscly ro semble the facts Plenary sessions of the con icrence will he televis year old sisters allowance which she keeps In box Provide each child with metal box and lock and key Avoid threats but strive in mmtunflneaadnthï¬w learn to respect the rights and possessions of others and feel been taking some of his 12 CllMP BORDEN RETURNED EROM HOLIDAY INKVICTDRIA 30 Mrs Elva Dawson and Mrs Greta Ross have returnedlrnm holiday in Victoria and Sidney BC Mrs Dawson visited at the home of her son Ernie and daughtervinlaw Kaye and while in Victoria she became proud grandmother of lb oz granddaughter Mrs ansunalso visited WOZ and Mrs Croftyfnrmeriy ol Camp Borden Mrs Ross visit ed at the home of her par entsMr and Mrs Al ien of Sidney also her sist tcrs Mrs Kellb Wood of Sid any and Mrs Wm Stewart of Victoria and Cpl and Mrs Veils formerly of Camp Borden RETURNED FROM GERMANY Sgt andMrs Boyer and family have returnedirom Germany and renewed acquain tances in Camp Borden and Barrie en route to Vancouver lted at the home of Cpl and formerly of Vimy Loop via Sgt and Mrs Percy Downing Mrs Bresoline of Vimy Loop on their return trip to Calgary Albertaand also call ed on friends on Vimy Loop and Somme Boulevard Camp Persons per eipatlng in such PlanningA We will gladly ding wardrobe colour coordlnation Advise on accegorles Recommend dressmaker ormnnrni la outlast holder Help youieelccl your entire Wed Make suggestions as to appropriate 34 52 PA cam more worthy lathe fondly SOCIAL NOTES BEAUMONTROBINSON quiet wedding was solemn Ized at the Trinity Chapel Aug when Captain Simmons united in marriage Mrs Violet Document of Belloville The bride wore pink nylon dresswilh blue accessories and corsage of while carna tions ville niece of the bride were the attendants After the ceremony the wed ding party motored to Ceiling wood for the wedding supper and lnler to Owen Sound left on cruise onï¬gorglan Bay They will reside in Well ardent AUXILIARY The meeting at the liqts will be held Aug 14 at one pm As many of the Executive Committee members are away at thepresent time this meet Ing vlllrbs social one only evening bloke this your headquartn amior the beat reading in town name and hrowsal BOOK STORE nonunion on on Robinson of Welland to Joseph Cpl land Mrs William Mob EQTS SGIS MESS LADIES Sgts Mess Ladies Auxiliary Please come and enjoy the lSportéEosudlolrerthffSllone outfit with cardigan locket Follogacluy Brownbeige CharcoalIt Grey with White sizes 16 299 Perfect for crisp Follddyso 3plece pet Overblcuso features hand stitching Foliageclay Bretonbeige Blockcamellp Choreoallt6rey slzes l020 3098 CM fashion trio tomoko any heartsan well detailed in ket has 34 length sleeves Cherry or Regent blue with White sizes 16 3998 where Mr and Mrs Beaumont sronn nouns Dallyt 015 am MD Wedn 915 elm 12 Noon mam 915 ion 00 p111 lAutrsaa LAYAWilY 01 erunny AQCDUNT